if«f*r* A little paper $&S0 a Year with all the Alioe Arm and news and a big Anyox. $2.75 to circulation HERALD all other points. Published in the interests of Alice Arm and Anyox, B. C. VOL 7, NO. 39 ALICE ARM, B. C, SATURDAY, APRIL 7, 1928 5 cents each. Fred Martinson Meets Anyox Will Hold League Quarterly Dividend By Esperanza Mine Has Red Bluff Property Will Death By Drowning Of Nations Meeting Granby Co. Been Producer From Be Developed This In Bay April 23rd. A dividend of $1.25 a share on Grass Roots Year the company's 432,262 shares of A fatal accident occurred at Alice In an effort to familiarize the The forming of the Esperanza The Red Bluff group, situated common stock has been announced Arm on the night of Tuesday April people of Canada with the great Mining Co. marks another epoch on Red Bluff mountain, about 4£ by the Granby Consolidated Mining 3rd. when Fred Martinson, a resi­ work now being done by the League in the history of this picturesque miles from Alice Arm will be de­ Smelting & Power Co. Ltd. This dent of the camp for 12 years met of Nations, it has been decided to property. It was staked in 1903 veloped as soon as necessary plans is the quarterly dividend and means his death by drowning at the log­ carry out a big drive from one end by the late Frank Roundy and as­ have been made. How much de­ a distribution of $530,322. This ging camp operated by Al. Falconer of the country to the other. The sociates, who took out considerable velopment work will be undertaken makes a total disbursement to date about three miles down the inlet. date set on which the residents of high grade ore. Pedro Salinas this year has not yet been determ­ of $11,558,366. Anyox are expected to line up is the and his brother Baldereno next ined. Deceased arose from his bed dur­ In spite of falling prices of copper 23rd. of April. At a meeting of secured it by a fluke for $200 at The Red Bluff oonsists of five ing the middle of the night, at high last year, which niade tough going sympathizers held this week in the a SheriflVs sale iu Prinoe Rupert. olaims, four of which have been tide period in order to push off some for many copper companies, Granby basement of the United Church, it They also took out considerable crown granted, aud is owned by logs that were stranded on the earned nearly $7 a share, and it is was unanimously decided to take high grade ore; on one shoot alone Mr. J. N, McPhee of Butedale, who shore. That was the last seen of believed regular dividends that were part in the great goodwill campaign, they mined $8,000 worth in six was one of the original owners. him alivei and his body was discov­ suspended for a time will now be in and if possible, an effort is to be weeks. Altogether they mined The Red Bluff has always been ered on the beach at an early hour order again. made to bring in some outside $26,000 worth of high grade ore the following morning. considered a promising property. speaker familiar with the .work al­ and finally sold the property for No large amount of development An examination showed that the ready accomplished by the League. I. 0. D. E. Extends Relief $15,000 oash. work has been done, but develop­ bridge of his nose had been punct­ It was also suggested that a circu­ to Alleviate Distress Vancouver interests purohased ment work undertaken this year ured between the eyes, and it is lar letter be addressed to every At the regular meeting held on the property from Pedro Salinas. will probably determine the exist­ thought that he had slipped and church and organization in the camp Tuesday, the Collison of Kincolith They worked it for a few years, ence of considerable ore bodies. that a pointed snag or rock had asking their co-operation in making Chapter I. 0. D. E. voted a dona­ and were also fortunate in locating It is ideally looated for cheap rendered him unconscious, and later the campaign, as far as Anyox is tion to the Copper Mountain Relief considerable ore. The property mining and milling being only \\ the water covered him. concerned, the success it deserves. Fund. was then sold to an Anyox Syndi. miles from tide water. Constable Wm. Smith of" Anyox A cheque was forwarded to the oate, who later included Prinne Following is the report of Mr. R. was at Once notified and he arrived Duchess of Connaught Hostel in Rupert capital. G. MoConnel, who examined the * accompanied by Government Agent Esperanza Mining Co. London. This is the hostel which Those who are acquainted with property on behalf of the Geolog­ R. M. McGusty/The latter held Buys Buildings serves as a residence for the Cana­ the property