V -*..-,-> tViv4)f- Catholic Cqurier and Journal, Friday) March 15, 1929. Telephone Mtfnr 1567 We«kJy/Calendar Afost Rev. Edward Joseph Hanna CEREMONY OF CONSECRATION Sunday, , March 17—St. Patrick, «V>ntinue<l fr*m I'»Be. t) land trrace of the episcopal oQice mustf BlshOjp and Apostle of Ireland, after awl pxity "That God may vouchsafe li>e~derivert from God, Who ts the sup-T a youth spent la captivity and. alaf-ery, to blej-.-ja and sanctify, to bless, nunc j porter of a3l human frailties. TheJ was called to the task of converting tify a/iti con.-iecrate this elect here. i Cardinal's admonition on prefentingj| Ireland to"~lhe j-'alth. He received r Thf litany entiwl, Cardinal Haye* | the crazier to Bihhop O Hern will be:! the approbation of Pope Ofclestlne and Will placo the bo«k ttf gos-peli upoi. j "Rcitivo the staff i.f.ihe pastoral of wot jfttli marvelous success In his ef. Bishop ©'Heni'* shuuhler", where one ; fi.-r, i!iai_thi)U rtay be pi<'.ti»ly severe it forts to Christlaslzt! the Irish. He of tho chaplains will sustain it until (the rurrection r.f MCC, exercising judg- held several councils to settlv tho dis­ it i> piacMi in hi- hnnJ <. The ini-truc•' m< nt without wraih, •.oothins; the mindsj cipline of the Cliunh he established tion >0'ight to be con.vtyeil in this i-|<<f the hi.aurs in clieiislimg virtue, nota in that country* He was burled at .lung that "The KOAJJUI must not be a sealpti Down tn Ulster. ai.dndonijjg a just severity ih mihlness.' honk to thf> Bishop, for WOP unto him The nog \vlinh will l»c worn byj Monday, March 18 —St. Cyril of unbs'; he preach th" f^o-^pe!.*' This Bi.'i.p O'lfcrn \\ill l,e emblematic ot! JiTusalk'ui was lilsliop at tfie time ritp i- ancient. :ljc fidelity which a bishop awc$ thc§ Julian the Apostate tried to rebuild •A Soli-mn Moment chtiri.li Willi the words the Temple of Solomon. The aalnt Then comes the imposition of ham!?, "T..kc thr> ritijf as the seal of faith protested aud when th'o workman the essentia,! rite by which efii-c<.pal that U.uv adi/rocd with inviolate fai tried to bi-itia tht-lr work they wore jiower is conferred.' Cardinal Hayes j il m nia>f»t vvith.iut stain, guard] prevented by flamvs which issued will lay both his hands on Bishop, (tl tu w.it» Hie H from tho earth. Tim attempt^wasj^i OTT7TiTTT^aTTn?aTmfe-rrt •? T.eaTrrsayTCgT7 ~" T,"< c Ifur, I. " ;->».•*)_. -- ^;%j_. ("pi^trd 'scvprar fim'.'H but, always 'il-tfive thou the Hc.l.v Ghost"— \fi,-, I,: i^m? the rrn/icr and rinK of fulled- Cyril wag noted as a teacher, It i< at thifs exact moment that j l!,«:-...p (. I f> pi. jlir ( ardinal will tak liajtas present at the .fccond fJeneral Father O Hern will become BMiopj the l.o..k • f jsuspek anil hand it to th of Constantinople and died in ^86. O'Uein, though the remainder-of tju ii„w Ush. >p The la'iii-r will touch t Tuvsday, March 10-—St. Joseph, Venice ha., its significance it> connec-j wii.l...w «fn-+Hw'Ire.- Inmh. whrtet the spouse of_tti6_ JjjggHed .Virgin,, las*. tiun with (lie cpKcupuT^fTtee. C.,i .r i.iii.r will ~ay .ttjftaTBar"of Our Lord and patron of After the imposition of hands Car- •|<< mi the PL.t-s.ptI. antj, go prcath toi the Universal Church. dtiitti Hayet wtH standi up and pray: IllC pi- plr inmiriiitcl to thee, for Godl --Wednesday,- March 20-—-•St;- Wul- "•fle propitious, 0 Lord, to our aup- (1 p..» i-rftil to iiu nasf fits grace it* fran, Archbishop, renounced his plicatton, and, incline over this, Thy tlec lie livtlt and--Kignest worldf place at the Conrj; of King Clotalre servant, tiio horn of priestly frrace; vviihipirt-eml " to give his lite to'Ood. After being poor out up>a-him the viit.ie of this 'J i •• .!"•>• mhleil prelates and priest elected Archbishop of Sens he gave blp.viinjr. Tf>r»arfb our I.HHI J'eMtv « II vlt-oti "Aieeti " ' t UP his. see to becomw a mlsshwary to Chri-t, who ITvetii ant! reV'ieth with Tinn ?• I'tpws ariitthcr impressive fca-| Krlpfiland. ~ After converting tiiou- Thee irj tin unity ui the. Holy Ghost, iiir.- i i tht ceremony Cardinal Hayes// HundB ho died In 720, find." A ill i\c the Ki>-s ui peace tti Bishop'1 •riitirstlay. March 21— St. Benedict, Next Cardinal Haye.-, will int.iiie a <» lb UP. a,OIK: "l'cau- be with you Abbot, when a young boy wa« sent sacred canticle, nvewbliiig m it's style Then t .tnbnal Hates will return to hi to Rome to attend the public schools. the preface used at_\la'sjlheriypical . It..p»l niipl-ISis'ii.fi O'.'funIn 1.1.4 "AffCr! Terrliletlhy J|LO ilcantloiisnes* of the significance of the__-v.rvUireZ.ojE_ the ;li,..