y Collegeus Thursday- Vol. 120, No. 1 September 5, 1996 e CleghenpamM Meadville, Pa. Don't Fall In Marriot justifies Snapple policy By JENNIFER M. NAGEL Since late last week, some ru- News Editor mors have surfaced explaining the policy change as a motive to in- "I have nothing against Snap- crease the healthiness of students' meals. Lee made clear that this was -pie," Jeff Lee explained. "If Snapple came in a bulk dis- not a factor in the decision, under- penser, I'd put one in the Food standing that a student could still Court." conceivably choose french fries, Lee, director of Marriot Dining soda and a slice of cheesecake and Services, credited the recent Snapple call it a meal. controversy in McKinley's Food Instead, Lee clarified the policy Court as part of a changing Marriot change as Marriot's means of trying policy on pre-packaged foods. to become consistent across campus. .The controversy began last "In the past, students would ask me Tuesday night when upperclass stu- why they couldn't use their meal dents' meal plans began to take ef- plan to buy Snapple in the C-store if fect. Those electing to dine at they could use it in McKinley's," he McKinley's discovered they could said, "and I had nothing to say." no longer include Snapple beverages Lee stressed, "I should have and other pre-packaged foods on never brought pre-packaged items their meal-equivalency plans. into the Food Court at all back in Several food items such as '94...This policy now puts us back Snapple, Dannon yogurt, Haagen to where we are consistent." Dazs ice cream bars and spring wa- Economic circumstances are also ter can no longer be selected by stu- a factor in Marriot's policy change. dents using a meal-equivalency Currently, all Allegheny student plan. These items are, however, still meal plans have a missed-meal fac- Bicyclists stop to view the construction of the new David V. Wise Sport and Fitness Center. Construction available in McKinley's for mone- tor figured into their cost. Lee ex- tary purchase. plained that meal plan prices acco- is scheduled to be completed in the fall of 1997. -Ben Wyrick photo Marriot's recent policy change modate the majority of students, prompted some students to circulate who usually do not use their entire Summer renovations upgrade campus facilities a petition and others to call Lee and week's meal allotment. plained that the appeal will be re- computer classes. The old green discuss the issue. When pre-packaged foods are By NATALIE WEAVER Andrew Twigg '99, who started viewed by the city zoning board on room and Assistant Professor of En- available through meal-equivalence Assistant News Editor an e-mail petition a week ago, has Sept. 19, after which time he is con- vironmental Science Terry Bensel's plans, more students typically take received at least 200 signed copies fident that construction will begin, office are now laboratory areas. The advantage of this convenience and According to Vice President for in his mailbox so far. "I was really use their entire week's meal allot- because "we've done everything we library is now located on the third Finance and Treasurer of the Col- suprised when I saw this new policy ment. Meals that would otherwise lege Tom Cardman, Allegheny spent need to do to be within zoning ordi- floor of the building. The new sign on the corner of and hadn't received any notice of be missed could be easily be substi- approximately $1,200,000 on reno- nances." it," he said. "I thought petitioning tuted with pre-packaged foods like Cardman said although the ap- Loomis Street and North Main vations this summer. Street is under construction. Card- would be the best way to express Snapple. Lee said, "It was never our Cardman explained that "the col- peal has delayed construction for - (continued on page 4) students' concerns." (continued on page 3) lege has made a commitment to approximately one month, "we're fund the cost of addressing the de- not panicking," and the dorms ferred maintenance problem," and should be completed by August has dramatically increased its fund- 1997. Freshman class illuminates national trends Cardman said the new dorms ing for these projects since 1992. turbed by the dramatic drop in stu- phenomenon. will consist of three buildings which By RONDA CHOLLOCK Several dorms were renovated dents of color entering Allegheny Smith suggests that instead of re- will accommodate a total of 72 stu- Editor-in-Chief this summer. Director of Facilities this year. sorting to artificial means, such as and Construction Ken Hannah said dents. The units will be "suite- quotas, to restore Allegheny's ideal style," with four single bedrooms The high ratio of women to men This year's freshman class repre- new vinyl and ceramic tile was in- sents a significant drop of over 4% ratio of men to women should the stalled in the bathrooms of Brooks with sinks, closets, beds, desks and and the disproportionate number