l EXTINCT BIRD SPECIES DOING BETTER l EXTINCT IN THE WILD (doWNLISTED TO A LOWER THREAT CATEGORy) + RED LIST ROUNDUP THREATENED COMMON SCIENTIFIC 2016 RED LIST 2017 RED LIST NAME NAME StatUS StatUS CRITICALLY ENDANGERED l As the IUCN Red List Authority for birds, Southern Cassowary Casuarius casuarius l l BIRD SPECIES DOING WORSE ENDANGERED l Northern Cassowary Casuarius unappendiculatus l l (uplisted tO A HIGHER THREAT CATEGORy) BirdLife reassessed the status of 238 bird Northern Brown Kiwi Apteryx mantelli l l VU LNERABLE species in 2017, leading to a change l Okarito Kiwi Apteryx rowi l l COMMON SCIENTIFIC 2016 RED LIST 2017 RED LIST RISK Nahan's Partridge Ptilopachus nahani l l NAME NAME StatUS StatUS in Red List Category for 135 species. l NEAR THREATENED Andaman Cuckoo-dove Macropygia rufipennis l l Maccoa Duck Oxyura maccoa l l Bahian Nighthawk Nyctiprogne vielliardi l l EXTINCTION Marquesas Ground-dove Alopecoenas rubescens l l The tables below summarises these LEAST CONCERN Colorful Puffleg Eriocnemis mirabilis l l l Comoro Blue-pigeon Alectroenas sganzini l l Verreaux's Coua Coua verreauxi l l White-tufted Sunbeam Aglaeactis castelnaudii l l changes, along with the new taxonomic daTA DEFICIENT Moluccan Cuckoo Cacomantis aeruginosus l l l Violet-capped Hummingbird Goldmania violiceps l l Andaman Crake Rallina canningi l l Antipodean Albatross Diomedea antipodensis l l changes recognised by BirdLife. - NOT RECOGNISED New Guinea Flightless Rail Megacrex inepta l l Westland Petrel Procellaria westlandica l l Black-browed Albatross Thalassarche melanophris l l Cape Gannet Morus capensis l l Dalmatian Pelican Pelecanus crispus l l Southern Red-breasted Plover Charadrius obscurus l l African Oystercatcher Haematopus moquini l l Plains-wanderer Pedionomus torquatus l l Andaman Boobook Ninox affinis l l Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla l l Guadalcanal Boobook Ninox granti l l Aleutian Tern Onychoprion aleuticus l l Forest Owlet Heteroglaux blewitti l l Romblon Boobook Ninox spilonotus l l Andaman Scops-owl Otus balli l l Least Boobook Ninox sumbaensis l l Anjouan Scops-owl Otus capnodes l l Snowy Owl Bubo scandiacus l l Grand Comoro Scops-owl Otus pauliani l l Andaman Serpent-eagle Spilornis elgini l l Moheli Scops-owl Otus moheliensis l l Black Harrier Circus maurus l l White-collared Kite Leptodon forbesi l l Pallas's Fish-eagle Haliaeetus leucoryphus l l Eared Quetzal Euptilotis neoxenus l l Forest Buzzard Buteo trizonatus l l © Sergey Yeliseev © Sergey San Cristobal Dwarf-kingfisher Ceyx gentianus l l White-bellied Barbet Lybius leucogaster l l Arabian Woodpecker Dendropicos dorae l l Ground Woodpecker Geocolaptes olivaceus l l THE NEXT PASSENGER PIGEON? GOOD NEWS FROM THE GALÁpaGOS Red-browed Amazon Amazona rhodocorytha l l Andaman Woodpecker Dryocopus hodgei l l Rising from Least Concern to Critically Endangered in just The Floreana Mockingbird Mimus trifasciatus, now found Red-tailed Amazon Amazona brasiliensis l l Sooty Falcon Falco concolor l l 13 years, and despite being widespread across Asia, the only on two tiny islets, has recovered since 2007, when Grey-breasted Parakeet Pyrrhura griseipectus l l Kea Nestor notabilis l l Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola risks fewer than 50 adults remained. Following a series of Ouvea Parakeet Eunymphicus uvaeensis l l Blue-breasted Parrot Pionus reichenowi l l becoming the next Passenger Pigeon. Its shocking successful breeding seasons, the population has risen to Red-fronted Parakeet Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae l l Yellow-naped Amazon Amazona auropalliata l l Coxen's Fig-parrot Cyclopsitta coxeni l l decline is due to excessive trapping in China (mainly for more than 750 individuals, justifying its downlisting from White-eared Parakeet Pyrrhura leucotis l l Ancient Antwren Herpsilochmus gentryi l l Ultramarine Lorikeet Vini ultramarina l l food), sold on the black market despite a ban in 1997. Critically Endangered to Endangered. Blackish-headed Spinetail Synallaxis tithys l l Klages's Antwren Myrmotherula klagesi l l Red-shouldered Spinetail Synallaxis hellmayri l l Rondonia Antwarbler Hypocnemis ochrogyna l l White-winged Cotinga Xipholena atropurpurea l l Pernambuco Foliage-gleaner Automolus lammi l l Kaempfer's Tody-tyrant Hemitriccus kaempferi l l Alagoas Tyrannulet Phylloscartes ceciliae l l Maracaibo Tody-flycatcher Todirostrum viridanum l l Bacan Myzomela Myzomela batjanensis l l McGregor's Cuckooshrike Malindangia mcgregori l l Cozumel Vireo Vireo bairdi l l Gabon Batis Batis minima l l Iphis Monarch Pomarea iphis l l Uluguru Bush-shrike Malaconotus