Serving our communities since 1889 — www.chronline.com $1 Early Week Edition RODEOakville Tuesday, Bullnanza Provides Weekend Thrills / Main 3 July 19, 2016 New Charges Accuse Mossyrock Clerk of Stealing Nearly $33,000 ALLEGED THEFT: Doneia from the city, the Lewis County gas cards and a single transfer to Pete Caster / prosecutors filed 18 new charges a mortgage company. She was [email protected] Santiago, 53, Made of theft and identity theft, alleg- granted $10,000 unsecured bail. Doneia Santiago walks away from ing transfers from city accounts Santiago was the city’s clerk Several Transfers of City the defense totaling nearly $33,000 over the and treasurer, as well as its Parks Funds to a Mortgage past nine months. table after mak- Department manager, accord- ing an appear- Company On June 27, Doneia A. San- ing to the city’s website. tiago, 53, of Salkum, made ance in Lewis On June 27, however, Chief County Superior By Natalie Johnson her first appearance in Lewis Roger Morningstar, of the Mor- County Superior Court and was Court on June [email protected] ton Police Department, learned 27 at the Lewis charged with one count of first- of another alleged theft, a June Two weeks after Mossy- County Law and degree theft based on accusa- 20 “automated clearing house” rock’s city clerk was arrested Justice Center in tions that she stole more than payroll transaction going to and charged with first-degree $7,700 from the city of Mossy- Chehalis. theft for allegedly stealing funds rock through transactions on please see SANTIAGO, page 14 Despite Losses, Onalaska’s Funny Farm Still HELPING the HOPELESS Pete Caster / [email protected] Judy Cate, left, the long-time companion of George Casey, sits at the kitchen table with Jayne Brooks, who runs the Funny Farm on Friday after- noon in Onalaska. Before Casey died earlier this month, he was helping ill the role of the clean- living home’s founder Harvey Brooks, who died in 2015. Cate is helping Jayne Brooks continue the traditions of the house. CLEAN AND SOBER: Jayne house, the Funny Farm is still in After Harvey died, Jayne said give addicts a safe place to accu- vember. “There’s no place like good shape, and filled nearly to she started asking for help and mulate clean time while meeting this.” Brooks Leading the Way capacity. reaching out to other groups in court commitments and attend- Casey did what he could for at Funny Farm After a “I’ve learned to speak up for the county. Now she’s getting ing regular 12-step meetings. the home that helped him get Few Trying, Transitional myself,” said Jayne Brooks, who donations of blankets, money When Harvey died last year clean after decades of drug and has taken the lead in the man- to run the home, bus passes and at 54 after a long battle with can- alcohol addiction, culminating Months agement of the home since the hygiene products, she said. cer and recurring bouts of pneu- in homelessness and trouble with the law. By Natalie Johnson November death of her longtime “It’s amazing,” she said. monia, George Casey, one of the companion and ex-husband “There’s just a huge network out home’s longest residents, vowed Casey died earlier this [email protected] Harvey Brooks, the facility’s there. I had no idea.” to help Jayne Brooks carry on month, leaving another hole in founder. “I’m learning to speak Harvey Brooks started the his legacy. the hearts of the Funny Farm’s Despite the recent losses of friends and family. two of the forces of nature be- up for this place, because it is my Funny Farm as a clean and sober “We’re still going to continue hind the Onalaska sober-living place. It’s all our place.” house more than 10 years ago to his message,” Casey said in No- please see FARM, page 14 The Chronicle, Serving The Greater Riders Take Over Fun Times in Napavine Deaths Lewis County Area Since 1889 STP Ride Town Festival Wolf, Susan Belinda, 61, Follow Us on Twitter Centralia @chronline Brings Features Irwin, Mary L., 73, Tourists Parade, New Mossyrock Find Us on Facebook on Two Princess Chancy, Louis, 82, www.facebook.com/ Chehalis thecentraliachronicle Wheels to Napawinah Kalich, Mildred, 93, Twin Cities / Main 13 Chehalis Winters, Ronald H., 87, / Main 9 Castle Rock Reader’s Picks for the Best of Lewis County chronline.com THE CHRONICLE & CHRONLINE.COM THE2016 BEST OF LEWIS COUNTY CH557085jv.ke See this year’s winners in he Chronicle, Tuesday, August 9th. Main 2 • The Chronicle, Centralia/Chehalis, Wash., Tuesday, July 19, 2016 PAGE TWO News The STP (Motor)Bike Ride of the Weird Philadelphia Museum Woman Mistakes Dead Puts Early Presidents’ Lizard for Alligator Hair on Display Along River Bank PHILADELPHIA (AP) — METHUEN, Mass. (AP) — Donald Trump’s gravity-defy- A woman