CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E923 to one's ability to pay, are much fairer. The in- I also want to thank my colleagues from Ari- nomics. In general, children in low-income come tax is a type of progressive tax. I believe zona for their help. Congressmen STUMP, communities get sick more often from prevent- that the current budget surplus is large HAYWORTH, and KOLBE joined me in intro- able acute and infectious illnesses such as enough to consider repealing other regressive ducing the legislation, and Congressman measles, conjunctivitis, and ear infections. taxes that harrn lower-income Americans. As SHADEGG quickly joined them in seeing the Low-income children and teens are also more such, I remain committed to creating a more wisdom of co-sponsorship. And in the other likely to suffer from chronic medical conditions fair tax system. body, both Senators from Arizona joined to in- such as diabetes and asthma, the leading f troduce the bill we are considering today. cause of school absences. In fact, the sharp- The Gila project in Western Arizona was TRIBUITE TO LARRY WILKINSONÐ est increases in asthma rates are among originally authorized for construction by Presi- EXTRAORDINARY LIBRARY AD- urban minority children. dent Roosevelt in June, 1937. Construction for VOCATE Despite the tremendous advances in med- the Wellton-Mohawk Division was started in ical technology and public health, millions of HON. SCOTT McINNIS August, 1949, and water from the Colorado children have less of a chance to grow up River was turned onto the Wellton-Mohawk healthy and strong because of unequal access OF COLORADO fields for the first time in May, 1952. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to health care. Children without health insur- project was completed by June, 1957 and the ance or a regular source of health care are Wednesday, June 7, 2000 Wellton-Mohawk Irrigation and Drainage Dis- most likely to seek care from emergency Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to trict fully repaid its project costs and was given rooms and clinics, which have long waits to take this moment to recognize Larry Wilkinson its certificate of discharge on November 27, see a provider, limited follow-up, and little or for receiving the Extraordinary Library Advo- 1991. In 1998, the District and the Bureau of no health education about preventive strate- cate of the 20th Century award that is pre- Reclamation signed a Memorandum of Agree- gies or ways to manage chronic illness. Com- sented by the ALA/ALTA National Advocacy ment that covers the details of the transfer of pared with insured children, uninsured children Honor Role. This award recognizes individuals title. are up to eight times less likely to have a reg- who encourage and promote library services This bill, S. 356, which is virtually identical ular source of care, four times more likely to at both the state and national levels. Larry to the bill I introduced, H.R. 841, simply au- delay seeking care, nearly three times less was one of five individuals chosen for this thorizes the Secretary of the Interior to carry likely to have seen a provider in the past year, award. out all provisions of the Memorandum of and five times more likely to use the emer- Some of Larry's accomplishments, with re- Agreement covering the transfer of title, in- gency room as a regular place of care. There gards to his library service, include initiating cluding the authority to convey lands as re- is no question that insurance is key to main- the inception of two public libraries in the quired. It also requires the Secretary of Interior taining health. State of Colorado. Perhaps his greatest and the Secretary of Energy to continue to Imagine one hundred children from Texas achievement was the restoration of a former provide water and power as provided under standing in front of you. Fifty-four of these chil- jailhouse into the current library in the town of existing contracts. dren are insured through Private/Employer- Mr. Speaker, as I mentioned, this has been Telluride. Today, Larry volunteers one day a based programs. Twenty-two are covered a long road, but we are finally ending the leg- week to continue his public passion and also through Medicaid. Twenty-four are uninsured. islative journey. This is simple legislation serves on the Colorado Council of Library De- This equals to about 1.4 million of the 6 million which will help shrink the role of the Federal velopment. children in Texas without health insurance. The many contributions that Larry has made government and shift the responsibilities for Now imagine one hundred children from all have markedly improved the publics' access to ownership into the hands of local entities. In over the country standing in front of you. information, especially in the Telluride area. short, passage of this legislation will ensure a Sixty-four of these children are insured Before Larry's involvement and the creation of smoother and more efficient operation, which through Private/Employer-based programs. the library, residents would have to travel to in turn will better serve the American taxpayer Twenty-one are covered through Medicaid. Fif- the city of Montrose in order to obtain access and the citizens of Southwest Arizona. teen are uninsured. to literary materials. Thanks to Larry, that is no I ask that my colleagues support passage of longer the case. S. 356 and I look forward to watching the Why is it that Texas' percentage of unin- Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege to pay tribute President sign it into law. sured children is higher than the national's av- to Larry's efforts and to thank him for his work f erage? The reason is due to a Texas govern- to provide access to information that is only ment that chooses not to take advantage of TEXAS' CHILD HEALTH government funding that will allow many chil- available in public libraries. Larry is exceed- INSURANCE PROGRAM ingly worthy of this prestigious award and de- dren to be insured. As a matter of fact, Texas serves the praise of this body. can expand its Medicaid coverage to the age f HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of eighteen and cover those whose income is OF TEXAS up to 300% of the Federal Poverty Level. WELLTON-MOHAWK TRANSFER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Presently, Texas only covers children up to ACT Wednesday, June 7, 2000 the age of eighteen and to those whose in- SPEECH OF Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. come is 100% of the Federal Poverty Level HON. ED PASTOR Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak on Texas' Child with Title XXI funds. If Texas expands Title Health Insurance Program. XXI eligibility to only 200% Federal Poverty OF ARIZONA Today, our children should not have to fight Level, like it has the choice to, then an addi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to get the health care coverage they deserve. tional 483,000 uninsured children would be eli- Tuesday, June 6, 2000 I am sad to say, in Texas they do. A child gible for insurance coverage. Over half of all Mr. PASTOR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today at born in the year 2000 is far more likely to states have expanded coverage to 200% or the end of this long journey to fully support grow up healthy and to reach adulthood than beyond. this legislation which transfers the title of the a child born in 1900 was. Over the past 100 Most states have expanded health insur- Gila Project/Wellton Mohawk Division facilities years, our nation's scientific, technological, ance coverage to children using Title XXI from the Bureau of Reclamation to the and financial resources have built the most funds. This coverage is provided through Med- Wellton-Mohawk Irrigation and Drainage Dis- advanced health care system in the world. But icaid expansions and/or separate insurance trict. the doors of the health care system are not programs. Ten states offer Medicaid to those I want to thank the Gentleman from Alaska, open to everyone. with an income up to 150% Federal Poverty Chairman YOUNG, the Gentleman from Cali- Millions of children have inadequate medical Level. Texas falls within this category. Texas fornia, Mr. MILLER, the Chairman of the Re- care. Ensuring that every child in our nation falls at the bottom. Our children fall at the bot- sources Subcommittee on Water and Power, receives the best possible health care must be tom. Chairman DOOLITTLE, and the Ranking Mem- a top priority for the nation. Unfortunately, not This should simply not be the case. The ber of that Subcommittee, Mr. DOOLEY, for all children have benefited equally from the Texas government must not only strive to im- their help in getting this legislation through the medical, public health, and public policy prove its average compared to the national av- Subcommittee, through the full Resources achievements of the 20th century. To a large erage, but it must also strive to ensure all of Committee, and now on the Floor of the extent, health status is still determined by its children adequate health care. The oppor- House. race, language, culture, geography, and eco- tunity for Texas to make change is now. The E924 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks June 9, 2000 Texas leadership must now show compassion have benefitted from her insight, as has the of the Jewish Community organized the Hillel to its future and provide a means for them to entire Waterford community over the course of Streetwork project, which later became Build- live healthy lives. the last 34 years.
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