1 : '■■■/: ■./ :■ ^m ng Ihe Four Seasons Playground V ol«5 N o .1 5 Kelowna, W hsIi Columbia/Saturday, Auf^ist 17, 19^8 12 Pages 10^ per copy / J Marijuana Lead m A “farmer” in the Kelowna said he \yould contact VancoUT ', area is cultivating a special ver about the matter. kind of .crop you cahnbt buy in He said police were aware stores--marijuana:— according certain people in Kelowna were to a Vancouver newspaper. using ‘‘speed.” LSD and mari­ juana, but the situation was not UNITED NATIONS (CP) v- Ainbassadpr George Ignatieff Denny Boyd wrote Friday said:,. ■■■.■ that a large portion of the mari­ serious. The UN Security Council con­ “About halt a dozen people demned Israel Friday for Aug. 4 “We believe that acts of vio­ juana used in Vancouver is be-i ing grown within three miles bring the stuff in about once a air attacks in Jordan which the lence feed on one another and tnonth, but not in large quanti­ that all violations of the cease­ of Kelowna. I s r aelis said were aitned ties,’’ he said. against Arab terrorist bases set fire hxust be avoided.” The section of his column An RCMP officer from the reads: “Next, time you are driv­ up with Jordanian permission. He warned that the liltimate Kelowpa detachment said Sat­ Tile councii warned against a outcome of this cycle of vio­ ing hear Kelowna, admire the urday The knew nothing m qre repetition of such attacks. lence can only be a breakdown vineyards, the lush orchards of than what was in the Vancouver Jordanian officials said the in the tenuous peace in the Mid­ apples, peaches, cherries and Sun, but he, interided to have raids killed 34 person/ and in­ dle Easti apricots. And do drop out to the report checked. jured 82. U.S. Ambassador George Ball that large field, 2Va miles from He mentioned a group of hip­ said hs regrets recent outbreaks Kelowna, where a large portion Arab nations wanted the 15- pies who had said they were in the Mddle East diverted at­ of the marijuana distributed in seeking a place to stay,, then, S ' " nation council to threaten Israel tention from peace efforts by Vancouver is being grown. W'ith sanctions in case of future told the police later ■ they had UN special envoy Gunnar Jar-1 The Vancouver column was found a farm er who'would ac? attacks, but in 10 days of be­ ring. Ball said none of the par­ hind-the-scenes Consultations photostated by Ktlowna police commodate them. The farm’s ties is “without guilt.” , I at noon and a police spokesman location is uhknown; the Arab resolution was watered The resolution took account to down to state that the council a lesser extent of Arab raids would take notice of any new at­ against Israel by recalling in a tacks. preamble paragraph a previous The resolution, a P P r o v e d resolutioh deploring all violent unanimously, was similar to one incidents in breach of the cease­ TTiere have been three a r­ The“ head” from Vancouver adopted by the council last fire."-' rests made so far this year by denied Boyd’s statement in the March 24 after an Israeli raid Israeli Anibassador Yosef Te- RCMP in connection’ with pos­ column that most of the mari­ IT'S NEVER THE RIGHT WAY UP on what the Jewish, nation de­ koah said this was insufficient session of marijuana,, variously juana found On the Coast is scribed as a major hase of A1 and reflected the inability of the known as pot, magic grass or grown here! “ Some of it comes : Whichever way you look, at except for. the shaky line fig­ up, which is the non-surreal­ Kelowna, after the rain , had Fatah, the Arab terrorist organ- thoughfully provided a suitr council to deal adequately with simply grass. One of the charg-. from the Okariagan, but most ■ it, this picture will never be ure ; and the wiggly swing ist way, looks quite odd. So, ization. ( v' the right Way up. The way seats. But it is the most ar­ take your pick, '^ e scene was able puddle.—(Courier Photo) the situation. es was dropped and the other of it arrives via the United States from Mexico.” it is right here Ibpks the bestv tistic view. The other way captured in Strathcqna Park, Canada, in supporting the Tekoah pledged Israel would two are still pending in court. In a January story, S.Sgt. K- toned-down resolution, made do its utmost to ensure the A reliable source from Vam A. Attree, in charge of Kelowr clear that it feels there were maintenance of the ceasefire. couver said he has not heard of violations of the Middle East “It expects the Arab states to na RCMP detachment, said “It’s . this particular field of. mari­ silly to say there isn’t any being ceasefire on hoth sides. do the s^me,” he said. juana but knows they do exist iw':'jv.