H2702 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 5, 2017 continued abuse and killing of the Syr- was developed here in the United The fact is our Nation’s opioid crisis ian people. We must take meaningful States. transcends politics, and so must our re- action to empower the Syrian people And one final point. Noah Smith and sponse. I applaud the President’s exec- and remove Assad from power. Heather Boushey and others have utive order to investigate the roots of f talked about what really will create this epidemic and outline tangible ac- the jobs of the future, and they have tions we can take to fight back. MORE COMPETITION NEEDED IN written about having universities and Any response to this challenge must BROADBAND COMMUNICATIONS colleges spread out across this country. treat the whole person, not just the ad- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Abraham Lincoln did it with the land diction. We must focus on the under- Chair recognizes the gentleman from grants in the 1860s. lying issues driving people to seek California (Mr. KHANNA) for 5 minutes. We need college towns across Amer- opioids, while increasing the accessi- Mr. KHANNA. Mr. Speaker, I rise ica, and if we did that, if we expanded bility and affordability for prevention, today to express my deep concern with our universities, if we expanded re- for education, for treatment, and for the recent FCC decision that strips search, if we expanded broadband in a recovery of this disease. Charter Communications of the re- competitive place, we could create the As Pamela shared, every life is a pre- quirement to provide broadband in a jobs of the future all across this great cious life, and every life is worthy of competitive manner. country. being reclaimed. I agree. I believe ev- When Charter merged with Time f eryone in this Chamber agrees as well. Warner, there was a regulatory review, Let’s get to work together to support and the requirement was that Charter OPIOID AND DRUG ADDICTION these brave families that need our help. CRISIS IN AMERICA would actually provide broadband in f areas that would improve competition. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Just yesterday, the Chairman revoked Chair recognizes the gentleman from RECOGNIZING THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA GAMECOCKS that regulatory decision and said that Pennsylvania (Mr. FITZPATRICK) for 5 Charter doesn’t have to provide minutes. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The broadband in an area where some other Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, I Chair recognizes the gentleman from competitor is providing broadband. rise today to share the story of a young South Carolina (Mr. CLYBURN) for 5 Now, why does this matter? Ameri- man from my district whose tragic minutes. cans already pay three to four times passing underscores one of the biggest Mr. CLYBURN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to more for access to the internet than issues facing our community and fac- congratulate the University of South our European counterparts, and that is ing our Nation. Carolina Gamecocks basketball team. absurd. We invented the internet. We Carlos Castellanos of Falls Township, It was the thrill of a lifetime to at- built the technology that fuels the Bucks County, graduated from tend the NCAA women’s basketball na- internet. We should have the cheapest Pennsbury High School. He always tional championship game last Sunday prices. loved sharing his talents and love of at the American Airlines Center in So why don’t we have cheaper prices? music by playing the guitar and drums Dallas, Texas. It is because four or five monopolies at school and also for local church The Gamecocks have electrified Co- basically provide the internet service groups. However, like so many around lumbia and the entire State of South for everyone. You have Verizon, AT&T, the Nation, Carlos got involved with Carolina. We are all incredibly proud of Comcast. drugs during his time at school and what these coaches and players have What is the solution? We need more even spent some time in jail. But with achieved. competition. the strength and support of his family, For head coach Dawn Staley, win- But what is this FCC Chairman he began receiving treatment, and his ning the national championship is the doing? He is having policies that are life improved. latest in a string of achievements that going to lead to less competition, basi- she has accumulated in her lifetime 1030 cally carving up the map of this coun- b and in South Carolina over the last 9 try and saying: You can only provide He helped others by volunteering at a years. service here. Don’t compete with any- recovery house. He brought people suf- Under her leadership, the Gamecocks one else. fering in similar situations into treat- have made the NCAA tournament 6 Let’s just carve up the map so every ment programs. years in a row and went on to the Final ISP provides service in a particular In early December, Carlos walked his Four in 2015. area and you don’t have competition. mother, Pamela, down the aisle for her This year, they finally got over the And who suffers? The consumers. wedding. He was getting ready to go hump and are national champions. Her And, by the way, it is not just the back to school. He had a steady job, coaching staff have done an impressive consumers in my district in Silicon and he had a girlfriend. It would seem job, and I congratulate each of them. Valley. It is consumers in rural Amer- to so many that Carlos’ battle with ad- The team Coach Staley has built is ica who are paying the highest prices diction was heading in the right direc- an incredible group of young women for internet service. tion—a needed point of hope in a war from South Carolina and around the Mr. Speaker, we need an FCC that is that has caused so much devastation. country. A’ja Wilson, a junior from going to promote competition, that is Then on December 23, just 2 days be- Hopkins, South Carolina, won the Most going to go after monopolies, that is fore Christmas, two police detectives Outstanding Player Award of the Final going to put American citizens ahead showed up at Pamela’s door to tell her Four and was named to the All-SEC of corporate profits. If anything, we the devastating news that no mother first team this season. need a country that is going to have can prepare for: Carlos had overdosed Wilson was joined on the All-SEC universal broadband, universal internet on a drug laced with fentanyl, and he first team by senior Alaina Coates access. was unable to be saved. from Irmo, South Carolina. Unfortu- Just like we talk about having a uni- Mr. Speaker, Carlos’ life and his nately, Coates missed the NCAA tour- versal right to health care, just like we death cast light on the fact that addic- nament with an ankle injury and has talk about a universal right to college, tion is nothing short of a chronic dis- concluded a fantastic career with the we can’t live in a society where every- ease. Gamecocks. one can’t have access to the internet. I share this story with Members of In addition to making the All-SEC The jobs of the future are going to re- this Chamber because last week Carlos’ first team this year, she did so last quire it, and it ought to be a bipartisan mother, Pamela, visited the White year as well and was All-SEC second issue to have universal access to the House to share her family’s personal team her first 2 years in the program. internet at the cheapest prices, cheaper experience as the President established We wish her a speedy recovery and than any other country, not five or six the Commission on Combating Drug hope that she has as much success in times more expensive than other coun- Addiction and the Opioid Crisis, a wor- the future as she has had with the tries, given that all of the technology thy effort that deserves our support. Gamecocks. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:01 Apr 06, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05AP7.006 H05APPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE April 5, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2703 The Gamecocks finished 2017 with a Coates missed the NCAA tournament with an time a decision was being made. They 33–4 record and won their third con- ankle injury and has concluded a fantastic ca- wanted the subject held up to every secutive Southeastern Conference reer with the Gamecocks. In addition to mak- conceivable light and every voice in Championship en route to this national ing All-SEC First team this year, she did so the country to be heard. championship. The Gamecocks have last season as well, and was All-SEC Second This is certainly true of the effort to developed an incredible fan base. They team in her first two years in the program. We replace the collapsing bureaucracy of have led the Nation in attendance for wish her a speedy recovery and hope that she ObamaCare with the patient-centered women’s basketball over the last sev- has as much success in the future as she has marketplace that we have long prom- eral years. had with the Gamecocks. ised. In addition to their success on the The full roster of this championship team in- These deliberations must continue court, these coaches and players are cludes Victoria Patrick, Bianca Cuevas-Moore, until they bear fruit because there is role models off the court.
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