Monday, 13 February 2012 www.thenewage.co.za Brought to you by the Government Communication and Information System (GCIS) STATE OF THE NATION ADDRESS President Jacob Zuma Zuma’s speech lifts morale of investors and the people Warren Mabona transport and mining. The presi- ises made by President Zuma. k_`jÔ\c[#ÉjX`[(/$p\Xi$fc[=Xe`\ in a shack since she came to Die- from the electricity utility, Eskom. prices by 35% last year. The Presi- dent said Transnet had set aside Most gave his speech a thumbs- Morolong. psloot from the North West 10 This leads to sporadic power dent said he had asked Eskom PRESIDENT Jacob Zuma’s plans R300bn in capital expenditure up, describing it as a remedy to Another resident, Peter years ago. outages that plunge many homes to seek options on how the price to create more jobs and roll out projects in the next seven years. their unemployment and other Mashego, said President Zuma I am happy and hope the gov- into darkness, especially in the increase requirement might be infrastructural development pro- In addition, President Zuma problems. They also said it would had left him with many hopes of ernment will keep its promises evenings. Many residents are then i\[lZ\[]fik_\e\okÔm\p\Xij#`e grammes were hailed by many addressed the needs of those who root out challenges they faced getting a job and a proper roof of building us RDP houses and left with no other alternative but to support of economic growth and people as a beginning of a journey did not qualify for RDP houses or when accessing several basic over his head. Mashego, 42, a Zi\Xk\dfi\afYj#Éj_\jX`[% spend more money on illuminating job creation. towards a good life. bank loans. He said the govern- services such as healthcare, edu- ]Xk_\i f] Ôm\#_Xj Y\\e le\d$ Diepsloot has more than 150 000 gXiXøe]fik_\`ie\\[j% He said the government needed In his fourth s tate of the nation ment had allocated R1bn funding cation, safety and security. ployed for three years. inhabitants, most of whom live in Needless to say, the blackouts an electricity price path which address President Zuma said the for this category, and the fund Not only did President Zuma’s He said he would go back to shacks, RDP houses and low-cost and high expenditure leave a bit- would ensure that Eskom and government had invested billions would start operating in April. speech make the residents hope- his home province of Limpopo to houses. A big number of Diepsloot ter taste in the mouths of the resi- k_\`e[ljkipi\dX`e\[ÔeXeZ`Xccp of rands in infrastructure develop- The scheme would enable peo- ful about service delivery, it also work on one of the upcoming rail residents are unemployed and dents as they struggle to cook and viable and sustainable, but which ment. This would see large-scale ple who earned between R3 000 injected them with a political projects. they can hardly keep up with the keep themselves warm. nflc[i\dX`eXùfi[XYc\% projects being undertaken by and R15 000 monthly to obtain interest. “I hope I will get a job in one spiralling costs of food and other But President Zuma’s speech Vegetable hawker and mother parastatals such as Transnet. subsidies of up to R83 000 from “I used to pay little attention to of those projects and support my basic services such as electricity. brought new hope when he said of three Lebohang Mapheto said: “ Future projects were planned banks. The New Age spoke to sev- politics, but now I will take heed ]Xd`cp#ÉDXj_\^fjX`[%?`jnfi[j Because the area is densely pop- he was in discussion with Eskom I hope Zuma makes the reduction for Limpopo, Mpumalanga and eral residents of Diepsloot, north of it because President Zuma were echoed by Mavis Mashinini, ulated, electricity usage is often about the steep electricity prices. i\XcY\]fi\n`ek\i%É Efik_N\jk`ek_\Ô\c[f]iX`c# of Johannesburg, about the prom- made me see the importance of 54, who said she had been living higher and it exceeds the supply The power utility increased its [email protected] Working together we can do more! PAGE 2 Monday, 13 February 2012 STATE OF THE NATION ADDRESS President Jacob Zuma ECONOMIC SECTORS AND EMPLOYMENT SONA 2012: Fast facts for SA Economic sectors Human development Sports and recreation Government and employment Basic education spending job creation » K_\eXk`feXcnfd\eËjjfZ$ » The matric percentage pass cer team Banyana Banyana »K_\Dlck`$8^\eZpNfib$ K_\DXib\k;\dXe[JkiXk\^p is on an upward trend and has qualified for the London `e^>iflgfeGifZli\d\ek# of Transnet will: dfi\\ùfikjn`ccY\dX[\`e Olympics for the