Journal of Geography, Politics and Society 2018, 8(3), 38–44 DOI 10.4467/24512249JG.18.021.8790 PROBLEMS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EUROPEAN CHARTER FOR REGIONAL AND MINORITY LANGUAGES BY UKRAINE Tatiana Kovalova Law and European Integration Department, Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine, Moskovsky Prospect 75, 61001 Kharkiv, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected] Citation Kovalova T., 2018, Problems of implementation of the European charter for regional and minority languages by Ukraine, Jour- nal of Geography, Politics and Society, 8(3), 38–44. Abstract In the article the problems of implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages are let on. In par- ticular, it admits that during the years of its independence Ukraine didn’t provide any system language policy and became a hostage of the signing of the Charter, as it undertook the responsibility to support and develop regional languages without any enactment of the law about the state language. As a result of political manipulations the provision of the functioning of Ukrainian language by the state was not made on a proper level. The latent language conflicts became a formal reason for the events in the Crimea and on the East of Ukraine and were used to invade the Ukrainian territories. Key words The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, language policy, status of languages, language relations, language situation, Ukraine. Received: 15 December 2017 Accepted: 06 February 2018 Published: 31 August 2018 1. Introduction (Про засади…, 03.07.2012, № 5029-VI) in Verkhovna Rada played a dramatic part in the events of 2014 The language problem in Ukraine is still up-to-date, in Ukraine. It is understandable that it was not the the argues according to the ways of solving the lan- language that became a reason for a military con- guage issues continue during the whole period of flict, but the language was used as a tool of manipu- the independence of the country swinging the so- lations and the deconstruction of Ukrainian nation ciety either to the side of the priority of Ukrainian and Ukrainian state (Kовальова, 2010; Савойська, language as the state one or to the side of the bi- 2008; Сквірська, 2008). lingualism codified by law. Unfortunately, the fac- As it is known, to see well you should not ap- tors like the dalliance with different political actors, proach the subject but, vice versa, step aside. The unconsequency in the implementation of the lan- background of the nearest past of the language guage policy, “pushing” the Law of Ukraine “About policy of Ukraine answers a lot of questions of the the fundamentals of the state language policy” present time. Problems of implementation of the European charter for regional and minority languages by Ukraine 39 In September, 2000 the Program of the Integra- 2006). The main reasons for this are both the incor- tion of Ukraine to the European Union was approved rect official translation of the text of the document by the Edict of the President of Ukraine, in particu- in Ukrainian, which was added to the Law about lar, the Program admits the following: creating the the ratification of the Charter, and the wrong un- conditions for Ukraine to get the membership in EU derstanding of the object and the purpose of the means, first of all, the necessity of conducting the Charter. corresponding reforms on the basis of execution of The authentic texts of the Charter written in the the Cooperation Agreement with the consequent official languages of the European Council appoint reaching the fulfillment of Copenhagen criteria that this act of the international law tells not about (Програма…, 2000; Copenhagen criteria…, 1993). “the regional languages or the languages of minori- In p. 2 chapter 1 of the Program one of the main di- ties” but about the single conceptual unit of “the rections of reaching the fulfillment of Copenhagen regional and minority languages”. And in paragraph criteria is defined as “human rights and protection of 11 of the Explanatory Report to the Charter the fol- the national minorities. First of all it includes the laws lowing is indicated: “The purpose of the Charter is about citizenship, status of the state language and to protect and support the regional or minority lan- its teaching, migration policy and the corresponding guages, not the language minorities” (Європейська institutions, the candidate country joining the fun- хартія…, 1992). damental international conventions in the defined area” (Програма…, 2000). In this way the Program confirms both the directions of the integration to 2. Research discussions the European legal and political space and the con- sequence of the steps in this directions. The European Charter for Regional and Minority Lan- But the analysis of the chronology of the estab- guages was approved by the European Council in lishing of the language legislation in Ukraine witness 1992, when the language status as the state (official) about the breach of the logic of the lawmaking. In