![1895-01-19, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
♦ ► VOL. XXVIII—NO. 3. MIDDLETOWN, DELAWARE, SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 1895. PRICE, 3 CENTS SENATOR HIGGINS. GOVERNORS OF DELAWARE. ODESSA NOTES. LITTLE LOCALS. EDUCATIONAL INTEREST. TOWNSEND TOPICS. Social —Services in the M. E. Church this week Wliac the People of Ollier States Think The Meu who Rave Occupied the Chief Miss Mary Chance spent Sunday With Miss Lena Pizer is teaching at the Levels have been interesting and well attended. &• of Delaware’s Most Worthy Sou Magistrate Office for the Past School. Summer Schools flir Teachers as '■ Miss Sallie Enos. •••••• Events The following from the New York Press 100 Years. Dr. Sweeney of Smyrna was in town on —Mr. Henery Talbot has leased the Col. Viewed bv a State Principal—Other m & The following are the men whom Dela­ Miss Mary J. Doughten is quite 111 at her V - and other leading papeis expresses mir sent­ Thursday. Clayton home, and will take possession School Questions of Interest to ■ ■ ware has honored with tlie Governor’s home on Main St. jlfr*** iments and we believe*those of tl.e masses The Season’s Amusements In Town March 25. Teachers—Delawnre In the Line of of the Re; iiblican ] arty in Delà wart : office. Miss Mary DuHammel Register is the 'Mrs. W. H. Money has been quite sick, —The Missson Band of Forest Church UNDER THE CONSTITUTION OK 1792. but is better now. and Country—Surprise Parties Progress. /•V; ‘■file Republicans of the Slate of Del:- guest of Miss Neal Townsend. will have an entertainment at Mrs, Gilpin, ware should not hesitate for one moment in Joshua Clayton, from January 13th, 1793 MissSmith of Philadelphia is spending Miss Moitié Moore, of Delaware City is as Popular as Ever. Middletown, January 16th, 1895. Monday evening. returning Anthony Higgins to the United to January 13th, 1796. several weeks with Mrs. F. B. Watkins. the guest of Miss Lola Finley. Editor Transcript:—In your last issue —The Town Hall was sold at Sheriffs States Senate. It is not creditable to Dela­ Gunning Bedford, from January 13th, Rev. R. I. Watkins and L. V. Aspril of (12th inst.), you gave an article from the Mrs. E. N. Moore who lias for some time sale last Saturday- The Philadelphia Trust ware Republicanism that there should be 1796, to his death, September 28tli, 1797. Odessa were in town on Tuesday. OCIETY in tlie rural Sunday Star expressing disapproval of the been confined to her room is gradually im­ districts has begun co. being the purchaser. even a doubt of the re-election of this able (Daniel Lodgeas, Speaker of the Senate, Mr. George Atwell, of Betterton has been ex-Governor’s recommendations for a State from thence to January 1799 ) proving. its winter season —The Christian Endeavor Society will distinguished and useful republican leader. visiting relatives here this week. training school; but granting the need of Richard Bassett, from January 9th, 1799, The revival meetings at the M. E. church with a number of meet in the Presbyterian Church on Sun­ The Republican party of Delaware cannot Miss Viva Smith has returned home from M better qualified teachers. A afford to commit suicide. The rejection of to March, 1701, when he resigned rnd be are still in progress and will be continued parlies, receptions day evening at 6.45 o’clock. All are cor­ The disapproval of such a school seems to until further notice. a visit with her sister, at Choptank. etc, and the indi­ dially invited. Mr. Jacob Maxwell will Senator Higgins for u candidate absolutely came chief justice of the Stale. ' be based on the supposition that in its without experience in national legis’alion (Janies Sykes, Speakerof the Senate,from Messrs D. W. Co-bit, W. W. Walker and Mrs. Carpenter has her grandmother, cation are that lead the meeting. limited time, it would attempt to do regu­ Mrs. Milligan for a guest. there will be no and notoriously lacking in the qualifica- (hence until January, 1802.) G. L. Townsend were present at the Inaug­ —The Magic Lantern Exhibition given lar school work- It would not deserve Aulee Hill and little daughter have been I lack of social funct­ I tions required in a Senator < f the United David Hall, from January 1802, to Jan­ ural ceremonies on Tuesday last. St. Anne’s S. S. Hall Wednesday evening much favor if established for this purpose, States would be an act of inexcusable and uary 1805. spending a few days with Mrs! J. 8. Latto­ ions to relieve to was much enjoyed by those who attended but it is designed for something not other­ Miss Anna Gibson left on Thursday for fatal folly. The party lias been built up to Nathaniel Mitchell, from January 15tb, Washington, D. C., where she will enjoy a rn us. monotomy of the it, and "A trip to Philadelphia” was never Mr l wise provided for by the State. its present strength