first time. c\[Ypk_\EXk`feXcKi\Xj$ » result in the creation of Zfek`el`e^kf`em\jk`egif[lZ$ » South Africa has been ury, South African Revenue more jobs in the South African ing more teachers who can given the honour to host the Service and the Financial economy, as well as increased teach mathematics, science Africa Cup of Nations next Intelligence Centre, has cfZXc`jXk`feXe[9cXZb<Zf$ and African languages. year, replacing Libya as they been mandated to review the nomic Empowerment (BEE) » A call to teachers to be in are unable to do so. state procurement system to » position South Africa as a school, in class, on time, and ensure compliance with the i\^`feXckiXej$j_`gd\ek_lY teaching for at least seven GlYc`Z=`eXeZ\DXeX^\d\ek ]fijlY$JX_XiXe8]i`ZXXe[ hours a day remains pivotal Act and to ensure better Quality of water [\c`m\ifek_\ÈE\nGXike\i$ to success. value for money from state ship for Africa’s Development » A major achievement is the spending. »@ei\cXk`fekfk_\XeefleZ\$ (Nepad) regional integration [flYc`e^f]>iX[\I\eifc$ »K_\^fm\ied\ekn`ccZfe$ ments made during the U N agenda”. d\ek#]ifd*'''''`e)''* tinue to improve the State’s :FG(.:c`dXk\:_Xe^\:fe$ Agriculture kf.','''`e)'((%K_\i\`j g\i]fidXeZ\k_ifl^_`e`k`X$ ference in Durban, an amount »@efi[\ikf\ogXe[X^i`Zlc$ a clear sign that the target of tives that include the vetting f]I)+/d`jkfY\`em\jk\[ tural production, there has (''Zfm\iX^\]fi>iX[\IYp of supply chain personnel . over the next two years to also been a commitment to )'(+n`ccY\d\k% deal with the issue of acid Yl`c[X[Xdlj`e^k_\Ldq`d$ »KfÔ^_kgfm\ikpXe[Xe[kf d`e\ [iX`eX^\ `e N`knX$ vubu River as the source in keep pupils in school, more tersrand. the former Transkei of the than eight million pupils attend Governance and state Eastern Cape. ef$]\\jZ_ffcjn_`c\dfi\k_Xe administration Energy \`^_kd`cc`feY\e\Ôk]ifdk_\ Rural development » The government is also set »Dfi\k_Xe))''''jfcXi ^fm\ied\ekËjjZ_ffc$]\\[`e^ and land reform to work closely with various geysers have been installed scheme. gifm`eZ\jkf`dgifm\^fm\ie$ nationwide – the government »CXjkp\Xi#k_\eXk`feXc^fm$ XeZ\# jpjk\dj Xe[ X[d`e$ kXi^\k`jfe\d`cc`fejfcXi^\p$ \ied\ek`ejk`klk\[Xe`ek\i$ »K_\p\Xi)'(*n`ccdXib istration. These include j\ijYp)'(+kf)'(,% vention in the Eastern Cape to the centenary of the Natives >Xlk\e^kf`dgifm\_\Xck_ Labour Xjj`jkk_\;\gXikd\ekf]<[l$ CXe[8Zk#(0(*#n_`Z_kffb service delivery, the Free » In economic transformation, cation to improve the delivery XnXp/.f]k_\cXe[]ifd State on transport and roads government is amending the f]\[lZXk`fe%K_\`dgc\d\e$ k_\8]i`ZXeg\fgc\%K_\^fm$ and Limpopo to improve 9ifX[$9Xj\[9<<8Zk%K_\ tation of the intervention will ernment has only distributed financial administration in amendments will : continue and all is working /f]k_\*'kXi^\kf]cXe[ five departments, including »\jkXYc`j_XjkXklkfipZfd$ well with the province in this i\[`jki`Ylk`fe]fi)'(+k_Xk the provincial treasury. d`jj`fek_Xkn`cc[\Xcn`k_efe$ regard. we set ourselves. » There is compliance and circumvention » School attendance in the general agreement that the » criminalise fronting and Zflekip`jefnZcfj\kf('' n`cc`e^Ylp\i$n`cc`e^j\cc\i other forms of empowerment for the compulsory band, seven option has not been the best Social cohesion misrepresentation. kf(,p\Xijf]X^\%?fn\m\i# way to address this question. » The National Economic k_\i\`jjk`ccXZfeZ\iei\^Xi[$ » A new policy framework, As part of promoting social Development and Labour `e^k_\i\gfikf]k_\>\e\iXc k_\ >i\\e GXg\i fe CXe[ Zf_\j`fe#^fm\ied\ekle[\i$ :fleZ`cGifZ\jjfek_\8kpg`$ ?flj\_fc[Jlim\p`e)'('k_Xk I\]fid_XjY\\e`ekif$ took and is continuing with cal Forms of Employment and aljkfm\i()''''Z_`c[i\e`e duced to address the issue many heritage projects: Labour Broking have now been that band are out of school. of slow land redistribution in »Dlj\ldjXe[Z\eki\jkf completed – this is part of >iX[\('[ifg$flkjXgg\Xikf the country and help move be unveiled will include the \ ùfikjkf\c`d`eXk\Xcc]fidj be a problem, particularly in kfnXi[jk_\)'(+kXi^\k% (0/'DXkfcXIX`[Dlj\ld`e of abusive practices inherent the rural and farm areas of the DXglkf#k_\EZfd\Dlj\ld in labour broking. Western Cape. The national `eBnXQlcl$EXkXc#g_Xj\)f] government will work closely k_\=i\\[fdGXibDlj\ld n`k_k_\N\jk\ie:Xg\gifm`e$ Housing delivery and the Steve Biko Heritage cial government to trace these Other emergent :\eki\`e>`ejY\i^`eB`e^ Governance and Fighting fraud and International children and provide support .
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