INIS-XA-N--169 XAM1203-17,13 SYMPOSIUM NUCLEAR TECH-NOLOGY IN SOUTHERN AFRICA 20 and 21 June 1990 ESKOM, MEGAWATT PARK Johannesburg South Africa Organised by THE INSTITUTION OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERS SOUTH AFRICA BRANCH FINAL PROGRAMME Main Routes to Megawatt Park Chloorkop &Kyaia- MI To Prem"a Otf.ramD S Eskom Megawatt Park Conlerence kea Turn-oti Getmislon' Alt),emonf Roodepoon st ale Ofl-ramp fl.ramp H5 To Germiston South Gat XI, To Woodmead Kelvin/Buccleuch Woodmead/ v n Ott-ramp To Rivonia Ofi-ramp To Roodepoorl MI To Johannesbu ORGANIZED BY The Institution of Nuclear Engineers, South Africa Branch with assistance from the Conference Co-ordinators, CSIR. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The organizers wish to thank all speakers and session chairman for their contributions to the symposium. The support of the following organizations, received to date, is gratefully acknowledged: • Atomic Energy Corporation (AEC) • Avis Rent a Car • Council for Nuclear Safety (CNS) • Eskom • Industrial Machinery Supplies (IMS) • PG-BI REGISTRATION Registration will take place on the evening of Tuesday 19 June 1990 from 18:00 to 19:30 in the foyer of the Eskom auditorium. Registration will also be possible on the morning of Wednesday 20 June 1990 from 08:00 to 09:00. Upon registration, delegateswill receive a file containing the paperstobe presented, a listof delegates, notepad and pen. Delegates will be given a name tag which must be worn at all times please. SOCIAL FUNCTIONS All registered delegates are cordially invited to attend: - Meet Greet cocktail party on Tuesday 19 June 1990 at 18:00 Dinner 20 June - 19:15 Pre-dinner drinks and Zulu dancers - 20:00 Buffet dinner Both functions will take place at Eskom's Head Office at Megawatt Park. TECHNICALVISITS Atechnical visittotheAEC's uraniumenrichmentandfuelfabricationfacilitiesat Pelindaba andValindabawill take place on Friday 22 June 1990. The cost per person is R25-00 which includes lunch at the AEC. The visit will start promptly at 09:00from the Visitor's Reception at theAEC Bus transport will leave the Holiday Inn hotel in Sandton promptly at 08:00 and return before 16:00. Visits to Koeberg Nuclear Power Station near Cape Town will be arranged on 18 and 25 June 1990 on request. TELEPHONES During the symposium urgent incoming telephone calls can be received on (01 1) 800-2294 and messages relayed to delegates during intervals. Fax messages can be received on (01 1) 800-5771. CAR HIRE AVIS hasbeen appointedthecarhireagencyforthesymposium.A 10%discounton normal rateswill begivento delegates who apply in advance to: Ms Lut Blancke Avis PO Box 221 ISANDO Tel: (01 1) 974-2571 1600 Johannesburg Fax: (01 1) 974-1884 HOTEL Sandton -Holiday Inn Corner Rivonia Road Grayston Drive Sandton Telephone: (01 1) 783-5262 Fax: (01 1) 783-5289 Bed breakfast tariffs: Single: R 149-00 per person Double: R91 -00 per person (excluding tax) 1 TRANSPORT The organizers will provide bus transport between the Holiday Inn hotel in Sandton and the Eskom offices. ease board the bus PROMPTLY - there will be no calls. Departure times are: From hotel From Eskorn Tuesday 19 June (cocktail party) 17:45 20:00 Wednesday 20 June 08:00 17:30 Wednesday 20 June (dinner) 18:45 After dinner Thursday 21 June 08:30 17:00 Friday 22 June (technical visit) 08:00 (return to Holiday Inn 16:00) ENQUIRIES Conference Co-ordinators C. 37 NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY