ABC SITES LIMITED (COMMERCIAL COMPLEX) FORM-I (I) Basic Information S. No. Items Details 1 Name of the Project Raksha Business Center, Commercial Complex 2 Serial no. in schedule 8-(a) Built-up area more than 20,000 sq mt. 3 Proposed capacity Shops, offices & Hotel (147 Rooms) Built up Area : 23318 m2 4 New/Expansion/Modernization New Project 5 Existing capacity/Area Nil 6 Category of project B 2 Building and Construction projects 7 Does it attract the general condition No. Not Applicable 8 Does it attract the specific condition? No. 9 i) Location of unit Village Bishanpura Near Zirakpur, SAS Nagar Mohali ii) Khata No, Survey No, Khasra No. 17/17,62,19/70, 17/61, 24/81 etc. Other complete list attached as Annexure- I iii) Village/Town Lohgarh iv) Tehsil Derabassi v) District S.A.S. Nagar, Mohali vi) State Punjab 10 a) Nearest Railway station Chandigarh (07 km) b) Air Port Chandigarh (05 km) 11 Nearest town Zirakpur Nearest City Chandigarh (10 km) Distt. Head Quarter Mohali (10 km) 12 Village Panchayat Lohgarh Zila Prishad DPO Office, S.A.S Nagar Mohali 13 Name of Applicant Sh. Parminder Sharma 14 Regd. Address ABC Sites Limited (Raksha Business Centre) Charanji Enclave (Lohgarh) Ambala – Chandigarh Highway Zirakpur, Distt. Mohali Punjab. 1 15 Address for correspondence: Name Sh. Parminder Sharma Designation Director Address ABC Sites Limited (Raksha Business Centre) Charanji Enclave (Lohgarh) Ambala – Chandigarh Highway Zirakpur, Distt. Mohali Punjab. Pin Code 140603 E mail [email protected] Telephone 01762-522824 Fax No. 01762-286474 16 Detail of alternative site, if any Nil 17 Interlinked Project Nil 18 Whether separate application for N.A. In view of item No. 17 above. interlinked project has been submitted 19 If, yes date of submission N.A. In view of item No. 17 above. 20 If no , reason N.A. In view of item No. 17 above. 21 Whether proposal involves approval/clearance under: if yes, details of same and status to be given: a) Forest (conservation) 1980 No. The unit does not fall in any notified reserved forest area b) Wild life protection Act 1972 No. The unit does not fall in any notified wild life sanctuary area. c) CRZ notification 1991 No. The unit does not fall in any Notified coastal zone. 22 Whether there is any Govt. It has been declared as Commercial area in order/policy relevant/relating site the approved Master Plan of Zirakpur. 23 Forest land involved No 24 Whether there is any litigation pending There is no litigation pending against the against the project and / or land in project and land. Information required which is project is proposed to be against a, b & c is, therefore, not setup: applicable. a) name of court b) Case No. c) Order/direction of court if any and its relevance with proposed project 2 (II) Activity 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) S.No. Details thereof (with Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No approximate quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 1.1 Permanent or temporary change in No It is approved commercial area to land use, land cover or topography be used for commercial activity. No including increase in intensity of land further change of land use is use (with respect to local land use required. E.C and NOC already plan) have been obtained. 1.2 Clearance of existing land, vegetation No. The land is clear and does not have and building? any vegetation or Building on it. 1.3 Creation of new land uses? Yes. Commercial Complex 1.4 Pre construction investigations e.g. Yes Soil testing has been done during bore house, soil testing? detailed engineering study. 1.5 Construction works? Yes As per building plans 1.6 Demolition works? No 1.7 Temporary sites used for construction No. The workers are mostly from the works or Housing of construction local areas. workers? 1.8 Above ground building , structures or Yes Commercial Buildings. Cutting will Earthworks including linear structures, be partly used for filling within the cut and fill or excavations site and balance will be use for land scaping. 1.9 Underground works including mining No. Basement E/W is involved. or tunneling? 1.10 Reclamation works? No. 1.11 Dredging? No. 1.12 Offshore structures? No. 1.13 Production and manufacturing No. processes? 