Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, July 7, 2011 OUR 121st YEAR – ISSUE NO. 27-2011 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SEVENTY FIVE CENTS Tamaques Parents Address Westfield BOE on Class Size By KIMBERLY A. BROADWELL Parent Robin Abrams stated that ing at all “southside elementary Specially Written for The Westfield Leader she had moved to Westfield two years schools.” WESTFIELD – Dozens of con- ago from Mountainside, where her Superintendent of Schools Marga- cerned Tamaques Elementary School son came from a class of 17. “This ret Dolan noted that the board “was second-grade parents came to the June was a vast difference from his first- not deaf to parents’ concerns” but 28 Westfield Board of Education grade class of 25,” Ms. Abrams said. that the board was “putting off staff- meeting looking for class-size relief. Parent after parent came to address ing decisions until they see more con- Beth Hirsch spoke out with con- the board on the swelling class size, crete enrollment numbers for Sep- cerns for her daughter entering sec- noting that time was taken away from tember.” She added that the board ond grade at the school. She stated learning for more disciplinary ac- was planning one or two special meet- that within the past year her daughter tions and that the noise level and ings over the summer to discuss “all was in a class of 24, and “did not learn crowding of desks made for a com- the needs of the district.” She added as much as she could have if the class promising learning environment. It that McKinley, Jefferson and size was smaller.” She noted that from also was mentioned that at times Tamaques schools are all having September until December there was there could be up to 27 or 28 children class-size issues. an additional student-teacher in the in a class due to mainstreaming spe- Board Vice-President Richard room, which was helpful. She added cial-education students at certain Mattessich asked that when the board that in January, when the teacher was times of the day. meets if it could be given the num- alone, her daughter asked her why Board member Ann Cary voiced bers for classes that includes the ad- her teacher “seemed mad all the time.” her concerns regarding overcrowd- ditional students for mainstreaming, “to get a more accurate feeling of class size.” Board President Julia Walker stated, “All these issues comes down to funding.” Board member Mitchell Slater said he thought when it came down to Paul Lachenauer for The Westfield Leader APOCALYPSE NOW, Smell of napalm in the morning?…The crowd enjoys the dramatic conclusion of the fireworks additional funding, the Westfield Monday night at Nomahegan Park in Cranford. teachers and staff should consider a “shared sacrifice.” In related business, board member David Finn announced the first meet- Shackamaxon Challenges SP Over ing of the newly created ad-hoc com- mittee made up of board members and community members. He stated Redevelopment of Golf Course that the purpose of the committee was to “find alternative funding for By LAUREN S. BARR return be given the township’s cur- tions that the mayor and council vio- public education.” He noted that Specially Written for The Westfield Leader rent property in the downtown area. lated the open public meetings act — through this committee an endow- SCOTCH PLAINS – NJ Golf Partners entered into a a charge which Mayor Malool told ment fund would be set up. “We want Shackamaxon Golf and Country Club contract to purchase the club in March The Westfield Leader is “absolutely to ensure students in Westfield have a and NJ Golf Partners have filed two of this year. According to the law- untrue.” Paul Lachenauer for The Westfield Leader bright future,” Mr. Finn said. lawsuits against the Township of suits, they approached the mayor and The suits allege that a council meet- JAZZ NITE...Performers on Central Avenue in downtown Westfield Tuesday In other business, the board unani- Scotch Plains. The lawsuits challenge township was not inclined to work ing held on February 15 was not night initiate the summer series entertainment. mously approved, upon first reading, the township’s designation of the golf with the purchaser.” According to the adequately noticed to newspapers, the new H.I.B. (Harassment Intimi- club property as an area in need of suits, NJ Golf Partners also offered to nor did the notice state whether for- WF Resident Stable After dation and Bullying) policy. A newly- rehabilitation and the redevelopment either sell the land to the township, or mal action would be taken. The plain- amended policy is required of all of plan that was set forth. enter into a “sale and lease back;” tiffs also allege that a special meeting New Jersey public schools. When township officials learned offers that were also refused. NJ Golf of the planning board, on President’s Brightwood Park Incident The new policy is a revised version in January that the 146-acre club was Partners is an affiliate of the RDC Day, was not adequately noticed. of an already existing regulation. The for sale, the mayor and council began Golf Group, which owns Forsgate Additionally, the suit alleges that the By BETSEY BURGDORF of bleach and ammonia. 19-page policy includes pages defin- considering moving the municipal Country Club in Monroe and the mayor and council entered into ex- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Union County Director of Emer- ing harassment, intimidation and bul- building, library and other buildings Tuscawilla Country Club in Winter ecutive session under the pretense WESTFIELD – After an investiga- gency Management Chris Scaturo lying, as well as pupil expectations, to the property. At the time, Mayor Springs, Fla. that they were discussing the “poten- tion into the events following a 9-1-1 said the bleach and ammonia mixture examples of consequences and bully- Nancy Malool proposed a land swap The suits allege that the mayor and tial sale of property,” which “was not call made from Brightwood Park last removed from the scene was a com- ing reporting procedures. A second where a developer would purchase council and the planning board failed within one of the exceptions” as the Thursday, Westfield Police Captain bination of household ingredients reading of the policy will be on the the club property, build the township to provide notice to Shackamaxon on council “never intended to purchase David Wayman told The Westfield amounting to approximately two gal- board’s agenda for adoption in August. government’s buildings there and in the resolutions designating the area the country club property from Leader that at this time the events do lons worth of fluid. According to Mr. as one in need of redevelopment, or Shackamaxon.” not appear to be criminal in nature. Scaturo, when combined, the ingre- in need of rehabilitation. The suits Mayor Malool told The Leader that According to Captain Wayman, at dients create a noxious gas that Senate OKs Ciarrocca also allege that the designation as an there were a number of false allega- approximately 10:30 a.m. police re- “makes you sick and could be fatal if area in need of rehabilitation was tions in the suit and that “what was ceived a 9-1-1 call from an individual inhaled.” done “solely based on who owned the true was totally taken out of context.” stating she was walking in the park Captain Wayman stated that the Nomination as Judge property” and not on the condition of She said that the township “really and was experiencing difficulty in structure containing the deadly mix- By LAUREN S. BARR Skibitsky, chairman of the council’s the property, which would not be in want(s) to get it resolved.” She said breathing. Response units located the ture had most likely been erected Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Finance Committee and as a member compliance with state law. the township is in negotiations, and individual, identified only as a earlier that morning or the day be- WESTFIELD – Third Ward Coun- of the Public Safety Committee. The suits also charge “the rehabili- while they are not offering anything Westfield resident in her early 20s, in fore. The individual, as well as two cilman Mark Ciarrocca sailed through From the time of his resignation, the tation resolution was adopted for the financially, officials are discussing a remote wooded section of the park officers who came in contact with the a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing Republicans will have 15 days to purpose of bullying plaintiffs into the redevelopment plan. According to adjacent to Fanwood Avenue and John chemicals, were decontaminated at on June 29 and received full Senate present a list of three names to the accepting the land swap or illegally Mayor Malool, township officials were Street. Upon the arrival of the re- the scene. The female individual and confirmation on his nomination to the council from which they will choose devaluing the country club property to meet last night to discuss the issue. sponse units, the individual was con- one officer were transported to Over- state Superior Court in Union County Mr. Ciarrocca’s council successor. Two to the point where the township could The current redevelopment plan, as scious, but lost consciousness shortly look Medical Center for treatment. by Governor Chris Christie. It is antici- weeks ago Westfield Republican com- afford to purchase the property or set by the council, allows for the club to thereafter, Captain Wayman reported.
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