CSIR PO Box 395 PRETORIA, 0001 SOUTH AFRICA Tel: (0 2 841-4412 (Helen Haji-Pavlou) (0 2 841-4514 (Jill Bowles) Fax: (0 2 86-2856 or 841-2051 Te Iex: 3-21312 SA 2 FINAL PROGRAMME EDNESIDAY 20 JUNE 1990 08:00 - 09:00 Registration and Tea/Coffee 08:30 Briefing session for speakers and session chairmen 09:00 - 09:05 OPENING SESSION Chairman: J H Wilson, Chairman, Institution of Nuclear Engineers (SA Branch) 09:05 - 09:15 OPENING ADDRESS Dr J W L de Villiers Hon. President The Institution of Nuclear Engineers (SA Branch) Chairman, Atomic Energy Corporation 09:15 09:35 KEYNOTE ADDRESS Dr I C McRae, Chief Executive, Eskom SESSION 1: SOUTHERN AFRICA TODAY 09:35 - 09:40 Chairman: P M Semark, General Manager (Generation) Eskorn Co-chairman: R C Hagger, Generation Nuclear Services Manager, Eskom 09:40-10:10 /KOEBERG-PERFORMANCEANDLESSONSLEARNED B E Oaten, Power Station Manager Koeberg 10:10 - 10:30 VKOEBERG - AN NDUSTRY PERSPECTIVE C Birch, Industrial MacKinery Supplies (IMS) 10:30 - 11:00 Tea/Coffee 11:00 - 11:20 vINTEGRATED PLANNING FOR NUCLEAR SITING - THE SOUTH AFRICAN EXPERIENCE J C A Hobbs, N Heidstra, 0 F Graupner, B Hambleton-Jones, 11:20 - 11:40 /URANIUM RESOURCES, PRODUCTION AND DEMAND IN SOUTH AFRICA Dr H J Brynard, L C Ainslie, AEC 11:40 - 12:00 URANIUM CONVERSION AND ENRICHMENT P J Bredell, AEC 12:00 - 12:20 FUEL FABRICATION AND POST-IRRADIATION EXAMINATION P J Venter, J C Aspeling, AEC 12:20 - 13:00 PANEL DISCUSSION 13:00 - 14:15 LUNCH 3 SESSION 2 NUCLEAR POWER - WORLD STATUS 14:15 - 14:20 Chairman: Dr W E Stumpf, Chief Executive, Atomic Energy Corporation Co-chairman: F Noon, Independent Consultant 14:20 - 14:40 'NATIONAL NUCLEAR PROGRAMMES: SUCCESS FACTORS F L Franzen, IAEA Operational Safety Review Team Leader 14:40 - 15:00 VfIHE FRENCH NUCLEAR PROGRAMME M Feger, Electricit6 de France 15:00-15:20 /THENUCLEARPROGRAMMESINSPAIN-SUCCESSFACTORANDPRESENTISSUESFROM AN ARCHITECT - ENGINEER'S POINT OF VIEW A Gonzblez, Empresarios Agrupados 15:20 - 15:40 VTHE UK NUCLEAR PROGRAMME: THE SIZEWELL EXPERIENCE W Salter, PG-131 Engineers and Constructors (Pty) Ltd 15:40 - 16:10 Tea/Coffee 16:10 - 16:30 VNUCLEAR ELECTRICITY IN USA - STATUS REPORT SUCCESS FACTORS W Loewenstein, President, American Nuclear Society 16:30-16:50 PUBLICACCEPTANCEINSOUTHERNAFRICA A van Heerden, Eskom & J Clarke, The Star 16:50 - 17:30 PANEL DISCUSSION EVENING 19:15 Pre-dinner drinks and Zulu dancers 20:00 Buffet Dinner Dress: Lounge Suit THURSDAY, 21 JUNE 1990 08:30 -09:00 Tea/Coifee 08:30 Briefing session for speakers and session chairmen SESSION 3 THE WAY AHEAD: SUCCESS FACTORS 09:00 - 09:05 Chairman: W Loewenstein, President, American Nuclear Society Co-chairman: J WaIrnsley, ESKOM 09:05 - 09:25 '/REACTOR TYPES FOR THE FUTURE A C Hall, PWR Power Project Ltd 09:25 - 09:55 /ADVANCED LIGHT WATER REACTOR PROGRAMME AT ABB-COMBUSTION ENGINEERING NUCLEAR POWER Dr H Cahn, ABB-Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power 09:55 - 10:15 v/rHE PHILOSOPHY OF SEVERE ACCIDENT MANAGEMENT IN THE US Prof A J Baratta, Pennsylvania State University 10:15-10:35 THEEUROPEANNUCLEARFUTURE F Noon, Independent Consultant 10:35 - 11:00 ff Nlea/ o ee 11:00 - 11:2 NUCLEAR POWER DEVELOPMENTS IN THE FAR EAST W C Hsu, Pacific Engineers and Constructors Ltd 11:20 - 11:40 PWR EVOLUTION IN FRANCE S Charbonneau, Framatome 140 - 12:0(0)THE FUTURE OF THE FAST BREEDER J C Lefevre, Novatome 12:00 - 12:45 PANEL DISCUSSION 12:45 - 14:15 LUNCH SESSION 