caused a scare when ing hair has generated plenty she mistakenly thought a dead of attention, but have you seen reptile that washed up along the George Washington’s? banks of a Massachusetts river You can check it out this was an alligator. month in Philadelphia, where The Eagle-Tribune reported a museum has put the hair of Deborah Salerno and her hus- some early presidents on display. The Academy of Natural band were exploring a new boat Sciences of Drexel Univer- ramp on the Merrimack River in sity is showcasing locks of hair Methuen on Saturday when she once belonging to Washington, saw the scaly creature floating in the water. Thomas Jefferson, John Ad- Jordan Nailon / [email protected] Salerno’s husband thought it ams, John Quincy Adams and A motorcycle riding member of the Gold Wing Touring Association escorts a group of STP riders as they make their Andrew Jackson. The exhibit, could possibly be a caiman, the way southwest of Interstate 5 in Chehalis on Saturday afternoon. The story, and many other photos, is available to called “Presidential Archives: gator-like reptile spotted on the subscribers at www.chronline.com. Letters, Hair and Fossils,” runs streets of nearby Lowell earlier through July 29, coinciding with this month. the Democratic National Con- Not knowing what to do, vention. Salerno called the police. Of- Notable Quote A Philadelphia attorney col- ficers responded, but they de- lected the specimens, which termined that no further action were given to the museum after was needed. his 1860 death. The manager of a nearby pet “As soon as I landed on it, I knew it was done.” Academy historian Robert store identified the creature as Peck says it may seem like an an Argentine black and white Matthew Clark, odd hobby today. But he says it tegu, a large lizard that’s legal to was once common for people to own as a pet in Massachusetts. bullrider competing in Oakville’s Bullnanza, shortly after dislocating his shoulder keep hair clippings from loved ones in “lockets, brooches, rings (see page Main 3 for the full story) and pins.” Crews Cutting Up Dead Whale That Keeps Goat Drowns Trying to Floating To Shore Escape Alaska Crowds ENCINITAS, Calif. (AP) — Taking its Photo A dead humpback whale that SEWARD, Alaska (AP) — keeps washing up on the South- Today in History A mountain goat in Alaska ern California coast after being Today’s Highlight in History: considered a certainty. In 1989, 111 people were killed jumped into the ocean to get towed out to sea is proving to be In 1952, the Summer Olym- when United Air Lines Flight On July 19, 1941, Britain away from crowds snapping a headache for beach officials. pics opened in Helsinki, Finland. 232, a DC-10 which suffered the launched its “V for Victory” its picture, and the animal A construction crew in En- IN 1961, TWA became the first uncontained failure of its tail en- campaign during World War II drowned when it couldn’t get cinitas tried cutting up the rot- airline to begin showing regu- gine and the loss of hydraulic sys- with Prime Minister Winston back to land because of the larly scheduled in-flight movies ting carcass Sunday but work Churchill calling the V-sign tems, crashed while making an crush of people on shore. was halted when part of a fork- as it presented “By Love Pos- emergency landing at Sioux City, Alaska State Troopers say it’s hand gesture “the symbol of the lift snapped off. They’ll try again unconquerable will of the people sessed” to first-class passengers Iowa; 185 other people survived. imperative to give animals ad- In 1990, Monday and plan to haul it to a of the occupied territories and a on a flight from New York to President George equate space. That didn’t happen landfill. portent of the fate awaiting the Los Angeles. H.W. Bush joined former presi- Saturday in downtown Seward, In 1979, Marine Safety Capt. Larry Nazi tyranny.” the Nicaraguan capi- dents Ronald Reagan, Gerald R. and troopers say in an online tal of Managua fell to Sandinista Ford and Richard M. Nixon at Giles tells The San Diego Union- On this date: post that it “resulted in a wild Tribune that lifeguards covered guerrillas, two days after Presi- ceremonies dedicating the Nixon animal dying for no cause.” the 22-ton whale with sand to In 1553, King Henry VIII’s dent Anastasio Somoza fled the Library and Birthplace (since re- It comes amid a series of inci- country. designated the Richard Nixon try to ease the stench. daughter Mary was proclaimed dents of people getting too close In 1980, the Moscow Summer Presidential Library and Mu- Officials believe the carcass Queen of England after pretend- to wildlife, including tourists er Lady Jane Grey was deposed.
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