state court caseload statistics: Annual Report, 1980 I CONFERENCE OF STATE COURT ADMINISTRATORS ALABAMA ALASKA ARIZONA AR CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DELAWARE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA GEORGIA HAWAII IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS 0 KENTUCKY 0 LO MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MISSISSIPPI M MONTANA NEBRASKA '0 NEVADA NEWHAMPSHIRE NEWJERSEY NEWMEXICO NE NORTHCAROLINA NORTHDAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH V VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WESTVIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING ALABAMA ALA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA COLORADO CONNECTICUT DELAWARE DISTRICT OF C FLORIDA GEORGIA HAWAII IDAHO ILLINOIS INDIANA IOWA KANSAS KEN LOUISIANA MAINE MARYLAND MASSACHUSETTS MICHIGAN MINNESOTA MIS MISSOURI MONTANA NEBRASKA NEVADA NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY NEW NEWYORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKOTA OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PE PUERTORICO RHODEISLAND SOUTHCAROLINA SOUTHDAKOTA TENNESSEE TEXAS UTAH VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WESTVIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING ALABAMA NATIONAL CENTER FOR STATE COURTS Court Statistics and ln'formation Management Project Library July, 1984 National Center for State Courts 300 Newport Ave. Williamsburg, VA 231 85 IMPORTANT We have provided an evaluation sheet at the end of this publication. It will assist us in Improving future reports if you complete and return it at your convenience. This project was supported by Federal Grant No. 83-BJ-CX-KO18 awarded to the National Center for State Courts, Williamsburg, Virginia, by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), U.S. Department of Justice, under the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended. The Court Statistics and Information Management Project is directed by Victor E. Flango for the National Center for State Courts and monitored by Carla K. Gaskins for MS. Points of view or opinions stated in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of tne U.S. Department of Justice. Copyrightol984 by National Center for State Courts Printed in United States of America National Center Publication No. R-092 ii This State Court Caseload Statistics: Annual however, will continue to be the principal is the sixth in a series containing project publication. From year to year the data ComDiled from the quantity and quality of the reported data annual reports of each state court system and demonstrate gradual improvement. from other unpublished data. This volume is a The National Center has been assisted in data product of the cooperative effort between the gathering for the production of the Annual Re ort National Center for State Courts and the by state and local-level court persod Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA), across the country. The leadership of COSCA and to develop within the Center a national database especially the COSCA-CSIS Comnittee, now chaired of state court caseload statistics. The effort by Walter Kane, have helped guide project staff is funded by the Bureau of Justice Statistics. in their search for ways to present these data in This is the second volume in the series whose a way that is both parsimonious and comparable. data are available on computer tape. Machine readable data is a major asset to those conducting research on state court management and facilitates greatly the compilation of the sumnary tables in this volume. The Center hopes to continue this automation in future years. The Court Statistics and Information Management Project (CSIM) continues to expand the Edward B. McConnell, scope of its activities and capabilities, Executive Director shifting its focus from data collection and National Center for State Courts publication to the analysis of these data for the benefit of the courts community. The automation described above should enhance staff's ability to conduct such research. This Annual Report -cries, The Conference of State Court Administrators of court management data, and facilitate the (COSCA) continues to support the Court Statistics project's goal of disseminating statistical and Information Management Project in its efforts information in a form conducive to research. to establish, within the National Center for As always, we must caution the reader of this State Courts (NCSC), the capability to gather, report to pay close attention to all indications analyze, and disseminate statistical information of the completeness and comparability of data, on state court systems. The project has been and to read the introduction to the report where made a cooperative effort between COSCA and the the methodology used to construct the report is NCSC by giving policy control and direction over discussed. Face sheets for the sumnary tables