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Canada • FOR AND AGAINST "ROME": THE CASE OF EDMUND BISHOP, 1846-1917 ANNE ELISABETH DALGAARD • THE FACULTY OF RELIGIOUS STUDlES MCGILL UNIVERSITY, MONTREAL AUGUST 1994 A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDlES AND RESEARCH IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHlLOSOPHY • (c) Anne Elisabeth Dalgaard, 1994 National Ubrary Bibliothèque nationale .+. of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et Bibliographie services Branch des services bibliographiques 395 Wel1i!l9lon Street 395. rJe Wellington Ottawa. Ontario Ottawa (Ontario) K1A0N4 K1AON4 THE AUTHOR HAS GRANTED AN L'AUTEUR A ACCORDE UNE LICENCE IRREVOCABLE NON-EXCLUSIVE IRREVOCABLE ET NON EXCLUSIVE LICENCE ALLOWING THE NATIONAL PERMETTANT A LA BffiLIOTHEQUE LffiRARY OF CANADA TO NATIONALE DU CANADA DE REPRODUCE, LOAN, DISTRmUTE OR REPRODUIRE, PRETER, DISTRffiUER SELL COPIES OF HIS/HER THESIS BY OU VENDRE DES COPIES DE SA ANY MEANS AND IN ANY FORM OR THESE DE QUELQUE MANIERE ET FORMAT, MAKING THIS THESIS SOUS QUELQUE FORME QUE CE SOIT AVAILABLE TO INTERESTED POUR METTRE DES EXEMPLAIRES DE PERSONS. CETTE THESE A LA DISPOSITION DES PERSONNE INTERESSEES. THE AUTHOR RETAINS OWNERSHIP L'AUTEUR CONSERVE LA PROPRIETE OF THE COPYRIGHT IN HIS/HER DU DROIT D'AUTEUR QUI PROTEGE THESIS. NEITHER THE THESIS NOR SA THESE. NI LA THESE NI DES SUBSTANTIAL EXTRACTS FROM IT EXTRAITS SUBSTANTIELS DE CELLE­ MAY BE PRINTED OR OTHERWISE CI NE DOIVENT ETRE IMPRIMES OU REPRODUCED WITHOUT HIS/HER AUTREMENT REPRODUITS SANS SON PERMISSION. AUTORISATION. ISBN 0-612-05693-7 Canad~ • ABSTRACT Previous studies of the life and thought of Edmund Bishop (1846-1917), an English liturgiologist and convert to Catholicism, have underplayed the change in his attitude from positive to negative with respect to the institutional Catholic Church. This crucial shift in thinking occurred during 1899-190 1, and is c1early reflected in his own writings. From then on, he differentiated between the institution that was the Catholic Church and Catholicism as a religion. Although he remained faithful te the latter, his diaries and letters preserve an intentional record of his severe criticism of the Catholic hierarchy. Bishop's views represent those of a layman and of an informed observer at • a time when the Catholic Church was confronting the Modernist challenge. • ii • RÉSUMÉ Les études antérieures sur la vie et la pensée d'Edmund Bishop (1846-1917), liturgiste anglais converti au catholicisme, n'ont pas bien fait ressortir le changement d'altitude de cet auteur envers l'institution de l'Église catholique-romaine. De positive qu'ellc était, son altitude est devenue très négative au cours des années 1899-190 1, et ce revirement est bien visible dans ses propres oeuvres. À partir de ce momcnt, il a établi une distinction nette entre l'Église catholique en tant qu'institution et le catholicisme. Bien qu'il soit resté fidèle à cette religion, il a pris soin de noter dans son journal intime et ses lettres ses critiques sévères de la hiérarchie catholique. Le point de vue exprimé par • Bishop est celui d'un laïc et d'un observateur éclairé à une époque où l'Église catholiquc devait faire face à la montée du modernisme. • iii • PREFACE Edmund Bishop (1846-1917) first attracted my attention while 1 was researching a paper on early twentieth ccntury "Modernism" in the Roman Catholic Church. Many of the books and articles that concerned the developments in the Church, l'rom the tirst Vatican Council (1869-70) to the papal Encyclical Pascendi dominici i:regis (1907), mentioned the name of the erudite English liturgiologist, Edmund Bishop. Sorne authors claimed him as a Catholic liberal, others as a Catholic modernist, often citing the same passages l'rom Nigel Abercrombie's 1959 biography. An article in 1983 by Dom Andrew Moore in the Downside Review piqued my • interest. Moore mentioned the "self-imposed limits" of Bishop's biographer and his own opinion that Bishop's observations of the institutional element of the Roman Church were worth studying. These comments convinced me that it was time for a fresh look at Bishop's records. 1haù already been fascinated by John Henry Newman's triadic structure of the offices of the Church (prophet, priest and king) and Friedrich von Hügel's subsequent theological construct of triads. 