
f c - ' ..........I p . 7 \ n\0\Fmrm hmm : _ .Good rm e orning _Longg = tim «e baniker IEatonI dies ,at 72 ■foday’s forecast:ist: Sunny and warm with highs from 90>0 toti 95 and west winds ----------------- ^_____________£ _ B y Ptiil Sahm daughghler, CJcorgina; ;uid son.on. Cunis li. during liiele GC reat Depression and credidiicil It, I ] 10 to 15 mph. Timcs-Ncws writer Eatonjti. along wilhilh understanding the essiliicinlially P a g o A 2 Ejiiiaion joined lhe Twin Fal~alls Bank tt conservaiiv<live nature of the people bi f the & T TWIN FALLS - Curtiurtis T. E:uoii, Twin Trust,St. of which his faiticr, tfieiJic late Harry Magic Vali/alley, with guiding him irt hati- y ' Falls banker, runclicr andnd tivic leader, died Eaton3n. w;is president in 1957.7. Before1 join- dling thei bank'sb; affairs. He considercrcd hi.s....... f Sunday at ngc 72 at thcic M^ agic Valley Rc- ing thcth bank. Fjilon had iKcn1 a riuicher for family^s longloi association with ifip banklm its ......... -------------- gional Mcdical Ccnlcr. 17 yc:'ears. one o f thehe institution’s strong pointnis, Ilc v^W6 iS6< Ncithcr tiic Eaton Tamilmiiy nor tlie funeral Wh/h en his I'aiher died in I97i)72. Eaton be- never forgoi•got that thc bank’s tradition1 was\ in . Animal contaitainment at issue home released the causOolOof deaih Sunday, camee president of llie bank andan guided it agriculluralral lending. Eaton, former-presidentent and chairman of througugh a period when a numbe■ber of agricul- “Tfic bankban started out primarily, T he M inidoka CountyCc Platming and ^ a s an -x J -'-* die board of Twin Fallss BankB &. Trust, was tural1 lendersI across lhe nationn werev failing, agriculluralral bank and lending insli Zoning Commissionion wants to new whal SlllUUOtl a'ranchcr and was activevc during his career He .seiserved as jircsident o f the in:institution un-. and we con;onsider ourselves still to bc tf the public thinkrobcabout ils new livestock ; lhat by yjfi ,_in many civic and privateuc orgnnizaiioiis. in-.. lil 19i985 whcn.hisson...Curtis.ii.ii.E a to n . sue- v in u e o f tlw containm ent ordirianciancc........ ................. tlic-faci lhal w hatever w c dolo in llic - . eluding the University of Idaho Board of ccedciled him. He stepped asidele as; presidenl M agic Vail P a g o A3 /alley is ccrtainly wcll-basi RcgenLs and tfic Idalu) Si;ucSt;i Board of Edu- partlyly to keep the bank movinging on "an or- whai happe:)pens to agriculture,” he saic cation. Idaho Bankers Association,A. Idaho derlyty coursc in lhe years to comiime," he said, 1983 intcrvi;rvicw. Hawk suspecte:ted in fire and American Catilcmcrncn'.s Associations, Hee retained his positions asis chaimianc of Thc bankmk rr:maincd in the family’s i Bureau of Landid Management crews Twin Falls County Fairair Board, Kiwanis thc bubo;ird and chief cxccuiivc: officcroi of die unlil 1989'89 when First Security fciS_^ suspect a haw k shortedsh some power C lub, Shriners and numerclerous others, bank,<. Ixiught comontrol. Eaton joined First Sccuri-Si ' CurtIJ r tls T. E ato n He is survived by hishi wife. Wilma; F^uc lines, fell flaming; to the ground, and ig- llion-formed his bankinglg pliilosophy Please see EATO0 N /A 2 N ovor fo rg o t bank’sba agricultural tios nitcd a five- to 10-nc3-acrc brush fire south* east o f Shoshone, P a g e A3 Back to Jellyshstone Park Mouniitain H g[>me braaces for'possiblele base dclosure . Times-News colur)lumnist Diana Hoolcy ' I B y M idicbello Cole secs quite a bit a differencedif between her Tim es-h:-News writer expcnence at Ycllovllowstone Park and the i w ay her kids saw il.it. M O UUNTAfN fiOME - Vounglg airmena hoisted diitiiiny P a g e .A a bom bsi beneathfc a F-II IA fightcr-bt:r-bombcr Friday. Despite thc 103-13-degrce heat, il was businc:siness as usual at Moun- .......^ tain Horome Air Forcc Base. 3lenns Ferry’s diviIversity - A3 Masingill wins: IS again — ------ osure talk called r - i ’l - ' d politics A3 Payette's Scott MaMasingill hit a 15-foot t - < "• - ' .. uphill birdie put onn thetl first playofT hole But b Sunday to win a reccecord fifth Idaho State business as usual is changiinging at the 47-ycar-old base, loclocated 10 m iles southwc.st o M en’s A m ateur GolfToiimamenl. olf st of Mounlain Home. In fact, bus P a g e A 6 usincss as usual could lumn intoin no bu.sincssat all. A yea:cor ago the A ir Force propo.scloscd m ajor expansions al . thc baseist; in order to acconiniodiiiiidiitc 94 l‘-4G Phantom Crowning theeKing F ^ fighterjirj*lft,thal were to be tninsfcrrfcrred lo Mountain Home Betsy K ing outlastilasted Patti Shcchon