the project to a committee composed of state further outline the soutxes of data, the court administrators, court data processing rationale behind some of the summary statistics, personnel, a trial court administrator, and a and minimum limitations that should be considered representative from the academic comnuni ty in interpreting the data. An inspection of the selected by COSCA. current edition and the five previous editions of This sixth edition of the Annual Re ort this report should demonstrate to the reader that improves upon the data and tabdin the quality and quantity of court-re1 ated data previous editions of the report. In making these continue to improve. improvements, we continue to be guided by the users of this information. Many of the summary tables have been rearranged to identify comparable data. This is an ongoing process that will continue to benefit from increased awareness of comparable subjec t-matter jurisdiction among the states. Modifications have also been made to the way in which the trial data from general and Walter J. Kane, Chairman limited jurisdiction courts are presented. It is COSCA-CSIS Committee our belief that these additions and modifications Conference of State Court will help the users of this report to find the Administrators infonnation they need in a form that is useful to them. This year's continued automation of the data contained within this Re ort will greatly improve staff's ability to condkophisticated analysis iii Conference of State Court Administrators Court Statistics and Information Management Project Committee Walter J. Kane, Chairman (1982 to present) Roy 0. Gulley (1978 to present) State Court Administrator, Rhode Island Director, Administrative Office of the Courts, I11 inoi s Larry P. Polansky, Chairman (1981 to 1982) Executive Officer of the District L. M. Jacobs IV (1982 to 1984) of Columbia Courts Executive Court Administrator, Detroit, Michigan William G. Bohn (1982 to present) J. Denis Moran (1983 to present) State Court Administrator, North Dakota Director of State Courts, Wisconsin Hugh M. Collins (1982 to present) Richard J. Richardson (1982 to present) Deputy Judicial Administrator, Louisiana University of North Carolina Sue K, Dosal (1982 to present) Francis J. Taillefer (1982 to present) State Court Administrator, Minnesota Director of Information Services, North Carolina Abraham J. Gafni Court Administrator, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania National Center for State Courts Board of Directors Chief Justice Ralph J. Ericksidd, President Chief Justice William H. D. Fones Supreme Court of North Dakota Supreme Court of Tennessee Chief Justice W. Ward Reynoldson, President-elect Vernon M. Geddy, Jr. Supreme Court of Iowa McGuire, Woods and Battle, Virginia Lester Earl Cingcade, Vice-president Chief Justice Edward F. Hennessey Director of the Courts of Hawaii Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts Chief Justice 8. Don Barnes Presiding Justice John T. Racanell i Supreme Court of Oklahoma Court of Appeal, California Judge Dorothy 1. Seasley Judge Kaliste J. Saloom, Jr. State Court of Ful ton County, Georgia City Court of Lafayette, Louisiana Judge George C. Berry Presiding Judge Leo M. Spellacy Probate Court, Missouri Court of Cornon Pleas of Cuyahoga County, Ohio Presiding Judge Robert C. Broomfield Superior Court of Maricopa County, Arizona Charles H. Starrett, Jr. Court Administrator, Court of Comnon Judge Mercedes F. Deiz Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania Circuit Court of Fourth Judicial District, Oregon James D. Thomas State Court Administrator, Colorado Haliburton Fales, 2d White and Case, New York City, New York Executive Dfrector: Edward B. McConnell National Center for State Courts Staff Court Statistics and Information Management Word Processing Department Project Staff Patricia H. Maddox, Word Processing Supervisor Victor E. Flango, Project Director Stacey A. Healy, Word Processing Secretary Mary Louise C1 ifford, Staff Associate F. Robyn Smith, Word Processing Secretary Mary E. Elsner, Staff Associate Jeanne A. Ita, Staff Associate Publications Robert T. Roper, Staff Associate Brenda W. Jones, Administrative Secretary Tina Beaven Catherine 6. Minga Cheryl H. Letchworth, Research Assistant Carolyn R. McMurran Joy Scott Student Asst stants Elizabeth E. Ewing, Legal Research Assistant John J. Jarosak, Legal Research Assistant Thomas P. Gorman, Legal Research Assistant Patricia L. Phelan. Legal Research Assistant Terry N. Grimes, Legal Research Assistant William H. Wright, Legal Research Assistant Kfmberly H. Humes, Legal Research Assistant iv Acknowledgments The preparation of State Court Caseload they have been consistently patient and he1pful Statistics: Annual Report, 1980 has been in answerfng written and telephoned inquiries for supervised and greatly assisted by the Court more data or for explanations
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