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fi' BRIDG ~\\\ \ \\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\; ; ; ; ; ~ So111erset Contract Bridge Association § ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; § West of England Bridge Congress ~ ; , ; , ; , § THE GRAND HOTEL § ; ; § BRISTOL § ; ; ; ; ,~ September 25th to 28th, 1969 ;~ ; ; ; , , ; ::: A new Programme, with more major ::: § events, In luxury surroundings, offering the ~ ~ best In prizes, with the friendly atmosphere ~ ; , ::: which so many players appreciate. ::: ~ ~ ~ Write to Entries Secretary : ~ ::: Mrs. J. R. At kin, 39 Two Mile Road, Kingswood, Brist ol ~ ;~ ;~ ~\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\< ~\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\~ ~, BERMUDA ;~ , ; ::: Regional Contract Bridge Tournament :: ~ ~ ~ 23rd January - 3rd February, 1970 ~ , ; ::: A luxury holiday, warm welcome and stiff opposition! ~ ::: ~ ::: Events 1nclude : Individual, Pa1rs, Team of 4 Championships, etc. :: ~ ~ ::: EXCELLENT PRIZES NICE PEOPLE :: : ~ § Spec1al tour arrangements for E.B.U. members from £16110 0 ~ ::: For Details wnte ASSET TRAVEL Ltd ., 48 MADDOX ST, LONDO W 1 ~ '\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\• ~\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\ \\ \\\\\\\\ \\\\ \\\ \\ \\ ~ ,~ ALGARVE PORTUGAL ~:: ~ 2nd International Bridge Week ~ ; , ; , ~ 4 th-12t h November at De-Luxe Hotel ALVOR PRAIA ~ ,§ Full details of Programme Pnzes, etc., from ,~ ~ JANAWAY TRAVEL LTD. ~ ~ 106 CAMDEN HIGH STREET, LO DON, N W.l Tel 01-485-3194 9955 ~ ,; , ,::: /~teluso.t Tt a• I tutJ Hot•/ au ••ahOIU al ..,,, h low ,..,,,( COUJ ,:: ~\ \ \\\\\~\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ~ th B.B.L. punoo • Ifill Brid~e lub I y cla1m to th olde t pia 10 m mbcr. 14th . 1r. J hn Robert 0 v1e reached hi hundredth birthd . r. till a r gular '1sitor to th ftern on e ion. l the club. R T R PORT Bowl di ppe red on th ond rd uth arne. t t . A 51 Q J l Aj7 Q 10 () Q 10 7 • 4 I I 'j 6 11th RO PIO HIPS, 0 LO OPE Flul hamplon hlp Table 1 Italy 125 12 Belgium 79 2 orwa 114 13 Sp in 77 3 Au tria 109 14 Iceland •.. 77 4 Fran e .•. 10 15 D nrnark 76 S Swttzerland 104 16 Turke 75 6 Sweden .. 96 17 Hungary 7 7 Jr land •.. 94 1 Finland 67 Poland .. 93 19 etherlands 5 9 Gt. Britain 92 20 Portugal 57 10 German 3 21 Greece 47 11 I rael ... ... ... 0 . Great Britain won eleven rnatche : 8-0 agam t Denmark Fr~nce, Ireland, 1 rae!, Gr ce, Icel nd, 7·1 agamst Belgium, Germ.any, Austna, Hungary, 6-2 a~in t etherland . Drew one match. 4-4 agam t Turke . Lo t etght matche , -0 a a1n t It ly, Poland and Swttzerland, ?·l agai t Sweden and Finland, 6-2 again t Portu al and orway, 5·3 agam t pam. \ hilst the re ult may be con idered a di ppointing one, too much could not be e. pected of a team four of ho e members were having thelf fir t t te of Champion hip brid e. It w ignificant that in the whole of the Open Champion hip there were no more than two player over the age . of fif . 't ith an ever increasin entry in both the European and Olymp1 d Championship , with a proliferation of artificial y tern with which the player are expected to familiarise them elve , the physical demands of Champion hip brid e are b coming uch a to make it a younger man' game and more and more countries are looking to the futur in their elections. For the moment the re ult of thi outlook i not to produce a higher tandard of Champion hip bridge and 0 lo a far from being a peak ·ear. \ bile it i probabl true to ay that the lower echelon were much irnpro ·ed. there were fewer team of true cia than for many ear . Ital , with one pa.IT from the Blue Team, Garozzo and Belladonna and one other pair, e ina and Bianchi, who can hold their o n in any company. were quite out tandmg and it came a no urpri e that they h d won with till two m tch to play. France. Switzerland, ether! nd and Great Britain, four countrie ho by eneral con ent are regarded a c pable of producing a te m hich could gi\e a good account of it elf in the Bermuda Bowl. all had team hich Ia ked experience. orwa • econd place wa a considerable urpri and it i not in ignificant th t it wa earned b a team which h had a f ir am unt of p t e penence in the Champion h1p without ver app arin to be a riou challenger. A runner -up to Ita! the qualif f r ne t Bermud Bowl : even in the ab ence of the Blue te m it will be urpri if the can offer a eriou challen e. The young u tnan te m followed up n e cellent perform nee m the 01 mpiad with a w 11-earn d third pia in lo n~ would hav~ been econd but for d1 ppointing m t h in t Greece 1n the p nultJm t round. Since th v lo k lik h vin th t am for a numb_e~ of ye r th rna well de ·elop into r al ~ r . A to th Br1t1 h t m, th mo t n our ttln f ture a th t th p rformanc c me from the oun t p ir, ih t n nd o 1 • IC of our own ou~ pia r of tal nt an form r ul r p rtn h1 and r II work at the1r me we rna tnd in a r I live! h rt t1m th t th re i room at the top, both in uro n nd world brid • 1 r Briti h Te m. LONDON COUNTY CONTRACT BRIDGE ASSOCIATION NEW " TREBLE CHANCE " EVENT A seri s of T ams-of·Four match play competllion will take pi ce over the w nd of Friday, se:turday nd Sunday, 17th, 18th a -: d 19th October, 1969. tor thr major trophl . Competitors w11l not be limin ted till de ted THREE TIMES. Pre! r nee will be gi en to exi ling m mber of LCCBA I II 1st October ; sub5;8QU nt entrl w111 be accept d stnctly in rotation and must includ m mb rsh1p fee. Apply to Secret ry : Mrs Gatll, 33 Path er Ro d W.14 7 L Dl Rl aal .... ldp Table France 79 Ireland 53 Great Britain 79 Poland 4 Italy 78 Greece 40 Sweden 59 Denm rk 39 orwa 55 Ell)'pt 32 pain 55 Finland 14 ether land 54 9 A n I hv I h nd h d c ounted for m t of th rench fir t h If d. nd th• tim the Fr nch were the m re a gre i\ D I r uth. t·\ ' t me. rth 0 7 3 J 2 <> 05 .. J 2 l t + A 105 • J 2 t;) A 93 0 10 7 4 <> 3 2 <> on 6 K976 6 A0104 uth +9 v 65 <> I 10 9 76 .. 53 \\hen uth opened Thr e Di mond Mr . Durran pa ed, not unre· n- abl , on the \ e t h nd. orth JUmped to Five Diamond5 and East h d n wa of knowing that the bid wa a purel defensi e one. uth pa ed and \ e t doubled. It wa till fea ble to E t that orth' bid w d t n a big hand and hm1ted diamond upport nd that partner therefore h d une pected tric 10 diamond . Ea t pa ed and Ea t- e t collected At the other table Mrs. Gordon opened Three D•amond and ."rtme. Br hot doubled with the W t hand. Mr . Marku tried to intlmid te ith a bid of Four o Trump • but Ea t w far too tron and made a cu -bid of Five Di mond and then ra1 ed h r partner' h art re pon e to i Hear . r . Marku acrificed m ven Di mond and 00 had every pr pect of bein a cheap crifice. The card pla of the Briti h I die. alwa_ I oked rather bett r than th t of the1r opponent . Agam t th etherland Gr at Bntam er 25 point hind at half urn . und te hmque b Mr . Prida tart d the re ,·ery ith a twelve int g 10 : + AO t;) A 010 4 32 <> 7 2 • r 3 /70 may be accepted ONLY at the cUscretion of the Hoa. Sec:ntary aad OD payment of a urcbarp of lOs. per team aad EACH competitioa. Telepboae eatri cannot be accepted. All competitioaa will be played under the Rules of Duplicate Bridp aad the foDowiq aneral conditions : 1. o player may enter or play for more than one team or pair in any competition, nor play in more than one heat of the same competition. 2. Ia open team-of-four events (Crockford's Cup Whitelaw Cup, Hubert Pbitupa Bowl) teams may consist of 4, S or o1 players. At least four members must be nomtnated at the time of entry and additional memben IN eel to To..,... 5ecreCary before takina part In the competition. In no case may more than six person be memben of any team. (See special conditions for the Gold Cup.) 3. All competitors must be paid-up members of the E.B.U. at tlae time of try. It is the captain's responsibility to ensure that all members of the team have paid their subscriptions for 1969/70. If, on ubsequent chec:k (whether a member has played or not), it is found that it was not paid before tile eatry wu made that player will not be allowed to take further part in the competition.
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