of dressers, a common living room, ef- natural science majors in Al- in Allegheny's recent typical en- trend persist, "We continue to try to Hall. New showers were also rollment of minority freshmen. appeal to men based on who we are added, and some small showers ficiency kitchen and bathroom. legheny's class of 2000 reflects na- Improvements were also made in tional trends, explains Dean of Ad- According to Pollock, the drop is and what we do." were enlarged. Brooks dining hall the result of fewer students of color Smith says that any attempts Al- and the exterior of the building were academic buildings. Cardman said missions Gayle Pollock. Although Allegheny's enroll- choosing Allegheny after they have legheny might make to boost its painted, and new carpet and vinyl the landscaping and new sidewalk in front of Cochran was one of these ment of men to women has been been admitted. She hopes that a recruitment of men would probably tile was installed throughout the survey of the schools these students be canceled out by similar attempts building. Brooks also received 455 projects. roughly 50% over the past six years, Quigley Hall's auditorium was the class of 2000 is 59% female. elected to attend will yield some an- from other schools. He also ex- new windows and 262 sets of furni- plains that it is too premature to be remodeled, with 117 new cushioned For the past two to three years swers as to why they did not choose ture, which include a bed and mat- Allegheny. alarmed by what may be an isolated tress, study carrel, desk, dresser and seats, a new heating and air-condi- small liberal arts institutions around tioning system, and a "state of the the country have admitted a higher Pollock is reluctant to offer theo- anomaly. chair, he added. ries explaining why more women Pollock claims that the dispro- Caflisch Hall's Simplex fire art" audio-visual system, which in- ratio of women to men. Freshman are applying to schools like Al- portionate number of incoming alarm system was upgraded with cludes a VCR, slide projector and class statistics suggest that Al- legheny but suggests that one pos- freshmen interested in studying the new wiring and panels, and new overhead projector. New carpet and legheny finally may have caught up sible factor influencing Allegheny's natural sciences also reflects a na- carpeting was installed in Ravine hardwood floors were also installed. with this national trend. Changes were also made in the Because the admissions process enrollment may be that the women's tional trend. and Crawford Halls. Approximately 50% of the Construction of new dorms on Hall of Advanced Biology. Accord- at Allegheny is "blind" to the race, athletics teams had a better overall recruiting year than the men's. freshman class has expressed an in- the corner of Sherman Street and ing to Hannah, the environmental sex and religion of applicants, devia- tions such as the skewed sex ratio Dean of the College Bruce Smith terest in majoring in the natural Highland Avenue has been delayed, science department was moved to among freshmen are difficult to ex- explains that while "no co-ed insti- ence division. "because one of the families across the west end of the second floor, and tution is pleased by this trend," there Pollock explains that field of in- the street appealed [the construc- a large folding door was placed in plain. Pollock admits that she is dis- is no immediate explanation for the (continued on page 4) tion]," Hannah said. Cardman ex- the computer lab to accommodate Page 2 News September 5, 1996 Pope praises Allegheny education as life-changing experience Allegheny's honor code, senior Advancement of Teaching. superior education to that of the glect at research universities. By benefit of geographical re- project and close faculty/student Profiled along with Allegheny Ivy League, where "you may never "...Because the prestige schools gion and the alphabet, Allegheny relationships cam unchecked praise are Franklin and Marshall College, see a professor outside of class, put the greater emphasis on re- takes the first chapter in Pope's in Loren Pope's Colleges that Antioch College, Denison Univer- you may never have a discussion in search and publishing, students book. Change Lives, a new book recom- sity, the College of Wooster, and class, you may never even write a come second." Pope concludes the Allegheny mending, "40 schools you should Kalamazoo College, where Al- paper." "When I asked students at these chapter observing, "It is a thor- know about even if you're not a legheny President Richard Cook Allegheny's new science build- [small] colleges my usual question, oughly first-rate place and the only straight-A student." recently completed his tenure as ing also made an overwhelmingly if they'd have dinner or spend a people not likely to find it com- Pope's effusive praise for Al- Provost.
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