The Bushwalker Magazine of the Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs (NSW) Inc ISSN 0313 2684 Summer issue - November 1997 Volume 23 No 2 http://www.bushwalking.org.au AAABORIGINAL O OOWNERSHIP OFOFOF NNAAATIONALTIONALTIONAL P PARKSARKSARKS INININ NSWNSW NNN Vivien DunneP PP * NSWNSW he National Parks and Communication Committee Amendments to the 1996 Aboriginal Wildlife Amendment •NSW Jervis Bay NP near Nowra Ownership Act provide for the recognition T(Aboriginal Ownership) Act •Mount Yarrowyck Nature Reserve of indigenous peoples rights to ancestral 1996** relating to Aboriginal Ownership near Armidale lands, cultural sites and places of of National Parks passed through both •Mount Grenfell Historic Site near historical significance as well as houses of the NSW Parliament unop- Cobar recognising the need for the protection posed in December 1996. For some more The most important points to note and management of national parks for conservative members of the community in The Amendment are as follows:- all Australians. the passing of The Act was seen as cause National Parks will be approved * Vivien Dunne is a student of for concern and greeted with alarm, but for Aboriginal ownership subject to a Environmental Geography at the for others it was heralded as a significant lease-back arrangement between the University of Sydney and Vice Presi- step in providing for the rights of indigenous owners and the relevant State dent of the Sydney Branch of the Australia’s indigenous peoples. or Commonwealth authority and will National Parks Association of NSW. The Joint management will be include the payment of rent for the lease article reflects only the authors opinion established for parks and reserves listed of the land. The term of the lease will be and not those of the NPA. on Schedule 14 through the appointment for a period of 30 years with allowance ** All information from NPWS, of Boards of Management. The Boards made for renewal of the term, periodic Aboriginal Ownership of National will be required to exercise management, review and provisionfor replacement. Parks, Government Publication, care and control in accordance with the Public right of access to national February 1997 provisions of the National Parks and parks and the use and enjoyment of the Wildlife Act 1974 and at this stage five parks is to be guaranteed. parks have been listed for return to The lands will be protected from World Heritage Aboriginal ownership. being sold or mortgaged. Listing for •Mootwingee NP and Historic Site, Direct operational responsibility Blue Mountains a and Coturaundee Nature Reserve near for the management of the land will possibilty - Page 3 Broken Hill continue to rest with NPWS, and •Mungo NP compliance with existing Acts, World The Dam issue is still Heritage listings, or other international with us - Page 4 treaty obligations will be acknowledged and upheld. How the Aboriginal Aboriginal people will be given preference for employment opportuni- Land Councils will ties as administrators, rangers and for manage our National other positions within national parks. Parks - Page 5 Admission fees will be charged for entrance to national parks for tourists. Chainsaws set to Policies will be adopted giving return to our National access to the Aboriginal owners for Parks?- Page 11 subsistence hunting, fishing and cultural use of the land, together with Human remains estimated to date back The Wollemi Pine - access for ceremonial purposes. Page 13 25.500 years found in Mungo National It should be noted that The park - Photo courtesy Webster Publishing. Page 1 The Bushwalker T THEHEHE B BUSHWUSHWUSHWALKERALKERALKER CCCOMMITTEE M MMEMBERS Contributions,ContributionsContributions letters to the editor, original cartoons and sugges- President - Vacant Conservation Officer - John Macris tions are welcome. They should be sent (02) 9526-7363 (H) (02) 9666-5077 to the address below. Except for short Vice President - Jim Callaway (02) National Parks Association notes or letters, all contributions 9520-7081 (H) (02) 9219-4379 (W) [email protected] should be accompanied with text file The Sydney Bush Walkers Tracks and Access officer - Alex on three and a half inch floppy disk in Secretary - Jim Cook (02) 9498- Tucker (02) 9451-4028 IBM format or E-Mail. 5760 (H) (02) 9221-2333 (W) National Parks Association Advertising rates are available [email protected] Treasurer - Lyn Gett (02) 9645- on request.Ring John Clarke on (02) The Catholic Bushwalking Club 1395 Bankstown Bushwalking Club 9744-1916 Training officer - Nuri Chorvat Insurance officer and Membership DistributionDistributionDistribution is through 0242-296746 (H) 0242-757850 (W) Secretary - Neil Green (02) 9519-2157 affiliated clubs, major retail outlets, WEA Illawarra Ramblers [email