ANALYSIS Sofia BAROMETER Political parties in Bulgaria GEORGI KARASIMEONOV, PhD (Editor) Issue 4, October - December 2017 J At the end of 2017 political tensions in the country intensified. The reasons for this are the increased confrontation between GERB and BSP, which led to a series of scandals, resignations and mutual accusations. All this could have a negative impact on the EU Council Presidency, starting on January 1st. Successful running of the Presidency is a major objective of the government and ruling majority. J In recent months BSP has proved that there may be an active opposition. In addition to developing alternative policies, the party has exposed a number of irregularities that have pushed GERB into an explanatory regime and has even become a cause for resignation among government officials. However, in an internal party plan, the tension between BSP leader Kornelia Ninova and the opposition in the party, which was also seen at the congress, continues. Although Ninova has consolidated her leadership position, balance in the party seems fragile, and at the first major political tremors, the opposition may seek revenge. J The extra-parliamentary right in the face of DSB and Yes, Bulgaria, together with other centrist formations like the Greens and DEOS (The Movement for European Unification and Solidarity), started a unification Издател Заявки Всички текстове са достъпни онлайн process with the launch of the Bulgarian Manifesto for Europe initiative. Фондация Фридрих Еберт www.fes.bg The main purpose of these formations is to become a real right-wing Бюро България ул. Княз Борис I 97 Използването с търговска Мненията, изразени в тази публикация, alternative to GERB, although at this stage sociological surveys show low 1000 София, България цел на всички издадени принадлежат на автора/авторите и не voting support, insufficient to overcome the electoral barrier. Отговорен редактор: от Фондация Фридрих Еберт отразяват непременно позицията Регине Шуберт, директор (ФФЕ) публикации не е на Фондация Фридрих Еберт. позволено без писменото съгласие на ФФЕ. BAROMETER / GEORGI KARASIMEONOV | POLITICAL PARTIES IN BULGARIA Bulgaria Contents 1. The political situation .................................................................................... 3 1.1 Domestic policy ........................................................................................... 3 1.2 Foreign and European Policy ........................................................................ 5 1.3. The refugee crisis ....................................................................................... 7 2. Status and development of the main political parties ..................................... 7 2.1.Social-democratic and other center-left parties ................................................. 7 2.1.1. BSP. ..................................................................................................................... 7 Condition .......................................................................................................... 7 Recommendations ......................................................................................... 9 2.1.2. ABV and Movement 21 ...................................................................................... 9 Condition .......................................................................................................... 9 Recommendations .......................................................................................... 9 2.1.3. The “Bulgarian Social Democrats” Party .......................................................... 9 Condition .......................................................................................................... 9 Recommendations .......................................................................................... 9 2.2. Center-right parties ................................................................................... 10 2.2.1. GERB .................................................................................................................. 10 2.2.2. Reformist bloc ................................................................................................... 11 2.2.3. DSB ..................................................................................................................... 12 2.2.4. „Yes, Bulgaria!“ .................................................................................................. 12 2.3. Centrist parties .......................................................................................... 13 2.3.1. MRF ................................................................................................................... 13 2.3.2. DOST .................................................................................................................. 13 2.3.3. „Volya“ ................................................................................................................ 13 2.4. Nationalist parties ..................................................................................... 14 2.4.1. United Patriots .................................................................................................. 14 2.5. Positions of the parties on foreign and European policy ............................. 15 3. Public opinion ............................................................................................... 16 4. Main conclusions and forecasts .................................................................... 16 2 BAROMETER / GEORGI KARASIMEONOV | POLITICAL PARTIES IN BULGARIA Bulgaria 1. The political situation and Dimitar Glavchev, the latter resigned as chairman of the National Assembly. GERB ex- 1.1 Domestic policy plained this decision saying that it was done Despite expectations of a decrease in do- for the sake of stability in the country on the mestic tension in the face of the forthcoming eve of the presidency, but also because of the presidency of the EU Council on January 1, upcoming visit by the President of the Europe- 2018, the confrontation between those in pow- an Parliament, Antonio Tajani, and the danger er and the opposition has intensified in the last of him speaking to a half-empty plenary hall. months of the year. Relations between GERB The resignation of the Speaker of the Na- and BSP have been exacerbated by daily politi- tional Assembly is a serious blow to GERB and cal attacks and scandals, which were the fo- the ruling majority. These events confirmed cus of media attention in October and Novem- that BSP will continue to emerge as a strong ber. The peak of the confrontation reached a opposition, which has a strong political re- turning point after National Assembly Speaker source to counteract. In Dimitar Glavchev’s Dimitar Glavchev asked BSP leader Kornelia place as chairman of the National Assembly, Ninova to leave a parliamentary session. This Tsvara Karayancheva, deputy chairman of par- happened after Ninova called for Boyko Bor- liament, was elected. isov to come to parliament and explain his The tremors in the government actually statement that there are MPs dealing with started at the end of October, when the first drug trafficking in the National Assembly. The government resignation was filed by the Min- BSP parliamentary group left the plenary hall ister of Health Prof. Nikolay Petrov from the and took the decision no longer to enter the GERB quota. The resignation was the result of sessions of the National Assembly, except for a BTV journalistic investigation, which showed the adoption of the budget for 2018 and the how Nikolay Petrov, as head of the Military vote of no confidence in the government they Medical Academy, had awarded public con- intend to introduce until Glavchev hands in his tracts to companies represented by the man resignation. Cornelia Ninova said that, with his from whom his daughter had a child. Although actions, Glavchev had expressed a rude af- the Prosecutor’s Office has not found any evi- front to parliamentarism and democracy in the dence of a crime, and the violation committed country, after having expelled the leader of the by Nikolay Petrov is only administrative, ac- opposition without any reason. The BSP said cording to the opposition, such acts are mor- that since the beginning of the mandate of this ally condemned and the resignation of the National Assembly, the majority by all means Minister is justified. Prof. Petrov said he did tried to limit the actions of the opposition. The nothing wrong, and his resignation is a mor- departure of BSP from the plenary hall led to al act with which he wants to clear his name, quorum issues in parliamentary sessions. On which he has made as a specialist for de- the day on which the resignation of the Pres- cades. For the new minister of health, former ident had to be voted on there turned out to Deputy Minister of Finance Kiril Ananiev was be a little expected outcome. Prime Minister elected, a proven financier, a long-time Deputy Borisov postponed a trip to Sweden because Minister of Finance in various governments. of the political crisis and went to the National Until now, Ananiev was Chairman of the Super- Assembly. After a conversation between him visory Board of the Health Fund. His choice is 3 BAROMETER / GEORGI KARASIMEONOV | POLITICAL PARTIES IN BULGARIA Bulgaria to put financial order in the healthcare system sa.” Radev pointed out that for him and for the - one of the most unreformed systems in the vast majority of
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