November 18, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S7065 many of the perpetrators actually were democratic principles. We passed the sissippi competition. She went on to promoted. We did something about it. legislation. We didn’t have the enthusi- win Ole Miss’s Parade of Beauties com- As members of the U.S. Helsinki Com- astic support of the administration, petition and numerous local titles. She mission, we recognized, in 1975, the but we did it. We did it. And we wanted has gained wide recognition because countries that comprise the Organiza- it to be a global standard that was she is beautiful, well-spoken, and she is tion for Security and Cooperation in clear to human rights violators, but we a gifted vocalist. But, also, there is a Europe, including Russia, committed needed other countries to act. serious part of her platform and serious to basic human rights for their people, I am pleased that other countries personal story of Asya’s in overcoming that their government would be hon- have followed the U.S. leadership. The adversity, and I admire that so much est, and that they would protect the UK, Canada, Estonia, Latvia, and Lith- in Asya Branch. She speaks openly rights of their citizens. The Helsinki uania all have enacted similar Global about her father’s 10 years in the State Final Act gave every member state the Magnitsky bills. Currently, Japan and prison, resulting in his absence for right to question what other States Australia are considering similar bills much of her upbringing. That difficult were doing in compliance with the Hel- and legislation. period shaped who Asya Branch is and sinki Final Act ideals. Today, we had a very positive con- gave her strength and a unique per- It is legitimate for us to question versation with the European Union, spective on incarceration. what Russia is doing in carrying out its and they are considering the passage of During the Mississippi pageant, commitment, so we did something a Global Magnitsky bill. This would Asya’s platform was empowering chil- about it. I introduced legislation add 27 countries to be covered under dren of incarcerated parents. Can you known as the Magnitsky Act. I want the Sergei Magnitsky law. imagine the courage of a young woman you to know this was a bipartisan ef- This is one of the, I think, leading taking that on as her platform? It en- fort. My partner in the passage of the moments for the U.S. Senate and Con- abled her to reach out to other chil- Magnitsky Act was the late Senator gress, where we showed leadership on dren, encourage them that their lives John McCain. My partner in passing behalf of speaking out for those other- do not have to be defined by their cir- the Global Magnitsky Act and the wise who would not be heard. As a re- cumstances. Magnitsky Act is my good friend sult of our action, I am convinced we During her year as Miss Mississippi, ROGER WICKER, who is the chair of the saved many lives, and we made it clear she was part of a White House round- Senate U.S. Helsinki Commission. We that in our foreign policy, we will table, where she discussed criminal jus- worked together to make sure that we embed that in the principles that have tice and prison reform, much as we did passed these Magnitsky Acts. made this Nation the great democratic here on the floor of the U.S. Senate. What does it do? What it does is the Nation it is, the respect for universal And the First Step Act—she discussed country does not hold accountable human rights. this act with President Trump and those who violate basic global human With that, I suggest the absence of a Vice President PENCE, Mississippi Gov- rights of its citizens; we impose sanc- quorum. ernor Phil Bryant, and lawmakers, in- tions. Those sanctions prevent that in- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The cluding Senator HYDE-SMITH and me. dividual who perpetrated these acts clerk will call the roll. She also started the Love Letters from visiting the United States The legislative clerk proceeded to Program in which she donated sta- through the issuance of a visa or par- call the roll. tionery and stamps to inmates, allow- ticipating in our banking system. Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, I ask ing them to write to their loved ones. Why do we do this? Today, we heard unanimous consent that the order for In her new role as Miss USA, she plans from Mr. Kara-Murza, who is one of the the quorum call be rescinded. to expand Love Letters to a national activists on human rights in Russia The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without level and continue advocating for who has been poisoned twice by the objection, it is so ordered. criminal justice and prison reform. Russian Government. What he said f You can see why I am so proud of about the mantra of the Kremlin is: Asya Branch and so impressed with her TRIBUTE TO ASYA BRANCH They steal at home and spend abroad. accomplishments. She has the honor of They don’t want their money in rubles; Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, it gives holding two State titles and now a na- they want their money in dollars. So if me great pleasure to rise this after- tional title. This speaks to her unique we can prevent them from using our noon, as I do, to commend an out- gifts, accomplishments, courage, and banking system, we can really make it standing young American. In this case, passion for bringing about constructive hurt. a young Mississippian; namely, Miss change to the world. Let me tell you how important this Asya Branch, from Booneville, MS, I commend Asya for her example of is. It is not limited to Russia. We who was recently crowned as Miss USA perseverance. She has made Mississippi passed the Global Magnitsky law so it 2020. proud, and I think she is going to make applies to all of the countries where For those of you from Michigan, take the United States proud as she moves they have violations of human rights. some pride. She was born in Michigan forward next year to the Miss Universe If you want to know how important but moved to Mississippi at an early pageant, where I am sure she will do this statute is, it has been reported age and spent her childhood in well. I encourage all Americans to root that when Mr. Putin and Mr. Trump Booneville, as I said. She graduated for her next year, as we will certainly met in their first summit, the first this year from my alma mater, the be doing at my house. order of business that Mr. Putin raised University of Mississippi, having stud- I yield the floor. with President Trump was: Can’t we ied broadcast journalism. I suggest the absence of a quorum. get rid of these Magnitsky sanctions? Miss Asya Branch has experienced The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Believe me, they work. They deter bad dizzying success during the past 2 clerk will call the roll. actors around the world. It is a legisla- years. In 2018, Asya Branch won the The legislative clerk proceeded to tive initiative. title of Miss Mississippi under the Miss call the roll. We talked today about the fact that America Organization. The following Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I ask there is one common ingredient in year, she became the first African- unanimous consent that the order for every country that has considered the American woman to win the other the quorum call be rescinded. Global Magnitsky laws; that is, the ini- State title, Miss Mississippi USA. She The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tiative that comes from the legislators. is only the seventh person in history to objection, it is so ordered. There is a natural reluctancy among hold both State titles: Miss Mississippi f the bureaucrats not to burden them- and Miss Mississippi USA. And now she selves with additional problems in is the first-ever Miss Mississippi USA NATIONAL DEFENSE their bilateral relations with other to win the Miss USA crown. AUTHORIZATION ACT countries, but we recognize that it is Asya Branch has been competing in Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, here it important for America, the leader of pageants since 2016, when she won her is November 18. It seems like the elec- the democratic world, to speak up for first preliminary title in the Miss Mis- tion was a few years ago. Time is flying VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:33 Nov 19, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G18NO6.038 S18NOPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with SENATE.
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