NEPTUNE TIMES AND THE 98 Years Old Support Your ... and NEW Volunteers Every Thursday r . * OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP-OF NEPTU NE, NEWJERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPT. 20, 1973~ T E N C E N T S VOL. XCVIII NO. 38 Bid $562,540 For ne Library J Photographed In 1933 - Reunion In 1973 Tickets Available At Ass’n. Office Cultural Hour For Duke Ellington Concert Sept. 29 Care Of Bridges Begins Sept. 25th OCEAN GROVE.— World fam­ at the First World Festival o f . t r e NTON — September 14 ous composer - conductor - pianist Negro Arts in Dakar, Senegal. 4eDepartnient' of NEPTUNE — The public is cor­ dially invited to attend a double Above all, however, Dr. Elling­ has received a s in g l e tad o£ $5G2, Duke Ellington, who brings his feature Tuesday at the .Neptune 540 on a contract to provideunder^ new Concert, of Sacred Music to ton rates his Sacred Concerts. He Public Library,. 25 Neptune Boule­ water foundation protection to r the Ocean Grove Auditorium at humbly described his first one-at vard. San Francisco's Grace Cathedral tlfe Routes 35 and 71 bridges over 8:15 P.M. on Saturday, September From 2 to 3 p.m. in the after­ in 1965 , as “the most important the Shark River in t ^ Monmou noon ,the new Cultural Hour will 29, has been awarded six honorary thing I've ever done . my County commumt® of BdM doctorates recently by major Col­ start, co-chaired by Mrs. Micki greatest opportunity.” In prepar­ Avon-by-the-Sea' a n d Neptune leges and universities. Finn of the Neptune Library and Township The sole: bidder^ on the ing his second and current sacred Mrs. Peggy Goodrich .of the Nep­ He was presented with parch­ gram,., premiered Jan. 19, 1968 at project w a s the Schiavone Con tune Historical Museum. ments certifying him as a Doctor the Cathedral Church of St. John struction C om ply of Secaucu■ Mrs. Michael Pizza of Neptune, of Music at Yale, Washington and the Divine, New York City, he-re- Regular inspections of tne Wilberforce Universities and at marked, ■ “Now I can say loudly bridges are made, including under­ president of the Grow and Show Garden Club of Allenhurst, a mem­ Morgan State College, Baltimore, 'and openly what I. have been say- w a t e r examinations by divers who ber and past president of the Jer­ Md., as wel las being named a Doc- ing.to myself on my knees. When a also use a television camera to ..n- sey Shore Woman’s ' Club, and a tor of Fine Arts at California Col- riian prays, he prays in his own able Department bridge engineers member of the Ocean Grove Chap­ lege of Arts and Crafts and a Doc- language. I ’ve been playing with to see cfose-uP.the actual c o n d ^ n ter, Order of Eastern Star, will tor of Humanities at Wisconsin's saxophones, trumpets and a rhy- o f the supports below water line start off the monthly programs Milton College. | thm section for 40 years. This is Recent inspection revealed that with a flower arangement demon- With his myriad achievements j my language. It's my way of pray- shifting tidal currents had eroded station with fresh flowers. Mrs. and acolades, Dr. Ellington has; ing.” the river bed around the t.mbe, Pizza retired as a kindergarten become the most honored musician Tickets for the Ellington Sacred pilings of two piers on each of the teacher after 34 years, the past in the world. He has received the Concert, to be performed by the New York City Medallion of Hon-.j composer, his full orchestra, vocal " c o r r e c t , this condition and 25 years teaching in the Summer­ field School. Many will also re­ or, designating him as. musical»solo, and th e Centenary Singers to p r e v e n t deterioration o f: tne member her as the “Lullabyc 'Man of All Years” and keys to'[are available at the Association of- timber piles exposed to the scour- scores.of cities and towns around fice, 61 Main Avenue, Ocean irig action of the tides and damage Lady” on radio station WJLK and as a past president of the New the world. Duke Ellington; his or- Grove, N. J. 07756; Prices are $5; from marine bo rers, th e pibngs chestra and their music were, cho-j $4 and $3 for seats in a reserved Jersey Education Association. NEPTUNE TWP. - The Neptune1 (38 years) Mrs. Lovell Leming Gil- j And, Mrs. Susan Sutton, Mrs. Elea- will be encased in interlocking sen by President Lyndon Johnson section. For further information Come and have an enjoyable after­ High School Class of 1933 held its! more of Kutztown, Pa. Door prizes., nor Newman White, Mrs. Joy Oberg steel sheets. The voids between presented by' Elwood VanNest, were