APPROPRIATION BILL 2019-2020 AND APPROPRIATION (OFFICE OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY) BILL 2019-2020 S ELECT C OMMITTEE ON E STIMATES 2019 - 2020 J ULY 2019 REPORT A PPROPRIATION B ILL 2019- 2020 AND A PPROPRIATION (OFFICE OF THE L EGISLATIVE A SSEMBLY) B ILL 2019- 2020 THE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Miss Candice Burch MLA Chair Ms Bec Cody MLA Deputy Chair Ms Caroline Le Couteur MLA Member Mrs Giulia Jones MLA Member Mr Michael Pettersson MLA Member PARTICIPATING MEMBERS Mr Alistair Coe MLA, Mrs Vicki Dunne MLA, Mr Jeremy Hanson MLA, Ms Suzanne Orr MLA, Mrs Elizabeth Kikkert MLA, Ms Nicole Lawder MLA, Mr James Milligan MLA, Mr Mark Parton MLA, Mr Chris Steel MLA, Mr Andrew Wall MLA SECRETARIAT Secretary Ms Annemieke Jongsma Clerks Mr Hamish Finlay; Ms Annemieke Jongsma; Mrs Josephine Moa; Mr Andrew Snedden; Mr Danton Leary; Ms Kate Harkins Writers Mr Hamish Finlay; Ms Annemieke Jongsma; Mrs Josephine Moa; Mr Andrew Snedden; Mr Danton Leary; Ms Kate Harkins; Mr Jayden Evett Senior Research Officer Dr Frieda Scott Administration Ms Lydia Chung; Mr Jayden Evett CONTACT INFORMATION Telephone 02 6205 1253 Post GPO Box 1020, CANBERRA ACT 2601 Email [email protected] Website www.parliament.act.gov.au i S ELECT C OMMITTEE ON E STIMATES 2019- 2020 RESOLUTION OF APPOINTMENT At its meeting on Thursday, 21 February 2019, the Assembly passed the following resolution: That: (1) a Select Committee on Estimates 2019-2020 be appointed to examine the expenditure proposals contained in the Appropriation Bill 2019-2020, the Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2019-2020 and any revenue estimates proposed by the Government in the 2019-2020 Budget and prepare a report to the Assembly; (2) the Committee be composed of: (a) two Members to be nominated by the Government; (b) two Members to be nominated by the Opposition; and (c) one Member to be nominated by the Greens; and to be notified in writing to the Speaker within two hours of this motion passing; (3) an Opposition Member shall be elected chair of the Committee by the Committee; (4) funds be provided by the Assembly to permit the engagement of external expertise to work with the Committee to facilitate the analysis of the Budget and the preparation of the report of the Committee; (5) the Committee is to report by Tuesday, 30 July 2019; (6) if the Assembly is not sitting when the Committee has completed its inquiry, the Committee may send its report to the Speaker or, in the absence of the Speaker, to the Deputy Speaker, who is authorised to give directions for its printing, publishing and circulation; and (7) the foregoing provisions of this resolution, so far as they are inconsistent with the standing orders, have effect notwithstanding anything contained in the standing orders. ii A PPROPRIATION B ILL 2019- 2020 AND A PPROPRIATION (OFFICE OF THE L EGISLATIVE A SSEMBLY) B ILL 2019- 2020 ACRONYMS AASB Australian Accounting Standards Board ABF Activity Based Funding ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics ACARA Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority ABW Activity Based Work ACAT ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal ACT Australian Capital Territory ACTCOSS ACT Council of Social Services ACTIA ACT Insurance Authority AEC Australian Electoral Commission AMC Alexander Maconochie Centre ANU Australian National University ASPG Australian Studies of Parliament Group BCC Belconnen Community Council BSSS Board of Senior Secondary Studies CAYPELS Children and Young People’s Equipment Loan Scheme CCS Community Contributions Scheme iii S ELECT C OMMITTEE ON E STIMATES 2019- 2020 CHARM Canberra Health Annual Research Meeting CHS Canberra Health Services CIT Canberra Institute of Technology CFC Cultural Facilities Corporation CMAG Canberra Museum and Gallery CMTEDD Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate CPH Calvary Public Hospital CRA City Renewal Authority CSD Community Services Directorate CSS Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme CTP Compulsory Third Party DA Development Application DPP Director of Public Prosecutions EGM Electronic Gaming Machine EPIC Exhibition Park In Canberra EPSDD Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate ERO Equal Remuneration Order ESA Emergency Services Agency iv A PPROPRIATION B ILL 2019- 2020 AND A PPROPRIATION (OFFICE OF THE L EGISLATIVE A SSEMBLY) B ILL 2019- 2020 FMA Financial Management Act FOI Freedom of Information FTE Full-time Equivalent GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles GGS General Government Sector GRACE Geriatric Rapid Acute Care Evaluation GFS Government Finance Statistics GSO Government Solicitors Office GSP Gross State Product HR Human Resources HRC Human Rights Commission ICRC Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission