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C......aUT~"'."'"v",;., -:!f--~,HFW~"'"':= 1.clugiung Allegra on.ul state -lB hockey team 313-343-5577 -lC N~ws City lllanager • The Grosse Pointe Woods CIty Council has taken Its first officialstep In allowing voters to decide whether the city shall allow all 11 liquor licenses firing proving available Page 4A • Harper Woods Mayor Pro Tem Cheryl Costantino IS seekmg a seat on costly in Woods the Wayne County Board of Commissioners Page 3A By Bonnie Caprara tIonal $750 a week," SpIcher • Frflh Third Bank's revised design Staff Wnter saId "ClIff IS very well for the Hiliwows Grosse Pointe Farms When the members of the respected and proactIve." officials Page 3A Grosse Po1Ote Woods CIty Reynolds dId not comment Councd were consldenng on her vote • Five major engineering firms are the fate of former CIty However, the mayor and lining up to evaluate the Idea of study- Manager Ted BldIgare s the other two council mem- Ing the feasibility of a suburban water employment, reSIdent KeVIn bers felt $750 a week was a filtrationplant Wishy-washy city officials Hendnck warned the coun- bIt out of reach. have unlJlApnl15 to ensure partnership cd of the potentIal cost to the "J have some problems In a suburban water system Page 9A CIty On March 11, he was WIth that," Mayor Robert • Harper Woods City Counctl opted Mayors' Prayer Breakfast only spealung of htIgatIon NOVItke said "That's a 45 not to partiCipate In the feaslbllrtystudy Looking forward to the 18th annual Mayon' Prayer Breakfast on costs percent pay 10crease and for the Warren-St Clair Shores Water Wlthm less than a month $125,000 a year is well Plant Page 9A Thursday. May 6, are, left to right, mayors Palmer T. Heenan. Grosse Pointe Park; Jamel C. Farquhar Jr., Gl'OSfIePointe Farms; of Bldlgare's dIsmIssal, beyond what we'd pay for a • A Grosse Pomte liquor store owner Dale N, SCrace, City of GroNe Pointe; Robert E. Novitke. GrotI8e Hendnck's prophecy IS permanent CIty adrmmatra- faced down a gunman armed with a Pointe Woods; Kenneth A. Poynter, Harper Woods; and James M. already commg true tor When Mr. M8180n preVI- short-barreled shotgun Page 15A Cooper, Grone Pointe Shores. At Its Monday, April 5, ously stepped 10 for Mr • Tyrone Elementary School teach- Michigan Secretary of 6tate Terri Lynn Land fa the guest speak- work seSSIOn. the counCIl BldIgare, he received $500 a ers Cathenne FranCIS and DaVid er. The program takes place at 7:30 a.m. in the Main Ballroom of mfonnally made recommen- week." Rabbldeau tied the knot last Fnday the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. datIons to Itself to prOVIde NOVItkealso felt the 60- to Invltmg nearly 30 students and their The Mayors' Prayer Breakfast celebrates the National Day of an addItIOnal $750 a week 65-hour work week was a parents to witness the nuptials In the Prayer as proclaimed by the UnIted States president. Mayor step-up pay for actmg CIty "nonnal" work week for school's gym Page 13A Novltke and the city of Grone Pointe WOodl are hosts for th1s admInIstrator ClIfford most appomted CItyofficials. • North students received third place year'l event, M81son and to spend almost CouncIlwoman VIckI honors at a regional science olympiad Tickets for the breakfast are $15 and are available at any of the $10,000 to find a candtdate Granger also felt that held March 20 They Willgo to a state Grosse Pointe or Harper Woods municipal offices. For more infor- to pennanently fill the CIty Malson's reqmred tune on olympiad on Saturday, May 1 Page 7A mation, call Barbara Tate at (313) 392-1023. admmlstrator posltum the Job would lessen once • Lutheran East's baseball team ral- M81son, who has been the the 2004-05 budget will be lied for four runs In the bottom of the Woods' comptroller and trea- passed m early June Sixth Inning to overcome a three-run surer for 13 years, suggested CounCIlman Allen defiCitand beat non-league rtValManne Brownell outhouse stink that amount based on the DIckinson presented a sub- City Cardinal Mooney 10-9 Page 1e addttIonal workload he has stltute motIon to offer • The five seniors on Grosse Pointe assumed He told the council M81son $600 a week step-up South's volleyball team Will leave a gets it moved into school he has been puttmg m 60 to pay, wluch dId not receIve legacy In the sport when they graduate 65 hours a week any support. By Carrie Cunningham purpose room will be looked at. A "1 spend two-thIrds of my However, all of the counCl.! In June Page 1C Staff Wnter meetmg transpired on Wednesday, tIme as actIng CIty adnums- members were In agreement A Grosse Pomte