Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 9-17-1999 The iH lltop 9-17-1999 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 9-17-1999" (1999). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 243. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ILLTOP The Student Voice of Howard University Since 1924 VOLUME 83, No. 6 FRIDAY, SEPTEl\,IBER 17, 1999 CBC Sponsors Annual Historic Hurricane Shuts Legislative Conference Police Brutality, Down University, District Urban Education By Kl\tOnlY K. BIIOWN Areas such as 1he Bahama, arc affected by Hurricane Floyd. the Red A,nong Concerns Managing Editor extremely vubrerable, and often suf• Cross opened 343 shelters, providing fer storms of Lhis nature. Floyd was a safe haven 10 approximately 46.519 Feur ,pread as Hurricane FloyJ 1he latest hurricane 10 attack the people in five ,talcs, including Alaba­ By CHARLES Cor.nrAN, JR. made ils way to !he Wa,hington, D.C. islands, leaving tons of damage. ma, Florida. Georgia and Nor1h and Edirorial Editor area !his week. Floyd, the large~! Neko, a fourth year archi1cc- South Carolina. Another 54 shelters storm since Hurricane Andrew in 1ure scuden1 from !he island of Grand in those slates remain on standby. The Congressional Black Caucus 1992, with maximum winds of 155 Bahama in the Bahamas, offered his Locally. 1he National Capital Chap- is currently holding ils 291h Annual mph. advice on hurricane preparation. ter had about I80 disaster relief work­ Legislarive Conrerence (ALC) chis Tiie possibility of a storm as large ·•Find low and stable places to slay," ers, along with ocher volunteers and week at rhe Washington Convention as Floyd heading for the area caused Gmnt said. "'A lso. make sure you paid staff. on srnndby, who respond­ Center, here in Washington, D.C. TI1is !he University co shudder its doors have plenty of canned goods, water ed when a situation developed in the years conference. which began on anti cancel classes Thursday. Sever­ and olher supplies:· Distric1. Wednesday, September 15, 1999 and al school dislricL, cancel classes also. Grant grew upset ar !he treatment of Dr. Bernadine Healy. president or 1he wilt continue lhroufh Saturday. Sep­ In addition, D.C. government offices his nati1-e home during weather reJJ<111s. American Red Cross. c.xpressed her tember 18. 1999. carries the theme shut down He says television stations only Focus 1houghls on the measure, people look ·'Tools for 2000: Planning Our Al Howard University, several on Florida, when the Bahama., are 10 prepare for the ,corm. Work- Working Our Pl,111:· preparations were made 10 prevent oflen pounded by horricnnes. ·111e American Rt!tl Cross urged ··we will move forward 1oge1her," disaster. The football ream lefl early '"Even though I was offended al first, people 10 act quickly and prepare said CBC Foundation Board of for Cincinnati 10 play Bethune-Cook­ I lacer realized ii was United States themselves and their loved ones for Oircc1ors Chair Ev.i Clayton (D-NC), man College Sunday in the River• television." said Grant. chis dangerous hurricane," Healy "by developing action plans chm will front Classic. Bethune-Cookman had The American Red Cross did ils part said take us into the new millennium:· Pooto By Troy TIC\JCI Norberto Hnr.o, used newspaper 10 shield his hrod against thi.,, wttk·~ ruin brought on½ to lea,e Daytona Beach, Fla., early 10 to aid in the preven1ion of damage. The Congressional Black Caucus Hurric.ane f'lo,d. The Unhl'rsil) d~ Thursday due to the stom,\ "ind and rnin. escape the storm's pmh. Within !he East Coast areas most See FLOYD. A5 is a group which is composed or all the black members ofCongress with lhe exception of J.C. Walts (R-OK). The conference often attracts some of lhc most famed celebrities and com­ HUSA Executive Account Still Under Question munity leaders from all over the country who seek 10 come together By RAl J \H DAVIS tion has since decided that its staff will not and dialogue on black issues. bu1 Campus Editor gel paid until the debt has been settled. also work I0\\ard remedying !he var• Hoosen and Turner contacted Thoma, Eltey. ious problems on !he !able. TI1e Howard University S1uden1 Associa­ vice president of financial affairs for the Throughout !he conference, mem• tion President Marilyn Hoosen ended 1he university. to conduct a full audit ofHUSA:s bers will sponsor issue forum,. brnin third General Assembly meeting of the three accounc, 10 find out who is to blame cruses. and receptions individually semester Wednesday