Initial Environmental Examination December 2018 Proposed Multitranche Financing Facility Mongolia: Improving Access to Health Services for Disadvantaged Groups (Tranche 1) Prepared by the Municipality of Ulaanbaatar for the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 2 December 2018) Currency unit – togrog (MNT) MNT1.00 = $ 0.000383656 $1.00 = MNT2,606.500 ABBREVIATIONS AP – Affected Person/People ACM – Asbestos Containing Materials ADB – Asian Development Bank ADF – Asian Development Fund ASI – Agency for Specialized Inspection C- SEMP – Contractor’s Site-specific Environmental Management Plan CDC – Community Development Council CWWTP – Central wastewater treatment plant DPR – Detailed Project Report DSC – Design supervision consultants EA – Executing Agency EARF – Environment Assessment and Review Framework EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment EIC – Information, Education, and Communication EMoP – Environmental Monitoring Plan EMP – Environmental Management Plan EMR – Environmental Monitoring Report ESM – Environmental and Social Management System ERP – Emergency Reponse Plan FAM – Facility Administration Manual FHC – Family Health Clinic GASI – General Agency for Specialized Inspection GoM – Government of Mongolia GRM – Grievance Redress Mechanism IA – Implementing Agency IEE – Initial Environmental Examination LAR – Land Acquisition and Resettlement M&E – Monitoring and Evaluation MET – Ministry of Environment and Tourism MFF – Multi-tranche Financing Facility MoF – Ministry of Finance MOH – Ministry of Health NGOs – Nongovernment Organizations PC – Public Consultation PHC – Primary Health Care PIU – Project Implementation Unit PPTA – Project Preparatory Technical Assistance REA – Rapid Environmental Assessment RRP – Report and Recommendation of he President to the Board SGHP – Shallow-ground Heat Pump SHC – Soum Health Center SME – Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise SPA – Specially Protected Area SPS – Safeguard Policy Statement USUG – Ulaanbaatar Water Supply and Sewerage Authority VOC – Volatile Organic Compound WHO – World Health Organization WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 1 Cusec – Measure of flow rate (28.317 liters per second) 1 ha. (hectare) – 10,000 sq m 1 km (kilometer) – 1,000 m 1 kV – kilovolt (1,000 volts) 1 kW – kilowatt (1,000 watts) 1 kWh – 1 kilowatt-hour = 1000 watts GLOSSARY Aimag – Province Soum – Smallest administrative unit of Aimag Bagh – Smallest administrative unit of Soum District – Smallest administrative unit of Ulaanbaatar city Khoroo – Smallest administrative unit of District Ger area – Area in the cities which residents use traditional dwellings like as herders’ tent (sometimes called as “yurt”) Khashaa Plot – Fencing around Ger owned by households Construction Drawings – Technical and detailed drawing for construction of building For the Purposes of this – Individual Family health clinics (FHC)/ Soum IEE Sub-Project health center (SHC)/Hospitals selected and included in the project for new construction NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. TABLE OF CONTENTS GLOSSARY iii NOTE iii TABLE OF CONTENTS i List of Tables vii List of Figures xi Executive Summary i I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Background 1 B. Outcome and impact. 1 C. Tranche 1: Multi Tranche Financing Facility 2 D. Proposed Financing Plans 3 E. Implementation Arrangements 3 F. Scope of Work and Methodology Adopted 3 II. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 5 A. ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS 2009) 5 1. Environmental Impact Assessment Requirements of ADB 5 2. ADB SPS Requirements (SR1): Environment Policy 6 3. Standards, guidelines and good practice in ADB SPS 6 B. National Mongolian Legislation 7 1. Mongolia’s Environmental Policy 7 2. Relevant Mongolian Government Acts, Rules, Strategies and Guidelines. 8 3. Mongolian Environmental, Health and Safety Standards 12 4. Mongolian Health Care Waste Standards 13 5. Environmental Assessment Requirements of Mongolia 14 6. Environment Compliances Relevant to the Project and time frames 18 7. Mongolia FHC/SHC/Hospital building Environmental Infrastructure 21 8. Green Building Concept 21 C. International Treaties 23 D. Equivalence of International Best Policies in Infrastructure Development 24 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 26 A. Overview 26 B. Project Components 26 C. Scale and Magnitude of Sub‐Projects (Scope of Civil Works) 27 D. Existing Infrastructure at Subproject Locations 29 1. Health Center Status 29 2. Plot Size on Land available 32 3. Distance from Various Receptors 32 4. Distance from Reserve Forest/Protected Areas/National Park/Sanctuary 35 5. Ulaanbaatar city: Infrastructure development condition 36 6. Khovd: Infrastructure development condition 42 7. 