Volume 74 • Number 3 • 2020 The Jewish Veteran A Jewish Voice for Veterans and a Veteran’s Voice for Jews Congratulations to incoming Jewish Cemeteries In Distress JWV & JWVA Officers By M. B. Kanis and customs are observed. The creation of cemeteries For Jews, a grave site as a final location is as old is permanent and once es- as man-kind. The creation tablished should not be of Jewish Cemeteries is violated. unique, as Jewish religious The religious duty of customs require that Jewish burial is the responsibili- burial sites be held in ty of a decedent’s children reverence. or spouse. If there are no Recent document- children or spouse, it is the ed incidents of desecra- responsibility of the closest tion, vandalism, and fail- relative. If no relatives, then ures to maintain multiple the community. As time Jewish Cemeteries in the passes, it becomes the re- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania sponsibility of those alive to National Commander area, as well as occur- Har Nebo Cemetery in Philadelphia, PA respect the dead. Jeffrey Sacks rences in other cemeteries throughout the United States, prompt- tion, Jewish burial grounds are sacred How are Veterans effected? ed the following information in the sites and must remain undisturbed in From the earliest sunrise of birth to the desire to protect the deceased and pro- perpetuity. twilight last gleaming, members of the vide context for the greater good. A Jewish cemetery has physical Jewish faith, first as volunteers, then as boundaries that set the cemetery off conscripted, and once again as volun- What makes a Jewish Cemetery from its surroundings, marking it holy teers, have served to protect and defend Jewish? for Jews. Inner reflection is often ob- the United States. As veterans as well Establishing a cemetery is one of the served in a place of calm. A Jewish as citizens, the lives of people of the first priorities for any Jewish com- cemetery is considered consecrated Jewish faith are intertwined with ser- munity. According to Jewish tradi- ground where Jewish burial practices Continued on page 4 National President JWV’s First Virtual National Convention Natalie Blank By Cara Rinkoff from Secretary Robert More than 215 members, associate Wilkie of the Department members, and patrons registered for of Veterans Affairs. This is JWV’s 125th annual convention, which the second time Wilkie has Meet the also happened to be the first virtual appeared at a JWV National National Staff convention for our organization. The Convention, and he also Page 3 five-day convention, originally sched- spoke in-person at NEC in uled to take place in Jacksonville, February 2020. Service Dog Named Florida moved online due the corona- At our first business After Member virus pandemic. session, more than 100 Page 6 Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Due to the difficulties of holding members tuned in as the Ron Dermer votes online, the Convention Rules Israeli Ambassador to the History of Committee approved a measure mov- United States Ron Dermer the Middle East will find it vital to Confederate ing votes on all but the election of our joined us for a question and answer work with Israel in the near future. “I Installations new National Commander and Vice session. Dermer spoke about the re- think to the extent that you have lead- Page 10 Commander to the next in-person cent diplomatic breakthrough between ers in the Arab world who would like convention. Israel and the United Arab Emirates, to propel their countries forward and The Opening Ceremony on saying he believes this is only the be- to be a force for modernization, then I Monday featured a video greeting ginning. He thinks other countries in Continued on page 12 CONTENTS D’vrei HaShomrim ..................2 JWV in the Community .......12 Message From the National Ladies Auxiliary ...18 Commander ............................. 3 Museum News........................20 On The Hill ................................4 Taps ........................................... 22 Membership Corner ...............6 D'vrei HaShomrim THE JEWISH Coping with COVID through Camaraderie VETERAN By Chaplain Lt. Col. Yaakov Bindell The Jewish Veteran is the Official Publication of the New Jersey was one of the early states to get hit Jewish War Veterans of the United States of America with the coronavirus. As the disease spread across National Commander Jeffrey Sacks the state, the New Jersey National Guard was swift- National Editor Larry Jasper ly called to action. As the State Command Chaplain Managing Editor Cara Rinkoff of New Jersey, within just a few weeks, my job du- Graphics/Production Editor Christy Turner ties suddenly changed from training and develop- EDITORIAL OFFICE ing chaplains, to leading chaplains through one of 1811 R Street, NW • Washington, D.C. 20009 the biggest challenges this