1 COM 321, Documentary Form in Film & Television 2/8/11 Documentarists and Documentary/Narrative Filmmakers Those listed are directors, unless otherwise noted. Documentary/Narrative Filmmakers—Many have done both: Name & Key Documentaries Key Narrative Works Nation Allen, Woody Zelig, 1983 (mockumentary) Annie Hall, 1977 US Manhattan, 1979 Altman, Robert The James Dean Story, 1957 M*A*S*H, 1970 US The Player, 1992 Short Cuts, 1993 Anderson, Lindsay Thursday’s Children, 1954 (with Guy if. , 1968 Britain Brenton) O Lucky Man!, 1973 Anger, Kenneth Kustom Kar Kommandos, 1963 Fireworks, 1947 US Scorpio Rising, 1964 Apted, Michael The Up! series (1970‐2005 so far) Gorillas in the Mist, 1988 Britain Nell, 1994 The World is Not Enough, 1999 Brakhage, Stan The Act of Seeing with One’s Own Mothlight, 1963 US Eyes, 1971 Dog Star Man, 1962 Bunuel, Luis Las Hurdes (Land Without Bread), Un Chien Andalou, 1928 (with Salvador Spain/France 1933 (mockumentary?) Dali) L’Age D’Or, 1930 The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, 1972 Cameron, James Expedition Bismarck, 2002 Titanic, 1997 US Ghosts of the Abyss, 2003 Avatar, 2009 Capra, Frank Why We Fight series, 1942‐44 Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, 1936 US Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, 1939 It’s a Wonderful Life, 1946 Chukrai, Grigori Pamyat, 1971 Ballad of a Soldier, 1959 Soviet Union Cooper, Merian C. Grass: A Nation’s Battle for Life, 1925 The Four Feathers, 1929 US (with Ernest B. Schoedsack) King Kong, 1933 Chang: A Drama of the Wilderness, 1927 (with Ernest B. Schoedsack) Demme, Jonathan Stop Making Sense, 1984 Married to the Mob, 1988 US The Agronomist, 2003 Silence of the Lambs, 1991 Jimmy Carter Man from Plains, 2007 Philadelphia, 1993 Rachel Getting Married, 2008 Disney, Walt (Co.) The Living Desert, 1953 Bambi, 1942 US Swiss Family Robinson, 1960 2 Dovzhenko, The Fight for Our Soviet Ukraine, Arsenal, 1938 Alexander 1943 Soviet Union Eisenstein, Sergei Que Viva Mexico!, 1932 The Battleship Potemkin, 1925 Soviet Union Strike, 1925 Epstein, Rob The Times of Harvey Milk, 1984 Howl, 2010 US Common Threads: Stories from the Quilt, 1989 The Celluloid Closet, 1995 Fassbinder, Rainer Theater in Trance, 1981 Ali: Fear Eats the Soul, 1974 Werner Fox and His Friends, 1975 W. Germany Fellini, Federico Fellini: A Director’s Notebook, 1969 La Dolce Vita, 1960 Italy 8‐1/2, 1963 Amarcord, 1974 Ford, John The Battle of Midway, 1944 The Grapes of Wrath, 1940 US The Searchers, 1956 Franju, Georges Blood of the Beasts, 1949 Eyes Without a Face, 1960 France Hotel of the Invalids, 1952 Spotlight on a Murderer, 1961 Godard, Jean‐Luc Operation Beton, 1955 Breathless, 1960 France Alphaville, 1965 Guest, Christopher Waiting for Guffman, 1996 The Big Picture, 1989 US (mockumentary) Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman, 1993 Best in Show, 2000 (mockumentary) Guggenheim, Davis An Inconvenient Truth, 2006 Training Day, 2001 (executive US Waiting for Superman, 2010 producer) The Shield, 2003, and other TV series Herzog, Werner Little Dieter Needs to Fly, 1997 Aguirre, The Wrath of God, 1972 Germany My Best Fiend, 1999 Fitzcarraldo, 1982 Grizzly Man, 2005 Hickenlooper, George Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker’s Factory Girl, 2006 US Apocalypse, 1991 Casino Jack, 2010 “Hick” Town, 2009 Hitchcock, Alfred Memory of the Camps, 1945 (co‐ Rear Window, 1954 US writer, co‐editor; incomplete