Regional Oral ÿ is tory Off ice University of California The Bancroft Library Berkeley, California Louis Strong Merrill A LIFETIME AT THE FAIR: CALIFORNIA LOCAL, DISTRICT, AND STATE FAIRS, 1920-1972 With an Introduction by Ann Merrill Barkley and James Kilby Merrill An Interview Conducted by Gabrielle Morris in 1985 Sponsored by the California Polytechnic State University Foundation Copyright @ 1987 by The Regents of the University of California All uses of this manuscript are covered by a legal agreement between the University of California and the estate of Louis Strong Merrill dated May 2, 1986. The manuscript is thereby made available for research purposes. All literary rights in the manuscript, including the right to publish, are reserved to The Bancroft Library of the University of California, Berkeley. No part of the manuscript may be quoted for publication without the written permission of the Director of The Bancroft Library of the University of California, Berkeley. Requests for permission to quote for publication should be addressed to the Regional Oral History Office, 486 Library, and should include identification of the specific passages to be quoted, anticipated use of the passages, and identification of the user. It is recommended that this oral history be cited as follows : Louis Strong Merrill, "A Lifetime at the Fair: California Local, District, and State Fairs, 1920- 1972," an oral history conducted in 1985 by Gabrielle Morris, Regional Oral History Office, The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley, 1987. Copy No. 1 TULCLAKE.BUTTE VALLEY 91 CLUIAS coum rrln a CLOVERDALI CITRUS CUR a BTAIIWUS coum rm PAIR Ounncv lOl61283.2700 ClO"*rnll# 1707l104.57W Turloch 12001034-7253 T~l*laba lO16lO67-5312 13 OLE** COUMW FAIR 14 MAPA coum rrln a IRRCED COU*I* CAm 2 SlSKlYOU OOLDIM PAIR Orlano 10161665.4416 Cali8100m 17071M2-511I Yl,c.d l2001722.1506 YWka lOl6lM2.2767 14 SILVER DOLLAR FAIR U VOLO COUMW FAIR w IARIPOSA coum rmr ! 3 DEL MORTE COUm FAIR .cmnco 1~161as5.46~ WoodlaM 1016l002.5303 UMECOIIM Creaeen! CIIV (70714M.0551 MaIlDoa. 12001Wa-2432 : 16 BUTTE COUMW FAIR n PUCCR coum PAIR 4 ' UODOC DISTRICT FAIR GnaIav IOl6lM6.3626 Roa.rllh 10181766.2023 S1 USTERM YERRA TRKWm. C@daNlll. 19161?7~?51¶ PAIR 16 REDWOOD EIClRE CAlR 17 EL DORAW COUMW FAIR Baahop (8lOl873-3580 s ImR.IOUMTAlM PAIR Ukmh 17071462.3614 McAnnur (0161336.56SS PIacawhlla 10161626~2307 U IADERA COUMW FAIR 17 COLUSA COUMTY FAIR 16 SOMOIA COUMW FAIR Cho~chilla120Ol885.3726 S REDWOOD ACRES PAIR COIUS~IOl61458~2641 Eureka 17071445.3037 Sanla Rosa 17071541.4200 S3 IERCED COUMW FAIR 16 MCVADA COUMW PAIR n DIXOM rhv rrln Lo1 Banos 12091826-5100 7 HUIBOLT COUMTY FAIR Gm.1 V.1l.y 10161273~62l7 Famaale 17071786.05l1 omon lol6l678.5520 M SAMTA CRUZ COUMW FAIR 0 IENDOCIMO COUMW FAIR 30 CAL IXCO Wataonr#lla 14081724.5671 B TRINITY COUMTV FAIR APPLE snow narcon 1s161szs-5223 Sacramanlo Ol61024.2WO BOonr8ll. i707l601~3011 SAC~AIEM~O COUMW FAIR B rnAsrA DISTRICT FAIR 10 LAKE COUMTY PAIR Sacramanlo 10161 024.2076 Andarson 19l61365.2518 LakWP0,I 17071263~6181 31 AIADOR COUNW PAIR 10 LASSEM COUMW FAIR 21 YUBA-SUTTER FAlR Plymouth 1200)245.802l S~sanrolla lOl81257.4104 Yubs Clly 19161674~1280 32 SO~O~A-~AR~~run SB IADCRA DISTRICT FAIR 11 BUM