306-0 43-1 Aditya Birla Group under Kumar Mangalam Birla: Can he Manage the Mandate? ,At ffiefrnr.. He's 38, f,wpr Mavatan Bfula has ateady done rnon than what mosl otiers gel lo do in a transfonpd a h;/iebou7t' anghnenb inb a npdem onnpdities giant thafs g6ally anpetitive. Ihw did tE & iI? By rprl efiry hE age.4 ,tt nny appet as ll the whee! has orne full cirde. But tturnr Birla would puhaps teel that in a nNU gtobalisury envfuonmed, his ioumey has only iud begun-z Kgmar Mangalam Birla (KM Birla), Chairman of Aditya Birla Group, India's tttird largest conglomerate, became the youngestleaderof treOroupin 1995,affertredeatr of h'sfutrerand fonnerchairmanAdityaVikam Bjrla.Attrattimghe ROity" ain" Croup recorded rarenues worh INR 15,000 crqes.3 Since then, KM Birla has canied out major managerial in and financial reslucturing in he Grouo, which has resulted in the Group recording revenues of INR 33,000 crores 2005.a KM Birfa revolulionized ihe Grciup by disconlinuing tre ageold tadilions such as Babucultres ,Wornbl*btr'b Paha s4elf and poliry of in{rouse recruitnent He implernented varbus naiv prognms lke '}Ve-lti7l-W and ',Hqpi:nessNW , AWoilindex-dgttrebasicchatlengeforKM Birh fiesin mainbinlng fre leadenhip psilions in treGroup's mre'business andbregain ib pmilion as oneoftrebptrrcconglomerabs in hecounty. KM Birla's nextbigfoo.ts's benbr into tre listof Fortune 500 companies. KM Birh said,lVly call'rng is b build an organisalion thatcan createvalue;anyhing ebeb asubsetof tratThereban elementof legaryhere,butldontseemyselfasacatalystof changeassuch, onlychange as a subsetof organbalion building.{ The Birla Legacy lineage of ttre Aditya Birla Group dates back b 1857, when Seth shiv Narayan Birla sbrted cotton-tsading The -tre the Group, operations in small toun of Pilani in Rajastran, lndia. ln the early 20t century the founding bther of jute lndia dhyanshyamdas Birla (GD Birla), entered into the manufaclrdng sector by sefting up the first mill in Calcuth, set up Kesoram ltSiS; toitoweA byvarious otherfactories for manuhcfuring cotton, sugar and chemicals. ln 19?2.,he dott*.tg"6rtta GD Birla acquired lfnotrsfan Imes in 1927 andesbblished treUppaGanges Sugafactory in 1931- sdt up and ln 1945, he builtSaunastrtra Chemicals at Saurashba, GujaraL ln 1947, Grasim Industries (Gnsim)was incorporated as Gunlior Rayon Silk Manufacfuring Co., which commenced with nyon weaving operalions in Gwalior, .l(|m'r r Suendar T. llig Bcb'. *whlinsruldndadlr Scdsr$6 2F 2004 t Dde Kau** 1s hc aif nntUc mf. w*.hrimqbdatmn Sqtaba l?i ?05 t lbirt I Bah, Crlbn nal wiet fu O#"n! o.dq- IlE! E IUG c m ddcar66 d t/t'on!' llir pdkt mz{ hc afoyca acf dltd sd h. dldra d h. s|phts m grrilcd : Fb' 'r prtr.sldmErnad'rystmfr'rrden*irgirFrco{arndhdartcacrpft*co4ecdtobdgdldDFt3 ' T* orgrizdimMa'. !9.41 7. { r a 306-043.1 Aditya Bida Group under Kumar Mangalarh Birla: Can he Manage'rhe Mandate? MadhyaPm&sh. Hindalco, Group's aluminum di,,ision, was incorporated in 1958,which shrted production in 1962at-b aluminum complex atRenukmt Uthr Pradesh (UP). The Grandson of GD Birla, Aditya Vikram Birla (AV Birla) entered into the business in i964. Hesbrted he Eastern SpinnhgMibard Industies in 1965 in