Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1945-1949 Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine 5-6-1948 May 6, 1948 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_45-49 Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Mass Communication Commons, and the Organizational Communication Commons Recommended Citation Arkansas Baptist State Convention, "May 6, 1948" (1948). Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1945-1949. 67. https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_45-49/67 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine at Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. It has been accepted for inclusion in Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1945-1949 by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'OLUME 47 LITILE ROCK. ARKANSAS, MAY 6, .t948 NUMBER t< -R., Armstron~ Roberts No change in childhood's early day, no storms that raged, no thought that ran, ....:...,.... _, But leaves a track upon the clay whioh slowly h~r~~ into ma~, . · PAGE TWO ARKANSAS BA On IJ!ctAel* J ~tJ~ ACRY FOR HELP By BRUCE PRICE Radio A De~otio~ by the Editor Several years- ago Dr. J. E. Dillard sent a "Jesus, thou son of David, have mere questionnaire to a number of mothers in sev­ "The Voice of Arkansas Baptists," a ~~ . eral states asking if they had any criticism of radio program produced by the Radio Jesus is never too busy running .the the manner in which Mother's Day is observ­ Commission of the Arkansas Baptist State verse, or even directing the affairs oi ed. All who answered agreed in their com­ Convention, presents "The Parables of the Kingdom, to listen to the cry of a ht ments. They wrote: "The observance is too LOst" by B. H. Duncan. heart calling for help. · emotional, too sentimental, and gives exces­ sive praise to mother even to deifying her." All broadcasts are by transcription and The thoughts of Jesus on this occasion One mother said, "I dread the day"; another, may be heard every Sunday over the fol­ have been occupied with the momentus e "I do not like it''; and one added, "It should lowing stations: which were to immediately follow: Th: not be observed." KLCN-Blytheville, 8:00 a.m. umphal entry into Jerusalem; the clea of the temple; the cross; the resurrectior. If this expresses the feeling of most KHOZ-liarrison, 8:30 a.m. ascension-events which would changE mothers, we should not observe the occasion KCLA-Ptne Bluff, 8:30 a. m. history of the· world. ·in the conventional manner. How should it be KTFS-Texarkana, 8:45a.m. observed? That is one of the questions which K.FFA-Helena, 1:30 p.m. ~ut nothing is big enough to prevent Dr. Dillard asked, and here are some of the KWFC-Hot Springs, 1:30 p.m. from pausing to listen to the cry of a h1 answers: exalt Christ; give Bible teaching KELD-El Dorado, 3:30p.m. heart in need. Jesus could not be st< about child training; stress home life; mak<l KVRC-Arkadelphia, 4:00p.m. by a legion of soldiers, nor by the pro1 it a soul w1nning day; urge church attend­ KUOA-8iloam Springs, 4:15p.m. tions of His disciples, nol,' by the tempte ance; and insist on Christian living. KWHN-Ft. Smith, 4:45 p, m. of Satan. Through all these He would KARK-Little Rock, 10:15 p, m. on toward t):le cross, scorning the da The way we ministers talk on Mother's Day which threatened. But the cry of a distx one would think the most sinful and wicked - . soul had such power that Jesus coulc women become angels as soon as children pass it by. come· into their homes. Mothers are the first The Deaconship Blind Bartimaeus does not present ax to dissent. By 0. L. SMITH lated case w):lere Jesus gave His attenti Mothers, as a distinct group, get their good a single individual when the crowds Frankness compels any careful observer to following Him. He· left the multitude tc name from their love and devotion to their confess that frequent cases of friction arise children. Mothers who have built Christian in the home of Zaccheus, the publican. , homes and placed high ideals in .the hearts between deacons and the pastor. After more jostled and crowded by the throng, His, than forty years in the pastorate, I wish I responded to the timid touch of a frail we of their children deserve all honor on Mother's might say a helpful word regarding the Day, as well as on all the otheto days of the and she felt in her bOdy that she was h year. · pastor-deacon -church relationship. of her plague. While hanging on the I believe this friction arises, first, from a Jesus stopped dying long enough to