country has seen in over Telephone (202) 265-6280 x413 100 years. I quickly organized groups of chaplains Fax (202) 234-5662 E-mail [email protected] to go visit soldiers and airmen at COVID-19 testing Web Site www.jwv.org sites, field hospitals, mortuary affairs operations, The Jewish Veteran is published 4 times a year: veteran homes, and long-term care facilities across Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall, by the the state. While I could share countless stories of Jewish War Veterans heroism during the early stages of the pandemic, I of the United States of America feel most inspired by how our service members 1811 R Street, NW helped their fellow veterans during the pandemic. Washington, DC 20009 During the early stages of the pandemic, there dents could see their family members clearly. You Periodical postage paid at Washington, DC, and at additional mailing offices. were many deaths at veteran homes across the could feel the excitement of that momentous day Postmaster: Send form 3579 to Jewish War Veterans, state. While soldiers tried to help in any way they from the firsthand account of one chaplain. “This 1811 R Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009. could, seeing our state’s heroes make their last mission was so encouraging to the soldiers and air- Subscription price in the United States is $5.00 per year, stand in the face of COVID-19 took a heavy toll on men. It was like they were walking on air. And for included in membership. Nonmember subscriptions: the soldiers assigned to the homes. In order to make good reason! The event wasn't scheduled to take $10.00. Single copies: $2.50. sure the veterans who died during this tough time place until the end of the day, but the whole day Photos and articles submitted to The Jewish Veteran shall be used at the discretion of the organization. The were properly honored, several soldiers working in was full of excitement and preparation.” opinions expressed in signed articles and letters in this a dementia unit called Old Glory provided flags in The connection between service member and magazine are not necessarily those of JWV. honor of the veterans. veteran has always been strong but this pandem- Advertising information and rates available from the But these soldiers and airmen didn’t just go ic has brought us even closer than we could have Editorial Office. JWV assumes no responsibility for products and services advertised in this publication. out of their way to make sure the dead received imagined. For instance, when Memorial Day ar- © 2020 by the Jewish War Veterans of the USA. rived after months of little human contact, the cer- their due honor, they also provided assistance for NPA#112285 • ISSN 047-2019. the living veterans at the homes. At the beginning emonies held at the veterans homes were powerful Reproduction without permission is prohibited. of the pandemic, for safety reasons, visitors were and emotional events for service members and vet- not allowed to see their family members in person. erans alike. As military members and veterans, we After several lonely months of not being able to remember the dead and fallen every year, but this passed away. By noon that same day, I had to make see their family and relatives, veterans were finally year is different. We have lost so many heroes to a shiva call to a friend of mine whose father had given a special day when they would be allowed COVID-19. However, the virus has not only taken passed away. That evening I got a call that a cousin to see family, albeit only from a window. This day our veterans. Many others have died in this most of mine had passed away. It has been a tremendous- was hugely important for the veterans. Until then, unusual and surreal war. Something that makes ly difficult year of death and sickness. I hope and their companions were their adopted military help- this war different than the wars we as service mem- pray that the Jewish New Year brings health and ers and staff. Despite only being able to see family bers are used to is that non-service members and recovery to our great nation. The High Holidays members through a thick window barrier, soldiers family members are in just as much danger as the are almost upon us. This year, let us pray for life and airmen stepped up to make it the best experi- servicemembers themselves. and good health. And at this year’s Yizkor service, ence possible. They helped veterans communicate I have also been impacted by the deaths this let us remember and honor those who have left us. with their families by making sure all cell phones war has caused. The morning I was asked to write Shana Tova and may you all be inscribed in the were ready and that windows were clean so resi- this article, I found out the mother of a soldier had Book of Life.
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