W hite, Mrs. Hilda Phillips Shafto, to represent the United St a t e s * call 775-0035. .' t h e Umbers will be filled, with noon in your library, with refresh­ 40th class reunion last Sat. night at ments served at the end of the pro­ won by Mr. and Mrs: LeRoy Dangler, M r. and Mrs. Wakefield Pyott,: Mr. Jumping Brook Country Club, here. gram. Burlington, Mr. and Mrs: Seymour and Mrs. George Nolan, M r. and Mrs. ^T h T 'c o s t of this preventative Forthy . graduates and their wives, hus­ Gruber of Oakhurst, M r.. and Mrs. G. Adrain Scfiantz, Mr. and Mrs. Otto And in the ’ evening, at 8 P.M. Mt. Prospect Cemetery New Trustees maintenance work, which will a- also in the Adult Reading Lounge bands and friends gathered to renew Sam Siciliario of Shrewsbury, Mrs. Shibla, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Siciliano, void more _costly r e p a i r s in th? of the library, the fall meeting of old acquaintances and• to share mem-j Barbara Newhouse Abruzzo of Nep­ M r. - and Mrs. Robert H . Smith,. Mr. Reporting to Plot Owners Monday future, will be borne entirely by tune and ‘ Mrs. Susan Smith Sutton of and Mrs. Stuart Blair, M r. Richard the Neptune Historical Society will ones of the past. • . j : the State: The project is to be com­ be held. Mr. Homer Matteson will Neptune..,. '.-'‘y:' ■ ~v\. Stirling, Mrs. Lucille Syms Crawford, p le te d by December 8 . The dinner, was opened by an invo­ Mr. and Mrs. >Jack Thompson, Mrs) NEPTUNE — After two years “Asbury Park Press”, on August be Guest Speaker, talking on "Il­ - Those attending were: ;Mrs. Eliza-, .S- - -)%— ~ • cation by classmate Rev; James S. Marjorie Thompson Skalkovich, M r of frustrations, seeking legal direc-1 H, 1968. This article told the story lustrated Flag History.” Come and beth Blauvelt Horace/ Mrs.v Doris O ’­ Ferris, U .S. Navy Chaplain of Cor­ and. Mrs. Elwood VanNest, vMr. and tion, and the election of a complete o{ ‘he expensive coffin ever bring a friend! Refreshments will Neill, Mr.‘ jind Mrs. Wm. Richard Concert Choir Of onado, Cal. Chairman Irving .Frick Mrs. W m . Wegge' Sr., Mrs. Elizabeth , ' used at the shore up until that be served. Lyon, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cottrell, new group of Cemetery Trustees, ^ Aprjl 4_ 1902 .This w a3 the introduced Class President Kenneth Wardell DeVito, Mrs. Ruth Wood A special display of historic of­ M r., and Mrs. LeRoy Dangler, Mr. MacWhinney of Needham, Mass., who Bennett, Mr. and M rs. Edward Reiss, the officers of Mt. Prospect Ceme- 1 funeral of Henry W. Bennett. The 40 Youth Sing fice equipment Is now on display and Mrs. Jack Cramer, Mr. Rowland addressed the group arid presented the M r. and Mrs. Leroy Ward, Mr., and tery are preparing to report their 'article details the history of the in the Neptune Historical Museum, Erb, M r . James Ferris, Mrs. Lillie representative facility member,. Howard M rs.' Earj Frick, M r . and Mrs. - Ed­ progress to the plot owners on 75 f00t granite monumeiit that In Grove Sunday loaned by Kirsch Office Equipment Freeman. Osborn, M r. - and Mrs. Irving Peterson and his wife,! with a gift. mund Thompson,.M r. and Mts. Janies Monday at 8 P.M. The meeting is ' rjscs atove the hill top of Mt. Prior Co. of Neptune. Frick, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Gruber, Awards were presented by Robert H . Sullivan, Air. and Airs. Frank Tom- open to ail plot owners and w ill: peet cemetery, —* ----- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clausing,‘.Mrl and OCEAN GROVE-- This Sun­ Smith to the graduates for the follow­ aino, Miss Teresa DeVito and Mr. be held at the Neptune Municipal | jn the past several years, the Mrs. Bradford Jones' M r. arid Mrs. day, the Malaga Concert Touring Amble-Inn Hosts ing categories: travelled the farthest * Merwin Brvan. Complex, 25 Neptune Boulevard, cemetery has fallen victim to van- Ch r is to ph e r Peterson, M r. a n d. Mr s. Choir will present a c°ncert °* Mrs. Isabelle Jemison Clausing of The history of Mt. Prospect Cem-. dalism, absentee administration,' Joseph Kulpinski; ^Ir. and M rs . The comittec members xvere: Irving sacred music at St. Weekend Retreats Novato,-’ Cal., Airs/. Ruth W ood ' Bent etery dates back to the early limited revenue and the faults that Charles Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Frick, . Chairman; Almeda (Drown) Methodist Church at 7 nett of La Habra, Cal. and James S. 1800's. An early part of the ceme- plague many cemeteries through- Lippincott, Mr.
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