to -------- from Card ifo m ia ’s G eorge A ir Forcc)rcc Ba-si:, " win a m arathon U.!U.S. W om en’s Open itary officials planned lo spen;pend SlOO million to im- ; Golf Tournament titletitle Sunday. thc Tactical Air Commandid basebi and nearby Saylor ! P a g o A7 ' TO#' Creek IBombing Range, Mouniamlain Home businesses * :d on the additional dollarsars lhe area's major cm- 1 ' would bring into thc city ofKof J .900. ! Top seeds win1 1 0 # . ^ t was before the Berlin Wall all« cojlapsed.nlong with a • ;;; - No, I- seeds Dtivttaivtd- L ittle-tm d •Carrie- - :r o f com m unist "regimes iii Faslerli'nuro'ng,'That ’ ' Reed won the top singlessir prizes Sunday - w as alscso before the: Air Forcc iheinel ii'walli o f public; tippo- at thc Twin Falls: TennisT< Association’s lo its plans to expand the !02.0(m-«cre Saylor July Tournament. C reek rangera to m orc than 1.5 millioillion acres, P a g o A 6 r Todayay, with efTorts to cul thee najhwialn? deficit coupled ) ■ K g w ith a lesseningIe o f world tensions.:ns. lhc ninge expiinsion is i Atf ^ . ____ D nholdi d and thc military facc.s cutsuts lhati one Idaho senotor ■ ' -i r • . labeledj ‘‘draconian.”'' * " I ’vee ;always said thai Mounlainlain Home and any base ; was subjibject to a tough budget procprocess," said Sen,vSlcvc ^ Teaching kidss aabout money ^ Symms,s, R-Idaho. "There is nothingling sacred out there.” Vic Andrews, commanderier of' thc 3rt6th. Tactical H ow can parents,s lcleach children about Fighterr Wing,> predicted in a lelcvilevision interview Friday 1 . money? Giving allo%ilowances and setting 5\ -fl lhat withithin five years thc Air Fore'orce would havc half to 1 goals and budgets ar I ore techniques some two-thircirds its current num ber o f basesbas and people, families usc. W h aIt t'will happen nt Mountainn HomeH won't bc known P a g o B l until at: leastII next year, when the: presidentpr sends his new i .y-'" budget lolc Congress. And even ifI" thethc base is closcd. lhat’s Understand kid[ids’ beliavior _ a proccss:ss that could take three yearsears. A ndrew s .said. -, Kids oQen seemn lo(i be in thcir own ........... "■ ------------^Politiclical, econom ic und m any otherolh factors will go into ' world - and out of sync with yours. thc militlitary budget decisions, officifficials insist. But. even : Columnist JoAnn LaiLarsen discusses how so, Andtidrews predicted thal the cutscul will bc so massive | to understand yow chchild’s behavior even ............................ that “thclicre will bc some very, verycry good bancs thal havc .......‘ undcr the w orst ci'rcuncumstonces. to go by<y the w ayside.” P a g e D l Whatit about Saylor Creek;e k ? ; ^ A ir FoForce officials say iheir rcccnrccnt baltle w ith Idahoans ov er thcic proposed Saylor C reek expexpansion has not soured them onn I^ountain Home, an’t think there's any quesliieslion in the eyes o f the Slugging it outit iup north MICHEUI-CLI;COLEm..Ti™*««. pcnmgo" on or the Air Force aboutit (I(Idahoans) support for Sgl. Anthony RItaccc:co cleans thc fuselage < Four months bcfonfore the election, thc i on “The Spirit of Idahoho,” the flagship planee fofi r th o 366th the A irr Forcc1 and base,” s.^id Capi-'apt. Sigmund Adams, a hard-fought 1st Dist3istri(Jl congrcssioncl Tactical Fighter WingIng stationed at Mountai ain Hom e. PIPlease see BASE/A2 race has no dear favoQvorite, veteran politi- cal writer Quane Kcnycnyon says. P a g e A 8 Gorbach This is really foifor the birds hev hints; at accepjting Gerrmany ass NATO I]member ' The guys who hcliliclp birds o f prey lo Los A ngeles Times November. breed in captivity couldco help the U.S. However, to assurssure lhat German unily oc- electoral proccss, humlumor columpist Dave MOSCOW — Soviet Pres’resident Mikhail S. TiPens of thoussands rally ffor wholesali^ curs witli Moscow':ow's blessing, Soviet and Barry says, Gorbachev, emerging from•om a mom ing o f West German leaderidcrs havc worked lo get to- talk.s with We.st Gcmian Cli P a g e A S Chancellor Helmut j gether on a mutualilually agreeable figure — Kohl, hinted strongly Sundi defections fifrom commilunist ranks mday thal Moscow most likely 300,000000 to 350.000 persons un- is ready lo accept NATO m ) membership for a Logi3 Angeles Times dvance o f such a f'onnal an- united Gemiany. Oleg Kalugitjgin lold the cheering crowiwd, •‘today I. like „,jl^ nounccmcnt. “ In the Eu-St-West cont'ontext in general, ike tens of thousands if not mi MOSCOW — lens of thousandsthc of lions of comi .J jj, A strength o f 350,()(K)35( would leave.
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