PAGE 1 | JUNE 3, 2021 THE HEBREW WATCHMAN | hebrewwatchman.com Be Seen Advertise here and reach more than 8,000 readers each week HEBREWWATCHMAN.COM 23 SIVAN, 5781 JUNE 3, 2021 VOL. 99, NO. 38 Outgoing Jewish Community Partners Board Chair Ken Steinberg protected our most vulnerable during unpredictable term manship, JCP has cared for, connected, major campaign to permanently fund the and engaged Jewish Memphis in many new Fogelman Jewish Family Service.” important ways, with three examples Halfway through his term in early standing out for their ingenuity and 2020, COVID-19 pulled the rug out adaptability. from under everyone. At the start of his first term, he jumped Despite Federation and Foundation headfirst into the campaign to raise $7.5 leadership’s traditional habit of con- million to endow the newly rebranded stantly looking ahead to predict where Wendy and Avron B. Fogelman Jewish needs will evolve, this year was impos- Family Service (FJFS), an endeavor sible to see coming. Under Ken’s lead- that has seen much success, current- ership, staff, lay leaders, agency repre- ly sitting at $6.5 million and climbing. sentatives and volunteers immediately Then, COVID-19 hit, and under Ken’s readjusted and re-strategized, ensuring leadership JCP, Federation and Foun- the vulnerable members of the commu- dation carefully but quickly adapted to nity received the care they needed. meet the suddenly changing needs in “The first step was simple in theory the community. Finally, he helped Fed- but hard to do. We had to stop, look eration move to a new model for Annu- and listen to identify vulnerabilities Outgoing Jewish Community Partners chair and tireless lay-leader Ken al Community Campaign fundraising, and hatch plans to plug them,” said Steinberg’s love for his Memphis Jewish community is dwarfed only by his leading many donor families to commit Ken. “The next step was a little easier, love of family. Here he poses with his 10-month-old grandson, Dylan. to multi-year annual gifts, providing for because of the well-known generosity a more solid way to plan for expected inherent to Jewish Memphis. We have On Tues., June 15, 2021, at 5 p.m. considering this wild second year of my and unexpected challenges in the future. incredibly generous donors who, in re- Jewish Community Partners (JCP) tenure,” said Ken. “When I was young- “About seven years ago, it became sponse to our request for increased dol- will ‘broadcast’ its Annual Meeting er, I was very aware of the legacy of clear that then-named Jewish Fami- lars to our Annual Campaign, stepped celebrating the last year of impact pro- philanthropy and volunteerism in the ly Service needed a reboot,” said Ken. up. Because of that, when Plough Tow- duced by Memphis Jewish Federation previous generations of Jewish Mem- “After extensive research, the collected ers and the Memphis Jewish Home & (Federation) and Jewish Foundation of phians, who went out of their way to data were used to map the current needs Rehab came to us with a request for Memphis (Foundation) philanthropists, build this Jewish community. The op- in the Memphis Jewish community and support that would help them keep their volunteers, supporters and staff. Ken portunity to do my part has been a pre- to plan ahead for projected future needs residents safe, we didn’t hesitate.” Steinberg’s tenure as chair of the exec- cious gift and honor.” among the most vulnerable.” COVID challenged many long-stand- utive board of JCP will come to an end Ken was uniquely suited for this crit- In a partnership between the MJCC ing methods inherent to JCP’s funding after serving in the role for two years. ical lay-leadership position. He was the and JCP, the organization was reimag- models, and one of the greatest con- To learn more about the online event, first leader to have the distinction of ined and rebuilt to meet the need that cerns brought to staff and leadership JCPMax Presents This Is Us, Jew- serving in all three JCP chair positions exists today, while setting the agency came from agency representatives con- ish Community Partners 2021 Annual back-to-back, starting with a one-year up to adapt to the needs that will surely cerned that the granting process would Meeting, and to register, visit jcpmem- stint leading Foundation, followed by evolve in unexpected ways in the years change because of potential reductions phis.org/annual-meeting. two years leading Federation, before ahead. in giving. Ken played a key role in an “I’m enormously proud that I was stepping into the JCP top spot. Prior “I was lucky to pick up where previ- initiative launched this year that en- privileged to contribute leadership to to this, he had served for years leading ous JCP Executive Board Chair Michael couraged donors to lock in their Annual JCP’s efforts