1.14 Facilities for storage of goods or Yes Raw material will be stored at site materials? in a covered area. Cement will be separately stored under cover in bales. Sand will be stacked neatly under tarpaulin cover. Bricks and steel will be laid in open. 3 1.15 Facilities for treatment or disposal of Yes. Solid Waste: solid waste or liquid effluents? The solid waste generated from the project will be in the form of: Construction Phase: Left over cement mortars, cement concrete blocks, aggregate, sand and other inorganic material will be recycled and reused as granular sub base (GSB) layer of pavement. Earth rendered surplus from the excavation will be utilized in the embankment works. Operational Phase: The Solid waste generated from project will be mainly domestic in nature and is estimated to be about 500 kg/day. Solid wastes generated will be segregated into biodegradable (waste vegetables, foods etc.) and Recyclable (papers, cartons, thermacol, plastics, glass etc.) components and collected in separate bins. The biodegradable organic wastes will be sent to M.C. Zirakpur for final disposal. Liquid effluents: During construction phase, sewage will be treated and disposed through septic tanks. The waste water in operation phase will be treated up to tertiary level in a STP of 200 KLD capacity and the treated sewage will be reused for toilet flushing & horticulture and rest into Public sewer. 1.16 Facilities for long term housing of No. operational workers? 1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic during No. Roads already exist construction of operation? 1.18 New road, rail, air waterborne or other No. transport infrastructure including new or altered routes and stations, ports, airport etc? 1.19 Closure or diversion of existing No. transport routes or infrastructure leading to changes in traffic movements? 1.20 New or diverted transmission lines or No. pipelines? 4 1.21 Impoundment, damming, culverting, No. realignment or other changes to the hydrology of watercourses or aquifers? 1.22 Stream crossings? No. 1.23 Abstraction or transfer of water from Yes. From ground water through tube ground or surface waters? well. Permission for the same has been applied for. Copy enclosed. 1.24 Changes in water bodies or the land No. surface affecting drainage or run-off? 1.25 Transport of personnel or materials for Yes Material by Pvt. Operators and construction, operation or persons of their own transport. decommissioning? 1.26 Long-term dismantling or No decommissioning or restoration works? 1.27 Ongoing activity during No. decommissioning which could have an impact on the environment? 1.28 Influx of people to an area in either Yes Local laborers from nearby area Temporarily or permanently? will be employed during the construction phase. In the operation phase, most of the expected occupants will be from the surrounding areas. Hence, the project will lead to a redistribution of occupants within the city. Thus, no significant influx of people is envisaged. 1.29 Introduction of alien species? No. 1.30 Loss of native species or genetic No. diversity? 1.31 Any other actions? Nil 2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non- renewable or in short supply): S. No. Details thereof (with Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No approximate quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 2.1 Land especially undeveloped or 7876.09m2 (Commercial) agricultural land (ha) No 5 2.2 Water (expected source & competing 194 KLD for hotel and domestic users) unit: KLD Yes. purpose. Source of water will be underground tube-well. 2.3 Minerals (MT) No. 2.4 Construction material – stone, The project involves Masonry and aggregates, and/soil (expected source Yes. concrete work for the complex. – MT) The building materials required is sand, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, structural steel, bricks etc. The materials will be supplied by local vendors. 2.5 Forests and timber (source – MT) No. 2.6 Energy including electricity and fuels Electricity 1500 KW (source, competing users) Unit: fuel Yes. approximately By Punjab State (MT), energy (MW) Power Corporation Limited. Power backup for the group housing project will be through 2 no. of DG sets of total 1500 KVA (2x 750 KVA) 2.7 Any other natural resources (use appropriate standard units) Nil 3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health. S. No. Details thereof (with Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No approximate quantities/ rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 3.1 Use of substance or materials, which Used Oil from DG Sets about 200 are hazardous (as per MSIHC rules) Yes. liter/annum. to human health or the environment (flora, fauna and water supplies) 3.2 Changes in occurrence of disease or affect disease vectors (e.g. insect or No. water borne diseases) 3.3 Affect the welfare of people e.g. by Socio-economic standard of changing living conditions? Yes people will improve due to increased employment opportunities provided by this project. This will lead to better quality of life and will also set a standard for future developments in the area.
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