Errata for the 1st Printing (Corrected in the 2nd Printing) pg # Entry Revision pg # Entry Revision 1 Intro - 12 lines from bottom change - nemoralis to lepida 215 Chamaenerion 01a and 01b illustrations are switched; 1a should be 1b and 1b should be 1a Group 1 11a Pteridium change - "linear" to "linear to narrowly lance-shaped"; change 10 aquilinum add - SU (status) 216 Epilobium 04a "smooth" to "untoothed" change - "stem leaves … rolled;" to "stem leaves lance-shaped to elliptic or egg-shaped, with flat (not down-rolled), often toothed 25 Group 5 01a change - 3 parts to 2-3 parts 216 Epilobium 04b edges;" 40 39b change - should lead to 40 (not to 39) 223 Parnassia 01b change - "usually below" to "usually at or below" Revised key to Plantago - see PDF "Group 9 revison" for changes Linum 02a compactum 44 Group 9 Revision to pp. 44-45 224 add - SU (status) 53 Botrychium 11b neolunaria add - SU (status) 271 Odontites, line 2 change - "Collinsia parviflora" to "Odontites vulgaris" 88 Oxybasis 01a glauca change - glauca to salina 275 Pinguicula 01a villosa delete - 1-2, Oxybasis 01a glauca change - "Chenopodium glaucum" to "Chenopodium glaucum var. 88 [Chenopodium glaucum] salinum" 275 Pinguicula 01b vulgaris delete - 5-7, 96 Gypsophila 01a vaccaria add - X (status) 278 Galium 02a delete - leaves 3-nerved add - Spergula Sandspurry - This genus has 1 species in Alberta, Spergula arvensis. For key characteristics and an illustration, see Galium 02b 99 Spergula arvensis Key To Genera, p. 92 278 delete - leaves 1-nerved 118 Hypericum 01a fraseri add - SU (status) 280 Lonicera 01a dioica delete - conspicuous, Brassicaceae Group 3 Revised key to Arabis/Boechera - see PDF "Brassicaceae Group 3 136 Revision revision" for changes to pp. 136-137 280 Lonicera 01b delete - "relatively inconspicuous," add "pink" to flower color 142 Braya 02b purpurascens add - S1S2 (status) 280 Lonicera 04a tartarica change - tartarica to tatarica 149 Draba 48a densifolia add - S2 (status) 281 Viburnum 01a opulus add - var. americanus add - "(often wider in Hieracium umbellatum)"; delete - 150 Draba 03a densifolia add - S2 (status) 283 Group 1 07b "strongly" Group 6 07b Cyclachaena 151 Draba 18b densifolia add - S2 (status) 294 xanthiifolia delete - X (status) 151 Draba 21b macounii add - S3 (status) 296 Antennaria 02a monocephala add - ssp. angustata replace current wording with "Not forming mats; involucral bracts blackish-green; stem leaves flagged; achenes 1-1.3 mm 155 Nasturtium officinale change - Dame’s-rocket to Watercress 296 Antennaria 02a monocephala long, with 4-5 mm pappus bristles; alpine sites in mtns" replace current wording with "Mat-forming; involucral bracts brown; stem leaves pointed; achenes 2-3.5 mm long, with 10-12 182 Rosaceae 14a change - "sometimes berry-like" to "(Fig. 09, p. 441)" 296 Antennaria 02b dimorpha mm pappus bristles; lower elevation sites in se AB" 185 Crataegus 10a ursopedensis change - SU to S1 (status) 311 Erigeron 31b change - should lead to 32 (not to 31) 193 Potentilla 31a hudsonii change - SU to S1S2 314 Liatris 01a punctata add - mm after 7-15 211 Oxytropis 08a sericea delete - grassland 315 Matricaria 01a discoidea add - X (status) 211 Oxytropis 08b delete - from a wide variety of habitats 315 Matricaria 01b chamomilla add - X (status) 212 Trifolium 04a repens delete - , usually notched at the tip 319 Saussurea heading change - Soart to Sawwort 212 Trifolium 04b hybridum delete - , not notched at the tip 339 Juncus 06b change - "Leaves basal" to "Leaves usually basal" 1 Errata for the 1st Printing (Corrected in the 2nd Printing) pg # Entry Revision pg # Entry Revision change - "Flowers borne in compact heads" to "Flowers stalkless, 341 Juncus 18a borne in compact heads of 3-many" 494 Myriopteris add - gracillima 56 change - "Flowers borne singly in branched clusters" to "Flowers 341 Juncus 18b stalked, borne singly or in groups of 2-3(4) in branched clusters" 495 Oxybasis change - glauca to salina 352 Carex 18a maritima add - SU (status) 496 peppergrass add - peppergrass 153 356 Carex 16b tincta add - SU (status) 496 Plantago change - 45 to 44 366 Eleocharis 03b suksdorfiana add - SU (status) 496 Poa add - nervosa var. wheeler 399 399 Poa 12a palustris change - "ligules 1.5-6 mm" to "ligules (2)3-5(6) mm" 496 Poa add - epilis 401 399 Poa 12b change - "ligules 0.5-5.5 mm" to "ligules <1-4(5) mm" 497 Prenanthes add - sagittata 315 399 Poa 13a abbreviata change - "ligules 1-5.5 mm" to "ligules 1-4(5) mm" 498 ragwort add - ragwort 320 399 Poa 13b change - "ligules 0.5-1.5 mm" to "ligules 0.3-1 mm" 500 Senecio add - triangularis 320 399 Poa 14a interior change - "ligules 1.5-6 mm" to "ligules (0.3)1(2) mm" 502 Veronica add - persica 265 399 Poa 14b nemoralis change - "ligules 0.2-0.5(1) mm" to "ligules (0.2)0.3-0.6 mm" 503 