Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Institutional Publications Other Institutional Publications 1953-05-22 The Postgrad / Vol. 1, No. 8, May 22, 1953 U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California http://hdl.handle.net/10945/48604 Volume 1 22 .May 53 Numhel 8 lew Tlprooll Christeled TRIDEIT 8th 1.1. 'Div. Bald To Be I. Mlin Ballrooll For Ball To.orrow l igbt Rear Ad~iral Moosbrugger cut the tape last Friday to open the Officers' Club new taproom for its first Happy Hour . The name as you can see from the sign is the TRIDENT. The invisible hand holding the sign belongs to Capt. W . C:F:Robar~s, Commanding Officer of the Adm1n1strat10n Command . Immediately behind and assist­ ing the Admiral is Captain Charles E. Crombe , Jr., Chief of Staff . Lt. J . R. Collier, Sec . A- 2, behind Capt. Crombe is ready and raring to go as is Cdr . John L. From, USN (Ret) in back of Collier. At right is Lt . R. E. McMahon,Sec C-l. Jet 'Chute Brake The 6th Infantry Division Band from Fort Ord under the directi on of Lang Going To Netherlands SFC Mario S. Petrilli will be in the main Ballroom of the PG School for t he Navy Relie f Ball with some well known ~ames in the music world such as: PFC Leonard Niehaus, Stan Kenton's recent alto sax soloist; PFC Dwight Hall,trum­ peter with popular Jack Fina; Pvt.James Flink, tenor sax from Ray Robbins fine band in Chicago; and Pvt. Dale Campbell, trumpeter with such name bands as Tommy Dorsey and Skinny Ennis . (More pictures inside.) The packaged parachute that popped open Above will be the scene for William from the tail of this F- 94C Starfire jet Space Travel Discussed W. Lang, instructor in the Department of fighter has been successfully tested by Electronics and Physics who will attend Lockheed Aircraft , Burbank, Calif . for At lAS Meeting the first International Electro-Acousti­ braki ng acti on . The 16-foot diameter cal Congress at The Hague, Netherlands. "parabrake " can stop the 600 mph jet ' s Filling the human respiratory sys­ which meets from 16 through 25 June . He runway r oll in hal f the distance . tem with a saline-oxygen fluid to sustain life in outer space was cited by Mr . A.M. will present a paper entitled, "Compa­ Mayo as a possibility for the future in rison of Earphone Calibration Techniques". III Motor Cllb To 'Give Map Se~'ice Mr . Lang will be on a leave of ab­ a lecture before the Postgraduate School sence for one year to continue his stu­ For the convenience of officers Student Branch of the Institute of Aero­ dies toward a Doctorate Degree in Physics receiving orders to other places of d~ty nautical Sciences on May 13 . Mr. Mayo at Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. a representative of the Monterey AAA w111 is Chief of Equipment and Interior De­ be avai l able from 1100-1400 on 27 , 28 , 29 sign at Douglas Aircraft Company and Navy Eschange Tailor Pricu Lowered May and 1,2, and 3 June in the corridor spoke on the subject of "Engineering the Effective 26 May, tailoring prices near the Navy Exchange Main Store . Cockpit for the Man". will be substantially reduced on retap­ Complete detail map service.is He stated that successful experi­ ing of collars and cuffs for enlisted available to members of the Automob11e ments using mice as subjects have al­ personnel and gold striping of officers' Club regardle ss of the State , and ad­ ready been completed, but that the human uniforms. visor y service will be furnished to non­ psychological objection is one problem The Navy Exchange Store will be members . which it is doubtful can be overcome . closed Monday, 25 May. 1 Fort Ord Telor Bald II Bali loom To.orrow licht Accordion Stylist Featured PFC Lou McConkey , accordion stylist formerly with the Duncan Sisters in Pal m Transformed into a charming garden, Spri ngs , will be a featured par t of the the lounge was the scene of the Staff ent ertainment at t he Ball. Wives' Club flower show on Thursday. Brilliant red geraniums climbed an arched entry and a white picket fence which enclosed the garden area. Within the spacious enclosure were many beauti­ ful potted plants and tables laden with lovely floral arrangements created by club members. In keeping with the garden party theme, refreshments were served in this delightful setting. Mrs. Frank LaCauza won first prize in the formal class with her graceful calla lillies in a silver bowl. Other The Postgrad ia publisbed weekly at tbe U . S. N aval Ponsraduate School. Monterey. California. in accordance witb Nav EIoa P·3S winners in this class in orde~ were (Rev. 194 5) . It is printed commercially at no coat to the Government by the uae of non"appropriated recreation funds. The POll:­ grad is not an official N avy p\}blication and no article .hould be construed as repreaentinj the opinions of the Navy Department. Mesdames Lawrence Kinsler, Roger Miller All photos are official U. S. N avy unley otherwise credited. M aterial appearing in this publi cation may be reprinted jf c1e.arance~ and Brooks Lockhart. is provided by the Editor. In the informal group, Mrs. W.W. Superintendent ••••••••• RAdm P. M oosbrugger Gentry's nasturtiums in an earthenware Staff Adviser •.