LeodreyLeodrey WilliamsWilliams CHANCELLOR’SCHANCELLOR’S REPORTREPORT Presented to: BoardBoard ofof SupervisorsSupervisors Southern University and A & M College System "Linking Citizens of Louisiana with Opportunities for Success" October 2014 Number 243-92 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION CENTER Back-to-School Summit Encourages Youth n September 11, event. Click here to Southern University Ag Center O 2014, the South- read article. ern University Ag Cen- Leodrey Williams Chancellor ter welcomed students, Nearly three thousand faculty and staff from student attendees re- Adell Brown Jr. schools in Acadia, Al- ceived informational Exec. Vice Chancellor/Vice Chancellor for Research len, Avoyelles, Evange- brochures along with Gina E. Eubanks line, Lafayette, Pointe school supplies from Vice Chancellor for Extension Coupee, St. Landry, St. various agencies while Linda Batiste Martin and Vermillion learning from motiva- Director of Finance Parishes to its tional speakers and vid- th Christopher Rogers 14 Back-to-School eo presentations. Top- Director of Technology Services Summit for 8th graders ics of discussion includ- at the Blackham Colise- ed a wide range of Editors Bridget Udoh um in Lafayette. The healthy living tips, from Donna C. Badon event themed “Healthy sexual conduct to drug A. O. Williams Hall Actions Produce Posi- abuse. The goal of the P.O. Box 10010 tive Youth” had Danna program is to give Baton Rouge, LA 70813 Andrus "Dr. Truth" young people health al- Tel: (225) 771-2242 serving as Keynote ternative choices in life. speaker. Special ap- Fax: (225) 771-2861 Event sessions pearances featured Ca- The program targets Website: det Cody LeBlanc, ULL eighth-graders because www.suagcenter.com Army, for the Presenta- the opportunity to be they are on the edge of Southern University Agricultur- tion of Colors, and there, and his take becoming teenagers. al Research and Extension Cen- speech by Lt. Gen. Rus- home message was to Also in attendance were ter, an entity of the Southern sell Honore (Retired), develop self-confidence, participating agencies University System, Leodrey Williams, Chancellor; Ronald United States Army, in have a goal and stick to and programs from sur- Mason, Jr., System President,; commemoration of it. rounding parishes to Attorney Bridget A. Dinvaut, Chairman, Board of Supervisors. 911. Speakers included show their support. It is issued in furtherance of the Byron Starks, Coach “My brother is now in Cooperative Extension Work Act and Mentor, and Den high school, and he told This annual summit is of December 1971, and the Agri- cultural Research Program, in Hussey, Motivational me about it because he organized by the South- cooperation with the U.S. De- Speaker/MC. Shalyric attended this event in west Center for Rural partment of Agriculture. All Self provided entertain- 8th grade,” Isiah said. Initiatives, the satellite educational programs conducted by the Southern University Ag- ment. Also prominent arm of the Southern ricultural Research and Exten- were Senator Elbert Mystique Dufort, University Agricultural sion Center are provided to all th persons regardless of race, na- Guillory, LA State Dis- 8 grader from Cata- Research and Extension tional origin, or disability. © trict 24; and Chancellor houla Elementary Center, under the lead- 2008 SU Ag Center. Leodrey Williams, SU School said the main ership of Dr. Wanda Ag Center, with wel- lesson she took home Burke who can be come greetings. from the summit was to reached at 225-771- believe in herself and 5184 or (337) 943-2410; Isiah Marshall, not get misled by peers. v i a e m a i l 8th grader from St. Mar- at wanda_burke@suagc tinville Junior High The Lafayette Daily enter.com said he was happy for Advertiser covered the SU Ag Center—CHANCELLOR’S REPORT Page 1, October 2014 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION CENTER SU Ag Center Administrator Recognized at Economic Summit Dr. Gina E. Eu- and Rural Communities through The Booker T. Washington Eco- banks, Vice Entrepreneurship and Procure- nomic Summit is a part of the Chancellor for ment Opportunities,” took place at Tuskegee University Cooperative Extension, SU the Tuskegee University Kellogg Extension program in Community A g C e n t e r / Conference Center September 24 - Resources and Economic Develop- Program Leader/ 26. ment. This program area primarily Associate Vice The leadership award was pre- focuses on community resources Chancellor, LSU Ag Center, re- sented to Dr. Eubanks during the and leadership development, busi- ceived an award at the Leadership Award and Business ness and entrepreneurial develop- 19th Annual Booker T. Washington Success Story Luncheon on Sep- ment, individual and family finan- Economic Summit at Tuskegee tember 26. cial management, and job prepar- University, AL. The 2014 summit edness in rural Alabama. themed “Revitalizing Small Towns SU Ag Center to Collaborate on E-Fuel Research with Tanzanian University -fuels enthusiasts gathered at sector entities will lead the re- Green Solar Louisiana; Morgan M. E SU Ag Center for an interna- search