1wondered how Bishop, in turn, had accommodated himself to what he called the institutional Church. 1 found the answer in Bishop's papers, almost ail of which exist in manascript form only. These sources require sorne explanation and are discussed in the introduction to the bibliography. • iv The completion of this project has been assisted by many people. 1thank my supervisor, Professor E.J. Furcha; Dean Donna Runnalls; Professor Gregory Baum; • Professor Hereward Senior of the History Department; and Dr. John Coulson and Professor John Kent of Bristol University, England. For the use of Edmund Bishop's papers, 1 thank the Abbot, as weil as Dom Prior Daniel Rees and Bridgit de Salis of Downside Abbey, England. 1am grateful to Madeline Jeffrey of the Iibrary of Heythrop College, London, and for the assistance given by the staff of our Faculty's library: Norma Johnston, Jennifer Wheeler, Tapas Majumdar and Mary Margaret Klempa. 1 am indebted to Lawrence Nyveen and Dr. Robert MacKenzie for reading the manuscript; to Moya Drummond for editorial assistance; to Dr. John Wickham and the Loyola Jesuit Community for financial assistance; to Christopher Hawkins for conceding to me with generosity and grace, his own proposed project for doctoral studies based on Edmund Bishop' s papers. • Finally, 1express my deep appreciation to friends and family who provided encouragement and support: Dr. Donald Stoesz, Gretchen Brabander. Heidi Epstein, Michel Guimont, Marjory Dalgaard, John Dalgaard, and especially my son, John Wilson and my mother, Ida Jensen Dalgaard, to whom this dissertation is dedicated. • v • LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BB "Black Books," notebooks of Edmund Bishop BP Edmund Bishop's papers, kept in the The Edmund Bishop Library, in the Library of Downside Abbey, England Cl "Book Cl" of the "Cc Diaries." Edmund Bishop's "Catholic diary" DNB Dictionary of National Bio~raphy, 1912-21 DSR Downside Review DTC Dictionnaire de théQlo~ie catholique DubR Dublin Review MS Edmund Bishop's manuscript • NSA "Newman-Simpson-Acton Black Book" of Edmund Bishop O&C "Oxford and Cambridge Black Books" of Edmund Bishop OED Oxford English Dictionary, 1979 RCQ The Roman Catholic Ouestion: A Co.pious Series of Important Documents. of Permanent Historical Interest on the Re-Establishment of the Catholic Hjerarchy in En~land. 1850-1851. London: James Gilbert, 1850-51 SA "Secret Archives Diaries" of Edmund Bishop • ~ • • • vii TABLE OF CONTENTS • ABSTRACT Ii RÉSUMÉ iii PREFACE o. iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vi INTRODUCTION 1 PART ONE THE ENGLISH CATHOLIC MILIEU 1. THE GROWTH OF ENGLISH CATHOLlCI5M 16 1. English Catholicism and the "Restoration" 16 The Nature of English Catholicism: 1770-1850 17 From Enlightenment to Romanticism 19 2. Nicholas Wiseman (1802-65) and the Reshaping of English Catholicism 22 The Rationale for the Restoration of the English Hierarchy .. 22 Wiseman Prepares the Way 24 • Cardinal Wiseman's Return to England 26 Il. ENGLl5H CATHOLIC DISSENT 1. The English Catholic liberais 32 The Rambler 33 Richard Simpson's Objections 36 John Henry Newman and the Rambler 40 The Hierarchy Takes Action 41 2. John Acton and the End of English Catholic Liberalism 43 The Home and Foreign Review: 1862-64 43 The End of English Catholic Liberalism 50 3. The Role of the Laity 52 The Lay Awakening 52 The Reform of Ultramontanism 54 4. The English Catholic Hierarchy 57 • viii PARTTWO EDMUND BISHOP: FOR "ROME" III. THE RELIGIOUS AND INTELLECTUAL FORMATION OF • EDMUND BISHOP 61 1. Early Influences and Conversion 61 Family History 61 Bishop's Youth 64 The Process of Conversion 65 2. The Autodidact 77 A Passion for Books: Bishop and his Library 78 Bishop as Author 86 The Influence of the Home and Foreign Review 90 3. Summary 95 IV. BISHOP AND THE BENEDICTINES 1. Bishop and Downside (1881-1889) 99 Vocation 103 Brother Edmund: Bishop at Dcwnside (1886-1889) 110 2. Reorientation: 1889-93 117 The Aftermath 117 Catharsis .................................. 122 Recovery ..................................128 The Return to Downside: 1893 131 3. Qm.!§. and "Opuscula" 135 The Fruit of Joint Labour 135 • Colleagues 138 4.
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