The Daily Register V0L.98- NO.139 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, JANUARY 19,1976 15 CENTS Teen-age drinking: Not just a passing fad •y JULIE MCDONNELL couple of tlx-packi with tome after a weekend of drinking, riously abusing alcohol, and of the Central Jersey chapter most was Mary Ann Perzel, Mosl high school students bly cropped up in the com- friends on a Saturday night. has become increasingly diffi- according to local authorities of the National Council on Al- director of the Red Bank drink because it's "the thing ments of all the experts ques- Steve li i 14-year-old junior He liked feeling a little high cult. So now Steve occasion- on the problem, Monmouth coholism (NCA). "And It's Area Outreach Center, who to do," according to Miss Per- tioned. In i local high school He's an — It made him relax and ally drink* a little vodka be- County has its fair share of not confined just to high said that teen-age alcohol ab- zel. "From the feedback I re- avenge ttudenl, popular with gave him a breezy confidence fore coming to school, to take them. school students It's filtered use is primarily a "weekend "They drink because every- ceive, the kids are into very hli classmates, has never he admired In the older au away the edglneis. Today, The Daily Register down to the junior high school party thing" rather than an one else is drinking." she heavy drinking," said Mrs been In tny trouble with the denti. Steve goes to Middletown begins a It-part Associated level." "in-school" problem. said. "It's a new thing, espe- Ginger Mulligan, the home- police When he entered high High School. And to Mon- Press series on the problem . While aU the local experts "Most kids that I've talked cially for freshmen and soph- school administrator for fed- He's alto on his way to be- school, Steve found that his mouth Regional, and Red of alcohol abuse among teen- interviewed last week agreed to just drink on the week- omores, and they're abusing eral Title I funds at Red coming an alcoholic. ability to hold bit liquor was Bank Regional, and Keans- agers on page 7. that teenage abuse of alcohol ends," she said "Occasion- it. Their attitude is. why Bank Regional High School Steve first began drinking a mark of prestige among his burg High School. In fact, "About 28 per cent of our Is Increasing ateadily. they ally I'll come across someone drink unless you're going to "Students can't go to a par- at the age of IJ, sneaking a friends, and among the party- there are 1.3 million Steves teen-agers are experiencing disagreed on the dimensions who downs half a pint of vod- get drunk?" ty without drinking," she can of beer from the refrig- going crowd. (and more than a few Susans) trouble with alcohol," says of the problem. ka to keep going during the The point that few teen- said. "And this includes kids erator at home, sharing a Coming down on Mondays. In this country who are se- Donald J. Turek, on the staff Expressing the opinion of day, but that's rare." agers are drinking responsi- See Teea drlakiag. page 7 Busing said top rights issue By BEN VAN VLIET progress In busing children ft> great confusion over both the towards the needs of the tions. achieve school integration busing Issue, and the real people. He recognized, how- He said in dealing with the FT. MONMOUTH - Roy But, he warned, busing in meaning of lntegregatlon. ever, that economic well- youth today the answer is to WUklns. executive director of Itself Is not the whole answer Integration, Mr. Wllkins being Is essential to the have patience and recall that the NAACP. said last night He cited examples in several said, doesn't mean the loss of cause. today's leaders were once thai the busing issue is per- New York schools where mi- Identity nor does It mean the "We shall be led in this by young themselves. haps the major problem fac- nority children are bused to assimiliation of a race. Martin Luther King Jr.." he "Above all," he said, "don't ing the civil rights movement all-white schools only to be "It Is," he said, "the equal- said, "whose hand never left say to our youth that their today. segregated Into all-black ity of each segment with ev- the plow, whose words still in- soplutions won't work. My "We must recognize busing classrooms. ery other segment of our so- spire us." best advice to you is to hang as a major problem." Mr. He also criticized the neigh- ciety. You can't have in- During a brief question and on." WUklns told nearly 400 people borhood school concept tegration without equality." answer program