Proceedings of ... Annual Session of the Department of Indiana, Grand Army of the Republic

Proceedings of ... Annual Session of the Department of Indiana, Grand Army of the Republic

Proceedings of ... annual session of the Department of Indiana, Grand Army of the Republic. Grand Army of the Republic. Indianapolis : Sentinel Printing Co., 1910-1922. Creative Commons Zero (CC0) This work has been dedicated by the rights holder to the public domain. It is not protected by copyright and may be reproduced and distributed freely without permission. For details, see the full license deed at -‘:.. -‘ -0- ,' , .’~ -‘::.'.‘.':. ' .'.::.':'. '‘' ' M,'m‘.:'Q D or 0 ‘ 0 00 0 . ... .:.:,.:'::'.''.'.’‘.''.':‘'' ' .,'..;.:;s:* , :.j¢:.:.'...;~ 0. .',;0:-'‘;0:':‘.:"‘:'c'..'':‘, ‘ 0.-. .'.'- - ," » , :0 '0 u 0 0 ‘'‘ 0,:J''0''''- .-1 0.:O0’ ''-‘'0 0~,:‘-‘':'. ‘ . ‘ . ‘' :'0'.'.'.'w.. .. - -..0000c0,':'.:‘0‘:''.0,.' -0.0.'.0-.-¢<.0 0..'..',-0‘0c00.‘ 000 -.»‘ 0 J.»0'-.-,.' -..00':' ' O.'...'..c0~ - 0 ..,.-.. ..''.u , 0 0 0 , , ‘ ‘‘....0-.-'‘u‘ ': '.’:.'.0.':.' , , ,0 4 '0'u“'0'0:c‘ 0'''0'~' . 0 -.» '‘0'.’.‘.J0.0 O 0 0 0 . ‘ 0 '- ‘'Q..0'...-0.. 0 0 I 0.O ‘,-. 0 0.'6J1 ":.' '0-'Q .0. 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HELD AT CONNERSVILLE, INDIANA, MAY 23-25. I922 ' ' u ~. > #6 0'0 a ° a ~» \ '0 ' ' ' .-0 > . - 0 V Q VOLUME XLIII \~r..\ 2% ‘ _. ., . .-'-3 -.-,gm-\| Q/I‘ / ,3A’.~~1_',¢,)' , 2 ’ in :1 <-, ('’n: O E '-‘~‘:¢-0w i..::::,\.-'=~.' - INDIANAPOLIS: wm. B. sum-‘orw, CONTRACTOR rm: smrn yrclwrwc AND BINDING 1922 ‘a»"\ V 1' i : Q\ 0 0 u 0- 9 00 . ., . O . .. ...0 .,.Q . 0..[ "‘ ~~ , ' ' ' 0 ~ . O I -. ~ \a ~~ . ~ ,.. ~‘~-0- “" ‘.: O Q . ,. 01.‘ 0 A\‘-.- 0~ ~ . 0.,‘0 ~....0 R ) 0 ' ‘..... \ A . Q W 'O ..s .- ') :: J Q 0 r.-~ 0 ... .’~ I, _. a.. Q, , .O Q‘ 0-.00 . ."‘g - O . 0,‘ . ' ' 0) Q - \ I 3L 11.. 7- a -‘-: :? ROBERT McBRIDE, Senlor Vlce Commander-1n Chlef ' (3) I RICHARD H. TYNER, Department Commander. (:) ALBERT J. BALL, Assistant Adjutant-General and Assistant Quartermaster-General (5) MRS. ROSE SUTTON, Department President W. R. C. :. : s6) 1 7 ,>1 JJ0--0 MRS. JULIA M. McCORKLE, Department President Ladies G. A. R <7) DR. E. S. SHUMAKER, Division Commander Sons of Veterans (8) MRS. CORA SWARTZ, Division President Sons of Veterans’ Auxiliary (9) \ MRS. CARRIE ROHMER, President Daughters of Veterans (10) - To the Governor of the State of Indiana: Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith the abstract of General Orders and Proceedings of the Forty-third Encampment, Department of Indiana, Grand Army of the Republic, for the year 1922. Very respectfully, ALBERT J. BALL, Assistant Adjutant-General. 0win UNOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF FORTY-THIRD ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT, DEPARTMENT OF INDIANA, GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC Connersville, Indiana. May 23, 1922. A royal welcome was accorded the veterans and delegates when the Headquarters Special Train arrived from Indianapolis. Bands played, whistles were blown, and bells were rung as a greeting to the visitors. The noise of exploding bombs and the strain of music by the bands and drum corps mingled in a truly martial welcome that filled the hearts of the Civil War Veterans with joy. The Knightstown Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Ohpans’ Home Band, the Muncie Boys’ Band, Burns’ Greater Shows’ Band, American Legion Bugle and Drum Corps, Dr. J. C. Harr’s Martial Band joined the parade in musical program throughout the afternoon. Tuesday, May 23d, at 7:30 a reception for National and Depart ment Officers of the Grand, Army of the Republic and its Allied and Associate Orders was held in the parlors at the McFarlan Hotel. The same evening an “overflow meeting” in the Methodist Church was taking place. After a selection by the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphans’ Home Band, Hon. James A. Clifton, Mayor of the City of Conners ville, turned the city over to the Grand Army of the Republic and to its Allied and Associate Orders. The National Department was officially represented by Robert W. McBride, Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief; Mahlon D. Butler, Past Adjutant General, both of Indianapolis. The Department Ofiicers in cluded Richard H. Tyner, of Newcastle, Commander; Z. T. Landers, Senior Vice Department