• Seenbiken entlang der 31 km langen, großen Seerunde • Helm, Wind- und Regenschutz, Reserve T-Shirt • Nicht in der Dämmerung fahren (Tiere, Jagd)! www.nlw.at am Weissensee. • Helmet, wind and rain protection, spare shirt • Do not cycle at dusk (animals, hunters)! TIPPs Lake biking along the 31 km long, circular trail around Lake Weissensee. • Casco, wind stopper, protezione per la pioggia, intimo di scorta • Non correre dopo il crepuscolo (animali, caccia)! Tips Pedalate lungo il grande anello di 31 km intorno al lago Weissensee. • Proviant/Getränke • Verpfl ichtung zur Erste-Hilfe-Leistung! Consigliati • Food/drinks • First aid provision is obligatory! • Beim „Lift & Bike Giro“ geht es mit der modernen • Vivande/bevande • Obbligo di prestare il primo soccorso! Kabinenbahn Millennium-Express gemütlich auf 1.900 Höhenmeter. • Notgeld • Niemals ohne Sturzhelm fahren! Zurück ins Tal führt die längste Abfahrtsroute der Alpen. • Money for emergencies • Never cycle without a helmet! At the “Lift & Bike Giro” you can take the modern Millennium-Express cable • Spiccioli • Non correre mai senza casco! cars in comfort to 1,900 metres above sea level. The longest downhill route in the • Mobiltelefon • Kein Alkohol – vermindertes Konzentrationsvermögen! Alps will bring you back down to the valley. • Mobile phone • No alcohol – it impairs concentration! Con l’offerta “Lift & Bike Giro” potete salire a 1.900 metri d’altitudine • Cellulare • Non bere alcolici perché la concentrazione diminuisce! in tutta comodità con la moderna cabinovia Millennium-Express e scendere • Nicht ohne Klingel fahren! poi a valle lungo la discesa più lunga delle Alpi. VERHALTENSEMPFEHLUNGEN FÜR • Don’t cycle without a bell! • Non correre senza campanello! MOUNTAINBIKER & RADFAHRER • Den Schwierigkeitsgrad der Strecke beachten und die eigene CYCLING – RULES OF CONDUCT Erfahrung sowie das Können als Mountainbiker genau einschätzen! REGOLE DI COMPORTAMENTO IN BICICLETTA SICHER UNTERWEGS MIT DEM BIKE • Take the diffi culty level of the trail into consideration, as well as your personal BIKING SAFETY level of ability and experience as a mountain biker! IN BICICLETTA IN SICUREZZA • Auf gekennzeichneten Wegen bleiben! • Fare attenzione al livello di diffi coltà del percorso e valutare bene la propria • Stay on signposted paths! esperienza e abilità in mountain bike! • Rimanere sui percorsi segnalati! Checkliste vor jeder Biketour • Aufl iegendes Kartenmaterial mit Tourbeschreibungen beachten! Checklist before each bike tour • Study maps and tour descriptions before setting off! Lista di controllo prima di ogni giro UNSERE BITTE: • Prestare attenzione alle cartine con la descrizione dei percorsi! Bleiben Sie auf den ausgeschilderten Mountainbike- und Radwegen. • Auf befestigten Wegen bleiben – Querfeldeinfahren ist nicht nur • Informieren Sie andere über Ihr Tagesprogramm Gemeinsam mit Wegeigentümern haben wir uns überlegt, welche • Inform others of your plans schädlich für die Umwelt, sondern kann auch gefährlich werden! Mountainbike- und Radwege für Sie interessant sein könnten. • Informate gli altri del vostro programma giornaliero • Stay on surfaced paths – cross-country cycling not only damages Das Ergebnis: 41 gepfl egte und markierte Wege, die wir Ihnen für • Erkundigen Sie sich über die Wetterlage (Gewittergefahr) the environment, it can also be dangerous! die Ausübung Ihres Hobbys anbieten. Wir sollten auch unsere Umwelt CARINTHIA’S MOST DIVERSE BIKING REGION • Check the weather forecast (danger of thunderstorms) • Rimanere sulle piste battute: uscire dal percorso non nuoce solo respektieren und bitten Sie daher, diese Wege nicht zu verlassen LA VARIEGATISSIMA REGIONE CICLISTICA DELLA CARINZIA • Informatevi sul meteo (pericolo di temporali) all’ambiente ma può anche diventare pericoloso! • Prüfen Sie Ihr Material (Bremsen, Reifen, Schaltung, etc.) • Fahren auf Sicht – nicht über seine Verhältnisse fahren – und keine anderen Strecken zu befahren. • Check your equipment (brakes, tyres, gears, etc.) kritische Selbsteinschätzung! • Controllate il materiale (freni, gomme, cambio, ecc.) • Adjust your riding style according to what you can see – do not take risks Please stay on the signposted Mountainbike trails and cycle paths. in poor visibility – know your limits! Working together with the local landowners, we have put together a wide range of • Correre con criterio, entro i propri limiti, con coscienza critica delle proprie capacità! Mountainbike trails and cycle paths for you. The result is a choice of 41 well-maintained Vergessen Sie nicht auf • Wanderer haben immer Vorrang gegenüber Mountainbikern! and signposted paths for you to enjoy in your leisure time. However, we should respect Don’t forget the environment, and we therefore ask you to stay on the marked paths and not to • Hikers always have the right of way before mountain bikers! Non dimenticare cycle on any other routes. KÄRNTENS VIELFÄLTIGSTE • Gli escursionisti hanno sempre la precedenza sui ciclisti! • Rucksack oder Fahrradtasche • Rücksicht auf die Natur – Umwelt sauber halten, nicht lärmen! Vi preghiamo di rimanere sui percorsi ciclabili e per mountain bike segnalati. • Rucksack or bike pannier • Be considerate to the environment – do not litter or be noisy! Insieme ai proprietari dei sentieri abbiamo individuato i percorsi più interessanti per voi. • Zaino o borsa per bici • Rispettare la natura, mantenere pulito l’ambiente, non fare schiamazzi! Il risultato sono 41 sentieri curati e segnalati che vi offriamo per la pratica del vostro • Flickzeug oder Ersatzschlauch, Luftpumpe, kleines Werkzeug • Vorsicht bei Waldarbeiten etc. – Beachten der Hinweise! hobby. Nel rispetto dell’ambiente, tuttavia, vi preghiamo di non abbandonare questi • Puncture repair kit or spare inner tube, air pump, small tool kit • Be careful near forestry workers, etc. – obey notices! sentieri e di non percorrere in bicicletta altri itinerari. • Kit per le forature o camera d’aria di ricambio, pompa, un piccolo kit di attrezzi • Fare attenzione nei pressi dei cantieri forestali, rispettare le indicazioni! BIKEREGION • Verbandszeug • Weidegatter und Tore immer schließen! Keine Abfälle hinterlassen! • First aid kit • Always close gates and cattle guards! Do not drop litter! • Kit di medicazione • Chiudere sempre cancelli e recinzioni! Non disperdere immondizie nell’ambiente! Hoch oben den Blick über die Karnischen und Gailtaler Alpen E E E E Feast your eyes on the views over the Carnic and Gailtal Alps from up high, dip your toes Grenzenlose Freiheit am Great for everybody: against the breath-taking backdrop of the Carnic Alps and Gailtal Lesachtal – Radeln im Be it on a mountain bike on scenic forest paths covering 24 km and an altitude difference Mountainbiken im Biking across diverse terrain, with tough uphill sections and challenging downhills. schweifen lassen, die Füße in den kühlen See tauchen oder in the cool lakes or enjoy the thrill of whizzing downhill: the mountain and lake districts of Alps, there is a fi rst-class, cross-border mountain bike and cycle path network covering of 995 m, or by eBike along a variety of roads, or with a road bike along the B111 through That’s a mountain bike tour at Lake Weissensee. Directly on the shores of the cleanest Action beim Downhill erleben – die Berg- und Seenwelt der the Nassfeld-Pressegger See, Lesachtal and Weissensee holiday regions are inspiring – Bike genießen – in Österreich 750 km of mountain bike trails and an altitude difference of 20,100 m. The varied tours naturbelassensten Tal Europas the Lesachtal valley, cycling fans will fi nd many sporting opportunities here in this unique, Naturpark Weissensee bathing lake in the Alps, 10 mountain bike routes lead into the surrounding mountains, Erlebnisräume Nassfeld-Pressegger See, Lesachtal und for leisure cyclists just as much as free-riders and mountain bikers. can take up to several hours and lead all the way to Italy, whilst short and sharp tours are natural countryside. with a total of 150 km in length, 4.200 hm and of all levels of diffi culty. There are 950 kilometres of fi rst-class mountain bike routes and cycling ideal for training. Beginner bikers will fi nd plenty of easy routes and alpine meadows with LESACHTAL – BIKING IN THE MOST UNSPOILT NATURE OF EUROPE MOUNTAIN BIKING IN THE WEISSENSEE NATURE PARK In the Lesachtal, there are many small mountain hamlets, most of which offer fabulous All those who would rather reach the Naggler Alm without quite so much effort can use Weissensee begeistert. Genusssportler genauso wie Freerider paths in the entire region. und in Italien huts to stop at. LESACHTAL – IN BICI O MOUNTAIN BIKE NELLA VALLE PIÙ NATURALE MOUNTAIN BIKE NEL PARCO NATURALE DEL WEISSENSEE und Mountainbiker. Sie fi nden in der gesamten Region ein ENJOYING BORDERLESS FREEDOM BY BIKE – IN AUSTRIA AND ITALY panoramic views to the valley. Every year, the Dolomites Cycle Tour passes through the an eBike or the Weissensee chairlift with Mountainbike transport seat, which will take Fairly fl at bike routes lead along the Gail River or around the crystal clear lakes. Pleasant tours along the Gailtal cycle path, the lake cycle path and the Gitschtal cycle Ob mit dem Mountainbike auf schönen Forstwegen über 24 km und Lesachtal valley – a highlight for cycling fans! Starting in the beautiful East Tyrolean you and your bike up to the Naggler Alm in just 12 minutes, offering great views of 950 km langes Mountainbike- und Radwegenetz der LIBERTÀ SENZA CONFINI IN SELLA ALLA BICI: IN AUSTRIA E ITALIA capital of Lienz, the route
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