Android Bluetooth monitoring Hendrik Mende Fachbereich Elektrotechnik University of Applied Science M¨unster A thesis submitted for the degree of Bachelor of Science 2012 I dedicate this thesis to Braximo and the Abraxianer, great friends. Acknowledgements Foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Oresti Ba˜nos Legr´an for the support of my Bachelor studies and research, his guidance, motivation and enthusiasm. His continued advice and encouragement kept me focused. I must express my gratitude to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Gl¨osek¨otter from the University of applied science M¨unster and Ignacio Rojas Ruiz from the Universidad de Granada, who made this thesis possible. I am grateful for the support from my friends and family, especially Hanna, Cati and Andreas with whom I spend a quality time and was able to explore and enjoy the many faces of Granada. Finally I would like to thank the Fachbereich f¨ur Elektrotechnik at the University of applied science M¨unster and the Escuela T´ecnica Superior de Ingenier´ıas Inform´atica y de Telecomunicaci´on at the Uni- versidad de Granada for giving me the opportunity to hold my final semester abroad. Abstract The ever progressing technological development of mobile phones, sen- sor technology and wireless communication systems have made a ubiq- uitous, permanent mobile monitoring of vital signs of the human body possible in recent times. Sensor devices are now small enough to be worn on the body and are able to provide data via a wireless network. The increasing computational performance of smart phones make pro- cessing and analysing of sensor data in a real time manner available. However the technological advance cannot yet foreclose cardiovascu- lar diseases, the number one cause of death globally [1]. With these increasing technological developments and improvements it becomes more appealing to create a mobile system for monitoring vital signs, that can be worn by anyone, anywhere in the world. This bachelor thesis presents an Android application that works to- gether with a smart phone device and a wearable sensor which trans- fers obtained data as well as derived parameter values. Information aggregation and analysis of the provided data in real time are made under the coverage of a Bluetooth based wireless network. The system proposed here does not rely on any stationary components such as an Internet connection or a wired technology for processing of data and thus can be applied everywhere. It is capable of storing the recorded data and deposit them onto a remote server. This provides the possi- bility of an analysis of the data at a later stage. Die immer weiter fortschreitende technologische Entwicklung von Mo- biltelefonen, Sensoren und kabellosen Kommunikationssystemen, haben eine allgegenw¨artige, dauerhafte mobile Uberwachung¨ der Vitalze- ichen des menschlichen K¨orpers, in j¨ungster Zeit erm¨oglicht. Die Sen- soren sind mittlerweile klein genug, um sie am K¨orper zu tragen und sie sind bef¨ahigt, Datenuber ¨ ein kabelloses Netzwerk bereitzustellen. Die steigende Rechenleistung von Smartphones machen eine Verar- beitung und Analyse von Sensordaten in Echtzeit m¨oglich. Allerdings kann der technologische Fortschritt bisher nicht Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen, die h¨aufigste Todesursache auf der Welt, verhindern [1]. Mit den genannten technologischen Entwicklungen und Fortschritten wird es immer reizender, ein mobiles System zur Uberwachung¨ der Vitalze- ichen zu Erschaffen, welches von irgendjemandem, irgendwo auf der Welt getragen werden kann. Diese Bachelorarbeit pr¨asentiert eine Android Anwendung, welche mit einem Smartphone und einem tragbaren Sensor zusammenarbeitet, welcher gewonnene Daten, sowie abgeleitete Parameter, bertrgt. Zusam- menfassung und Analyse der bereitgestellten Daten in Echtzeit wird im Rahmen eines Bluetooth basierten kabellosen Netzwerks vollzogen. Das hier vorgeschlagene System h¨angt nicht von station¨aren Kompo- nenten wie einer Internetverbindung oder kabelgebundener Technolo- gie fr die Weiterverarbeitung von Daten ab und kann daheruberall ¨ angewandt werden. Es ist dazu bef¨ahigt die aufgenommenen Daten zu speichern und auf einen Server abzulegen. Dies bietet die M¨oglichkeit einer sp¨ateren Analyse der Daten. Contents Contents v List of Figures vii 1 Introduction 1 1.1Motivationandcontext........................ 1 1.2 Objectives ............................... 2 1.3Thesisstructure............................ 3 2 State of the Art 6 2.1 Public health service ......................... 6 2.2 Mobile operating systems ....................... 9 2.2.1 Comparison of mobile operating systems .......... 11 2.2.2 Nokia’sSymbian....................... 12 2.2.3 Windows phone ........................ 14 2.2.4 RIM’sBlackBerry....................... 