Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium Astronomy and Astrophysics Survey Committee, Board on Physics and Astronomy, Space Studies Board, National Research Council ISBN: 0-309-50139-3, 276 pages, 7 x 10, (2001) This free PDF was downloaded from: http://www.nap.edu/catalog/9839.html Visit the National Academies Press online, the authoritative source for all books from the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Medicine, and the National Research Council: • Download hundreds of free books in PDF • Read thousands of books online for free • Purchase printed books and PDF files • Explore our innovative research tools – try the Research Dashboard now • Sign up to be notified when new books are published Thank you for downloading this free PDF. If you have comments, questions or want more information about the books published by the National Academies Press, you may contact our customer service department toll-free at 888-624-8373, visit us online, or send an email to [email protected]. This book plus thousands more are available at www.nap.edu. Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise indicated, all materials in this PDF file are copyrighted by the National Academy of Sciences. Distribution or copying is strictly prohibited without permission of the National Academies Press <http://www.nap.edu/permissions/>. Permission is granted for this material to be posted on a secure password-protected Web site. The content may not be posted on a public Web site. Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium http://www.nap.edu/catalog/9839.html Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium http://www.nap.edu/catalog/9839.html Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium Astronomy and Astrophysics Survey Committee Board on Physics and Astronomy–Space Studies Board Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications National Research Council NATIONAL ACADEMY PRESS Washington, D.C. Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium http://www.nap.edu/catalog/9839.html NOTICE: The project that is the subject of this report was approved by the Governing Board of the National Research Council, whose members are drawn from the councils of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The members of the committee responsible for the report were chosen for their special competences and with regard for appropriate balance. This project was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Grant No. NAG5-6916, the National Science Foundation under Grant No. AST-9800149, and the Keck Foundation. Front Cover: The image is a portion of the Hubble Deep Field, the deepest image ever taken of the universe. The most distant galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field emitted their light when the universe was less than 1 billion years old—in other words, when it was less than 6 percent of its present age. In this image, we can establish that the most distant and therefore earliest galaxies were quite different from those we study nearby. They were smaller and less regular, as if they were being built up from primordial clumps of gas. But we have still not seen the very first galaxies and stars that were created after the Big Bang. Seeing the very first galaxies is the primary goal of the Hubble Space Telescope’s successor, the Next Generation Space Telescope. Courtesy of the Space Telescope Science Institute. Library of Congress Card Number: 00-112257 International Standard Book Numbers: 0-309-07031-7 (paperback) 0-309-07312-X (hardcover) Additional copies of this report are available from: National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Lockbox 285, Washington, DC 20055; (800) 624-6242 or (202) 334-3313 (in the Washington metropolitan area); Internet <http://www.nap.edu> Board on Physics and Astronomy, National Research Council, HA 562, 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20418 Internet <http://www.national-academies.org/bpa> Copyright 2001 by the National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium http://www.nap.edu/catalog/9839.html National Academy of Sciences National Academy of Engineering Institute of Medicine National Research Council The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit, self-perpetuating society of distinguished scholars engaged in scientific and engineering research, dedicated to the furtherance of science and technology and to their use for the general welfare. Upon the authority of the charter granted to it by the Congress in 1863, the Academy has a mandate that requires it to advise the federal government on scientific and technical matters. Dr. Bruce M. Alberts is president of the National Academy of Sciences. The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964, under the charter of the National Academy of Sciences, as a parallel organization of outstanding engineers. It is autonomous in its administration and in the selection of its members, sharing with the National Academy of Sciences the responsibility for advising the federal government. The National Academy of Engineering also sponsors engineering programs aimed at meeting national needs, encourages education and research, and recognizes the superior achievements of engineers. Dr. William A. Wulf is president of the National Academy of Engineering. The Institute of Medicine was established in 1970 by the National Academy of Sciences to secure the services of eminent members of appropriate professions in the examination of policy matters pertaining to the health of the public. The Institute acts under the responsibility given to the National Academy of Sciences by its congressional charter to be an adviser to the federal government and, upon its own initiative, to identify issues of medical care, research, and education. Dr. Kenneth I. Shine is president of the Institute of Medicine. The National Research Council was organized by the National Academy of Sciences in 1916 to associate the broad community of science and technology with the Academy’s purposes of furthering knowledge and advising the federal government. Functioning in accordance with general policies determined by the Academy, the Council has become the principal operating agency of both the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering in providing services to the government, the public, and the scientific and engineer- ing communities. The Council is administered jointly by both Academies and the Institute of Medicine. Dr. Bruce M. Alberts and Dr. William A. Wulf are chairman and vice chairman, respectively, of the National Research Council. Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium http://www.nap.edu/catalog/9839.html Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium http://www.nap.edu/catalog/9839.html v ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS SURVEY COMMITTEE CHRISTOPHER F. McKEE, University of California, Berkeley, Co-chair JOSEPH H. TAYLOR, JR., Princeton University, Co-chair DAVID J. HOLLENBACH, NASA Ames Research Center, Executive Officer TODD BOROSON, National Optical Astronomy Observatories WENDY FREEDMAN, Carnegie Observatories DAVID C. JEWITT, University of Hawaii STEVEN M. KAHN, Columbia University JAMES M. MORAN, JR., Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics JERRY E. NELSON, University of California Observatories R. BRUCE PARTRIDGE, Haverford College MARCIA RIEKE, University of Arizona ANNEILA I. SARGENT, California Institute of Technology ALAN TITLE, Lockheed-Martin Space Technology Center SCOTT TREMAINE, Princeton University MICHAEL S. TURNER, University of Chicago national research council staff DONALD C. SHAPERO, Board on Physics and Astronomy, Director JOSEPH K. ALEXANDER, Space Studies Board, Director ROBERT L. RIEMER, Senior Program Officer JOEL R. PARRIOTT, Program Officer GRACE WANG, Administrative Associate (1998-1999) SÄRAH A. CHOUDHURY, Project Associate (1999-2000) MICHAEL LU, Project Assistant (1998-2000) ~ NELSON QUINONES, Project Assistant (2000) Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. Astronomy and Astrophysics in the New Millennium http://www.nap.edu/catalog/9839.html vi PANEL ON ASTRONOMY EDUCATION AND POLICY ANDREA K. DUPREE, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Chair R. BRUCE PARTRIDGE, Haverford College, Vice Chair (education) ANNEILA I. SARGENT, California Institute of Technology, Vice Chair (policy) FRANK BASH, McDonald Observatory, University of Texas GREGORY BOTHUN, University of Oregon SUZAN EDWARDS, Smith College RICCARDO GIACCONI, Associated Universities, Inc. PETER A. GILMAN, National Center for Atmospheric Research MICHAEL HAUSER, Space Telescope Science Institute BLAIR SAVAGE, University of Wisconsin IRWIN SHAPIRO, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics FRANK SHU, University of California, Berkeley NEIL DE GRASSE TYSON, American Museum of Natural History PANEL ON BENEFITS TO THE NATION FROM ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS STEPHEN E. STROM, National Optical Astronomy Observatories, Chair DAVID J. HOLLENBACH, NASA Ames Research Center, Vice Chair contributors to the panel ROGER ANGEL, Steward Observatory, University
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