to create a legacy of sus- committees, including several years as Greenberg left off,” said Ken. “And I Community Campaign gifts to Federa- tainability in our Jewish institutions, the chair of Federation’s Annual Com- tried hard to empower Federation and neighborhoods and people, especially munity Campaign. Under Ken’s chair- Foundation to work in concert to guide a (see Ken Steinberg page 2) MJCC board and staff to be honored at annual meeting Robin Orgel to be installed as MJCC board chair The Memphis Jewish Community ship Award, the annual Staff Award and Center’s 73rd Annual Meeting will be the annual Bob Silver Volunteer Award. called to order and broadcasted LIVE Under Jenny Herman’s board leader- Sun., June 6 at 10:30 a.m. All MJCC ship, the past two years, the MJCC has members are invited to this virtual been successful with engaging program- meeting. The Annual Meeting brings ming and ensuring its financial strength the community together to recognize and health during very challenging the MJCC (the J) as the center of our times. Among the highlights of her term community and spotlight the many dif- were a series of programs including the ferent roles the J plays in the lives of our first virtual Morris and Mollye Fogel- members and the Memphis community man International Jewish Film Festival, at large. a safe and comforting summer camp Highlights of the meeting will include for youth and families in the middle of honoring outgoing Board Chair Jenny a pandemic, and a celebration of Isra- Herman, as she passes her leadership to el that included speakers and a family incoming Board Chair Robin Orgel. The drive-thru event. The MJCC and its MJCC will also be installing officers and Outgoing MJCC board chair Jenny Herman and incoming chair Robin new board members. The J will present Orgel the annual Skip Pepper Young Leader- (see MJCC page 2) PAGE 2 | JUNE 3, 2021 THE HEBREW WATCHMAN | hebrewwatchman.com Ken Steinberg gift, benefiting Federation and its stra- tegic partners. (continued from page 1) “Ken brought talent and vision to his tion with three-year commitments. Not role as chair, and what we’ve accom- only does this ensure partner agencies plished together is indicative of that,” have a sense of security from knowing said JCP President and CEO Laura that a baseline will remain on the table Linder. “His heart is invested in the Established September, 1925 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES: for the next three years, but it also lets success of both Federation and Founda- By Leo I. Goldberger (1902-1989) Memphis and Mid-South $36 Federation concentrate their energies on tion, and his unique point of view fueled Out-of-State $50 MAILING ADDRESS Payable in Advance helping donor families who are ready to everything we accomplished during in- THE HEBREW WATCHMAN PO Box 770846 step up their giving and chart their phil- credibly challenging times. I look for- Memphis, TN 38177-0846 Submissions anthropic path. ward to working with him as his role as Send editorial submissions It’s also important to note that it a lay leader evolves, because his passion Offi ce: 901.763.2215 (calendar items, news releases, Direct: 901.827.7244 was under Ken’s leadership that Mem- for sustaining Jewish Memphis won’t event photos, and letters to the editor) at least 9 days prior to phis Jewish Federation and the Jewish allow him to take a break from this hard [email protected] publication date to Foundation of Memphis both earned a and important work.” [email protected] coveted four-star-rating from Charity “This is what Federation does,” con- Susan C. Nieman Editor and Publisher Navigator, the highest possible rating. cluded Ken. “We harness the incredible Advertising Federation and Foundation are current- generosity of our donors and connect it For advertising rates and specs, Rebecca Miller contact Larry at 901.299.7376 or ly two of 12 Four-Star charities in the with the needs of our community. We Social Media Director [email protected] Mid-South and remain among the high- help to ensure that families have some- Web Development est-rated nonprofits in the industry, with one who cares and will be there when Simchas Larry Nieman Weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, a score of 96.57 out of 100. He also held they need support.” Advertising Sales Director the chair when the Plough Foundation Register for JCP’s annual meeting at birthdays, engagement, anniversaries announced its $9 million endowment jcpmemphis.org/annual-meeting. HW Holly Marks Communications Manager/ [email protected] Editorial Assistant Obituaries Beth Sholom elects new Herman I. Goldberger 901.763.2215 Editor and Publisher Emeritus [email protected] officers and members to its Barbara B.
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