in Delaware largely 1805 to January 11th, 1808. portion of the social festivities of the Capi­ Mr. W. W, Shockley of Greensboro vis­ long and dreary full of pleasure and profit. The S. S. Of course the present writer is not au, so hrougli the loyalty, capacity and tireless George Truitt, from January 11th, 1808, ta1, the guest of Miss Natilie Woodall. ited his brother, L. B. Shockley on Wed­ winter. funds we.ie satisfactorely swelled thereby. thorized to speak forex-GevcrnorReynolds to January 5th, 1811, One of the most pleasant events of the et.ergy of Senator Higgins. He has hon­ nesday and Thursday. but lie may,with some propriety, speak for Joseph Hazlett, from January 5th, 1711, The numerous friends of Mr. William month was a surprise party on Friday even ored Delaware in the Senate, and Delaware Lore were greatly grieved to hear of his Quite a number of our citizens went to those among whom the proposition arose. Governor must not dishonor herself by refusing to to January 10th, 1714. ing of last week, given by the friends of PERSONALITIES The Governor's message embodied two death a few days since. Mr. Lore was well Dover on the 15th to witness the inaugur- grant him the re-election he has splendidly Daniel Rodney, from January 10th, 1814, tion of Governor Marvil. of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pool at their recommendations'wliich orignated in the •• « * • Marvil and favorably known in this community Little Lines About Men and Women earned.” to January 21st, 1817. home nearMcDonougli,Mr.C. N.Riley who State Principals’ Association and were John Clark, from January 21st, 1817, to and leaves behind a host of admiring Mrs. H. N. Smith was summoned to Con- and What They Are Dolus. N. Y. Sun (Dem.) has successfully arranged many another unanimously approved by men of all January 15th, 1820. friends. schoken on Friday of last week to be with The Inauguration Witnessed by the No new Republican senator has won such an affair, was one of the conspirators —Miss Eliza Cochrhn of Elwin Pa. is vis­ shades of political faith because they be­ (Henry Molleston was elected Governor At «[special meeting of the school board her sister who is very ill. J.urges t Assenihinge on Record—The on this occasion, and ’tis needless to say, iting her friends near town. lieved that nothing better could be done for more quickly than Mr. Higgins the confi­ in November, 1819, hut died before January, held on Friday it was deemed expedient to Our Republican friends are anxious as to succeeded in his undertaking. One of the Reception and Ball Two Brilliant dence and respect of loyal citizens of both —Miss Ella Ross, of Viola Del.,is visiting the schools at present. 1820.) order an interchange of the rooms occupied the outcome of the Senatorial contest, while parties. His ability has put him in the first most delightful features of the evening was Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Berry, near town. These recommendations are: First, that Functions—The Middletown Ladles Jacob Stout, Speaker of the Senate, per­ by the two higher departments, so that the the Democrats look on serenely. the music furnished by the “Pool Orches­ rank. With rare intuition, he has grasped —Sereck S. Wilson, who is employed in the State establish a free Summer train­ Much Admired. formed the duties of (be office from Jan­ unusually large quota ofadvanced students James Wilson and his men who will re­ tra," composed of the four brothers, all of and mastered the larger questions of mani­ Philadelphia, will spend tomorrow with ing school for teachers. Second, That the uary, 1820, lo Janua y, 1821, now in attendance might be accomodated whom are popular musicians, and their fest destiny, which are coining so rapidly to move from Middletown to this place in the State, by satisfactory arrangement with the HE Inauguration of John Collins, from January, 1821, to bis in the Principal’s room. spring have succeeded in securing houses. sister Miss Mary Pool who is an accom­ his parents here. the front as to make the squabbles of parti­ towns, open the town graded schools to ad­ death, in April, 1822. The recent cold wave afforded the plished pianist. —Miss Annie Barnard, ofCheswold, spent Joshua Marvil as sanship during tlie past few years seem petty Prof. Herman Roe has received a great vanced pupils of country dislricts. (Caleb Rodney, Speaker of the Senate, young people of this town a second indul­ Those who were present on this very de- a few days m town this week, the guest of ft Governor of Dela­ He is among the Americans in the Senate, many strong letters of recommendaiion to The idea of the proposed summer school from thence to January, 1823.) gence in the favorite and healthful pas­ ightful occasion from Middletown were: her brother, Dr.
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