sav An old fable relates that once the gOds confusion of terms. Many deacons whom I thief who cried to Him for mercy. summoned the mortals to Oympus, telling have known, good men, substituted the word them to bring with them their highest gifts "authority" for "influence." Many deacons "Receive thy sight," said Jesus, "thy and achievements. The one who brought the are accustomed to serving on boards of banks hath saved thee." Faith in Jesus Chris and other corporations, school boards, and enable one to rise above fears, overcome greatest gift was to receive a crown. The ficulties, and break through the process! artist brought his paintings; the sculptor, his the like. Here they have been clothed with statues; the husbandman, the fruits of his ,the authority to determine the 'policies of the worldly events to reach the master'S sic field; the poet, his poems; and the inventor, institution without referring. matters back to We have the unfailing assurances o his machines. But among them came also an the stockholders. Father, the promises of the Son, the pre old woman with nothing in her hands. The I recall one pastorate in which this idea of the Spirit, and the testimony of Chr gods asked her, "Why are you here with noth­ definitely prevailed. A certain old gentleman, experience to encourage us to call out to ing in your hands?" She answered: "I am when called on to open the deacons meeting above the din of worldly traffic; and here just to look on. I merely wanted to $ee with prayer, would invariably beiin ·with will pause and call us to Him. who would receive the crown. These are my something like this: "0 Lord, we have met Therjl's a wideness in God's merc:y children!" Then the judges said: "Give her here to transact the business of this church." Like the wideness of the sea: the crown, for she trained and inspired them That was precisely what they had NOT met There's a kindness in His Justice all." there to do. A Baptist church is unique. Which is more than liberty. "Authority" resides in the church. It has ·~she always leaned to watch for us, never moved out of the church, though such "And he cried saying, Jef!us, thou s1 Anxious if we were late, ideas as expressed in the prayer of this dear David, have mercy on me. In the winter by the window, deacon would oust authority from the church "And Jesus stood, and commanded -h; and move it into the deacons meeting. be brought unto him In the summer by the gate." " . \ I sometimes wonder just how good a man And Jesus said unto him, ReceivE 1 -------1000------- a deacon should be to use the office of the sight: thy hath saved thee" (Luke 18:3' deacon well: Is he a man clothed with grace and patience, willing to meet for an hour {itJir9eliJe I ·oft times hours, engage in prayer, and coun~ ARKANSAS BAPTI~ sel about the problems of the church? ·Is he By HENRY CROCKER ' 206 BAPTIST BUILDING LITTLE ROOJ a man good enough to come before the church • Of!lclal Publication of the' Arkansas Baptl with something_like this: "Brethren, we have State Convention Give us a watchword -for the hour B. H. DUNCAN..... ·--------------- EJ A thrilling word, a word of power; met and counseled long together; we have en­ MRS. LESLIE W. BUCHANAN:-_ --- - -_:m. A battle cry, a flaming breath, . deavored faithfully to pray over this matter Publication Committee: W. H. Hicks, Little Chairman; 0. 0. Harvey, Arkadelphia· Wylie· That calls to conquest or to death; being careful to submit it all to God's will. It Paris; Boyd Eldridge, Tyronza; R. M.' Abell ' A word to rouse the church from rest has seemed to us, your deacons, that perhaps Leroy Tedford, Corning. ' • To heed her Master's high behest, ' a certain course of action is · best for our Entered Post Oft1ce, Little Rock Arkansas 1 ond class mall matter. Acceptance for m~U The call is given: Y e hosts arise, church. However, we have no disposition tQ special rate of postage provided ln Sectlor Our watchword is Evangelize! dominate the church, the sovereign bOdy of October 1, 1913. Christ, and we very greatly desire that you be Individual subscription $2.00 per year. Ohurcl gets 11 cents per month or $1.32 per year per , The gltid evangel now proclaim free to express yourselves, both in discussion family; Family Groups (10 or more pald annu: Through all the earth in Jesus' name; and in voting, as you believe God would have advance) $1.50 per Year. Subscription to fore11 This wort! is t-inging through the skies­ these matters disposed of." dress $2.50 per year.
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