following his Theodore Johnson, presi- attending the annual Dr. Mar- saying that It was simply a In paying tribute to the late speech, Mr. WUklns said the dent of the Greater Red Bank tin Luther King Jr. commu- way of enforcing Inequality In Dr. King, Mr. Wllkins said he spirit shown by Dr. King Chapter of the NAACP. nity observance. "It we lose education. was a man of spirit who nev must be revived in each man ' presented Mr. Wllkins with a that, the* we'll have to start He noted that school biking er gave up the fight. and In each woman scroll signed by mosl of the at the beginning again." only became a controversial "It was his spirit," Mr. Wil- "Each person," he said, people attending (he dinner. Mr. WUklns said "It is my Issue when It was used to kins said, "which won even' 'must kindle In his own heart The invocation was given hope that the NAACP will achieve desegregation, but contest, and which won him and through his own aclions by the Rev. Arthur Manmen- recogniae that the opposition was not controversial when It the Nobel Prize at the age of the spirit of Martin Luther dorf, pastor of Old First to busing Is merely an excuse was used to perpetuate segre- 35. King Jr." Church of Middletown. The not to give equal education to gation. "He didn't always follow In response to a question by benediction was delivered by every child. Mr Wllkins said of the the paths ol others, and some the Rev. Earl B. Scott, rector Ihe Rev. MUlard Harris, pas- "You must never forget," more than 20 million school times there were dis- of St. Thomas Episcopal tor of the Pilgrim Baptist he tald, "that people are children bused to school agreements, but he never ar- Church of Red Bank, Mr. Wil- Church of Red Bank. trying to rule out all busing - datly.less than three per cent gued with the basic goals of kins said the youth of today Chauncey Staten of Long good, bad and indifferent." are transported to achieve In- the movement," Mr Wilkms are reluctant to follow the es- Branch, a theological student, Ht said tbe civil rights tegration. said. tablished leadership. served as toastmaster movement has made some He said there has been "Dr. King." be added, was "I'm aware that the young Members of the observance never on the side of slavery people are not following us." committee were Erma Al- KING OBSERVANCE — Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wllkins, right, look over a - either of the body or sla- Mr. WUklns said, "because I ston, chairman; Philip scroll presented to Mr. WUklns lost night by Or. Martin Luther King Sr. Ob- very of the mind. He fought don't really believe that they Rounds, treasurer: Joan Ste- servance Committee at a dinner held at Glbbs Hall, Ft. Monmouth. The ill exploitation because of believe what we are telling vens, secretary, and Ann scroll was signed by most of the 400 persons attending. Mr. Wilkins, execu- race, creed or color." them. Freeland, Jesse Garrison. tive director of the NAACP, was featured speaker. Presenting the scroll "Dr. King," Mr. Wilkins "They think," Mr Wilkins Larry Scott, Addie Lily. Da- were David J. Lewis, a member of the dinner committee, and Mist Erma Mid, 'got up from his knees said, "that they have i spe- vid J. Lewis, Grace Richard- Alston, committee chairman. and turned his countenance cial patent on their own solu- See Basing, page t Few attend Sea Bright weekend council By JIM OSTROFF bits parking within 25 feet of they want" while true, was an Intersection. not a real consideration. • SEA BRIGHT - Borough Mr. Solomon, who owns an "They could ban all park- Council's plan lo hold one of apartment building at the in- ing, or all traffic altogether if its regular monthly meetings tersection, objected to in- they wanted," Mr. Bonello on a Saturday got off to a stallation of the light, saying said,,explaining that the state heated start this weekend, all it would result in a significant has total jurisdiction over Us because of a proposal for a loss of parking on both own roads. traffic light at Ocean Ave streets "They haven) indicated and River St. It is my understanding from that they will do anything. Only eight persons attended officials at DOT." he said, But let's not put any Ideas in the session, the bulk of which "that the light will take away their heads," he added, sug- Involved a debate between 80 feet of parking on River II, gesting that Mr. Solomon's council and Harold Solomon, and 80 feet on Ocean Ave." calls to DOT might change an apartment owner, over Mr.
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