and Vertigo, 1958 unreleased until PBS’ Frontline airing North by Northwest, 1959 in 1985) Huston, John The Battle of San Pietro, 1944 The Maltese Falcon, 1941 US The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 1948 Kaye, Tony Lake of Fire, 2006 American History X, 1998 US Kopple, Barbara Harlan County U.S.A., 1976 Havoc, 2005 US Wild Man Blues, 1997 Homicide: Life on the Street, 1997‐1999 (TV series) Kubrick, Stanley Day of the Fight, 1951 Dr. Strangelove . , 1964 Britain 2001: A Space Odyssey, 1968 Lee, Spike 4 Little Girls, 1997 Do The Right Thing, 1989 US Malcolm X, 1992 3 Lumiere, Auguste & Workers Leaving the Lumiere Factory, The Sprinkler Sprinkled, 1895 Louis 1895 Transformation by Hats, 1895 France Baby’s Breakfast, 1895 Fishing for Goldfish, 1895 Malle, Louis Phantom India, 1968 Pretty Baby, 1978 France My Dinner with Andre, 1981 Marker, Chris Letters from Siberia, 1957 La Jetee, 1962 France The Lovely May, 1963 A Grin Without a Cat, 1977 Sans Soleil, 1983 Murnau, F. W. Tabu: A Story of the South Seas, 1931 Nosferatu, 1922 Germany Sunrise, 1927 Nair, Mira India Cabaret, 1985 Monsoon Wedding, 2001 India/US Amelia, 2009 Ray, Satyajit Rabindranath Tagore, 1953 The Apu Trilogy, 1959 India Resnais, Alain Night and Fog, 1955 Hiroshima, Mon Amour, 1959 France Last Year in Marienbad, 1961 Richardson, Tony Momma Don’t Allow, 1956 (with Tom Jones, 1963 Britain Karel Reisz) The Loved One, 1965 Riefenstahl, Leni Triumph of the Will, 1935 The Blue Light, 1932 Germany Olympia, 1938 Ruttmann, Walter Berlin: Symphony of a Metropolis, Opus I, 1921 Germany 1927 Opus II, 1923 Scorsese, Martin Woodstock, 1970 (editor) Taxi Driver, 1976 US The Last Waltz, 1978 Raging Bull, 1980 Shine a Light, 2008 Goodfellas, 1990 Sembene, Ousmane The Sonhrai Empire, 1963 Black Girl, 1966 Senegal L’Afrique aux Olympiades, 1973 Stevens, George That Justice be Done, 1945 A Place in the Sun, 1951 US The Nazi Plan, 1945 Shane, 1953 Giant, 1956 Syberberg, Hans‐ The Confessions of Winifred Wagner, Hitler: A Film From Germany, 1977 Jurgen 1975 Parsifal, 1982 (West) Germany Syberberg Films Brecht, 1993 Varda, Agnes Jacquot de Nantes, 1991 Cleo from 5 to 7, 1962 France The Gleaners and I, 2000 Vagabond, 1985 The Beaches of Agnes, 2009 Vigo, Jean Apropos de Nice, 1930 Zero for Conduct, 1933 L’Atalante, 1934 Warhol, Andy Sleep, 1963 Batman Dracula, 1964 US Empire, 1964 Vinyl, 1965 The Velvet Underground and Nico, Chelsea Girls, 1966 1966 Watkins, Peter The Battle of Culloden, 1964 The War Game, 1965 Britain (reenactment) Punishment Park, 1971 (“pseudo‐doc”) The Media Project, 1991 4 Welles, Orson F for Fake, 1975 Citizen Kane, 1941 US The Magnificent Ambersons, 1942 Touch of Evil, 1958 Wenders, Wim Buena Vista Social Club, 1999 Paris, Texas, 1984 W. Germany The Soul of a Man, 2003 Wings of Desire, 1988 Wilder, Billy Death Mills, 1945 Sunset Boulevard, 1950 US Some Like it Hot, 1959 The Apartment, 1960 Winterbottom, The Road to Guantanamo, 2006 (with Jude, 1996 Michael Mat Whitecross) Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story, Britain 2006 Wyler, William Memphis Belle, 1944 The Best Years of Our Lives, 1946 US Ben‐Hur, 1956 Zwigoff, Terry Crumb, 1994 Ghost World, 2001 US Bad Santa, 2003 Documentarists who Specialize in Documentaries: Name & Key Documentaries Nation Attenborough, David Life on Earth (series), 1979 (writer) Island of the Vampire Birds, 2000 Britain Planet Earth (series), 