-ic.'i..JiiJu*p_J«us.jiaslu^J^-Jbjui! students lie fled to the mountains of ancient priesthootl is set forth nod it ' r .! ' _Z? '.. '"''••'"' •i,'i< ''"''" '"'''" """'^ r-','li'1-'1 Snblaco whena he eatabllshed twelve tfOlISIirVWrtli'at die "ple'V-lor ot the-j Have- iul I'.ishop O'Ucrn will conttmir^ uionasterles. Later ho founded the soul is. the chief ornamentation of a,'tin,- M \ each in his own chapel iintj. monastery, of Monte Casino where he Christian bishop, the ollirlory dvvotccl his time to the writing of his Turning toward the altar, Cardinal Two Lighted Torches celebrated fule. Ho died there in 04 a. Haye.i w»H invoke the. Holy Gho.st in Be hop .0'Hern, ct tilled by. two other Friday, March 82—St. Catherine of the beautiful language of the "Veni {.'"hops, will le.i\c his chapel and kpeeli Sweden. Tlrgln, wns thw daughter of Creator, Spiritus" (Come, Holy fpitore Cardinal llaycpj, io whom he will! TIIK CATHOLIC AKGHDlOOLKfiJa OV •i. tilpho, Prlnco of Nericla and of St, Ghost). At thireTul of the fir.st vene uiTer two lighted torches, two loav.C3_.oii5 Ihldget. When HIIU was given In VJRANCUKXX r he wiil__^ejaLluniselfranel,-puttin(* on breari- afld" h\ o" orhamentah small bar^ Uochc.it^r-wttl-^ivn .n-cordlttl w»l-,. Aicnbjshop Ihmoa- luei lonjr he.ltl- niarrlago to a nobloman named, Rr- his miter again, while the bishops and rels tif wine. This latter part is a relic wrd alio pwrsuadoil hlin to Join her com*} to its beloved nallw urn a warm place in thf hearts of the In a toy 0 fchastjty. 8lm_4i^-^s-(.hir^TTrcrVnim ito*,t-lit-v^-Ed^wv«UJ>: the sign'^'iluV''cross on thTliead of continuation of the Mass— the Cardinal I«* .ftpMMMpS *V, M«jkj_rxJJi^^ ta~the— «***,- ATnSSDrof Vaditena In 1881. J <J h<re and In the American Col­ Hanna. D. V. Archbishop of Han Bishop O'Horn with holy chrism, then celebrating at the gospel side of the al­ OoiMMcmtio* gertnon on«rgy" and foresight of Arehbi»hop lege at Home, Italy, where he made Saturday, March JH—fit. Victorian annoint the whole tonsure, saying? tar, Bishop O'Hern at the epistle side. Bicker, all erected during hi* reign Francisco, when he arrives In th> the UneHt record ever made by a J?k# Hn^o.at ths consecration of and other martyrs. St. Victorian "May thy head bo annointed and At the conclusion of the benediction as Bishop of Hi Dlcx-vie. Thcao In­ city to offlcinte as one of tho CO student from this country. Hoches- ,l(Qpi4Mt O'Hwii iw*t Tuwday -will wan Proconnui at Oarth»|o.under tltvs consecrated with a heavenly benedic­ CardiiialTLtys will seat himself in front clude tlio splendid new Aquinas In­ terlans have lonu followed" hh work if' H»iAlt by the predwewdr mill Artan Kin» Bunerlc He *nd many consecratorn of MonslKnor OHern tion in tho pontifical order, in the of the altar and bless Bishop O'Hern*..! stitute, high school for boys; the new and his career with a fine sense of UffjHU| AfeM of tba new Blahop, others w«re put to death after cruel at St. Patrick's Cathedral n«-\t namo of the Father, and of the Son, miter, at the same time intpning: rfaiareth Academy, high school for to-vitng interest and prido. p« OI*M URI Mott H«r«roud Thomas tortures because they refused to give nnd of the Holy Ghost" girls: the now Lady of Mercy. High Tuesday tnorninp. "VYc place, O Lord, on the head of ,,f,.. ftl**. , »»»<> Arehbiihojr of up tho Faith. Annointed With Chrism rt *• •*• School for girls; & Hew high school this prelate and combatant the helmet of VbaaaMtajft. ArchbFihop Hlekey h»d Tliis-*emphnsi?es the interior unction at Oneva; now .hospital at Elmira; protection and salvation." tH^<-MPWl|lii * vacation in Florid*, Catholic Liturgy of the Holy Spirit. It is a rite of much addition to St, Ann'* Home for the pletion the extensive program of The episcopal gloves will then be; Trat.lt tftpnliif Itt Rocheater to do ft QUtld of Rochester Dloeaso met with antiquity* in tho Latin jChureh, accord' Aged. The establishment of the Roch­ Catholic education started by Bishop Dota Btde Hcholz. O. S. D., blessed and put on. Then Cardinal. ••AMritW.klQdotu lor a b«loyvd tho hearty approval of the latter.
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