are confident that .he ical Department of Dominion Gov­ an inquest the"3ame afternoon, and dian winners of the I. O. D. E. main ore body has not yet been ernment, some years ago. after the jury had listened to all The logging. camp buildings scholarships while they are studying found, but with the installation of "Looking up the wide valley of available evidence, a verdict of owned by the Granby Consolidated in England. a compressor plant, whioh will the Kitsault River from the head death by accidental drowning was Mining, Smelting & Power Co. Mrs. McLeod was appointed dele expediate development work, it is of Alioe Arm, a red patch shows brought in. Ltd. and situated a Mile 2 on the gate to the provincial convention of anticipated that a big tonnage of prominently on the face of a mount­ Those serving on the jury, were: Dolly Varden Railway, have been Chapters of the Order. ore both high grade and milling, ain north of the river about 4i H. R. Fowler, (foreman)^ J. A. purchased by the Esperanza Mining will shortly be developed. So far, miles. A number of olaims have Anderson, J. Trinder, G. Anderson, Co. They will tear the buildings Unveiling Ceremony Will Be mining has been only carried on at been staked on the red area and A. Beaudin and J. Wells. down and use the lumber in the shallow depths. grouped together under the name construction of new camp buildings. Held at High School The body was taken to Anyox, of Red Bluff group. Seven buildings are involved in the where arrangements have been On. the afternoon of Monday "A Short visit to the showing transaction. Canon W. F. Rushbrook Has made to hold the funeral this after­ April 16th. the staff and students of was made in company with Mr. The new Esperanza camp will be Written Book on North noon at 1.30p.m. Rev. C. D. Clarke the High School will be at home to Young, one of the owners, but as built at a lower elevation than the officiating. / their friends. The chief event of Canon W. F. Rushbrook of the little development work had been presenfone. Deceased was a native of Sweden, the afternoon will be the unveiling Mission Boat "Northern Cross" done, observation was limited to The dismantling of the buildings but had spent a large part of his of the Confederation plaques which has written a book entitled "The the general surface features. for re-construction purposes will Trollers." It deals with the cos­ life in Canada, and was a naturaliz. have just been presented to the "A rough trail leading up the not be undertaken until snow is off mopolitan life of the northern fish­ ed British subject. He was 42 school. Refreshments and music valley of the Kitsault for some dis­ the ground at Mile 2. ing banks, and its publication is years of age, and so far his only will be among the attractions. tance, then up a tributary stream expected sometime during the year. known relative is a brother, C. M. from the north has been brushed Canon Rushbrook is an authority Martinson of Tacoma, Washington. Winners Vancouver Contest Anyox High School Will out of the foot of the Red Bluff. on the experiences of the pioneer The late Fred Martinson was a Wai Visit Anyox "The rook in the neighborhood of Issue School Paper fisher-rancher folk of the northern fine type of citizen. He was of The Winners of the Vancouver the showing consist mostly of fine The meeting of the High School coast, and "The Trollers" will splendid physique, and in his veins Sun "Better English" contest will and medium-textured, greenish, Club held on Wednesday decided to probably be followed by another ran the blood of the pioneer, a type spend four hours in Anyox during issue a school paper at the end of tufaceous sandstones alternating book at a later date. of man to whom this last great the Easter vacation, on April 12th. April. Stuart Barclay and Harold in places with bands of finer grain­ Eld were appointed editor and as­ west owes so much. He came to The School Trustees and teachers ed, dark argillaceous rooks. The sistant editor respectively. They No Effort Spared For Dance Alice Arm in 1916 and followed the will conduct them to points of inter­ tufaceous sandstones ocour in wide, will be assisted by a large staff. occupation of miner and rock man. est around the camp. Commemorating one of the out practically massive bands, showing He was in partnership with Neil BIRTH AT ANYOX standing exploits of Canadians in little stratification, they are not Forbes on many contracts and was the World War, the Anyox post of much altered and consist mainly Former Anyox Residents Born to Mr.
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