CURRICULUM VITAE 1. PERSONAL Name: Fotakis Zisis Telephone : 00306972373568 mobile Email: [email protected] Citizenship: Greek 2. EDUCATION University of Oxford D.Phil. in Modern European History 8 March 2003 Thesis title: Greece, its Navy and the Foreign Factor, Nov. 1910- March 1919 University of Oxford M.Sc. in Economic and Social History 29 November 1997 University of Athens B.A. in History 14 September 1995 3. ACADEMIC POSITIONS AND TAUGHT COURSES Hellenic Naval Academy Assistant Professor in Naval History Present Lecturer in Naval History June 2010-April 2018 University of Piraeus Fixed Term Lecturer in Maritime Spring Term 2005 Department of Maritime Economic History & Academic year Studies 2005-2006 Hellenic Open University Fixed Term Lecturer in European 2006-2019 History 1 University of the Aegean, Fixed Term Lecturer in History Fall Term 2004 Department of Educational Studies The Hellenic Military Instructor in Political History Spring 2005 Petty Officer College The Hellenic Joint Forces Instructor in Strategy and the History Academic Years Academy and the of War 2010-2011 Supreme National War 2012-2013 College 2014-2015 The Hellenic Naval War Instructor in Naval History Academic Years College 2004-2010, 2012-2013, 2015-2016 The Hellenic Naval Petty Instructor in Naval History Academic Years Officers College 2003-2007, 2008-2009 Panteion University of Instructor in Strategic Analysis 2014-2018 Social Sciences 4. OTHER PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS & ACTIVITIES International Commission Member of the Committee 2010-present of Military History- Bibliography Committee Mediterranean Maritime Member October 2008 - History Network present Hellenic Commission on Member of the Board August 2008 - Military History August 2021 Nuffield Foundation Research assistant to Foreman-Peck, 1998-1999 J., & Pepelasis Minoglou, I., “Entrepreneurship and Convergence. Greek Businessmen in the later Nineteenth Century”, Rivista di Storia Economica, a. XVI, n. 3, Dicembre 2000, 278-303 International Journal of Reviewer April 2006 - 2 Maritime History present Naval Museum of Greece Member August 2008 - present Greek media Participant in history panels and documentaries on TV/Radio 5. AWARDS-SCHOLARSHIPS-FELLOWSHIPS Yale University and U.S. Visiting Scholar September 2018 Naval War College Fulbright Foundation Research Scholar – The Maritime December 2013 - Dimension of Greek-American January 2014 Relations 1945-1989 National Academy of Eutaxiopoulou Prize December 2009 Arts and Sciences, Athens British School at Athens John Morrison Memorial Fund for 2008, 2010 Hellenic Maritime Studies National Maritime Caird Short-Term Research 2007-2008 Museum, Greenwich Fellowship. Research subject: Greece, its Navy and the Foreign Factor, 1919-1944 Ministry of Education of Scholarship in Czech Literature and Summer 2005 the Czech Republic Culture University of Athens Koskorozi Prize for the best January 2005 monograph in modern Greek history Naftiki Epitheorisi First Prize 2003 December 2003 Hellenic Foundation Research Grant Fall 2001 Greek State Research Graduate Scholarship in Modern Academic Years Council (IKY) European History 1997-2001 University of Oxford Small Research Grants from Academic Years