Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences Vienna 2017 Volume 110/2 xxx - xxx DOI: 10.17738/ajes.2017.0017 New Early Triassic (Smithian) ammonoids from Gornji Brčeli (southern Montenegro) Martin ĐAKOVIĆ Geological Survey of Montenegro, Naselje Kruševac bb, 81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro; [email protected] KEYWORDS Ammonoids; Early Triassic; Smithian; new species; Gornji Brčeli; Montenegro Abstract A rich Early Triassic ammonoid fauna of 14 genera discovered near the village of Gornji Brčeli (Crmnica, southern Montenegro) contains the three new species Radioceras? tabulatum, Pseudoflemingites martellii and Parahedenstroemia petkovici which are described. They belong to a Middle Smithian (Owenites beds) fauna and represent a unique finding in the Lower Triassic of the western Tethys where otherwise shallow-water conditions prevailed. The ammonoids originate from a series of grey-green marls and clays with intercalated, thin, mica-rich dark grey sandstones, and point towards a deeper marine environment obviously with a close open-marine connection to the Tethys ocean.________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction The first published data on Early Triassic ammonoids from age according to the described ammonoids and rare cono- the Crmnica region date back to Petković and Mihailović donts; 2) grey to greenish-grey clayey marls with thin light- (1935), who provided a detailed description of the fossilife- grey limy intercalations of lense-like graded calcarenites (cal- rous locality and a palaeontological description of the scarce citurbites?) and subordinate mudstone layers. They contain collected fauna. By comparison with other Early Triassic am- neospathotid conodonts of Spathian age (Krystyn et al., 2014). monoid faunas of North America and Asia, Petković and Mi- Underlying rocks have not been detected so far, while the hailović correlated the Crmnica specimens to the zone with overlaying sediments are of Anisian age, represented by con- Meekoceras gracilitatis, established by Smith (1932) in North glomerates and „flysch“-like sediments (Crmnica conglome- America. The authors further pointed to the importance of rates and Tuđemili Formation – Dimitrijević, 1967; Dimitrijević this fauna for palaeogeographical reconstruction, i. e. for the and Dimitrijević, 1989).________________________________ relationship "between the Eastern (Asian) and Western (Euro- In southern Montenegro Lower Triassic rocks are generally pean) parts of the great Mediterranean geosyncline" (Petko- poor in fossils and therefore dated often on the basis of litho- vić and Mihailović, 1935, 265).__________________________ facies and/or superposition. For the Crmnica region, however, Although very important, only one published paper exists it was relatively early possible to establish more exact ages on this ammonoid fauna so far. In more recent studies, pri- for certain localities. Petković and Mihailović (1935) described marily related to the development of a new geological map from Brčeli Meekoceras gracilitatis WHITE, Meekoceras (Konin- of Montenegro (sheet Podgorica-3, 1:50 000), the locality of kites) vetustus WAAGEN, Hedenstroemia hyatti SMITH and Pseu- Gornji Brčeli, at first described by Petković and Mihailović dosageceras multilobatum NÖETLING, and considered the fau- (1935), has been re-examined in detail on several occasions, na to belong to the zone of Meekoceras gracilitatis which is resulting in a collection of a rich fauna, including more than characteristic of Smithian age.__________________________ 150 specimens. Additional material was provided by Leopold Mirković et al. (1978) cite the gastropod species Naticella Krystyn (University of Vienna), and the earlier (1935) descri- costata MÜNSTER and Turbo rectecostatus HAUER from Lim- bed fauna, which is kept in the collection of Faculty of Mi- ljani (southern Crmnica), and Pantić-Prodanović (1975) men- ning and Geology in Belgrade, has been incorporated and re- tions further the foraminifera species Meandrospira iulia (PRE- vised. In this paper, only the new forms are described, while MOLI SILVA) and Ammodiscus incertus (D’ORBIGNY) of so-cal- the known species are just mentioned and will be documen- led „Campilian“ age. Based on presently used Early Triassic ted in a forthcoming paper.