watercress add - watercress 155 399 Poa 17a wheeleri add - [Poa nervosa var. wheeleri] 401 Poa 24a cusickii add - (includes Poa epilis) 431 rhizome illustration reference change - p. 441 to p. 442 444 References change - "Alberta Tourism, P. a. R." to "Alberta Parks" 481 Agoseris add - lackschewitzii 296 482 Arabis add - hirsuta 139 485 Cattail Family add - Cattail Family 343 486 Chenopodium glaucum add - var. salinum 486 Chenopodium add - watsonii 87 487 Descurainia change - 137 to 136 488 Epilobium add - angustifolium 215 489 Erigeron add - speciosus 309 489 Eriogonum add - androsaceum 105 489 Eriogonum add - cernuum 104 489 Eriogonum add - flavum 105 489 Eriogonum add - ovalifolium 104 489 Eriogonum add - pauciflorum 104 489 Eriogonum add - umbellatum 14, 104 491 Isoetes add - bolanderi 49 491 Isoetes add - echinospora 49 492 Lactuca add - pulchella 284 492 Lycopodium add - obscurum 46 493 Lupinus add - pusillus 208 493 Lygodesmia add - rostrata 284 494 Myriopteris add - gracilis 56 2 Enhancements to the 1st Printing (Included in the 2nd Printing) pg # Entry Revision pg # Entry Revision add - How To Cite - Kershaw, Linda and Lorna Allen. 2020. Draba 11a Tomostima iv add citation Vascular Flora of Alberta: An Illustrated Guide. Self-published. 150 add - in grasslands reptans Kindle Direct Publishing. change - "(Moss 1983) provides" to "(Moss, 1983) and the 4 2nd last paragraph 150 Draba 11b praelata add - in mtns University of Alberta Herbarium website provide" end of 2nd paragraph in add - Herbaria are also a wonderful resource, where you can 4 151 Draba 18a fladnizensis add - c AB mtns, Jasper to Kakwa Confirming Your ID compare you plant with professionally identified specimens. 30 Group 6 14a change - "Flowers in true heads," to "Flower clusters" 151 Draba 18b densifolia add - sw AB mtns 30 Group 6 14b change - "Flower clusters head-like, but" to "Flower clusters" 162 Kalmia 02a polifolia add - ne AB Boreal Forest and Canadian Shield 47 Lycopodium 01b annotinum add synonym - Spinulum annotinum 162 Kalmia 02b microphylla add - w AB mtns and foothills add - basal leaves 1-5; leaf lobes saw-toothed on 1 side for ≥1/2 68 Anemone 03a virginiana 170 Primula 03a egaliksensis add - subalpine-alpine, Ghost R Wilderness n to Kakwa the length add - basal leaves (2)5-10(13); leaf lobes coarsely toothed at the add - leaf blades heart-shaped to round, ± as wide as long, 68 Anemone 03b cylindrica 178 Mitella 03a pentandra tip only shallow-lobed; leaf stalks mostly with abundant brown hairs add - leaf blades round to kidney shaped, mostly wider than long, 69 Anemone 05a drummondii add - achenes egg-shaped, 2-4 x 1-1.5 mm 178 Mitella 03b breweri obscurely lobed; leaf stalks with 0-few brown hairs (except near the blade) 69 Anemone 05b multifida add - achenes irregularly elliptic, flattened, 3-4 x 1.5-2 mm 183 Rosaceae 24a Rubus add - leaflets 3-5, double-toothed, white woolly beneath reword as "Flowers yellow (sometimes pink tinged); petal blades 69 Aquilegia 03a flavescens cream-colored, 7-10 mm long; spurs yellow, incurved, 10-18 mm; 183 Rosaceae 24b Rosa add - leaflets (3)5-11, single-toothed, not woolly beneath throughout the AB mtns" reword as "Flowers red; petal blades yellow, 0-6 mm; spurs red, add habitat - mainly on dry, open sites in ne AB, often on 69 Aquilegia 03b formosa 190 11a Potentilla bimundorum straight, 13-21 mm; n mtns" disturbances such as airstrips 71 Ranunculus 06a flabellaris add - collected in the Red Deer area in 1895 203 Astragalus 10a canadensis add - calyx teeth awl-shaped 86 Chenopodium 03a subglabrum add - sand dunes in se AB 203 Astragalus 10b americanus add - calyx teeth short-triangular Chenopodium 03b Astragalus 14a laxmannii 86 add - sandy sites in c-se-ne AB 204 add - calyx teeth 1/3-1X as long as the tube leptophyllum robustior 88 Salsola 01a collina add synonyms - Salsola kali ssp. collina, Kali collinum 204 Astragalus 14b agrestis add - calyx teeth 1/2 as long as the tube 88 Salsola 01b tragus add synonym - Kali tragus 217 Epilobium 07a glaberrimum add - mesic subalpine sites, Waterton area add - reported from the Waterton area but not yet confirmed for 100 Stellaria 05a nitens add - but not yet verified 218 Epilobium 12a mirabile AB Polygonaceae 01a Koenigia 102 add - alpine, from Jasper n to Kakwa 218 Epilobium 12b leptocarpum add - scattered in AB mtns from Kakwa to Waterton islandica 107 Polygonum 08a douglasii add - widely scattered across AB 219 Oenothera 04a cespitosa add - leaves wavy-toothed add - leaves deeply pinnately lobed and coarsely toothed (at least 107 Polygonum 08b add - sw AB mtns 219 Oenothera 04b flava on the lower half) Hydrophyllaceae 01a 118 Hypericum 03a scouleri add - Waterton area 244 add - moist mtn habitats from Waterton to Jasper
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