COU*tRV FAIR 22 OOLD COUMTRY FAlR Pa~aluma17071783.0AI Madera 12001674.851l Raa Blufl 19l6l527.5020 Auburn 19161085-6281 33 MICA TOW* k COUMTRY FAIR I7 THC 110 FRCSMO FAlR Nmoa 1707l224.7951 Frasno 12091255~3081 34 SOLAMO COUNTY FAIR SB IOMTEREY COUNTY FAIR Val1.10 (7071644.4401 M0nlw.y 14001372~5863 16 LODI ORACE FEBTIVAL a 56 SALIMAS VALLEY FAIR MATIOMAL WINE mow Kbn~Ctty 14081365.3243 Lodl 12091369.2771 60 KlMOS FAIR 1B IARIN COUMTY FAlR k Hanfora 12091584.3316 EXCOSITIOM smn ~a1a.1 ~r~lr90-8400 B1 TUURE COUNTY FAlR T~1.r. 12091686.4707 37 COMTRA COSTADIBTRICTCAIR SAM COUnTy Anllocn 14151757.4400 "IID.STATE" FAlR 3B SAM JOAOUIM COUMW FAIR Pa10 Rob106 18051238.3565 SlOCklOn 1209)486.504l B3 KERM COUMTY FAIR 3s CALAVERAS COUNTY FAIR k Ba~*mf~eIO18051831.8540 JUICIHO FRO0 JUBILEE Anpals Camp 12091736.2561 R10pecr.11 Em'1nE16191375.8000"In 40 lnE '*IR 65 SAMTA BARBARA COUMTY Sonora 12091532.7428 FAIR 41 SAM FRAMCISCO COUNTY FAIR Sa"1. Marla 16051925-8824 k FLOWER snow San Francmco (4151221.5724 00 HORSE snowBARBARA k FLOwEnsnOw 41 SAM rRAwCIsCO FAIR EXPO SanIa Barbara 18051687.0766 San Franc!sco 14151557.8756 B7 VEMwRA COUMTY 43 FESTIVAL AT THE LAKE Venturm 16051640.3376 Oakland 14151893~0677 M SAM FERMAMDO VALLEY FAIR 44 ORAMD MATIONAL LIVESTOCK NOrln'loQe 10161366.6202 EXCOsllIOM. BB ANTELOCE VALLEY FAIR k RODEO - COW PALACE ALFALFA FESTIVAL OIIy Clly 14111469~6000 Lancasler 18051948.6060 4S MATLO COUMTy 70 SAM BERMARDIMO COUNTY FLORAL FIESTA FAIR Sari Male0 14151574-3247 Voclolrllle 1619)245.5308 46 ALAMEDA counrv FAIR Plemsanlon 14151846.2881 71 SanMATIOMAL Bmrnmralno ORANOE 17141885.0201 snow CLARA "lR 71 LOS AMOELES COUNW FAlR Sari JOB. 14081295-3050 Pomon. 17141623.31 11 ancAT WESTERN JUNIOR LIVESTOCK DAIRY snow Pomona 12131942.1066 73 ORAWOE COUNTY FAlR Costa Mesa ,7141751-FAIR 74 FARMERS FAlR OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY Hemel 17141658.2185 75 RIVERSIDE COUMTY'S NATIOMAL DATE FESTIVAL Indl0 16191342.1247 76 SOUTHERW CALIFORMIA EXPOsITIOn 00' Uar 1619)755.175! 77 CALfFORlllA MID-WINTER FAlR Impersal 16191355-1181 78 COLORADO RIVER COUNTRY Blvlne 16191922.9183 --- c-- - CALIFORNIA FAIRS ----- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Louis Strong Merrill INTRODUCTION by Ann Merrill Barkley and James Kilby Merrill INTERVIEW HISTORY iii BRIEF BIOGRAPHY I FAMILY BACKGROUND From England to Massachusetts Building and Ranching in California, 1853-1899 Coalinga, 1900-1918: Livery Horses, Oil Fields, Grain I1 GROWING UP IN THE CENTRAL VALLEY Hard Life on the Ranch Mules and Horses: Raising, Racing and Riding Learning to Cook and Read at Stone Corral Kingsburg High School, 1922-1926 I11 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AND EARLY CAREER, 1926-1933 Student Business Experience Studies and Fun Keeping the Hotel Claremont Solvent Father's Death, Return to the Ranch IV FRESNO FAIR, 1934-1941 Revived by the Junior Farm Bureau Young Man's Opportunity Reorganization as District Fair Association; Building Program Political Concerns V CALIFORNIA FAIRS IN THE 1920s AND 1930s Early Spectaculars World's Fairs, Railroad Fairs, and the Depression Benefits of Climate and Transportation Carnival Inf luence Exhibitions and Spectaculars During the Depression Agricultural Benefits, Prizes