ICT Information and Communications Technology ILRP Indicative Land Release Program IT Information Technology KBRG Kingston Barton Residents Group LGBTIQ Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transsexual, Intersex and Queer/Questioning LTCS Lifetime Care and Support v S ELECT C OMMITTEE ON E STIMATES 2019- 2020 LVC Leave Variation Charge MAI Motor Accident Injuries MBA Master Builders Association MoST Molecular Screening and Therapeutics NAPLAN National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy NCA National Capital Authority NDIA National Disability Insurance Agency NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme NGMR Net Gaming Machine Revenue NSW New South Wales OLA Office of the Legislative Assembly OPALS Older Person ACT Legal Service PID Public Interest Disclosure PPP public-private partnership PSS Public Sector Superannuation PWDACT People with a Disability ACT QEII Queen Elizabeth II QON Question on Notice vi A PPROPRIATION B ILL 2019- 2020 AND A PPROPRIATION (OFFICE OF THE L EGISLATIVE A SSEMBLY) B ILL 2019- 2020 QTON Question Taken on Notice RAO Representative Aboriginal Organisations RC Reintegration Centre SES Socio-Economic Status SLA Suburban Land Agency SOHO Statutory Office Holder SPA Superannuation Provision Account SPIRE Surgical Procedures, Interventional Radiology and Emergency TBA Territory Banking Account TCCS Transport Canberra and City Services UCH University of Canberra Hospital UMAHA Upgrading and Maintaining ACT Health Assets UNSW University of New South Wales VOCC Victims of Crime Commission WAC Water Abstraction Charge YWCA Young Women’s Christian Association vii S ELECT C OMMITTEE ON E STIMATES 2019- 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS T HE C OMMITTEE .................................................................. I Committee Membership ........................................................................................................................... i Participating Members .............................................................................................................................. i Secretariat ................................................................................................................................................ i Contact Information .................................................................................................................................. i Resolution of appointment ...................................................................................................................... ii A CRONYMS ...................................................................... III R ECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................... XIII 1 I NTRODUCTION ............................................................... 1 Establishment .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Conduct of the Inquiry ............................................................................................................................. 1 Structure of the Report ............................................................................................................................ 3 Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................. 5 2 C OMMUNITY AND I NDUSTRY G ROUPS ....................................... 6 ACT Council of Social Service .................................................................................................................... 6 ACT Gifted Families Support Group .......................................................................................................... 9 Australian Breastfeeding Association ..................................................................................................... 10 Belconnen Community Council .............................................................................................................. 12 Kingston and Barton Residents’ Group ................................................................................................... 14 Landcare ACT ......................................................................................................................................... 17 Master Builders Association of the ACT .................................................................................................. 19 People with Disability ACT ..................................................................................................................... 22 Property Council of Australia – ACT ........................................................................................................ 25 Public Transport Association of Canberra ..............................................................................................
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