school dlstnct plan Apnl 7 to explore these new plans trator and one-thIrd of my to conSIder a search team to build a free-stand1Og restroom and ReSIdents and Fanns councIlman tIme as CItycomptroller and from the MichIgan storage faclhty In between the back of LoUIS Theros VOICedtheIr concerns treasurer," Malson s81d MunICIpal League to help Brownell MIddle School and WIllIams aglUJlst bwldmg an outbUlld1Og at a Four of the counCIl mem- find a pennanent CIty Road has been shelved, and a new recent meetmg WIth arclutects and bers - Patricia ChyhnskI, adnumstrator. plan to add a storage room to the body Lisa P1Okos Howle, Dona The four-member search Friday, April 9 of the school or to a proposed multI- See BROWNELL, page 2A DeSantIs Reynolds and team of retIred CIty manag- In observance of Good Fnday, all Darryl SpIcher - voted in er/consultants has proposed area Cityoffices Willbe closed favor of awardtng the step- to develop a recrUItment Regular trash pickup IS scheduled In up pay profile and campaIgn, Grosse POinte Farms, Grosse POinte "The folks I've talked to reVIew resumes and refer. Park, Grosse Pointe Woods and Harper dtd not feel thIS was unrea- ences of the candidates, Woods Bulk Items Willbe collected In sonable," Chyl10skI s81d select SUItable candIdates the mommg only In the City of Grosse "He's holdtng three Jobs," for mtemews and to aSSIst POinte Howle said "He's askIng for m the mteI'Vlew process The Secretary of State and U S half of what Ted Bldtgare The cost of such a search Postal Service offices Willbe open dur- made" IS estImated at $9,800 - 109 normal busmess hours Bldlgare, who was cIty Just over 11 percent of manager Just short of five Bldlgare's yearly salary Sunday, April 11 years, had an annual salary "I'm surpnsed the cost IS Happy Easter of $88,000 thIS low," NOVItke saId. "I "I don't have a problem Easter Sunday hours at the Grosse WIth glVlng Chff an addI- Pomte Woods lake Front Park Willbe See WOODS, page 2A shortened from 1 to 9 p m The actIVIties bUildingWIllbe closed POINTER OF INTEREST Monday, April 12 The Grosse Pornte Farms City 727 Club welcome submariner Council holds a special meeting at the On Marcb 11 tbe Groae Pointe War Memorial hosted a recep- Rob Lyles city hall at 7 30 P m The council WlII tion for the captain and selected crew memben of the USS Home: Grosse Pomte r8VIewthe site plan for the proposed 5/3 Michigan (SSBN-727). The submarine. a Trident Nuclear Clua Park Bank on the HIli warship, il 560 feet and Is home to more than 1150crew members. Tbe War Memorial has formed an organization called tbe 727 Age: 39 Club with the purpose of raietng funda to support the morale of tbe crew through a Sailor of tbe Month program and the shipment INDEX of variOUI care packages throughout the year Family: Wife, Barbara Chlapella Along wltb IpoDlOMg tbe 727 Club. tbe War Memorial a1Io coordinates civilian cnrlaea aboard the Michigan. Currently, the Schools 6-7A Occupation: Pubhsher Obltuanes SA lhip Is being converted from a balllstic mlssUe weapon platform to a cndse miuUe capabiUty. and author of children's OpInion 10A Presenting the USS Michigan Navy seat are, from the left, Mark books on health Issues HarperWoods ......... 13-14A Weber. War Memorial president; Commander Thomu Calabrese, Quote: "My goal IS to con- captain of the USS Michigan: Frank Siaden, War Memorial board 8uslness 16A tmue the senes and to member emeritus; Mike Murray, War Memorial board member, be 8 child advocate " Autos.. .. 17A John MaUszewsld, War Memorial board member; and former board Seniors. 58 member, Tom Youngblood. See story, page 4A EntertaInment 6-78 For more information on how you can belp IUpport the 727 Club or become a member, caD tbe Grosse Pointe War Memorial at ClaSSIfIedads Be (313) 881-7511. ~ec our full page ad ~ week on the back page of Sports. 313.886-5040 ,. • 10tIeMo You 18780 Mack • GrOIM PolnIll hmla , ~,.".,..~., .. ." ~ I 2A News ApnJ8,2004 Grosse Pointe New yesterday's headlines 50 years ago this week 50 years ago this week hold a special meetmg thIS Matt SpIcer ISa first-team • Listeners of BIng week regardmg jumpmg on selectIOn Crosby's natiOnWIde radio board two federal programs Teammates Ken McInyre, program hear hun dedICate that proVIde money to bnng Enc K!sskalt, Jay RIcCIand a song to Chet Sampson and sub-par busmess bwldmgs John McNaughton receIve the Grosse Pomte girls he up to code and renovate honorable mentIOn KJsskalt chaperones on VISits to the dwellmgs m older sectiOns of also ISan academICAll-State Crosby's Nevada ranch the cIty selectIOn.
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