16 2.2.5 Apple’s iOS .......................... 17 2.2.6 Google’sAndroid....................... 19 2.2.7 Conclusion........................... 22 2.3 Mobile healthcare sensors ...................... 22 2.3.1 Comparison of mobile health care sensors . ......... 24 2.3.2 VisiMobile ........................... 25 2.3.3 Equivital EQ02 LifeMonitor ................. 37 2.3.4 ZephyrBioharness...................... 38 2.3.5 RSTechMedicDynaVision.................. 40 v CONTENTS 2.3.6 SHL’sSmartheart....................... 42 2.3.7 Conclusion........................... 43 2.4Bodyareanetworks.......................... 44 2.5DroidJacket.............................. 47 3 Tools used for this project 49 3.1Hardware............................... 50 3.1.1 HidalgoEquivitalEQ01................... 50 3.1.2 Bluetooth........................... 55 3.1.3 HTCSensation........................ 62 3.2Software................................ 65 3.2.1 Android Application anatomy ................ 66 3.2.2 IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment............ 76 Elipse . ...................... 76 3.2.3 LiveLinkStandardEdition.................. 79 3.2.4 EquivitalSEMCustomize.................. 83 4 Project description 87 4.1 Application peripherals ........................ 90 4.2Information.............................. 92 4.3Bluetooth............................... 94 4.4Datastorageandupload....................... 97 5 Conclusion and future work 101 5.1Conclusion............................... 101 5.2Futurework.............................. 102 Appendix 105 References 137 vi List of Figures 1.1Healthcarechallenges........................ 4 1.2 Project parts ............................. 5 2.1 Public health service[2] ........................ 7 2.2 WelTel logo[3]............................. 9 2.3 ATNF Logo[4] ............................. 10 2.4SkinVision[5]............................. 27 2.5VitalityGlowCaps[6]......................... 28 2.6Variousmobileoperatingsystems[7]................. 29 2.7 Global mobile Operating systems market share 2012[8] ...... 29 2.8NokiaSymbianOS[9]......................... 30 2.9NokiaSymbianOSLayers[10].................... 31 2.10 Windows phone logo[11] ....................... 32 2.11 Windows phone architecture[12] ................... 32 2.12 RIM Blackberry logo[13] ....................... 33 2.13 Apple iOS logo[14] .......................... 33 2.14 Apple iOS architecture[15] ...................... 34 2.15Androidlogo[16]........................... 35 2.16Androidarchitecture[17]....................... 35 2.17 Mobile Healthcare sensors in practice[18] .............. 36 2.18 VisiMobile[19] ............................. 36 2.19 Equivital EQ02 LifeMonitor[20] ................... 37 2.20 Zephyr BioHarness[21] ........................ 39 2.21RSTechMedicDynaVision[22].................... 40 2.22SHLSmartheart[23].......................... 42 vii LIST OF FIGURES 2.23 Example of a BAN[24] ........................ 44 2.24PowerversusdatarateinaBAN.[25]................ 46 2.25DroidJacketoverview[26]...................... 47 3.1 Project parts ............................. 49 3.2HidalgoEquivitalEQ01.[27]..................... 51 3.3 Message frame types[28] ....................... 51 3.4 Message characters[28] ........................ 52 3.5Datavolumes[28]........................... 54 3.6Bluetooth[29]............................. 56 3.7Piconet[30]............................... 57 3.8BluetoothProtocolstack[31]..................... 59 3.9 Bluetooth communication path[32] . ............... 61 3.10HTCSensation[33].......................... 62 3.11HTCSensationspecifications[34].................. 64 3.12Activitybackstack[35]........................ 69 3.13 Activity lifecycle[36] ......................... 70 3.14 Service lifecycle[37] .......................... 72 3.15Emulator[38].............................. 75 3.16Eclipse[39]............................... 77 3.17 Eclipse Architecture[40] ....................... 78 3.18LiveLinkstartscreen[41]....................... 80 3.19 LiveLink summary screen[41] .................... 81 3.20LiveLinkWaveformscreen[41].................... 82 3.21SEMmainscreen[42]......................... 84 4.1Classtree............................... 89 4.2Appicon................................ 90 4.3 Application peripherals ........................ 90 4.4Helpscreens.............................. 93 4.5RegularView............................. 95 4.6 DataToDrawAccelerometer.java ................... 98 4.7SQLView.java............................. 99 viii LIST OF FIGURES 1 Manifest file .............................. 108 2 Monitoring classes .......................... 136 ix Chapter 1 Introduction In this Bachelor thesis an Android application for monitoring vital signs through sensor data is introduced.
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