Review of the soles of the genus Aseraggodes (Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae) from the Indo-Malayan region, with descriptions of nine new species by John E. RANDALL (1) & Martine DESOUTTER-MENIGER (2) A B S T R A C T. - The following 16 soles of the genus A s e r a g g o d e s Kaup are reported from the East Indies and southeast Asia: A. albidus n. sp., one specimen, Sulawesi; A. beauforti Chabanaud, one specimen, Timor Sea, 216 m (a smaller spec- imen identified as b e a u f o rt i by Chabanaud is A. kaianus); A. chapleaui n. sp., one specimen, Madang, Papua New Guinea, coral reef, 30 m; A. dubius Weber, ten specimens, Gulf of Carpentaria, Arafura Sea, Gulf of Thailand, and South China Sea, 45-82 m; A. kaianus (Günther), Arafura Sea, Timor Sea, Taiwan, and southern Japan, 128-236 m; A. kimurai n. sp., two market specimens, Negros, Philippines; A. longipinnis n. sp., one specimen, Banda Sea, coral reef; A. matsuurai n. sp., four specimens, Indonesia and Philippines, coral reefs; A. micro l e p i d o t u s We b e r, one specimen, Sumbawa, Indonesia, 274 m; A . s a t a p o o m i n i n. sp., one specimen, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, coral reef; A. senoui n. sp., one specimen, Mabul, Malaysia; A. suzumotoi n. sp., seven specimens, bays of Indonesia; A. texturatus We b e r, one specimen, Timor Sea, 216 m; A. winterbottomi n. sp., three specimens, Philippines, coral reefs; A. xenicus (Matsubara and Ochiai), 16 specimens, Micronesia (A. smithi Woods, a synonym) and Indonesia to Taiwan and Ryukyu Islands, coral reefs; A. zizette n. sp., one specimen, Mentawai Islands, Indonesia. A lectotype is designated for A. cyaneus (Alcock) from eastern India. R É S U M É. - Révision des soles du genre A s e r a g g o d e s (Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae) de la région indo-malaise avec la description de neuf nouvelles espèces. Seize espèces de Soleidae appartenant au genre A s e r a g g o d e s Kaup sont décrites ; elles proviennent de l’océan Indien est et du sud-est asiatique. A. albidus n. sp., fondée sur un seul spécimen provenant de Sulawesi ; A. beaufort i C h a b a n a u d fondée sur un spécimen provenant de la mer de Timor à 216 m de profondeur (un spécimen plus petit, identifié comme A . b e a u f o rt i par Chabanaud, appartient à l’espèce A. kaianus) ; A. chapleaui n. sp., fondée sur un spécimen provenant des récifs coralliens de Madang, Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée, à 30 m de profondeur ; A. dubius We b e r, fondée sur dix spéci- mens provenant du golfe de Carpentarie, de la mer d’Arafura, du golfe de Thaïlande et de la mer de Chine du Sud, à une profondeur de 45-82 m ; A. kaianus (Günther) provenant de la mer d’Arafura, de la mer de Timor et du sud du Japon à une profondeur de 128-236 m ; A. kimurai n. sp., fondée sur deux spécimens provenant du marché de Negros, Philippines ; A . l o n g i p i n n i s n. sp., fondée sur un spécimen provenant des récifs coralliens de la mer de Banda ; A. matsuurai n. sp., fon- dée sur quatre spécimens provenant des récifs coralliens d’Indonésie et des Philippines ; A. micro l e p i d o t u s Weber fondée sur un exemplaire provenant du Sumbawa, Indonésie, à une profondeur de 274 m ; A. satapoomini n. sp., fondée sur un spécimen provenant des récifs coralliens des îles Similan de la mer d’Andaman ; A. senoui n. sp., fondée sur un spécimen provenant de Mabul, Malaisie ; A. suzumotoi n. sp., fondée sur sept spécimens provenant de la baie d’Indonésie ; A. textu - r a t u s Weber fondée sur un spécimen provenant de la mer de Timor à une profondeur de 216 m ; A. winterbottomi n. sp., fondée sur trois spécimens provenant des récifs coralliens des Philippines ; A. xenicus (Matsubara et Ochiai) fondée sur 16 spécimens provenant des récifs coralliens de Micronésie (A. smithi Woods est synonyme de A. xenicus) et de l’Indonésie jusqu’à Taiwan et aux îles Ryükyü ; A. zizette n. sp., fondée sur un spécimen provenant de l’île Mentawai, Indonésie. Un lectotype de A. cyaneus est désigné, espèce provenant de l’est des Indes. Key words. - Soleidae - Aseraggodes - ISW - Indo-Malayan region - New species - Taxonomy. The flatfish family Soleidae is one of the largest of the of the latter from the western Central Pacific by Munroe in order Pleuronectiformes, with 31 genera. Species of the fam- Carpenter and Niem (2001) is