between the two universi- Watson, PE MEL, INC. Chris Rog- tional conference with Bagamoyo ties. ers, Director of Technology Ser- University in Tanzania via skype. vices at the SU Ag Center coordi- On Friday, September 26, mem- nated the meeting. Attendees on bers of Green Solar Louisiana, 360 the University of Bagamoyo in Systems, E-Fuel System Technolo- Tanzania included of Dr. E. G. gy and members of University of Mtalo, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Bagamoyo held a virtual collabora- University of Bagamoyo; Godfrey tion planning meeting on the SU Simbeye, Ana Matinde, Tanzanian Ag Center campus. L-r: panelists Butterfield, Quinn, Lawson, Private Sector Foundation; Dr. M. Johnson, Harris Kamigisha, Unit Trust of Tanza- The purpose of the meeting was to Back row: Watson, Cain, Miles, S. Jonson nia and Victor Akim, United Na- strategically plan the best ap- tions; Glenn E. Ford, Green Solar proach to introduce the University In attendance on the SU Ag Cen- Louisiana, Chairman & University of Bagamoyo in Tanzania to 100% ter campus were: Hon. Myron K. of Bagamoyo Board Member Des- ethanol-based system while con- Lawson, Southern University ignate; Bob Yona, Tanzania Man- ducting research with Southern Board of Supervisors; Reginald ager, Green Solar Louisiana; Dr. University on the full utilization of Miles, Phalanx LLC; Steve John- Kasoga, Tanzanian Researcher, e-fuels. The long term plan in- son, Green Solar Louisiana/360 Green Solar Louisiana. cludes establishing a train-the- Systems; Jimmy Harris, H6 Ener- trainer center in Louisiana for gy; Tom Quinn, E-Fuel System Dr. Kamran Abdollahi, professor Tanzanians who will return home Technology; Floyd Butterfield, E- and program director, Urban For- and train others in the commercial Fuel System Technology; Kevin estry Program will coordinate the production of ethanol for diverse Cain, 360 Systems, LLC, CEO; research at SU Ag Center and can uses in an environmentally friend- Kevin Sanders Phalanx, LLC; be reached at 225-771-2242 or ly and efficient manner. Private Martin W. Johnson, President, [email protected] SU Ag Center—CHANCELLOR’S REPORT Page 2, October 2014 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH AND EXTENSION CENTER Louisiana Students visit Nation’s Capital for Citizenship Washington Focus Washington Focus (CWF) is a shops, tours, and nightly check in week-long 4-H citizenship program sessions equipped them with the for youth ages 14-19. CWF pro- tools they need to return home to vides opportunities for young peo- share their experience. Students ple to: strengthen communication, had a full schedule from 6 a.m. to leadership and other citizenship 11 p.m. and for their participation, skills on a national level; under- one student from each group was CWF 2014 Group before Delegation Day stand the importance of civic and randomly selected to receive an at the Capital. L-r: Ronjacoby Bell, John Zacharie; Dwayne Smith, Jr.; Maya Ste- social responsibilities as they re- Apple IPad Mini, provided by venson; Anthony Jack; Maya Sterling late to the development of better Farm Credit. citizens and leaders; and exchange ideas, practice respect and form Mrs. Wilkerson-Franklin said, “the tudents from two Louisiana friendships with other youth from overall experience was one that S parishes visited our Nation’s diverse backgrounds. Both being the youth will tell their children Capital for Citizenship Washing- small delegations, Louisiana and about, as they have never been to ton Focus 2014. July 6th -11th, six Virginia were combined, which re- our Nation’s Capital before this students from East Baton Rouge inforced the goal involving diversi- opportunity.” and St. Landry parishes attended ty. Citizenship Washington Focus “Their parents were very support- Students had the opportunity to ive of this opportunity and for that (CWF) in Washington, D.C. Youth visit many well-known landmarks I am grateful. The expressions on were accompanied by two chaper- around Washington, D.C., which their faces as they enjoyed this ex- ones, Ms. Tara Hollins and Mrs. included: The Capitol, Mount perience were memorable for me,” Tiffany Wilkerson-Franklin. Ms. Vernon, Arlington National Ceme- said Wilkerson-Franklin. Hollins is a science teacher at tery, Presidential and War Memo- Southern Lab School and Mrs. rials, Library of Congress, and “Ms. Hollins was a great support Wilkerson-Franklin is the Project Smithsonian Museums. One system and was great with the unique experience was that youth youth. I would like to thank Farm Coordinator, SU Ag Center. had to develop a realistic action Credit for the scholarships, 4-H plan that may be implemented at National Council, and the SU Ag Students who were selected to at- their school. The students chose a Center Administration for their tend CWF 2014 were Ronjacoby major on-going issue that many support in providing this “chance Bell, Maya Stevenson, Maya Ster- youth across the country are faced of a lifetime” for our youth in Loui- ling, Dwayne Smith, Jr., John with, which is bullying.
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