Calcutta. AVBiila acquired a smallspinningmill,lndian RayonCorpn$on Ltd-ir 1966 with an aim to expand the Group's business. However, many of his prcjecb were eiher rejecbd or blocked by fie gwemmentundervarbus prarbions of he'lbense Rf . During he perbd of Lirnse Rry'ln he 1960s and 1 970s, here wae priceresbictions in majorindusties includingfertilizen, sugar, steelandcoal.Alsomany golemment clearances relatedbfoe'gn technology collaboration andimportofcapitalgoods and rawmabdalswererequiredtosbrt any project- Having reahd tratitwould be diffiorltbexpand ib business within frecannby due bredhpism andbureaucncy,AVBirla sbrbdlookhg atothercounbiesforgrowtr opportunites. He tumed h'rs atbniion bwards Souh-EastAsian counbies lke Thailand,Indonesia l/alaysia, and hePhilipplnes.Thefrstglobalexpansion bytreGroupwasin 1969,whenAV Birlaset up Indo-Thd Synthetics Company Limited. The Group furtrer expanded ib intemational presence by establishing P-T. ElegantTex$e in Indonesia (1973) and Pan Century Edible Oils in Malaysia (1977). Duringfie1980s, he Groupfurherdversiled I adding cementandcafton blackb ib prfolio.ln 1980, Birla Coppa, $e copperdvision of Hindalco, was esbblished at Dahej in he Bharuch distictof Gujan[ which b the largest copper smelling plaf ln lndiaro In he same year, the Group set up a carbon bladi plant h Thaihnd. AV Birla also eshblished P.T. IndoBharatRayoninl9S2bbecomefrefrstvbcoseshplefiber(VSF)it poducerinlndonesia.Thrceyearslater,lndia's firstgs$asedferlilizaplantin pimtesecbr; lndoGulf Ferdlisers Limited (lndoGulf)uns eshblshedatJagdishpur, UP.In 1984, Grasimentered hecementbusinessforhelirstlime bysefiing up a plantatJawad,liladhyaPradestr.Afierthe Indbn govanmentfibenlized the petroleum indusfy in 1988, heAditya Birla Group enbred into a jointvenhrre witr H'ndusbn Petoleum Company Limited 12 (HPCL) to set up Mangalore Refineries and Pebociemicah Ltd. (MRPL) at Mangalore, Framabka. In 1988, fte Group esbblished a carbon black plant in Uthr Pndesh followed by anothercarbon black phnt in Alexandria (Egypt) in 1990. TheGnup conlinuedib oveseas o<pansion and in tre early 1990s, Birlaheaded a INR 12 billion overseas empire ofl2companiesinThailand,lndonesia,lvlalaysia,PhilippinesandEgypt,makingittheonlyh:elndianmultinalional.rs The Groupalsoconlinueditsdorneslicexpansion,andin1994VlkramlspatraassetupbyGrasimtoproduceSpongelron. That same year fte Group made ib foray into Russia when it bought a pulp plant UnderAV Bida's leadership the Group's compan'ns became tre vnrld's largest refner of palm oil, lire largest producer ofVSF, tre third largestproducer of insulaton and besixft largestproducerof carbon black in trewodd.la Afurhedeah dAVBida in 1995, hisson Kumarfi,bngalam Birla, aCharteredAccarnhntandan MBAfomLoncion BusinessSdtool,atheageof28 bokorerfrereignof theGro.rp tratwas hadngbblrcvenuesof INR 15,000croreswith asseb of INR 16,000 crores. lt had a strength of75,000 employees and 600,000 shareholders" KumarMangalam Birla: The Catalystof Change After hking up the charge, Kumar Mangalam Birla (KM Birla) decided to consolidate the entire Group's companies underoneumbrellaof teAditya BirlaGratp.Wtr aviewtofurtrerdivenif theGrurp's business,hedecided