Commander; Albert J. Ball, Assistant Adjutant General and Assistant Quartermaster General, of Indianapolis, and George M. Williams, of East Connersville, Commander of the Conners— ville Post. Immediately following the Public Reception, a Musical Entertain ment and Dance at Eagles Hall and K. of P. Hall took place. The music was furnished by the following: Minute Man Orchestra and Well’s Orchestra. Musical Entertainment was furnished by Mrs. C. E. Walden, Mrs. Francis Batt Wallace, Mrs. Zoa Dodds from Dayton, Ohio, Messrs. L. V. Hegwood, L. Maurice Lucas and Olin Rippetoe. Wednesday, May 24th, at 2:00 p. m. the Grand Army of the Re public had its annual parade. It was escorted by the Sons of Veterans who preceded the Grand Army and numbered about one hundred of that Organization. The Grand Army had in line of march five hundred and sixty Comrades, while eighty—five Comrades were placed in automobiles which covered the line of march. In this parade there were one field band consisting of two fifes, three snare drums and two bass drums, and was composed of Grand Army Comrades entirely. The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Orphans’ Band from the Knightstown Home also took part in this parade. The line of march was on Central Avenue for a dis tance of eight squares. This parade was organized and commanded by John F. Davenport, Department Chief of Staff. A Campfire was held in the Auditorium Theater, Wednesday even ing, May 24th, at 8:00 p. m. Commander Richard H. Tyner presided. Address was made by Senior Vice Commander-in-Chief Robert W. Mc Bride in behalf of the National Encampment, Grand Army of the Re public. Mrs. Agnes Parker, National President of the Woman’s Relief (12) 13 Corps, represented that organization at this Encampment. Addresses were made by Mrs. Rose Sutton, Department President of the Woman’s Relief Corps, and Mrs. Julia M. McCorkle, Department President of the Ladies of the Grand Army. Comrade E. S. Shumaker, Division President of the Sons of Veterans, and Mrs. Carrie Rohmer, Department President of Daughters of Veterans, also gave an address. A committee having charge of the arrangements for the Department Encampment was represented in this Campfire by Mr. Hawkins. After the addresses were made an interesting and amusing musical program and vaudeville performance concluded this entertainment. REPORT OF COUNCIL OF ADMINISTRATION, HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF INDIANA, GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC Room 63, McFarlan Hotel. CONNERSVILLE, INDIANA, May 23, 1922. The Council of Administration met at 2:00 p. m., the following Comrades being present: Department Commander, Richard H. Tyner; Senior Vice Depart ment Commander, Z. T. Landers; Assistant Adjutant-General, Albert J. Ball; Judge Advocate, Frank M. Hay; Department Inspector, Chas. W. Shaw; Color Bearers, Henry B. Sparks, Alonzo Murphy, C. C. Schreeder and F. M. Van Pelt. The meeting was called to order by Department Commander Richard H. Tyner. The Rules and Order of Business were read by the Assistant Adjutant-General. RULES AND ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. District Meeting for nominating Delegates and Alternates to the National Encampment, etc. 2. Opening of the Encampment. 3. Report of Committee on Credentials. 4. Calling Roll of Department Ofiicers and Posts. 5. Commander’s Address. 6. Appointment of Committees on Reports of Officers, etc. 7. Reception and references of Resolutions and Communications. 8. Reports of Ofiicers. 9. Miscellaneous business, including meeting place of next Encampment. 10. Reports of Committees. 11. Election of Delegates and Alternates at Large. Election of Department Ofiicers as follows: (a) Council of Administration. (b) Chaplain. (c) Medical Director. (d) Junior Vice Commander. (e) Senior Vice Commander. (f) Commander. 12. Installation of Ofiicers. To conform with the above the following change was made in the beginning “After the miscellaneous business is disposed of”. At 8:00 o’clock on the morning of the second day of the Encamp ment the Comrades from each congressional district will assemble in district meeting in the hall and organize by selecting a Chairman, one Vice Chairman and two Tellers, who shall serve until the next En 14 campment, or until their successors are elected.

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