and Premiums VI WORLD WAR I1 INTERRUPTS VII REVIVING WESTERN FAIRS ASSOCIATION Getting Started Fair Needs in 1945 Mentors and Colleagues University Friends and Contacts VIII POSTWAR STRATEGIES Developing a Master Plan Working the Territory Public Relations Finances and the Fair Board of Directors Jack Afflerbaugh and the Los Angeles County Fair IX PUBLIC RELATIONS IN THE FIFTIES Symbols and Philosophy Surveys and Advertising; Earl Warren in Wartime Billboards X FINANCES, THE FAIR DEALER AND POLITICS The Pari-mutuel Dollar Race Track Monies Alfred Elliott and The Fair Dealer XI FAIRS AND HORSERACING Legislative Endorsements Racetrack Management Doc Strub and Charity Legislation A Prize Partnership XI1 EXHIBITS AND DISPLAYS Selling Exhibits Flower Shows and Landscaping Commercial Exhibitors Fairground Design XI11 HOME ARTS AND LIVESTOCK Judging Home Products and Hogs Premiums and Abnormalities Slogans and Displays Television and Attendance Exhibit Design Juries and Judging XIV THE COLLEGE OF FAIRS Organizing the Program Educational Programs Carnival Standards 1947: First College of Fairs The Junior College and Junior Livestock Auctions XV JUDGING CONFERENCES; 4-H AND FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA Training Judges Standardization of Judging 4-H Clubs and Future Farmers of America Western Fairs' Advisory Committee XVI SERVICE MEMBERS, COOPERATIVE PURCHASING, SALARIES AND CONSULTANTS 158 Service Members 159 Food Concessions 162 Salaries 164 Psychological Consultants' Recommendations 165 XVII PLUSSES AND MINUSSES IN AN ERA OF GROWTH State Fair in 1948 New Crop of Fair Managers, Directors and State Controls Problems in Planning XVIII CARNIVALS Importance of Carnivals in the 1980s Need for Improvements in 1945 1959 Meeting Leads to Better Practices Some Dubious Goings-on at Milk and Needlework Exhibits Bidding Procedures and Audits Decline of Commercial Exhibitors Standard Contracts; Judges' Manual; State Agencies' Views Upgraded Attractions in the 1970s Contemporary Carnival Issues Thoughts on the Olympics, World's Fairs and Disneyland Public Amenities Women Carnival Directors Carnival Charities, Bribes and Perks XIX CONCESSIONS Concessions in the 1940s Health Standards and Food in the 1950s Local Flavor Advertising, Transportation and Sales Regulations Enforcing Sales Standards Across the Board Signage Controls Consumer Studies and Research XX WESTERN FAIRS AND THE LEGISLATURE Fair and Exposition Committees Bad Press in the Fifties Regulating Fairground Use and Admissions Fund Allocation and Other Bills Lobbying Now and Then XXI ON FAIR DIRECTORS, WOMEN MANAGERS, LABOR REPRESENTATIVES AND LEGISLATORS Fair Directors Women Managers Labor Representation More Thoughts on Fair Directors Farm Bureau, Grange, and Other Supporters Wooing the Legislators XXLL THE FORMATION OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE AND THE FAIR CLASSIFICATION BILL, AB12, 1959 Problems Evolve 1954: Designing the Fair Classification Bill Opposition to the Bill Rallying Support Appointing the Joint Committee Putting the Bill to Work XXIII FAIRS AND STATE POLITICS IN THE 1960s The Carr-Muchmore Report Western airs' Rebuttal Californians for.Fairs Criticism
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