65138 Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 199 / Wednesday, October 14, 2020 / Notices 1958; nationality Iran; Additional Sanctions DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Sanctioned pursuant to section 1(a)(i) of Information—Subject to Secondary E.O. 13902 for operating in the financial Sanctions; Passport A0030940 (Iran) Office of Foreign Assets Control sector of the Iranian economy. (individual) [NPWMD] [IFSR] [IRAN–CON– 3. BANK MASKAN (a.k.a. HOUSING ARMS–E.O.]. Notice of OFAC Sanctions Actions BANK—OF IRAN), P.O. Box 11365/5699, No Designated pursuant to section 1(a)(i) of 247 3rd Floor Fedowsi Ave., Cross Sarhang Sakhaei St, Tehran, Iran; P.O. Box 11365– E.O. 13949 for having engaged, or attempted AGENCY: Office of Foreign Assets Control, Treasury. 3499, Ferdowsi Ave., Cross Sarhang Sakhaie to engage, in activities or transactions that St, Tehran, Iran; website www.bank- have materially contributed to the supply, ACTION: Notice. maskan.ir; Additional Sanctions sale, or transfer to or from Iran directly or Information—Subject to Secondary indirectly, or for the use in or benefit of Iran, SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of the Sanctions; all offices worldwide [IRAN] of arms or related materiel, including spare Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets [IRAN–EO13902]. parts. Control (OFAC) is publishing the names Sanctioned pursuant to section 1(a)(i) of of one or more persons that have been E.O. 13902 for operating in the financial Entities placed on OFAC’s list of Specially sector of the Iranian economy. 1. DEFENSE INDUSTRIES Designated Nationals and Blocked 4. BANK REFAH KARGARAN (a.k.a. ORGANIZATION (a.k.a. DEFENCE Persons (SDN List) based on OFAC’s BANK REFAH; a.k.a. WORKERS’ WELFARE BANK—OF IRAN), No. 40 North Shiraz INDUSTRIES ORGANISATION; a.k.a. DIO; determination that one or more Street, Mollasadra Ave., Vanak Sq., Tehran a.k.a. SASEMAN SANAJE DEFA; a.k.a. applicable legal criteria were satisfied. 19917, Iran; No. 40, North Shiraz St., SAZEMANE SANAYE DEFA; a.k.a. All property and interests in property Mollasadra Ave., Tehran, Iran; 40, Northern ‘‘SASADJA’’), P.O. Box 19585–777, Pasdaran subject to U.S. jurisdiction of these Shirazi St., Molla Sadra Ave., Tehran 19917, Street, Entrance of Babaie Highway, persons are blocked, and U.S. persons Iran; website www.bankrefah.ir; alt. website Permanent Expo of Defence Industries are generally prohibited from engaging www.refah-bank.ir; Additional Sanctions Organization, Tehran, Iran; Additional in transactions with them. Information—Subject to Secondary Sanctions Information—Subject to Secondary Sanctions; all offices worldwide [IRAN] Sanctions [NPWMD] [IFSR] [IRAN–CON– DATES: See SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION [IRAN–EO13902]. ARMS–E.O.]. SECTION FOR APPLICABLE DATE(s). Sanctioned pursuant to section 1(a)(i) of Designated pursuant to section 1(a)(i) of FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: E.O. 13902 for operating in the financial E.O. 13949 for having engaged, or attempted OFAC: Associate Director for Global sector of the Iranian economy. to engage, in activities or transactions that Targeting, tel.: 202–622–2420; Assistant 5. BANK-;E SHAHR, Sepahod Gharani, have materially contributed to the supply, Corner of Khosro St., No. 147, Tehran, Iran; Director for Sanctions Compliance & website shahr-bank.ir; Additional Sanctions sale, or transfer to or from Iran directly or Evaluation, tel.: 202–622–2490; or Information—Subject to Secondary Sanctions indirectly, or for the use in or benefit of Iran, Assistant Director for Licensing, tel.: [IRAN] [IRAN–EO13902]. of arms or related materiel, including spare 202–622–2480. Sanctioned pursuant to section 1(a)(i) of parts. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: E.O. 13902 for operating in the financial 2. MINISTRY OF DEFENSE AND ARMED sector of the Iranian economy. FORCES LOGISTICS (a.k.a. GOVERNMENT Electronic Availability 6. EGHTESAD NOVIN BANK (a.k.a. BANK OF IRAN DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE; a.k.a. EGHTESAD NOVIN; a.k.a. BANK-E MINISTRY OF DEFENCE & ARMED FORCES The SDN List and additional EGHTESAD NOVIN; a.k.a. EN BANK PJSC), LOGISTICS; a.k.a. MINISTRY OF DEFENSE information concerning OFAC sanctions Vali Asr Street, Above Vanak Circle, across AND SUPPORT FOR ARMED FORCES programs are available on OFAC’s Niayesh, Esfandiari Blvd., No. 24, Tehran, LOGISTICS; a.k.a. MINISTRY OF DEFENSE website (www.treas.gov/ofac). Iran; SWIFT/BIC BEGNIRTH; website www.enbank.ir; Additional Sanctions ARMED FORCES LOGISTICS; a.k.a. Notice of OFAC Actions MINISTRY OF DEFENSE FOR ARMED Information—Subject to Secondary Sanctions FORCES LOGISTICS; a.k.a. MODAFL; a.k.a. On October 8, 2020, OFAC [IRAN] [IRAN–EO13902]. MODSAF; a.k.a. VEZARATE DEFA; a.k.a. determined that the property and Sanctioned pursuant to section 1(a)(i) of E.O. 13902 for operating in the financial VEZARAT–E DEFA VA POSHTYBANI-E interests in property subject to U.S. sector of the Iranian economy. NIRU-HAYE MOSALLAH), Ferdowsi jurisdiction of the following persons are 7. GHARZOLHASANEH RESALAT BANK Avenue, Sarhang Sakhaei Street, Tehran, blocked under the relevant sanctions (a.k.a. BANK-E GHARZOLHASANEH Iran; PO Box 11365–8439, Pasdaran Ave., authorities listed below. RESALAT), Beside the No. 1 Baghestan Tehran, Iran; West side of Dabestan Street, Entities Alley, Saadat Abad Ave., Kaj Sq., Tehran, Abbas Abad District, Tehran, Iran; Additional Iran; Additional Sanctions Information— Sanctions Information—Subject to Secondary 1. AMIN INVESTMENT BANK (a.k.a. Subject to Secondary Sanctions; All offices Sanctions [SDGT] [NPWMD] [IFSR] [IRAN– AMINIB; a.k.a. ‘‘AMIN IB’’), No. 51 worldwide [IRAN] [IRAN–EO13902]. CON–ARMS–E.O.] (Linked To: ISLAMIC Ghobadiyan Street, Valiasr Street, Tehran Sanctioned pursuant to section 1(a)(i) of REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS (IRGC)– 1968917173, Iran; website http:// E.O. 13902 for operating in the financial QODS FORCE). www.aminib.com; Additional Sanctions sector of the Iranian economy. Designated pursuant to section 1(a)(i) of Information—Subject to Secondary Sanctions 8. HEKMAT IRANIAN BANK (a.k.a. BANK E.O. 13949 for having engaged, or attempted [IRAN] [IRAN–EO13902]. HEKMAT IRANIAN; a.k.a. BANK-E to engage, in activities or transactions that Sanctioned pursuant to section 1(a)(i) of HEKMAT IRANIAN), Argentine Circle, have materially contributed to the supply, Executive Order 13902 of January 10, 2020, beginning of Africa St., Corner of 37th St., sale, or transfer to or from Iran directly or 85 FR 2003 (E.O. 13902) for operating in the (Dara Cul-de-sac), No.26, Tehran, Iran; No. indirectly, or for the use in or benefit of Iran, financial sector of the Iranian economy. 