a) Wolfson College 1997-2001 b)Modern History Faculty University of Oxford Wolfson College Graduate Scholar Fall 1998 3 University of Oxford Sir John Hicks Research Grant August 1996 University of Athens Vlachos Studentship Academic Years 1992-1995 European Economic European School Day Essay Prize June 1987 Community (Hellenic competition) ∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙−∙ 6. RESEARCH WORK 6.A. MONOGRAPHS 1. Fotakis, Z., Greece, its Navy and the Foreign Factor, November 1910-March 1919 (D.Phil., Oxford, 2003). Fotakis, Z. Greek Naval Strategy and Policy, 1910-1919 (London and New York: Routledge, 2005) constitutes the updated version of my doctoral thesis 6.Α.1. REVIEWS OF MONOGRAPH Militärhistorisk Tidskrift Professor Jan Glete December 2005 2005 International Journal of Emeritus Professor Paul Halpern June 2006 Maritime History Journal for Maritime Professor N.A.M. Rodger August 2006 Research English Historical Review Professor Andrew Lambert September 2006 Defense et Histoire Professor Daniel Panzac April 2008 Journal of Modern Greek Professor John Mazis December 2005 Studies Modern Greek Studies Professor Richard Hall March 2008 Yearbook 6.B. EDITORSHIPS 2. Fotakis, Z. (ed.), The First World War in the Mediterranean and the role of Lemnos (Herodotus, 2018) 3. Fotakis, Z. (ed.), The Balkans in World War I (commissioned and currently under review by Brill) 4. Φωτάκης, Ζ. (επιμ.), Πρακτικά Ημερίδας ΓΕΝ «Έτος Ελλάδας-Ρωσίας» http://elru2016.gr/el/node/656/ [Greece and Russia, Conference Proceedings] 4 6.C. Textbook 5. Φωτάκης, Ζ., Ναυτική Ιστορία του Προβιομηχανικού Κόσμου (Naval History of the Pre-industrial World) https://eclass.snd.edu.gr/modules/document/?course=TOM7112 6.D. PAPERS IN JOURNALS, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, COLLECTIVE WORKS AND NON PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (N.P.R.P.) 6.D.A. Diplomatic History 6. Φωτάκης, Ζ., «Η σύγχρονη Ελλάδα μεταξύ Διπολισμού, Ιμπεριαλισμού και Μονοκρατορίας, 1821-2011», Περίπλους Ναυτικής Ιστορίας, 81 (2012), 44-45 [Modern Greece between Bipolarity, Multi-polarity and Imperialism, 1821-2011] (N.P.R.P.). 7. Φωτάκης, Ζ., «Ο Τρικούπης και η Κρίση της Ανατολικής Ρωμυλίας, 1885-1886», Πρακτικά Τρίτου Πανευρωπαϊκού Συνεδρίου της Εταιρείας Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών (vol. A, Ελληνικά Γράμματα: Αθήνα, 2007), 157-163 [Trikoupis and the Eastern Rumelian Crisis, 1885-1886]. 8. Φωτάκης, Ζ., «Αγγλοελληνικές Σχέσεις, 1897-1910», Ναυσίβιος Χώρα, (2008), 393-407 [Anglo- Greek Relations, 1897-1910]. 9. Φωτάκης, Ζ., "Η Αντάντ και ο Α Παγκόσμιος Πόλεμος στα Βαλκάνια", in Πρακτικά Επιστημονικής Ημερίδας για τον Πρώτο Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο, Θεσσαλoνίκη 2014, 75-92 (Πολεμικό Μουσείο, Αθήνα, 2015) [The Entente and the First World War in the Balkans]. 10. Fotakis, Z., “The Entente and the First World War in the Balkans” στο Fotakis, Z. (ed.), The Balkans in the First World War (currently under review by Brill). 6.D.B. Historiography - Reviews - Bibliographies 11. Fotakis, Z., “The Development of the Study of War in Greece since 1989” in International Bibliography of Military History, 34: 1 (2014), 117-139. 