2006 Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life, 2009 Blank, Les Burden of Dreams, 1982 US In Heaven there is No Beer?, 1984 Gap‐Toothed Women, 1987 Bossak, Jerzy Majdanek, 1944 Poland Warsaw 56, 1956 Requiem for 500,000, 1963 Brownlow, Kevin Unknown Chaplin, 1982 Britain DW Griffith: Father of Film, 1993 The Tramp and the Dictator, 2002 Burns, Ken The Civil War (series), 1990 US Baseball (series), 1994‐2010 Cousteau, Jacques‐Yves The Silent World, 1956 France World Without Sun, 1964 Davis, Peter The Selling of the Pentagon, 1971 US Hearts and Minds, 1974 5 de Antonio, Emile Point of Order, 1964 US Rush to Judgment, 1967 Painters Painting, 1973 Drew, Robert Primary, 1960 US Crisis: Behind a Presidential Commitment, 1963 Ferguson, Charles No End in Sight, 2007 US Inside Job, 2010 Flaherty, Robert Nanook of the North, 1922 US Moana, 1926 Man of Aran, 1934 Fricke, Ron Baraka, 1992 US Funt, Allen Candid Camera, 1948‐2004 US Gibney, Alex Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, 2005 US Taxi to the Dark Side, 2007 Grierson, John Drifters, 1929 Britain/Canada Song of Ceylon, 1934 (producer; directed by Basil Wright) First Commissioner of the National Film Board of Canada, 1939 Haanstra, Bert Glass, 1958 The Netherlands Zoo, 1962 Hammid, Alexander The Forgotten Village, 1941 US Toscanini: Hymn of the Nations, 1945 To Be Alive! 1964 Hurwitz, Leo Native Land, 1942 US Ivens, Joris Rain, 1929 The Netherlands originally, but The Spanish Earth, 1937 worked all over the world 17th Parallel: Vietnam in War, 1968 Iwasaki, Akira The Effects of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, c. 1946 (producer) A Japanese Tragedy, 1946 Japan Jennings, Humphrey London Can Take It!, 1940 Britain Listen to Britain, 1942 Karmen, Roman Judgment of the Nations, 1946 Soviet Union Lanzmann, Claude Shoah, 1985 France Sobibor, Oct. 14, 1943,4 p.m., 2001 Leacock, Richard Kenya: Land of the White Ghost, 1960 US Republicans: The New Breed, 1964 Also cinematographer on Primary, 1960, Monterrey Pop, 1968, and others 6 Livingston, Jennie Paris is Burning, 1990 US Hotheads, 1993 Lorentz, Pare The Plow that Broke the Plains, 1936 US The River, 1938 Makavejev, Dusan WR: Mysteries of the Organism, 1971 (former) Yugoslavia Maysles, Albert & David Salesman, 1968 US Gimme Shelter, 1970 Grey Gardens, 1976 McElwee, Ross Charleen, 1980 US Sherman’s March, 1986 Mitchell, Denis Morning in the Streets, 1959 Britain Chicago, 1961 Moore, Michael Roger and Me, 1989 US Fahrenheit 911, 2004 Morris, Errol Gates of Heaven, 1978 US The Thin Blue Line, 1989 The Fog of War, 2003 Murrow, Edward R. Harvest of Shame, 1960 (producer, host) US Ophuls, Marcel The Sorrow and the Pity, 1969 US Painleve, Jean The Seahorse, 1934 France Le Vampire, 1945 Pennebaker, D. A. Dont Look Back, 1967 US Monterrey Pop, 1968 Rafferty, Kevin The Atomic Cafe, 1982 US Who Wants to Be President?, 2000 Reggio, Godfrey Koyaanisqatsi, 1982 US Powaqqatsi, 1988 Naqoyqatsi, 2002 Riggs, Marlon Tongues Untied, 1989 US Color Adjustment, 1992 Rotha, Paul The World is Rich, 1947 Britain Cradle of Genius, 1961 Rouch, Jean The Mad Masters, 1955 France/Niger Babatu, 1976 Rubbo, Michael Sad Song of Yellow Skin, 1972 US Waiting for Fidel, 1973 Sagan, Carl Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, 1980 US 7 Shub, Esfir The Fall of Romanov Dynasty, 1927 Soviet Union Stoney, George O.
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