26, Afrigha Ave., Argentina Sq., Tehran, Iran; of arms or related materiel, including spare 2. BANK KESHAVARZI IRAN (a.k.a. No. 26, Africa Hwy., Argantin Sq., Tehran, Iran; website www.hibank24.ir; Additional parts. AGRICULTURAL BANK OF IRAN; a.k.a. BANK KESHAVARZI), P.O. Box 14155–6395, Sanctions Information—Subject to Secondary Dated: September 24, 2020. 129 Patrice Lumumba St, Jalal-al-Ahmad Sanctions [IRAN] [NPWMD] [IFSR] (Linked Andrea M. Gacki, Expressway, Tehran 14454, Iran; website To: BANK SEPAH). www.agri-bank.com; alt. website www.bki.ir; Designated pursuant to section 1(a)(iv) of Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control. Additional Sanctions Information—Subject Executive Order 13382 of June 28, 2005, 70 [FR Doc. 2020–22724 Filed 10–13–20; 8:45 am] to Secondary Sanctions; all offices FR 38567, 3 CFR, 2006 Comp., p. 170 (E.O. BILLING CODE 4810–AL–P worldwide [IRAN] [IRAN–EO13902]. 13382) for being owned or controlled by VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:15 Oct 13, 2020 Jkt 253001 PO 00000 Frm 00113 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\14OCN1.SGM 14OCN1 jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 85, No. 199 / Wednesday, October 14, 2020 / Notices 65139 BANK SEPAH, a person whose property and www.bankpasargad.ir; Additional Sanctions SUMMARY: The Financial Stability interests in property are blocked pursuant to Information—Subject to Secondary Sanctions Oversight Council (the ‘‘Council’’), as E.O. 13382. [IRAN] [IRAN–EO13902]. part of its continuing effort to reduce 9. IRAN ZAMIN BANK (a.k.a. BANK-E Sanctioned pursuant to section 1(a)(i) of paperwork and respondent burden, IRAN ZAMIN), Seyyed Jamal-oldin E.O. 13902 for operating in the financial Asadabadi St., Corner of 68th St., No. 472, sector of the Iranian economy. invites members of the public and Tehran, Iran; website www.izbank.com; 15. SAMAN BANK (a.k.a. BANK-E affected agencies to comment on the Additional Sanctions Information—Subject SAMAN), Vali Asr. St. No. 3, Before Vey Park continuing information collections to Secondary Sanctions [IRAN] [IRAN– intersection, corner of Tarakesh Dooz St., listed below, as required by the EO13902]. Tehran, Iran; 2, Tarkeshdooz Alley, before Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The Sanctioned pursuant to section 1(a)(i) of Parkway Cross, Valiasr St., Tehran, Iran; Council is soliciting comments E.O. 13902 for operating in the financial SWIFT/BIC SABCIRTH; website sb24.ir; concerning its collection of information Additional Sanctions Information—Subject sector of the Iranian economy. related to its authority to designate 10. ISLAMIC REGIONAL COOPERATION to Secondary Sanctions [IRAN] [IRAN– BANK (a.k.a. BANK-E TAAWON EO13902]. financial market utilities as systemically MANTAGHEEY-E ESLAMI; a.k.a. REGIONAL Sanctioned pursuant to section 1(a)(i) of important. Section 804 of the Dodd- COOPERATION OF THE ISLAMIC BANK E.O. 13902 for operating in the financial Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer FOR DEVELOPMENT AND INVESTMENT), sector of the Iranian economy. Protection Act (the ‘‘Dodd-Frank Act’’) Building No. 59, District 929, Street No. 17, 16. SARMAYEH BANK (a.k.a. BANK provides the Council the authority to Arsat Al-Hindia, Al Masbah, Baghdad, Iraq; SARMAYEH; a.k.a.
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