alius l l Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus l l Andaman Drongo Dicrurus andamanensis l l Iberian Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis l l Standardwing Bird-of-paradise Semioptera wallacii l l Andaman Treepie Dendrocitta bayleii l l Black Sicklebill Epimachus fastosus l l Cape Rockjumper Chaetops frenatus l l Melodious Lark Mirafra cheniana l l Drakensberg Rockjumper Chaetops aurantius l l Aberdare Cisticola Cisticola aberdare l l Izu Tit Sittiparus owstoni l l © Vassen Frank Simon© Nomis Cape Verde Swamp-warbler Castano © Paul Acrocephalus brevipennis l l Rudd's Lark Heteromirafra ruddi l l FaLCON NOW GLOBALLY THREATENED RAT CONTROL A RELIEF FOR WREN Andaman Bulbul Brachypodius fuscoflavescens l l Sierra Leone Prinia Schistolais leontica l l Yemen Warbler Sylvia buryi l l The migratory Sooty Falcon Falco concolor has been Cobb’s Wren Troglodytes cobbi has been downlisted to Rimatara Reed-warbler Acrocephalus rimitarae l l Pale-throated Wren-babbler Spelaeornis kinneari l l Reuinion Bulbul Hypsipetes borbonicus l l uplisted from Near Threatened to Vulnerable. New Least Concern, thanks to the control of invasive rats on White-throated Mountain-babbler Kupeornis gilberti l l Bush Blackcap Sylvia nigricapillus l l estimates suggest that its population size may number nearby islands. Residing on the remaining predator-free Cobb's Wren Troglodytes cobbi l l Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush Garrulax mitratus l l fewer than 10,000 mature individuals, and declines have islands of the Falklands (Malvinas), it was formerly listed White-eyed Starling Aplonis brunneicapillus l l Hermit Wood-wren Henicorhina anachoreta l l been recorded across much of its breeding range in as Vulnerable due to the probability of rat invasion – but Floreana Mockingbird Mimus trifasciatus l l Mountain Starling Aplonis santovestris l l northeast Africa and the Middle East. this threat is now far less likely. Yemen Thrush Turdus menachensis l l Sentinel Rock-thrush Monticola explorator l l Andaman Shama Kittacincla albiventris l l Gurney’s Sugarbird Promerops gurneyi l l Nilgiri Flycatcher Eumyias albicaudatus l l Shelley's Crimson-wing Cryptospiza shelleyi l l Black-and-orange Flycatcher Ficedula nigrorufa l l Italian Sparrow Passer italiae l l Whiskered Flowerpecker Dicaeum proprium l l Mountain Pipit Anthus hoeschi l l Ursula's Sunbird Cinnyris ursulae l l Yellow-tufted Pipit Anthus crenatus l l Anambra Waxbill Estrilda poliopareia l l Protea Canary Crithagra leucoptera l l Kipengere Seedeater Crithagra melanochroa l l Chestnut-collared Longspur Calcarius ornatus l l Socotra Bunting Emberiza socotrana l l Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola l l Belding's Yellowthroat Geothlypis beldingi l l Saltmarsh Sparrow Ammospiza caudacuta l l Grey-winged Inca-finch Incaspiza ortizi l l Elfin-woods Warbler Setophaga angelae l l Cone-billed Tanager Conothraupis mesoleuca l l Green Warbler-finch Certhidea olivacea l l TAXONOMIC CHANGES Great-billed Seed-finch Sporophila maximiliani l l © Sandy Cole © Sandy © Nimtan Brown-necked Parrot Poicephalus fuscicollis - l DATA DEFICIENT NO MORE* Cape Parrot Poicephalus robustus - l Wallace's Owlet-nightjar Aegotheles wallacii l l DUCK DECLINES IN AFRICA FOREST OWLET HABITAT FOUND Guanacaste Hummingbird Amazilia alfaroana - l Mayr's Forest Rail Rallicula mayri l l The Maccoa Duck Oxyura maccoa of eastern and Confined to a few forest locations encroached upon by Indigo-capped Hummingbird Amazilia cyanifrons - l Papuan Hawk-owl Uroglaux dimorpha l l southern Africa has undergone recent rapid declines, logging, the Forest Owlet Heteroglaux blewitti of central Liberian Greenbul Phyllastrephus leucolepis l - Blue-black Kingfisher Todiramphus nigrocyaneus l l and as a result the species has been uplisted from Near India moves from Critically Endangered to Endangered, Yellow-footed Honeyguide Melignomon eisentrauti l l Threatened to Vulnerable. While the direct causes of following the discovery of populations in several Obscure Berrypecker Melanocharis arfakiana l l *Some species are Data Deficient no more: on New Guinea, Mayr’s Forest-rail Rallicula mayri has Tessmann's Flycatcher Fraseria tessmanni l l these declines remain uncertain, pollution, habitat loss completely new locations, including the first records been assessed as Least Concern. Recent research in the Foja Mountains found it to be common and entanglement in gill nets may all be involved. in Gujarat. to uncommon, and in the absence of any key threats it is thought to have a stable population..
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