protected] council information centres and [email protected] Sutherland Bushwalking Club national park offices. Address allallAddress correspondence to The Editor, The Wilderness Rescue officer - Keith Magazine Editor Maxwell (02)9622-0049 Rescue Number Magazine Editor - Colin Wood, Tel 0246 Bushwalker Bushwalkers NSW PO M 019395047 Pager 106020 #277321 265513 H 041-9608561 Mobile Box 2090 GPO Sydney 1043. Phone Mount Druitt Bushwalking Club [email protected] (02) 9548-1228 [email protected] E-mail [email protected] The Confederation of Bushwalking Clubs NSW Inc represents IIINNN TTTHHHISISIS IIISSSSUESUESUE approximately 65clubs with a total Aboriginal Ownership of National Parks in NSW........................................Page1 membership around 8500 Blue Mountains for World Heritage Listing................................................Page 3 bushwalkers. Formed in 1932, the Confederation provides a united voice The Dam Issue is Still With Us....................................................................Page 4 on conservation and other issues, runs Management of National Parks in NSW by Aboriginal Land Councils......Page5 training courses for members, and provides for the public a free wilder- Back From the Brink - Book Review...........................................................Page 6 ness search and rescue service. People Back to The Blue Gum Circa 1932.............................................................Page 7 interested in joining a bushwalking club are invited to write to the Secre- Along the Track (Tracks & Access).............................................................Page 8 tary Bushwalkers NSW at the above Chainsaws Set to Return to our National Parks?.......................................Page 11 address for information on clubs in their area. Or web site http:// Cookery Corner............................................................................................Page 12 www.bushwalking.org.au Willow Eradication Walks...........................................................................Page 12 Printed on recycled paper by The Wollemi Pine........................................................................................Page 13 MLC Powerhouse Calendar for 1998.......................................................................................Page 14 Design Centre, Casula Blue Gum Ball/Bush Dance (photo Spread).............................................Page 16 TTTHEHEHE B BBUSHWUSHWUSHWALKERALKERALKER Craclair Tours (advertisement)..................................................................Pasge 17 is the magazine of the Confederation of The NSW Bird Atlassers...............................................................................Page 18 Bushwalking Clubs NSW Inc. It's published quarterly. The aim of the Kalang Falls Tradgedy.................................................................................Page 19 magazine is to provide articles and information of interest to the members Blue Rivers A Narative of Time in The Blue Mountains (book review).....Page 20 of clubs affiliated with the Clubs Affiliated with Confederation............................................................Page 21 Confederation and bushwalkers generally. Any opinions expressed by Bushwalker Wilderness Rescue - Callouts..................................................Page 22 individual authors do not always represent the official views of the Bushwalker Wilderness Rescue - Training.................................................Page 23 Confederation. Page 2 The Bushwalker BBBLUELUELUE M MMOUNTOUNTOUNTAINSAINSAINS F FFOROROR W WWORLDORLDORLD H HHERITERITERITAGEAGEAGE GGGROUNDS FORFORFOR OPTIMISM nnouncements in late Les Coyne Blue Mountains Regional Assessment Process is not yet October have given cause for Conservation Society* available, but is understood to support Aoptimism that progress is about to happen. When there was no the widespread presence of World being made with the World Heritage action, the matter faded from public view. Heritage values in the area. Nomination for the Blue Mountains. Today, most have forgotten that the Earlier this year, State and Federal The nomination of the Blue nomination process had ever been Environment Ministers Pam Allan and Mountains as a World Heritage area has instigated. At the last state election, Robert Hill reaffirmed their respective been an issue for the best part of ten World Heritage for the Blue Mountains government’s commitment to the years. The cause has been strongly was briefly in the news, gaining a preparation of a nomination, with a promoted by the Colong Foundation, commitment from both the major parties target completion date of June 1998. whose campaign could be said to have
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