White Paper #7: Sunrise Powerlink Project Project Sponsor: San Diego Gas & Electric Company Project Status: Construction Started April 2010 Location: Southern California Project Location The Sunrise Powerlink Project is located in southern California, in western Imperial County and in San Diego County. See illustration (inset map above). A route map is presented on the last page of this report as Figure 1. The 117-mile transmission line would run from SDG&E’s Imperial Valley Substation near El Centro, Imperial County, to SDG&E’s Peñasquitos Substation near Interstate 805, in coastal San Diego. The project is now under construction and will be energized in 2012/2013. Project Schedule Table 1 presents the schedule for the Sunrise Powerlink Project. The NEPA and CEQA documents published for this project included the following: Draft EIR/EIS (addressed the proposed project and numerous alternatives) Recirculated Draft EIR/Supplemental Draft EIS (addressed addition connected actions :wind generation in Mexico proposed by SDG&E’s parent company, Sempra, and cross-border transmission that would interconnect with the Sunrise Powerlink) Final EIR/EIS, presenting responses to comments on both draft documents Table 1. Schedule as Proposed vs. Actual Process Steps Original Schedule Actual Date Pre-filing consultation or meetings with state and federal Fill in lead permitting agencies Submittal of Plan of Development (POD)/Application to Nov. 2, 2005 to BLM BLM or other federal lead agency Submittal of Application to state or local permitting Aug. 4, 2006 to CPUC agency/agencies of general jurisdiction Determinations that POD/Applications are complete Fill in Issuance of Notice of Intent to prepare an Environmental Aug. 31, 2006 (BLM) Impact Statement and of Notice of Preparation (NOP) to prepare EIR NOP Sept. 15, 2006 (CPUC) Scoping 1: Oct 2006 Scoping Meetings and Publication of Scoping Report Scoping 2 (Alts): Dec. 2006 Scoping 3 (Mod Route D Alt) May 2007 Publication of Draft EIS and of any state-level Jan. 2008 Draft EIR/EIS: Jan. 2008 environmental review document/s Project #7 WGA Transmission Siting – Task 1 Sunrise Powerlink Project Table 1. Schedule as Proposed vs. Actual Process Steps Original Schedule Actual Date Draft EIR/EIS: April 2008 End of public comment period on Draft EIS/EIR Apr. 11, 2008 Recirculated Draft EIR/Suppl EIS: Aug. 25, 2008 Publication of Final EIS/EIR Oct. 2008 Publication of Record of Decision and all public agency CPUC approval in Dec. 2008, BLM approval approvals in Jan. 2009, USFS approval in Jul. 2010 Mar. 2009 (three BLM appeals filed with Appeals or legal challenges IBLA, 2 dismissed), Aug. 2009 (CPUC appeals in CA supreme court) Start of construction Sept. 2010 Energizing transmission line Est. Jun. 2012 Project Purpose and Need The Sunrise Powerlink was proposed to serve two main purposes: 1. Improved Reliability. As population and industry grow in the San Diego region, increased energy is required (SDG&E 2010). The Sunrise Powerlink project is designed to serve this growth in energy demand in several ways. The line will maintain reliability through interconnection and additional energy supply. This will allow the San Diego transmission system to satisfy the reliability requirements of the California Independent System Operator (“CAISO”). Additionally, the line will reduce energy costs by allowing for access to lower cost sources of power in the desert southwest and reduced reliance on older, less-efficient in- area generation (CPUC & BLM 2008). 2. Reduced Cost of Electricity. [expand] 3. Access to Renewable Generation in the Imperial Valley. The Sunrise Powerlink Project will also improve access to and promote the development of renewable energy. The Project will provide California consumers more economical access to the renewable resources in Imperial Valley, encourage the development of these resources, and provide access for wind resource development in southeastern San Diego County (CPUC & BLM 2008). Rationale for Sponsor’s Selection of its Proposed Route The purpose of the project was to connect urban San Diego with the transmission and generation resources of the Imperial Valley. The Imperial Valley Substation is where SDG&E’s system connects with the Imperial Irrigation District transmission system. SDG&E identified the specific proposed route for two primary reasons. First, much of the route through ABDSP followed an existing transmission line. However, the existing line was only 91 kV [verify], and was in a much narrower ROW than would be required for the proposed 500 kV line. In addition, portions of the route west of ABDSP would have created new 230 kV ROW through San Diego County. Draft 2/1/12 2 Project #7 WGA Transmission Siting – Task 1 Sunrise Powerlink Project Second, the proposed route avoided the creation