an error (T.A. Munroe, pers. ily are found in tropical to temperate seas of all oceans, from comm.). nearshore to the deep sea, and several are known from fresh- The genus A s e r a g g o d e s was described by Kaup (1858) w a t e r. The present paper deals with the species of one of the for his new species A. guttulatus from the island of Réunion. l a rgest genera, A s e r a g g o d e s Kaup, all of which occur in the Only seven species were known in the genus up to 1913. In tropical and subtropical Indo-Pacific region, except for the that year Weber described three new species from Indone- southern Australian species A. haackeanus ( S t e i n d a c h n e r ) sian waters. By 1965, only four more new species were and one eastern Pacific species, A. herre i Seale. The listing described. Eschmeyer (1998) listed 28 species in the genus. (1) Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, Hawaii 96817-2704, USA. [[email protected]] (2) Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Département systématique et évolution, Unité taxinomie-collection, Case postale 30, 57 rue Cuvier, 75231 Paris CEDEX 05, FRANCE. [[email protected]] Cybium 2007, 31(3): 301-331. Review of the genus Aseraggodes RANDALL & DESOUTTER-MENIGER Randall and Bartsch (2005) described two new species from most species, meristic data may be limiting in the diagnosis Micronesia. Randall (2005) placed P a r a c h i ru s M a t s u b a r a of species and can be misleading. and Ochiai, type species P. xenicus Matsubara and Ochiai, in It is expected that more undescribed species of the genus the synonymy of A s e r a g g o d e s, reclassified A s e r a g g o d e s A s e r a g g o d e s remain to be discovered. The purpose of the m a c l e a y a n u s (Ramsay) in S y n c l i d o p u s Chabanaud, referred present paper is to fully describe the nine new species and to A s e r a g g o d e s p e r s i m i l i s (Günther) and A. ocellatus Weed to provide a key and diagnoses to all. It would be premature at the genus P a rd a c h i ru s G ü n t h e r, and described seven new this time to discuss phylogenetic relationships. species from the South Pacific region. Randall and Gon Aseraggodes normani Chabanaud (1930b) from Queens- (2006) reviewed the species of A s e r a g g o d e s of the western land is included in the key to the Indo-Malayan species of Indian Ocean, describing three as new. In the present paper the genus because it might be expected from New Guinea. we review the 16 species from Indonesia, New Guinea, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand, nine of which are described as new. A s e r a g g o d e s m e l a n o s t i c t u s (Peters), type MATERIALS AND METHODS locality Bougainville in the Solomon Islands, should be expected from New Guinea and Indonesia. Randall and Specimens for this study have been examined at or Bartsch (2005) published two photographs and an X-ray of obtained from the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- the holotype, and Randall (2005) provided a detailed diag- phia (ANSP); Australian Museum, Sydney (AMS); the nosis and identified an 86.5-mm specimen as A. melanostic - Research Center for Biodiversity (formerly Institute of Zool- tus from 115 m in the Great Barrier Reef. ogy), Academia Sinica, Taipei (ASIZP); the Natural History We follow Chabanaud (1943) in placing Aseraggodes fil - Museum, London (BMNH); Bernice P. Bishop Museum, i g e r Weber in the genus C o ry p h i l l u s Chabanaud because of Honolulu (BPBM); Department of Biology, Faculty of Sci- its filamentous first dorsal ray, contiguous eyes, and slender ence, Kochi University (BSKU); California Academy of b o d y. We classify A s e r a g g o d e s a b n o r m i s ( Weber and de Sciences, San Francisco (CAS); Department of Fisheries, Beaufort) in the monotypic genus B e a u f o rt e l l a C h a b a n a u d , Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Maizuru (FA K U ) ; in view of the blind-side pelvic fin joined by membrane to Fisheries Research Laboratory, Mie University (FRLM); the anal fin, the very acute shape of the urohyal, the dorsal Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History, Odawara and anal fins linked basally by membrane to the caudal fin, (KPM-NI); Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris and the very broad interorbital space.
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