nigh! withoul an for the missing money. and in collabom1ion with other mcnl· approved budget for pro­ ··t believe the fault lies in ber"s offices, all with the intended gmrnming. In a last minute ~R-e---------­ indiscretions on 1hc pan of aim of networking for support, anti effon, !he Assembly the administmtion:· scning and achieving a new agenda approved a SI 0.000 spend­ said Belinda Lightfoo1- for the black community in 1he com­ ing cap for HUSA until a Wa1kins, acting <lean of ing millennium, newly formed budget com­ student li te and acttvities. The conference began with an millee, comprised of Tyron Vereen II is Watkins who opening pre>.,conference where CBC Assembly and HUSA Alexis J\,l:ns approves all financial chair. James Clyburn (D-SC) deliv­ members. can c.lewlop a Brandon Neal 1ransac1ions that occur ered a '"S1a1e or Black America Asha Ma, new hudget that both Harshad .lo\hi wilh HUSA:s accounh. addr.J:•;'.\. It\' ii! <;ont.:lud,: on S, tu, Uay l'toUp'!> a~tcc on. Sandra- Linila 11\ack ~\.)11\C h '"..: '4U1..:i.ti, t\el.~ with a Press Briefing. a census 2000 .. , am fru.,trated because Harrv [..,, 1·, ,11n, Jr. how mone) cool.I be miss­ mlly. anti a ribbon cuning ceremony we have to move on for the ing from !he accounts which will un,eil a ne11' anti unique sake of our student body:· without \V.ukins' knowl­ hall witl1in the converuion center Hoosen said. ··we are t.ry- .___________ _, edge. Interim Vice Presi• Many ,,f the members chat serve on ing so hard 10 exe,:u1e our den1 Raymond Archer of legi,latrve comminees within the platform. but this seems 10 be an obstacle." student affairs said chat no money c,111 leavc House will hold bmin-1rus1s to help Since the beginning of its administmrion. lhe 1he accounts without Watkins' signacure. discuss ideas for legislation in their liUSA slme ha,. been plagued by money Walkins herself said 1ha1 the transactions respective areas. Among some of the problems. Just recently, financial advisor that occured in the previous administration. braln-lru~t commillees are: ~cience Frank Turner discovered that the execu1i,e which left the account in the red. were nor l'holo B) TIU) I 1<ud and technolog), judiciary issues, a,count - the account specifically u,e<l to approved by the aJministra1ion ... ,he,e type I It 'S \ J.>n..,idt.·nt ~h\rih11 1l oo;;,cn CltO) '\U1t1<l'- \\ ith llllS \ Firn)uci:d 1\1h l~or Frank ll. Tun:ttr lt,.,nltr) ,11 tlw Gtn<"rnl 1elecommunica1ion, environmenlal distribute stipends for H USA e.,ecu1>,e oni­ h"·mbl) ltll'\.'tin~. ·n1; \'-.'4.·mhly nppn,,«t a $10,0001>rognmunin~ bodJ.,;t for nus\. lbc n·moin<h•r or the Jll'S \ budl,'\ I n-n1.1in5 in limbo. cml, - is $8,000 in deb!. The admini,1rn- See HUS.\. 1'15 See CAUCUS. A5 Minority Groups Set Television Boycott By Kn .LID. EsnRS fy the imbalance of network televi­ ot Hispanic Journalist, . ,nid. ··we Hilltop Scaff Writer sion. believe the lack of La1rno clrnmcters Only one of the 26 new fall 1elevi­ on ne1work 1elevi,ion ha, a ncg,11ive A nationwide boycon of the four ,ion show, featured a minority in a affect on the Latino community. Not major television network> is in effect lead role. only are !here a lack orch,u-ac1crs, but 00 • in response 10 the under-representa­ T he wh i1ewash .. of network tele­ when Latino, <lo appear. they often • tion of minority groups in fronl of vision has prompted a series of boy­ are ponrayed s1creo1ypic;1lly. Tiiis is and behind the camera. colts by various minority organiza­ unacceptable:· The formation of a 19-member tions. He added. '"People or color mnke coalition of African-American, Lati­ Latino groups have called for a boy­ up 30 percent of 1he U.S. popul:11ion. no-American. A,inn-American and coll of ABC, CBS, FOX and NBC but you would not know it from Na1ive•Americao r;ivil rigbls and from Sepe. 12 through 25. watching television." media organizations wnS announced Joseph Torres, communications r •• Friday in New York, 10 help diversi- director for The National Associ:uion • • See BOYCOIT. A5 Photo Com"'Y of Rhap,o<li Nkok Jones. Sparkle \1iteht11 nnd Urlawia Harri-.., "-ff:n hen- in front of \pollo's Wall of Hime, June "On lwo com• petitic,ns ,u the theater. TI11.-") "' ill compete !IJ.tolin on Stpt. 29. University Employees Outraged Over New Termination Policy entitled "New Personnel Guidelines versity to '"change or cancel the poli­ Apollo Bound lrio Invites HU To Get On Bus By SABA BIR~:I)\ and S1acemen1 of Current Benefits.'' cies.
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