4 DEVELOPMENTS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA 14:15 - 14:20 Chairman: P J Wakefield, Deputy Power Station Engineering Manager, Eskom Co-chairman: F L Franzen, IAEA 14:20 - 14:40 /FUTURE ENERGY STRATEGIES FOR SOUTHERN AFRICA - THE ROLE OF NUCLEAR ENERGY Dr D C Neethling, J H Bredell, J A Basson, National Energy Council 14:40 - 15:00 -/FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS IN THE ATOMIC ENERGY CORPORATION OF SA Dr W E Stumpf, Chief Executive, Atomic Energy Corporation 15:00 - 15:20 //TRENDS IN NUCLEAR LICENSING Dr N W Dalton, Council for Nuclear Safety 15:20 - 15:50 Tea/Coffee 15:50-16:10 VPREREQUISITESFORSUCCESSFULNUCLEARGENERATIONINSOUTHERNAFRICA P M Semark, General Manager (Generation), Eskom 16:10 - 16:30 PANEL DISCUSSION 16:30 - 16:45 CLOSING ADDRESS Dr J W L de Villiers, Hon. President, Institution of Nuclear Engineer (South Africa Branch) 5 SYMPOSIUM NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY IN SOUTHERN AFRICA C.137 20, 21 June 1990 Eskom, Megawaft Park Johannesburg ORGANIZED BY THE INSTITUTION OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERS SOUTH AFRICA BRANCH WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF THE CONFERENCE CO-ORDINATORS, CSIR ISBN ON: 0958-30-77-1-7 INDEX OF AUTHORS Title of Paper Paper BARATTA, AJ The Philosophy of Severe Accident Management in the US 3.3 BIRCH, C Koeberg - An Industry Perspective 1.2 BREDELL, PJ Uranium Conversion and Enrichment 1.5 BRYNARD, PJ Uranium Resources, Production and Demand in SA 1.4 CAHN, H Advanced Light Water Reactor Programme at ABB-Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power 3.2 CHARBONNEAU, S PWR Evolution in France 3.6 DALTON, N Trends in Nuclear Licensing 4.3 FEGER, M The French Nuclear Progr 2.2 FRANZEN, F National Nuclear Programmes - Success Factors 2.1 GONZALEZ, A The Nuclear Programme in Spain - Success Factors and Present Issues from an Architect - Engineer's Point of View 2.3 HALL, A Reactor Types for the Future 3.1 HOBBS, JCA Integrated Planning for Nuclear Siting - The South African Experience 1.3 HSU, W Nuclear Power Developments in the Far East 3.5 LEFEVRE, JC The Future of the Fast Breeder 3.7 LOEWENSTEIN, W Nuclear Power Experience in USA 2.5 MCRAE, IC Keynote Address NEETHLING, DC An Integrated Approach to Energy Supply and Demand: The, Role of Nuclear Energy in Southern Africa 4.1 NOON, F The European Nuclear Future 3.4 OATEN, BE Koeberg - Performance and Lessons Learned 1.1 SALTER, WB The UK Nuclear Programme - The Sizewell Experience 2.4 SEMARK PM Prerequisites for Successful Nuclear Generation in Southern Africa 4.4 STUMPF, WB Developments in the Atomic Energy Corporation 4.2 VAN HEERDEN, A Public Acceptance in Southern Africa 2.6 VENTER, PJ Fuel Fabrication and Post-irradiation Examination 1.6 NOTE: SEE WIDWIDUAL PAPERS FOR MrAILS OF CO-AUTHORS. TFIANK YOU THESE PAPERS HAVE BEEN DUPUCATED IN THE FORM AND LANGUAGE AS SUBhffrrM BY THE AUTHORS KEYNOTE ADDRESS KEYNOTE KEYNOTE ADDRESS I C McRAE Chief Executive ESKOM PO Box 1091 Johannesburg 2000 PAPER NOT AVAILABLE AT TIME OF GOING TO PRESS SESSION SOUTHERN AFRICA TODAY PERFORMANCE AND LESSONS LEARNED B E OATEN Power Station Manager Koeberg Nuclear Power Station SYNOPSIS The paper gives a summary of Plant Performance since build in terms of broad indicators such as total energy, availability, total radiation doses and radioactive waste generation.
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