il8nr6r0trr V r r a U t ) m i . i g e t ^ AVKRAOB DAILY OIROtILATlON THE WEATHHh ■ Foroeast of U. S. Weather Banac,s| ' Mrs, Stuart O. Segar of Oxford EMEBOBNOY/DOCTOKS Center Church Women's Federa­ street and small son, Malcolm, re awarded. Others who want to play for the Month of Beptondier, 1988 Hartford 1 E iw . J. NcEneDy and His tion will hold it* first meeting of the longer may do so by paying a small turned home last evening after season tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 TO CONDUa‘BEANO’ fee additional. Pnxeeds from the spending two months at Hawk's Dr. Thomas Weldon (tel. 8740) o'clock in the Federation room. Mrs, Fair tonight; Thnreday partly 1 Victor Recording Orchestra Nest beach. and Dr. Edwin C. Higgins (tel. "Beano" games will not be entirely 5,571 cloudy and warmer, probably follow- 1 L. T. Wood, the new president, for the benefit of the Tali Cedars 4048) will be available for emer­ urges oil members to attend as a Member ot tiw Andit llIttttfjtPBiFA ICuFulUn W rra ii] ed by ehowere at night. 1 SERIES_^ TEMPLE since -the Rainbow girls, DeMolay Schod St. Rec, Friday, Oct. 4 The Willing Workers of the Wes­ gency calls tomorrow. number of matters of important Dnrean of Cirealstlons Admission 35c. -4. business wiU be acted upon. boys, the Amaranth and the East­ leyan Guild will meet at the South ern Star will get a share. Man­ Methodist church tomorrow after­ Orford Parish Chapter, Daugh­ Tall Cedars to Rnn Gaines chester lodge of Masons wrlll also (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS noon at 2:30. In the absence of the Mrs. Mary Behnfleld and Mias benefit from the play. (Olaaslfled Advertlsbig on Page 14.) MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1935. leader, Mrs. James Munsle who is ters of the American Revolution will VOL. LV-NO . 2. meet Thursday afternoon at 2:30 In Emma Behnfleld who have been "Beano” has proved to be so pop­ ABOUT TOWN suffering with a bronchial cold, Mrs. spending the summer at their cot­ Albert Holman will be in charge. the Robbins room of Center church Starting On Thursday ular in town that a large tum-out bouse. The guest speaker will )>e tage on the Fort road at Watch Is expected at the Temple serlea. IO m Uargaret Elliott of Henry Hill, have returned to their home on street returned home Monday after Miss Leola Raymond of 16S White Mrs. C. H. Wickham of- "The Russell street. Night, October 10. The committee in charge Is; Wil­ spending a ten day vacation witb street, Hartford, and Mrs. Marry Pines", Manchester who will give an liam Anderson, chairman; Emil her aunt. Miss Mary Elliott of Win- Yeomans and Infant daughter, Illustrated lecture on "The Nether­ Miller. John Trotter, Richard Mc- ated. Conn., at Old Kelsey Point, Beverly Joyce, of 329 Center street, lands Indies.” Members arc re­ Dr. John F. Barry of 938 Main "Beano,” the popular "com game” Lagan, Charles Wilkie, C. Leroy Westbrook, Conn. have been discharged from the Ma­ minded of the state conference at street Is In Boston for three days, which is known by various other Norris, Ward Dougan and William ples hospital on Oak street. Enflcid on Friday. Hostesses for attending the meeting of the New cognomens such as "Bingo” and Hunniford. MIm Qladya E. Squires baa re­ the meeting Thursday will be Mrs. England Dental society at the For­ "Radio,” will be played regularly on S'BSWS ETHIOPIA PROTESTS INVASION turned after spending ber vacation Star of the East R. B, P. No. 18, Charles H. Cheney, Miss Ida Hol­ sythe Ififlrmary. Thursday nights at the Masonic at the home of ber parents in Col­ will hold their regular monthly brook, and the regent, Mrs. T. J. Temple according to an announce­ chester, Conn. meeting tomorrow night at 7:80 Lewie. ment made today by the local For­ est of Tall Cedars of Lebanon. The In A ll Departments sharp In Orange hall. Higher de­ Walter N.Leclerc Race Driver Accidentally Escapes Serious Injury Mystic Review, Woman's Benefit grees will be awarded to several The King’s Heralds of the South first In the serlea of "Beano” games assertion, will bold its first Octo­ Sir Knights and, in addition, there Methodist church will meet tomor­ will be held Thursday night, Octo­ Funeral Director CUBS LEAD TIGERS ber meeting tonight at 8 o’clock in ber 10. WHOLE NATION CALLED will be a discussion of very impor­ row afternoon at 4 o'clock at the I Amateur Night j 289 No. Main St. Manchester Odd Fellows ball. tant business at which time also' church. All boys and girls of the The opening games will