____________________________ chronostratigraphic subdivisions, this faunule is equivalent to the Spathian. From Limljani and Mali Raš (Fig. 1C) , Krystyn 2. Geological and sedimentary setting et. al. (2014) mention marls and interbedded calciturbiditic Lower Triassic sediments in the area of Crmnica show a to- limestone with Novispathodus homeri of Spathian age. Though tal thickness of about 250 m (Pantić-Prodanović, 1975) and Spathian ammonoids have been discovered from other loca- are represented by two main lithologies: 1) at the base brown- lities in Montenegro (Bešić, 1950; Pantić, 1956), they are mis- red and above grey-green clay-marly sediments with interca- sing in the area of Crmnica so far._______________________ lated grey and green sandstones with mica, argillaceous sand- Early Triassic palaeogeographic reconstructions show the stones, and rare interlayers of sandy limestone of Smithian Crmnica area at about 10 degrees north ot the equator loca- Martin ĐAKOVIĆ ted in the western part of the Tethys (Fig. 1A) at the margin of 3. Description of the studied section a wide shallow shelf bay ranging from the Dinarids through The locality, herein abbreviated called as Brčeli, is situated the Southern and Northern Alps towards the Carpathians and less than 500 m to the east of the village Gornji Brčeli and beyond (Stampfli, 1996; Brayard et al., 2006). For most of the about 6 km to the west of the town of Virpazar (Fig. 1 C). Am- Early Triassic, environmental conditions were too shallow for monoids have been found in a small, locally rather restricted ammonoids to thrive there. This also is distinct for the Smithi- area within the upper part of a several hundred metres long an where, except for Montenegro, ammonoids are known only outcrop along the southern slope of an un-named creek east from far more eastern Tethyan regions, i.e. starting from a me- of Gornji Brčeli. Lower Triassic sediments are exposed with a ridian to the east of the Black Sea (i.e. Caucasus, Oman). Accor- total thickness of 35 meters (Fig. 2A). The lower 21 metres of dingly, the Gornji Brčeli locality represents with major distance the sequence are made of brown-red marls and clays with the westernmost locality so far discovered at which ammo- thin, dark grey, mica-rich and often lenticular sandstone lay- noids of Smithian age have been found within the Tethys.__ ers. The upper 13 m thick part consists of grey clayey marls Figure 1: A: Early Triassic palaeogeography with the position of Crmnica (modified after Brayard et al., 2006), B: Map of Montenegro with indica- tion of the studied area (small black box), C: Wider Crmnica area with location of the studied section (black dot) east of Gornji Brčeli (grey: Lower Triassic sediments, after Mirković et al.)_________________________________________________________________________________________ New Early Triassic (Smithian) ammonoids from Gornji Brčeli (southern Montenegro) starting with a basal 1 m thick pebbly mass flow bed contai- et al., 2012b), NW Guangxi (Brayard and Bucher, 2008) and nig a thick oolitic limestone lens and well rounded Permian Nevada (Jenks et al., 2010). A detailed biostratigraphic analy- reefal limestone boulders up to 15 cm diameter above. The sis and discussion on certain species (Hemiprionites arthaberi marls were deposited below storm-wave base on a deeper and Owenites zitteli, both described by Smith, 1932), whose part of the shelf, distally from the shore, while the oolitic grain- validity have been questioned by later authors, will be given stone was formed in a shallow-marine environment and rede- in another paper.____________________________________ posited by submarine gliding into the marls. The grey marls are discontinously overlain by conglomerates of the Anisian 5. Systematic paleontology Crimnica Formation.__________________________________ Systematic descriptions follow the classification given by Fossils have unfortunately not been found in situ but have Brayard and Bucher (2008), as well as by Brühwiler et al. (2012a, been collected loose on the ground associated with the grey b). For all specimens wherever measurements were possible, marls, from a single spot, about 10 m2 sized. Washed out from dimensions of the diameter of the shell (D), whorl height (H), these sediments (Fig. 2B), their correct layer(s) could not be es- whorl width (W) and umbilical diameter (U) are given in milli- tablished. However, according to the topographic position in meters, and for H/D, W/D and U/D in percentages of D._____ the higher part of the slope and the identic grey colour of the Each specimen has an inventory number, which consists of sediment attached to the ammonoid shells, it should be obvi- abbreviations for the locality, number of the specimen and the ous that they have come from the upper part of the sequence, i. abbreviation for the year when the specimen was found (e. g. e. from the grey-green marls and clays above the slump horizon. GBR 7/11). Specimens collected by Leopold Krystyn contain an additional labels (e. g. GBR LK 10/90), while the specimens pro- 4. Biostratigraphical discussion vided by the Faculty of Mining and Geology in Belgrade have In the published literature one can find several different their own separate
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