-W'V ,------—-rv- brought into town, but the dif­ in the Okanagan: “There are ficulty is to find but how much.!' many, many places in the Oka­ Sonie reports are a result of VAILEY LABOR SCENE nagan Valley where grass is “people getting nervous about either growing wild or has been nothing,” hb added, referring to planted,” he saidi a case where a group of young PRAGUE (AP) — Romanian spite opposition from the Krern- Commercially known as In­ people thought to be smoking President Nicholas Ceausescu Un. dian Hemp—from which rope is marijuana were actually smok- warmly endorsed Czechoslova­ 'ITie visiting chief of state, made—marijuana is a weed ing tea. LAGOS (CP)—- The federal fort, for a mlUtary , solution to kia’s reformist regime Friday who also heads Romania’s Com­ and grows well in various soils. Possession of marijuana is a , Nigerian capital buzzed with the conflict. and called on feuding parties in munist party, and Czechoslovak The plant, between four and six criminal offence, punishable by speculation today that a majcr , All week long. Radio Biafra the divided Communist bloc to P r e s i d e n t Ludvik Svoboda feet tall, is dried and crushed, imprisonment up to seven years. bttensive into breakaway Biafra has reported fighting in all sec­ settle their differences in “com- signed a 20-year treaty of producing a substance resem­ Imprisonment for life . results now is under way. tors of the country. In Lagos, radly” talks, friendship, co-operation and mu­ A study in contrasts exists in. ous packs in order to have a bling mint. from trafficking in mai’ljuana. Only Friday, Nigeria’s chief federal army sources admitted "At this time, so many differ­ tual assistance. Okanagan union - management basis for setting rates that are of, state, Maj;-Gen. Yakubu to “some movements’ on the ences have amassed between Speaking , to workers in a matters today, , equitable. Gowon, rejected a call by Em­ war front, but said these were Socialist countries and in the Prague aircraft factory, Ceair In one situation a strike ap­ All agreem ent changes will peror Haile Selassie of Ethippia aimed solely at defending movement that we regard it as sescu said: pears possibie, in the other a be effective Sept, 1. for a ceasefire in the civil war, present i)ositions. a basic and most urgent re­ “ During our brief stay in settlement has been negotiated, A government - supervised Ike Remains In Bad Shape now iif^it.s 14th moiilii. Four members of the Nige­ quirement not to undertake any­ Czechoslovakia, wo have be­ amid indications of complete strike vote appears nearer in rian federal dclogation in Addis The sixjculation re c e i v a d thing that could bring new ten­ come convinced anew that the harmony between the two sides. the current wage dispute be­ Ababa bft today for Lagos for sions or increase the prc.sent fate of socialism is in safe The B.C. Iriteripr F ruit and tween the Canadian Union of backing froiii Radio Biafra, consultations. Sources stressed Public Employees and 13 Oka which admitted federal forces ones,” Ceausescu said in a hands and that your nation has Vegetable Workers’ Union, Lo- After New Heart Attack that two members would go speech during his goodwill visit trust in the Communist phrty. cai 1572 CLC has announced a nagan municipalities, were only 30 miles from Aba, WASHINGTON (AP) - Army The doctors said Eisenhower back Monday,, and that the d> wage settlement negotiated with Ofiafra’s temporary capital and here. (Continued on Page 2) doctors reported today that for­ is also receiving “continuous parture did not mean that the Romania, and recently Czech­ INDEPENDENCE CALL the Valley packing houses re|>- Its last major administrative See: LABOR mer president Eisenhower re­ talks had failed. oslovakia, have charted a more “A basic condition for resented by the Okanagan Fed­ medication" directed at main­ centre. mains in “ critical condition.*' taining normal heart rhythm. Observers in Lagos noted mat independent course in the So­ strengthening the unity of So­ erated Shippers was accepted They expressed “increasing But, it had been reported in three days ago federal army viet-aligned bloc of nations de- cialist countries and of the Com­ by 90.5 per cent of the mem­ , Lagos that federal commandos field commanders returned to munist movement is respect for bers who voted at special meet­ concern” ,for him as a re.suit of w'ere only 10m iles south of Aha Lagos for, a staff meeting, with the right of every party to work ings called to discuss the new irregular heart action following and nearing artillery range.
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