languages was defined in many European countries 1999 Ukraine ratifies the European Charter for Re- long time ago, and for that moment the task for the gional and Minority Languages (hereinafter – Char- European society was to maintain the right to use ter) (Європейська хартія…, 1992). Without making the regional and minority languages in private and any lows of its own and without building the own public life considering the point that it was “an alien- model of the language regulation, Ukraine imple- able right according to the principles declared in the ments the European legislation aimed to protect re- International Pact of United Nations Organization gional and minority languages (in Ukrainian context about the civil and political rights and according to they are the languages of the national minorities, as the spirit of the Convention of the European Council in this way the Charter was translated). Let us make about the human rights and fundamental freedoms“ a note that Ukraine and Armenia were the only post- (Європейська хартія…, 1992, p. 1). soviet countries which signed the Charter. To be fair we must indicate that not all of the Eu- In 2003 Ukraine ratifies the Charter for the sec- ropean countries willingly recognized the language ond time (because of the violation of the procedures rights of their minorities because of fears of the during the first ratifications) but none of the law- threats to the state unity, for example, France, the makers remembers the responsibility to enact the United Kingdom, Greece, Turkey. “The fact that the law about the state language which was undertaken Charter does not admire the countries-members of by Ukraine. So, as the researchers indicate fairly, the the European Council is obvious because of the fact Charter signing was accompanied with political re- it was ratified and valid in 24 countries of 47 only” tarding, confrontation of the political wings, viola- (Бестерс-Дільгер, 2013, p. 13–14). tion of the valid legislation, besides that the title of The language situation in Sweden, Norway, the Charter was translated incorrectly, so “this pow- France, Germany, Ireland, Finland, Belgium and oth- erful international document made more harm to er countries show that the Charter is not a panacea the language area in Ukraine then it made any good” in language relations regulation and, in particular, (Кресіна, Явір, 2008, p. 190). Y. Besters-Dilger (Бестерс-Дільгер, 2010), I. Bolman As it is indicated in the legal conclusion of the (Больман, 2007), Y. Shushliebina (Шушлєбіна, 2011) Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the ratification of this and others indicate. Charter by Ukraine in a way it was done on the 15th In the Ukrainian language space when the Char- of May of 2003 has objectively caused appearing ter was approved the Russian language dominated, a range of pressing issues of legal, political and eco- conditioned with the heritage of the Soviet past, the nomic nature in Ukraine (Юридичний висновок…, geographic close location of Russia and economic 40 Tatiana Kovalova connections with it. Without creating the real con- Law of Ukraine “About Local Governing in Ukraine” ditions to confirm and protect Ukrainian language (Про місцеве…, 1998), or other Ukrainian laws con- as the state one, Ukraine gives the legal support to tain any provisions according to which solving the 13 languages of the national minorities including issues about the legal status of the languages which Russian. And it happened, as Y. Besters_Dilger fairly are in use in the work of the bodies of local authori- indicates, because “Verkhovna Rada during the first ties or within the territories of the corresponding and the second ratification was influenced by Rus- territory communities do not belong to the incum- sian and Russian-speaking deputies who aimed to bency of these bodies. compensate the failure of the attempt to implement After enacting the Law of Ukraine “About the Russian language as the second state language in fundamentals of the state language policy” (Про the Constitution of 1996 via the acceptance of the засади…, 2012) of 2012 the situation with giving Russian language to the Charter” (Бестерс-Дільгер, the status of the regional languages repeated. In the 2012, p. 13). So, “the Charter became the strongest third periodical report of Ukraine about the execu- political instrument to assist Russian language... tion of the European Charter for Regional and Mi- The new de-Ukrainization is legitimized under the nority Languages this situation was reflected (Third slogan of the said to be fulfillment of the European periodical…, 2016, р. 6). Russian language was rec- demands” (Бестерс-Дільгер, 2012, p. 14). It is clear ognized as the regional one in 9 regions of Ukraine: that the European authors of the Charter did not Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk, Mykolayiv, Odessa, take into their consideration the language situation Kharkiv, Kherson regions, the Autonomous Repub- in the post-soviet countries.
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