•••••••• Cdr W. P. Anderson bean pot won first prize . Those winning Editor ••.••••••••••••• LCdr P. M . Jones ribbons were Mesdames John Jorgenson, Special Editors: Lawrence Kinsler, and Carl Uenneken. Engineering School · • • • • • • • • • • •• Lt. R. Wyatt Staff Wives· •• . •••••• • ••• Mrs. P. E. Cooper General Line School· ••••••••• Lt. F. C. Dunham Engineering School Wives· •••• • • Mrs. D. W. Smitb The finest rose specimen, a Mark Ad Com and Sports· •••• • ••••• Lt. C. H. Sa rver General Line Scbool Wives' ••• • •• Mrs. R. E. Kunt= Sullivan , was won by Mrs . Roy Prowell . Enlisted Personnel ••••• • • • • • R. L. A laaker. TE2 . Runners up were Mesdames Frank LaCauza, Robert Renard and Paul Hathaway. In the miniature class Mrs. Charles New Officers For Engineering Wives Club Ryan won first prize with her tiny silver vase filled with flowers of lavender and blue and covered with a glass bell. Other winners were Mesdames John Jorgenson, Ernest Gatcomb and George Fraser. Karen Reynolds' arrangement of white Below decks in the Bali Room of the tainment will be featured in the Bali marguerites in a yellow pottery bowl won PG School will be a second band from Fort Room at 2145 and in the Main Ballroom first prize in the children's group. Re­ Ord, the smaller tenor band, under the at about 2245 . Bill Thompson of Fibber ceiving ribbons were Mary Louise Haltiner, leadership of Pvt. Leo Malliaris (center McGee and Molly and Mr. Smee fame will Suzanne Gatcomb and Roger Pierce. front between two sergeants), for the also be a feature of the entertainment . Mrs. Howard Coulter, a professional, Navy Relief Bal l tomorrow night. Enter- exhibited two lovely wedding bouquets and a magnificent formal arrangement. Chairman of the flower show was Urs . PI School's OWl Bali Cats To Silt At Ball Frederick Coonan . Her committee included ~sdames Frank LaCauza, Ernest Gatcomb and Boyd 1!ewborn . Mrs. ThO!lRs Foni ck, Mrs . Paul Ha h. ly , and Mrs . William Gentry are credi teL. Y. i th the decorations and refreshments. Prizes were donated by Mesdames Carl Menneken, Boyd Uewborn, Frank LaCauza, Lawrence Kinsler, and ~ ells Thompson . Officers of the Engineering Wives Guitar Artist For ~al~ Club for the coming year elected at last Staff Wive. CI.~ Ie • .,lIiee,. Pvt . Ponald Draper , former profes­ Tuesday ' s meeting are: (left to right) sional vocalist and featured guitar stylist, Mrs . H. H. Ward , 2nd year counselfor; will be a feature of the entertainment .Mrs . Donald Farshing, Recording secretary; at the Navy Relief Ball . Mrs . Robert Enright, President; Mrs . John Ericson , Corresponding secretary; Mrs . EMCEE OF ENTERTAINMENT Kenneth Treadwell, 1st year counsellor; Mrs . J . P . Cartmell, Vice-President. PFC Dave Janssen (left) , introduc­ UTs . Charles Ryan (left) won first· ing Pvt; Ronnie Draper, is Mr . Personality 'Missing from the picture is Mrs. Stanley Counts, Treasurer. prize in the miniature class of the Staff himself . Davs is one of two persons still Wives Club Flower Show . Mrs. Frank under contract to Universal Studios while NURSES: Registered and Practical Nurses LaCauza (center) was first in the formal in the Armed Forces . He was in "Bongo are occasionally urgently needed for class with her calla lillies. Mrs. goes to College" ,"Yankee Buccaneer ", private Special Duty Nursing at the US Thomas Fonick, (right) congratulating "Francis Goes to West Point" and several Army Hospital, Ft Ord . Nurses interested them was one of those in charge of de­ other . He will be master of ceremonies in this work are requested to register corations and refreshments. at the Navy Rel i ef Ball . immediately with the Chief Nurse in Bldg 3010 or call Ext. 6214. Prevailin~ Civi­ liaR wage scale will apply . CalIfornia Remember the Bali Cats of "Night in registration is not required. tJ~S 1f/wu the Bali Room " fame? They'll be with us again singing with the bands freq)c\ently ?4~ Su. 2 f/fPI£ during the dance music . Fr?m lb!t to right they are : Lt . Robert MIl ler, Mrs . A Fashion Show Luncheon will be the Jean Strickland , Mrs. Ben Gantz, Mrs . last social affair of ~he GLS Wives Club Frank Dunham , Mrs . Robert Miller, Urs. New officers of the Staff Wives Club at 12:30 on Tuesday, 2 June in the Bali Theodore Martens, and Lt.
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