Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Blackwell, Morton: Files Folder Title: Young Americans for Freedom Box: 28 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ Georgetown Young Americans for Freedom P.O . Box 3033 Washington, D.C. 20057 (202) 944-1291 Richard J. Mathias Chairman Patrick Mahon Vice-Chairman Kevin Piediscalzi Treasurer Quin Hillyer ~\\~, Secretary Don McLaughlin Program Director . J w~ M -h ~ r ~ ~ Kevin Kime Membership Director ~ Q""'RA,-!/.M'j wi~4~N~- Bridget Brooker Public Relations Brad Seiling Ul v~ Public Relations .ftvl'Al ~ ::,~ ~4 J }- Deroy Murdock Executive Director ~ ~ r r--t-1-ic1~ .M cf)/V/~ - ~ ~ _k~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ I w-laf-tvi,-1 C\.v\ w~}P ~,.de - ~ ~ ~ Iv~ wJ2JJ r•JJ..e. '14 ~ t,,11-,/ ~ ~uw/4 ~ w1d w/4J./-1 ~ al ~~ f~~. ~ ~ CnCQ~I~ ~ (;.e_t,.,~1 J-®'M.w.1~ c,W~c.J,__ PAGE 4A / WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 GOP told to follow FDR's example BY A WASHINGTON TIMES STAFF WRITER policy initiatives even when he knew A lack of grass-roots activism contri­ defensive," - they get to select the The Republicans could suffer "a some of them would fail, Blackwell said. buted strongly to the Democratic con­ terms of battle. , lonely landslide". next year unless they Eisenhower, on the other hand, quickly gressional resurgence in the 1982 "Every election," he said, "is a refer­ can find a way to put their conservative lost his opportunity while retaining his midterm congressional elections, endum on something," and ·conserva, coalition back together in time for the personal popularity, Blackwell said. Blackwell said, and he noted that con­ tives run best when an aggressive 1984 election, a forum on political Though Eisenhower was re-elected, he servative groups spent considerably policy sets the tone of debate.The strategy was told last night. faced a hostile Democratic Congress less than they had in the year of the 1980 president's new boldness in Grenada during the final years of his presidency Reagan victory. The enthusiasm of 1980 offers hope, Phillips said, that the pres­ The Republicans should emulate and his opportunity to make real change was dormant in 1982, he said. Franklin D. Roosevelt rather than ident will stay on the offensive. "In 1984, was squandered, Blackwell said. However, he said Reagan was more the referendum question should be: Dwight Eisenhower, Morton Blackwell, 'Shall America be defended?' special assistant to President Reagan, "FDR cheerfully used confrontation likely the beneficiary of the large con­ 1 told the forum at Geor etown Univer­ with his opponents to keep the enthu­ servative vote that retired so many lib­ "Candidates who identify with this sity. w lC was sponsorea by t e oune siasm of his constituency alive," Black­ eral congressmen in 1980, rather than theme will ruil very well," he said. Americans for Freedom and Young well said. being a catalyst for the conservative Other speakers included Stanton America's foundation. If Reagan cannot revive his coalition, surge. Evans, the columnist; James R. Whelan, Blackwell added, the Republicans Howard Phillips, the national editor and publisher of The Washington FDR, whom Blackwell called "the might have to depend most on the chairman of the Conservative Caucus, Times; and Terry Dolan; chairman of most successful president of the 20th Democrats nominating a brazen said conservatives must find a way to go the National Conservative Political century," succeeded in keeping his McGovern-like candidate - "which on the offensive because "those on the Action Committee. momentum with a steady stream of they are unlikely to do." offensive do better than those on the - Wesley Pruden I• The Georgetown HOYA.; Page 1, Friday 28 October 1983 Conservatives to Voice Views on '84 Elections- • • 1 United Press international "staff cor: by Skip Horne ·respondent and covered events such HOY A Slaff Wri1<r as the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 and Some of the nation·s top conserva­ the Dominican Republic civil war in tive leaders will speak at -Georgetown·s 1965. Conservative Political Strategy Forum, Evans is presently Director of the to be held Tuesday, November I in National Journalism Center located in Gaston Hall. Washington, D.C. In addi tion, he has The Forum is sponsored by George­ served as a commentator for Voice of town Young Americans for Freedom America, Naiional Public Radio, and (Y AF) and The Young America·s CBS News. ·. Foundation. ·· we feel it will be the The Political Strategy Forum will be most pr.ovocat1ve and significant held at 8:00 p.m. in Gaston Jiall. political event of the year on campus;· Admission is free. commented Richard Mathias, Y AF Chairman. The speakers will present their re­ spective views and plans regarding the upcoming elections in 1984. In addi­ tion, they will answer relevant ques­ tions fr.om the student and faculty audience. Terry Dolan, Chairman of the Na­ tional Conservative Political Action Committee (NCPACJ and a George­ town graduate (CAS ·n. LAW '78), is among those scheduled to appear. Dolan will present his analysis of .. the prospectus for conservative gains in 1984 elections:· Also speaking will be Howard Phil­ lips, Chairman and founder of the Conservative Caucus. Phillips will dis­ cuss ••issues and challenges in ap­ proaching the 1984 elections:· Additional featured speakers include Morton C. Blackwell, James R. Whelan, and M. Stanton Evans. Blackwell presently serves as a Spe­ cial Assistant to the President of the United States and Assistant to the President for Public Liaison. He also founded and was Chairman of the Committee for Responsible Youth Politics (1972-1979) , a political action committee which trained and· placed young ptople in election campaigns. Whelan, after nearly 30 years of journalism experience, is currently editor and publisher of The Washing­ ton Times. He began his car~er as a -, The Georgetown HOYA, Friday 4 November 1983, Pg 1 ·conservatiVes set Ele6ti0Il Strategy-:~· .. .ii- 1' • • -: : • • ... < .. • '...· - • --4-e ·, ... ~ '\4 ~- . ... -: .._ :. • ,. , "Most conservative issues were virtual• Conservativcf PoliticalAction Commit· by Todd Barrett · :>i ;' :. ly absent from th~ headlines. in 1981 · tee head Terry Dolan (CA5.··72, LAW HOY A S1 urr Write'r ; and 1982; How could conservative_ .78) implored .Reagan -to· set ·i con· The Georgetown chapter of Young groups fire up their supporters'!.. .servative_~genda for t984: $hould he · American for Freedom ( Y AF) pre- Howard Phillips, national chairman , ru_n.on· 8!1 agenda set b,Y the _Democrats, sented five representatives of politically · of the ,Gqnservative Caucus, differed - Dolan said,· "There is not much chance conservative groups in a forum on the · with Blackwell. He said, 0 lt is not, by';·~·_fpr..copsc'ryative gai~.Thereml!)' even . 1984 elections Tuesday night in Gaston a~y means •.. f~~ certain that ~e~gan.,=, be mQdcrate losses. t '.1,/ t/ . ·,.:- ;~ Hall. · ·. .- ·• --~ .-· will run -igam. But, he added .. 0 lf so~ -. According the chapter he~d Richard he _will wip.'' ·. ·, . ·, •• • f:mit1'::-· 'f"' Mathias, the objective of the discussion Speaking on. the issues : and cli~~..r_. is "To basically present, from ou·r per· lenges. of tlle upcomirig ' campal~ .::, spective, ·w_hat· will-happen in the next Phill_ips ~mphasized the impoi-j ance, ol · : 12 months.'.' ,· · -: . , _ the ... ref~rtmdum:· He cit~d. tti.e· 1~'.7.4f Noting .the . Georgetown ·chapter's referepdum as Watergate:; an event h,e.::· first anniversary, · new Y AF National blam~d for conservative· !osses,1,,i.'_c- ''};:;,~·.: Chairman Bob Dolan praised Mathias_ "· He predicted that if the 19.84 ·refe~: ~.• and the chapter. Dolan said, "1:his_i"s : endum• is "shall America be d~fended,-· "- the premiere Y AF chapter in_ the Reagan wiU gai~-reelection. ,~';',·. <.,!• United States... · " Calling on tJie riced fpr institutio1ak , Morton Blackwell led off the forum reform, syndicated' columnist M~.Stan : t_-- with an ·analysis of the role of con· ton Evan~· attac~ed i._ big government-, servatives in the presumed 1984 Rea· , Evaris •said ,lha t '7.5% pf the -Je()eral· ·. gan presidential campaign. Blackwell, budget. if·institutiontlily seal~ off:~ a presidential assistant for Pl!blic lia· from th~ ~~ntrol' of the peqplc, He'.;:''4 son, said "I have every reason to think urged Congress and -~<? -President 10,"'~ Reagan is going to run... "regain contr-01 ·of ,Ute budgetjlry pip- . In a reception prior to the forum, cess .. from bureaucratic institutions. : Blackwell asserted, "I would be happy Washington ·- Times Editor James if the elections were held today. Our Whelan followed Evans with a criticism polls show us ahead of every major of the loss of "media objectivity:· In ,,., Demeer-at-ie--cimdidate and-eve ry minor addressing the media's role··in the ,,_: one, for that matter." elections, Whelan charged that "inter:'.· •• Blackwell tempered his enthusiasm. pret~ve" 'reporting has changed to -,s~ t He noted that Reagan might lose if he • voc~ y" journalism, and criticized the fails to take a firm stand on the issues. media's "liberal bias." He said, •We He also critiziced the "largely dor- are"" indispensable to the survival of l man(' conservative coalition of the . de racy while, at the same time, · .(., 1982 elections and blamed their lack rep~ nting a menace to its survival." · .11. •.• , • . of effort on the media. Blackwell said, G~ rgetown alumnus and National.:_- Morton Bl~ell In Gaston Hall. E· ·•-.~ ·>,,II• • .:,, "4,, • ~ -··- ::-_, . ----·---- ---- .I.•~ Georgetown Young Americans for Freedom P.O . Box 3033 Washington, D.C. 20057 (202) 944-1291 Richard J.
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