toenbrthe telecommunicationssectorthroughajointvenfurewithAmericanTelephoneandTelegnphCorporalion(AT&T)in 1995. However, rnany critics were of tre opinion tratKM Birlawould be unable to manage theGroup successfully. When KM$rta succeeded his fttrerin 1995, his crilics dismissed him as a softand shyperson,who lackedhe business expertbe and asserliveness of hls taher. He was accused of inconsistent behaviu, an unapproachable nnnagement style and misplaced pdotities. The result was'hat tre invesion shrted selling off theirshares. ln 1996, the marketvalue of the LlcruR- nbtli0E lcsrcr r.grLtm-dtfr -sitrdrdl+GlHwrc ngtudlo d rp brEmsh lrld lrfi.n d .tcds 0f h. .camt *l cortdcd t hc.i* ad lm w giva lo . sdcd tri r w.lindelcand, r \rSFicztm<tdqhd.lrdeucGr!slhdry.drdd6dthbcdolrErtmlyvsetlcrdsltUqdcdvihobrlbE1VsFisyiddtccdtoin.6*nbi:.trbobws ndHlldlmcdr c lld.daPctrbnrCoAa$mlidtdi0tosEadbgrdif€rdlddfdrft!rd,D*dirgocprnlh lr&rnr.iffio($n616.89Hrm[.lS5l1J(EMloro)ro{ ? 2005. Phnt Gfir triH l*ttrrid, Ps$in 8016 ttd. O Ut 19g', pe 16l r w.dfat*bor s |l*L 306-043-1 Aditya Birla Group under Kumar Mangalam Birla: Can he Manage he Mandate? Group's fourlargestcompanies-Grasim,lndian Rayon, Hindalco and lndo Gulf Ferlilizer, plunged by$1 billion of37%'r! KM Birla took setrenl initialives to prove his oitics wrong. KM Birla discontinued various ancient pnclices and porryer cenbrs witrin tre Gro:p. He hhoduced a relirernent pollry in 1995, on tre basis of l.rhich around325 senioremployees,whowerein the{rearly60s, had to quitthe uganizalion in t}re next five yean. Subsequently about 400 young executives replaced them. With this, Bida reduced $e average o{ the employees in tre Group from 54 years in 1996 to less than 40 years in 2000. Meanwhile, answering tre crilics he said, 'Peoplein the Groupwere aboutfuvice myagewhen lbokoveraschairman.lhad greatrespectforhem personally, but I also felt he need for change"rT In 1996, helaunchedfortrefntlime acorporate identityttratrmrldserveas acorprablogo. TheGroupselectedthe 'Rrsingsur/ as the logo, v*rich signifiedoplimism andswedas aunifralion symbolfortreGroup. KM Birh said,"During trat psio4 wlren tre organisaton r,rns gc.,ing trrur gh trnnoil due b he deah of AV Birla, tre new cuporate logo helped in bringing trevariouscompanies of theGroupbgeher.This helpedtreorganisalion toreanergizeandgetshrted bthe pah ofchange."lr KM Birla also changed ttre Group's poficy of in*rouse recruitnent- In 1996, he also made changes in tre Group's This Human Resource ftlR)systenr. He hired professionalsfiomobercornpanies intohis managementteam [Erhibit 1]. removed he earlier nolion trat people, who dd not find jobs elsaartrere, joined he B:irla companies. KM Birla said, lne of the trings I got to know early ttrat helped me know myself betteruas rny ovtn stengths and weaknesses. lt was very imporhntfor me to get people who are much brighter tlran me, ndjust peopie who have more experience. Thafs what keeps me challenged.'re He canied outvarbus bdrer changes as well- The Parfia System of daily fnancial reporling which foctsed mainly on production was replaced 'sith an Economb VdueAddedmodep. In September 1998,
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