5 Soum health centers: Infrastructure development condition 46 E. Proposed Environmental infrastructure for sub‐projects 49 1. Hospital/FHC/SHC/Buildings 50 2. Design of buildings 51 3. Equipment: 53 4. Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste, Sewage infrastructure 53 5. Health Care Waste Management 55 6. Operational procedures 56 IV. DESCRIPTION OF ENVIRONMENT (Baseline Data) 57 A. Environment of Mongolia 57 1. Topography 57 2. Climate 57 3. Ecosystems 58 4. Water Resources 59 5. Natural disasters 59 6. Seismology 59 7. Biodiversity 60 8. Protected areas in Mongolia 62 9. Cultural heritage 65 B. Environment at Tranche‐1 subproject areas 66 C. Topography 68 1. Topography of Ulaanbaatar city 68 2. Topography of Khovd City 70 3. Topography of Erdenemandal Soum 70 4. Topography of Tarialan Soum 71 5. Topography of Bayan‐Undur Soum 72 6. Topography of Erdene Soum 73 7. Topography of Dashinchilen Soum 74 8. Topography of Ulaangom 75 D. Climate 76 1. Climate Condition in Ulaanbaatar City 76 2. Climate condition in Khovd city 80 3. Climate condition in Erdenemandal Soum 84 4. Climate condition in Tarialan Soum 85 5. Climate condition in Bayan‐Undur Soum 87 6. Climate condition in Erdene Soum 88 7. Climate condition in Dashinchilen Soum 89 8. Climate condition in Ulaangom city 91 E. Air Quality (AQ) 92 1. Air quality condition in Ulaanbaatar city 93 2. Air Quality in Khovd city 96 3. Air quality condition in the 5 Soums 98 4. Air quality condition in Ulaangom city 100 F. Noise Condition 100 G. Soil, Geology and Seismology 103 1. Soil, Geology and Seismology in Ulaanbaatar City 103 2. Soil, geology and seismology in Khovd city 105 3. Soil, geology and seismology in Erdenemandal Soum 107 4. Soil, geology and seismology in Tarialan Soum 108 5. Soil, geology and seismology in Bayan‐Undur Soum 108 6. Soil, geology and seismology in Erdene Soum 109 7. Soil, geology and seismology in Dashinchilen Soum 110 8. Soil, geology and seismology in Ulaangom 111 H. Surface Water Resources and Quality 112 1. Surface water resources in Ulaanbaatar city 112 2. Surface water resources in Khovd city 115 3. Surface water resources in Erdenemandal Soum 118 4. Surface water resources in Tarialan Soum 118 5. Surface water resources in Bayan‐Undur Soum 119 6. Surface water resources in Erdene Soum 120 7. Surface water resources in Dashinchilen Soum 120 8. Surface water resources in Ulaangom city 121 I. Groundwater Resources and Quality 122 1. Ground water resources in Ulaanbaatar 123 2. Ground water resources in Khovd area 129 3. Ground water resources in the 5 Soums 131 J. Biodiversity 136 1. Biodiversity in Ulaanbaatar area 136 2. Biodiversity in Khovd area 140 3. Biodiversity in the 5 Soums 143 4. Biodiversity in Ulaangom area 145 K. Protected Areas 146 1. Protected areas around Ulaanbaatar city 146 2. Protected areas around Khovd city 149 3. Protected areas around the 5 Soums 150 4. Protected areas around Ulaangom city 151 L. Socio‐Economic Condition 152 1. Economic Development 152 2. Demography 154 3. Ethnic minorities 155 4. Education 156 5. Health Service in Mongolia 157 6. Employment and Poverty 157 7. Land Use Pattern 159 8. Cultural Heritage 162 9. Climate Change in Mongolia 163 V. ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 165 A. Impacts and Mitigation Measures During Project Location and Design 165 B. Impacts and Mitigation Measures During Pre‐Construction Stage 167 1. Land acquisition 167 2. Temporary Use of Land 167 3. Banned substances – Asbestos 168 4. Demolition 168 5. Volatile Organic Compounds 169 6. Equipment replacement ‐ X‐rays etc. 169 7. Shallow‐ground heat pump pilot project 169 C. Impacts and Mitigation Measures During Construction Stage 170 1. Impact on Physical Resources 171 2. Impact on Environmental Resources 172 3. Impact on Ecological Resources 178 4. Impact on Terrestrial Ecology 178 5. Human Environment 180 6. Socio Economics 185 7. Waste Disposal 186 D. Impacts and Mitigation Measures During Operational Stage 187 1. Hospital / Health Center Environment 187 2. Disadvantaged Patients/children 188 3. Increased demand of utilities‐electricity, heating, sewage and drinking water 188 4. Health Care Waste (HCW) Management 188 5. Emergency response during operations 190 6. Occupational Health and safety (OHS) during operations 190 7.
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