3826 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 3 February 12, 2009 Committee on Intelligence be author- In 1976, he ran and won election to ner that reflects the true values of this ized to meet during the session of the the U.S. House of Representatives, and country. Senate on February 12, 2009 at 2:30 p.m. he served in the House for 16 years. The committee did its work. It ques- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without During that time, he also served as tioned Mr. Panetta on a broad array of objection, it is so ordered. chairman of the Budget Committee. issues he will confront as Director of f In 1993, he joined the Clinton admin- the CIA, and it submitted followup istration as head of the Office of Man- questions, all of which were answered. EXECUTIVE SESSION agement and Budget. In July 1994, Mr. These questions, and Mr. Panetta’s Panetta became President Clinton’s answers, can be found at the Intel- EXECUTIVE CALENDAR chief of staff. ligence Committee Web site. He served in that capacity until Jan- I urge all Members of the Senate, as Mr. BEGICH. Mr. President, I ask uary 1997, when he returned to Cali- well as the public, to review them in unanimous consent that the Senate fornia to found and lead the Leon and order to obtain a better understanding proceed to executive session to con- Sylvia Panetta Institute for Public of his views about the office to which sider Calendar No. 17, the nomination Policy at California State University he has been nominated. of Leon Panetta to be Director of the Monterey Bay. I am pleased to report that yesterday CIA; that the nomination be confirmed Mr. Panetta and his wife, Sylvia, the Intelligence Committee voted and the motion to reconsider be laid have three sons and five grandchildren. unanimously to report favorably the upon the table; that no further motions It is very fair and safe for me to say nomination of Leon Panetta to be the be in order; that any statements relat- that he has a reputation for intel- Director of the CIA. He has the con- ing to the nomination be printed in the ligence and integrity. fidence of the committee, and we be- RECORD; that the President be imme- In speaking with Mr. Panetta and lieve we will be able to work closely diately notified of the Senate’s action; President Obama multiple times, I am with him during his tenure. and the Senate return to legislative convinced that Mr. Panetta will sur- Leon Panetta will mark a new begin- session. round himself with career profes- ning for the CIA as its next Director. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without sionals, including Deputy Director Ste- He has the integrity, the drive and objection, it is so ordered. phen Kappes. He has committed to the judgment to ensure that the CIA The nomination considered and con- keeping the senior leadership of the fulfills its mission of producing infor- firmed is as follows: CIA in place, but at the same time has mation critical to our national secu- CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY vowed to bring new policies and new rity, without sacrificing our national Leon E. Panetta, of California, to be Direc- leadership to the Agency. values. tor of the Central Intelligence Agency. I know Mr. Panetta has immersed f Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I himself in CIA matters since being rise today as chairman of the Select nominated, and his top priority, if con- LEGISLATIVE SESSION Committee on Intelligence on the Sen- firmed, will be to conduct a complete The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under ate’s confirmation of Leon Panetta to review of all the Agency’s activities. the previous order, the Senate will re- be the next Director of the Central In- Moreover, I strongly believe that the sume legislative session. telligence Agency. CIA needs a Director who will take the Mr. Panetta is well-known to many reins of the Agency and provide the su- f of us for his long, distinguished record pervision and oversight so that this COLONEL JOHN H. WILSON, JR. of public service, including eight terms agency, which operates in a clandestine POST OFFICE BUILDING in Congress and service as a presi- world of its own, must have. Mr. BEGICH. Mr. President, I ask dential chief of staff. President Obama has made clear that unanimous consent that the Senate Mr. Panetta knows well the inner his selection of Leon Panetta was in- proceed to the immediate consider- workings of government at the highest tended as a clean break from the past— ation of Calendar No. 21, S. 234. levels. He has an impeccable reputa- a break from secret detentions and co- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tion for integrity, and I am confident ercive interrogations; a break from clerk will report the bill by title. that he is the right man at the right outsourcing its work to a small army The bill clerk read as follows: time to lead the CIA. of contractors; and a break from anal- A bill (S. 234) to designate the facility of Leon Panetta is a product of my ysis that was not only wrong, but the the United States Postal Service located at home State, California, born in Mon- product of bad practice that helped 2105 East Cook Street in Springfield, Illinois, terey. His parents, Carmelo and lead our Nation to war. as the ‘‘Colonel John H. Wilson, Jr. Post Of- Carmelina, ran a local cafe and later President Obama said when announc- fice Building.’’ purchased a walnut ranch, which he ing this nomination that this will be a There being no objection, the Senate still owns. He majored in political CIA Director ‘‘who has my complete proceeded to consider the bill. science at Santa Clara University, trust and substantial clout.’’ Mr. BEGICH. Mr. President, I ask where he graduated magna cum laude This is a hugely important but dif- unanimous consent that the bill be in 1960. ficult post. The CIA is the largest civil- read a third time and passed, the mo- In 1963, he received his JD from ian intelligence agency with the most tion to reconsider be laid upon the Santa Clara University as well. After disparate of missions. table, with no intervening action or de- law school, he served in the United It produces the most strategic anal- bate, and that any statements related States Army from 1964 to 1966, and at- ysis of the intelligence agencies and it thereto be printed in the RECORD. tended the Army Intelligence School. is the center for human intelligence The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without In 1966, Mr. Panetta joined the Wash- collection. It is unique in that it car- objection, it is so ordered. ington, DC, staff of Republican Senator ries out covert action programs, imple- The bill (S. 234) was ordered to be en- Thomas Kuchel of California. menting policy through intelligence grossed for a third reading, was read In 1969, he served as Director of the channels. The Intelligence Committee the third time, and passed, as follows: Office of Civil Rights in the Office of held confirmation hearings on Mr. Pa- S. 234 Health, Education and Welfare in the netta’s nomination on February 5 and Nixon Administration. 6. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United States of America in From 1970 to 1971, he worked as the Our responsibility was clear: to make Congress assembled, executive assistant to New York City sure that Leon Panetta will be a Direc- SECTION 1. COLONEL JOHN H. WILSON, JR. POST Mayor John Lindsay. Afterward, he re- tor who makes the CIA effective in OFFICE BUILDING. turned to Monterey, to private law what it does—but also to make sure (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the practice. that it operates in a professional man- United States Postal Service located at 2105 VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:14 May 17, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00089 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S12FE9.003 S12FE9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD February 12, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 3 3827 East Cook Street in Springfield, Illinois, bottle bill and a statewide land use The Shakespeare Festival held in Ash- shall be known and designated as the ‘‘Colo- planning process to protect those land, OR, draws tens of thousands of nel John H. Wilson, Jr. Post Office Build- things that brought people to Oregon people from all over the country and is ing’’. in the first place. one of the oldest non-profit theater (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other Over its 150-year history, Oregon has companies in the world. The Pendleton record of the United States to the facility re- earned a reputation as a progressive, Roundup, located in Eastern Oregon, is ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to forward thinking STATE. We Orego- one of the largest rodeos in the world be a reference to the ‘‘Colonel John H. Wil- nians are not without our quirks, but and has been going strong for nearly son, Jr. Post Office Building’’. we embrace them with enthusiasm and one hundred years. f wear them with pride. We have Oregon is one of the most geographi- watched our economy change from one cally diverse States in the country and HONORING THE SESQUICENTEN- based on forestry and wood products to people from all across the state love to NIAL OF OREGON STATEHOOD one that has become a leader in high- celebrate the great Oregon outdoors.
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