12. Φωτάκης, Ζ., «Βιβλιογραφικός κατάλογος της Ιστορίας του Πολέμου στην Ελλάδα, 1989-2013», http://www.clioturbata.com/2015/11/20/ [Bibliography of the History of War in Greece, 1989-2013]. 13. Fotakis, Z., Review of K. Dimitrakopoulos, “Viographiko Lexiko ton Apophoiton tes Scholis Nautikon Dokimon. Oi Takseis Eisodou 1884-1950 and Oi Takseis Eisodou 1951-1973”, International Journal of Maritime History, 21: 1 (June 2009), 467-468. 14. Fotakis, Z., Review of Dimitriakopoulos, Anastasios K.: Iστoρία τoυ Πoλεμικoύ Nαυτιkoύ 1874– 1912 (Piraeus, 2015), 2 vols, in International Journal of Military History and Historiography, 36: 1 (2016), 106-107. 15. Fotakis, Z., Review of Skiadas, E. (ed.): “Η ζωή μου Γεώργιος Ι. Νικολαḯδης” (Σπάρτη, 2012), International Journal of Military History and Historiography, 36: 2 (2016), 233-235. 16. Φωτάκης, Ζ., «Ενδεικτικός Βιβλιογραφικός Οδηγός της Ιστορίας των Ελληνο-ρωσικών Σχέσεων» στο Φωτάκης, Ζ. (επιμ.), Πρακτικά Ημερίδας ΓΕΝ «Έτος Ελλάδας-Ρωσίας» http://elru2016.gr/el/node/656 [Select Bibliography of the history of Greek-Russian Relations]. 6.D.C. Strategy 17. Φωτάκης, Ζ., «Θεωρητικοί Χερσαίας, Ναυτικής και Αεροπορικής Ισχύος», Ναυτική Ελλάς, 987 (Ιανουάριος 2016), 36-37 [Theorists of Land, Sea and Air Power] (N.P.R.P.). 18. Φωτάκης, Ζ., «Θεωρητικοί Χερσαίας, Ναυτικής και Αεροπορικής Ισχύος», Ναυτική Ελλάς, 988 5 (Φεβρουάριος 2016), 36-37 [Theorists of Land, Sea and Air Power] (N.P.R.P.). 6.D.D. Biographies 19. Φωτάκης, Ζ., «Πρότυπα Ηγεσίας: Η περίπτωση του Διονυσίου Βούρβαχη», Ναυτική Ελλάς (March 2010), 72-74 [Leadership Models: the case of Dionysios Vourvachis] (N.P.R.P.). 20. Φωτάκης, Ζ., «Πρότυπα Ηγεσίας: Π. Κουντουριώτης», Αναλύσεις 5: 2009, 3-11 [Leadership models: the case of Admiral Pavlos Kountouriotis] (N.P.R.P.). 21. Φωτάκης, Ζ., «Οι Αδυναμίες του Ανδρέα Μιαούλη ως εφαλτήριο της Επαναστατικής Δράσης του» Ναυτική Ελλάς (Δεκέμβριος 2016), 34-35 [Τhe personal weaknesses of Admiral Andreas Miaoulis and their bearing on the Struggle for the Independence of Greece, 1821-1830] (N.P.R.P.). 22. Φωτάκης, Ζ., «Πρότυπα Ηγεσίας - Η Περίπτωση του Κωνσταντίνου Αράπη», Ναυτική Ελλάς (Σεπτέμβριος, 2017), 56 [Leadership models: the case of Constantinos Arapis] (N.P.R.P.). 6.D.E. Military History 23. Φωτάκης, Ζ., «Το Ιστορικό πλαίσιο του θεσμού του Επαγγελματία Οπλίτη και οι Σύγχρονες Συνθήκες Ασφαλείας» Ναυτική Ελλάς (March 2009), 80-82 [The historical context of all-volunteer armed forces and the modern security environment] (N.P.R.P.). 24. Φωτάκης, Ζ., «Διεθνοπολιτικές και Στρατιωτικές Παράμετροι της Ελληνικής Εμπλοκής στη Μικρά Ασία, 1919-1922», Ναυτική Επιθεώρηση, 582 (2012), 28-39 [Diplomatic and Military dimensions of the Greek intervention in Asia Minor, 1919-1922] (N.P.R.P.). 25. Fotakis, Z., “Greece's entry into the war and the situation on the Salonica front, 1915-1917” στο The Battles of Marasti, Marasesti and Oituz (1917) in the First World War dynamics (Bucharest, 2018). 26. Fotakis, Z., “The Balkans at War, 1914-1918” στο Fotakis, Z. (ed.), The Balkans in the First World War, (currently under review by Brill).http://uknowledge.uky.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1078&context=kaleidoscope 6.D.F. Maritime History 27. Fotakis Z., “Athens:
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