be for a O f Both These Stores the entertainment committee will church whose ages range from 8 Hillstown nominal sum with 12 prizes being Mary Bushnell Cheney auxiliary. give their report. Payment of dues to 14 will be welcome. U.8.W.V. will meet tomorrow night IN SERIES OPENER will be made by Sir Knights at this j Grange Hall . at 8 o'clock in the *81x16 Armory. time. The Ladles Aid society of the ALL DAY WEDNESDAY TO ARMS TOMORROW; Polish National church will meet I Thurs., Oct. 3, 8 P. M. tonight at 7 o’clock at the church I on Golway street. BY SCORE OF 2-0 I Dancing and Refreshments. I Take Advantage of Pinehurst Meat The Life-Saving Guards of the I Admission: | Golden Rule troop will meet tonight T h c J W . H A L C CORK DUCE EXHORTS ITALY These Excellent GUMOUR! DAINTINESS! Veal Shanks.................. 10c lb. at 7 o’clock In the Junior Hall of I Adults 35c. Children 20c. | M a n c h e s t e r Co n n * iiago Ool Front After SHURFINE VALUES Stewing Veal....... 18c to 25c lb. the Salvation Army citadel. CROSS PRAISES Meaty Soup Shanks. iThat Gay Young Feet Demand First Six Innings by Mak­ ShurllDe Pancake S ^ W t IS$Ut A 'i / . GREEN DISCOUNT STA VIPS ■ Flour, pkg........ i U C PART INDUSTRY OCEAN CRUISE ing Botii Runs at Ontset; 20 MILUONS CHEER Shurflne Vanilla, n o Freshly Ground Beef MODERN BATHROOMS S-oz. b o ttle ....... H]CfHOUS€*"^SON. Wameke in Top Form. PLAYSJN STATE IS NOW AHEAD Shurflne Coffee, O . 29c"’ Demand WASHABLE WALLS! n>........................ Z l C Stuffing Peppers . .3 for 5c MUSSOIWS WORDS The flneet blend obtain­ OF P ^ID E N T able. Navin Field, Detroit, Oct. 2.— Dedicates Exposition in Hart­ Smoked Shoulders......... 26c lb. (A P )—Behind the auperb pitching Shurflne Cake r% g of long Lone Wameke, the aprightly Flour, Ig. pkg. .. ^ O C Frying Chickens— Small Roast­ ford Armory at Noon— Chief Exe(nitive to Speak at As First Fighting Is Roniored in DanakO Italian Dictator ing Chicken»—Fowl for Fricaa- Chicago Cubs dashed away to a 2 to see— Broilers. O lead over J.3mwood (Schoolt>oy) OaUte. 01 - Rowe and flie Detroit Tigers today Cafls Connectient Birth­ Luckily, this scene led to a happy ending, for J. L. Donkin, Irish racing driver, escaped death and serious In­ San Diego Later in the Aronses Mad Enthusiasm by Shonting That 44 Miliion S PkKW.............. Z i C ir. the first six timings of the openmg jury when his car skidded on a rain-.soaked road and overturned during a practice run on the Ards' circuit Genuine game of the 1938 World Series. at Belfast, Ireland. Donkin is shown struggimg to extricate himself as a policeman runs to 4ld him. Slatchea, O C Wameke, his first ball breaking place of American Genius. Day and Then Board Italians are Marching With Army "to its Goal"; Dace carton................ i S d C Calves’ Liver Th« J W . H A L C CORK through, hla sharp curve dancmg be- Dole's Pineapple n (o MANCHESTER CONN* fci-e the jittery Tigers eyes, allow­ . Know The Budget Battleship. Charges Allies With Betrayal of Promises and Flonts ^oloe, 9 cans .... ^ O C 55c ed but two hits in the first three m- Laudmg the part played by Indus­ STATE MEN HOLD Same grade of selected Liver nings, a double by Pete Fox off the try m the development of Connecti­ Apple JeUy, 1 f t - we feature every week. left field wall m* the second, a single cut, and the contribution of Ck>n- "Crumbs of Colonial Feast"; French Continue to Seek 14-oz. J ar........... JL U C 9 5 to right by Jo Jo White m the third, Tax Levies Against Town San Diego, Calif., Oct. 2.— (A P ) Absolutely Fresh SELF-SER VE SPECIALS r.ecticut genius to the orlgm and as the Cubs, still ricUng their flash­ IMPORTANT POSTS —President Roosevelt paused on Specific Promises from Britain; More British Ships SLICED BACON ... .39c lb. ing wlnnmg streak, cUmbed aU over growth of American industry. Gov­ the southwestern tip of the Nation Here it is! A flattering one eyelet tie of genuine kid For All Day WEDNESDAY the big Schoolboy. ernor Wilbur L. Cross formally Add Mill To Rate opened the Tercentenary Industrial today after his transcontinental Vegetable Bunches....... ea. 10c for those who demand the unusual in stylish footwear. Two errors, reminiscent of last tour for an address before embark­ Are Concentrated in Canal Zone Area. Where kiddles’ hands, spattered CampbeU’s year's first game against the Cards Fxpositlon in the State Armory, Size of Birdseye Pea pack­ Summer Squash ...... 2 for 13c As its contributions to higher,.
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