of a ROW through the CNF and the associated permitting requirements. NEPA and State Processes Table 2 lists the permits that were required to be obtained by SDG&E. Table 2. Permits or Other Actions Required Prior to Construction of the SRPL Agency Jurisdiction Permit or Regulatory Requirement FEDERAL U.S. Fish and Endangered Species Act 16 USC Biological Assessment, Section 7 Consultation, Wildlife Service 1531-1544 Biological Opinion Migratory Bird Treaty Act and Eagle Protection Act Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Bureau of Land FLPMA, 43 USC 1701 et seq. ROW Grant Management 43 USC 1701 et seq. Temporary Use Permit Antiquities and Cultural Resources Use Permit Plan of Development Notice to Proceed California Desert Conservation Area Plan Amendment Clean Air Act Conformity Fire Prevention Control Plan USDA Forest FLPMA, 43 USC 1701 et seq. [add details] Service, Cleveland 43 USC 1701 et seq. National Forest Army Corps of Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1341 Individual/Nationwide Section 404 Permit Engineers Section 10, Rivers and Harbors Act Permit U.S. Department of Encroachment Permits Transportation, Review of obstruction and objects affecting airspace Federal Highway Administration U.S. Department of the Where blasting may be required Explosive User’s Permit Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Federal Aviation Helicopter Lift Plan Administration Form 7460-1 MCAS Miramar On MCAS Miramar land FAR Part 77 Request (via FAA) SECNAVINST 11011.47A (access road outside of easement) Draft 2/1/12 3 Project #7 WGA Transmission Siting – Task 1 Sunrise Powerlink Project Table 2. Permits or Other Actions Required Prior to Construction of the SRPL Agency Jurisdiction Permit or Regulatory Requirement CALIFORNIA California Public Transmission, substation, Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity Utilities Commission generation projects 50 kV and Certification of EIR above California Department State Park Lands (Anza-Borrego Easement of Parks and Desert State Park) Recreation California Park and State Park Lands (Anza-Borrego Plan Amendment Recreation Desert State Park) Change in Wilderness Designation Commission California Independent Purpose and Need for new Interconnection approval System Operator transmission, substation and generation projects California State Lands State lands Right-of-Way Easement Commission California Department Manage fish, wildlife, plant Streambed Alteration 1601 Permit of Fish and Game resources and habitats; California Section 2061 Incidental Take Permit ESA, California Native Plant Mitigation agreement/plan Protection Act, California Fish and Certification of EIR Game Code Section 1601 Easement California Department CA streets and highways Code Encroachment Permits of Transportation 660-711.21 Cal. Code of Regs. Traffic Control Plans 1411.1-1411.6 California Department Hazardous Waste Control Act of EPA Hazardous Waste Generator ID of Toxic Substations 1972 90 days TSD Permit Control Hazardous Material Business Plan EPA Hazardous Waste Generator ID California State Any archaeological or Cultural Resources Use Permit, Field Use Authorization, Historic Preservation paleontological work or an Archaeological Resources Protection Act Office (ARPA) Permit (if required) Consultation for Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act State Water Quality Clean Water Act, Section 401 401 Certification Control Board Storm Water Construction General Permit 99-08-DWQ NPDES Permit WDRs California Air State-wide Portable Engine Registration for specified non-mobile Resources Board portable engines. California Reclamation Waterways that possess designated Encroachment Permit Board floodways Draft 2/1/12 4 Project #7 WGA Transmission Siting – Task 1 Sunrise Powerlink Project Table 2. Permits or Other Actions Required Prior to Construction of the SRPL Agency Jurisdiction Permit or Regulatory Requirement LOCAL AND REGIONAL Imperial County County roads and highways, flood Road/Highway Encroachment/Crossing Permit control/drainage channels Grading Permit Flood Control/Drainage Channel Encroachment/Crossing Permit Explosives Permit San Diego County County roads and highways, flood Road/Highway Encroachment/Crossing Permit control/drainage channels Grading and Wall Permits Traffic Control Plans Explosives Permit New or expanded ROW Grant Flood Control/Drainage Channel Encroachment/Crossing Permit Excavation Permit Regional Water Quality Clean Water Act, Section 401 401 Certification Control Board, Region Storm Water Construction General Permit 99-08-DWQ 7 (Colorado River National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System Basin) (NPDES) Permit Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) Imperial
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