Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, September 17, 2009 OUR 119th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 38-2009 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Cries of Partisanship Occur Before Council’s Vote on ‘Green Team’ By MICHAEL J. POLLACK dividually.” were based on the recommendations of Specially Written for The Westfield Leader “Eighty percent is made up of ‘non- Sustainable Jersey. That’s where we WESTFIELD – A discussion about citizens,’” Mr. Brennan said of the 15- pulled from... and we’re going to go the makeup of the “Green Team” spi- person team headed by Mayor Skibitsky with their recommendations,” he said. raled into accusations of politicizing the and featuring among its members Jane Mr. Brennan said only the three citi- issue Tuesday night. The council would Clancy, Westfield Board of Education; zen representatives have “specific quali- go on to vote 7-1 to advance Mayor Bill Heinbokel, Westfield Board of fications” to serve on such a team. The Andy Skibitsky’s selections for the panel. Adjustment; Jim Marvin, Westfield rest have been previously appointed to During the public-comment portion Recreation Commission; and Dominic town boards or represent people whom of the meeting, Democratic mayoral Verdic, Downtown Westfield Corpora- the mayor has “control over,” accord- candidate Bill Brennan said he was tion. Mr. Brennan also took issue with ing to Mr. Brennan, who pointed to “disappointed” with the mayor’s ap- the mayor naming himself to the team liaisons Jim Gildea, town administra- pointments. He said the board is com- after saying that no one running for tor; Kris McAloon, town engineer; and prised of only three “citizen representa- office would be considered for the Bill Drew, town planner. tives,” according to the language of the panel until after the election season. At this moment, Third Ward Coun- resolution establishing the Green Team, The mayor said during the meeting cilman Mark Ciarrocca spoke to Mr. which will help the town “develop strat- that he is “proud of the people [he] put Brennan from the dais and said he was egies that will reduce its impact on the on the committee...” “disappointed” with characterizations environment both collectively and in- “The people and affiliations chosen made by the challenger that the people placed on the team were “cronies,” as was printed in The Westfield Patch. “These are people who volunteer hundreds of hours to serve the town; they are not political people,” Mr. Gene Jannotti for The Westfield Leader Ciarrocca said. “To talk about them like PREPARING WELCOME HOME...Soldiers at the Westfield Armory relax last Sunday in a room newly renovated by they’re members of some political es- Westfield UNICO volunteers. They discussed Welcome Home Parade details for the troops on Saturday, November 14, in tablishment in other parts of New Jer- Westfield. Pictured, left to right, are: seated, Second Lt. Dipietro, Spec. Gada, Spec. Lapinig, Sgt. Nutter, Sgt. Martin, Second sey is frankly not fair, and it’s not right.” Lt. Tousaint and Sgt. First Class Auriemma, and standing, Senator Tom Kean, Jr., Asw. Nancy Munoz, Second Lt. Crispin Mr. Brennan retorted, “First of all, Gino, Westfield Mayor Andy Skibitsky and Asm. Jon Bramnick. you’re an attorney. You should get your facts straight...Show me where on Westfield Patch or anywhere else I ever referred to anyone the mayor appoints WF BOE Hears Back-to-School on his board as political cronies...it doesn’t exist.” Westfield Patch Editor John Celock showed The Westfield Leader and Mr. Report; ’08-’09 IT Budget Increased Brennan after the meeting that the word By CHRISTINA M. HINKE Commissioner of Education Lucille The district also has a new website, “cronies” does appear in a Patch article Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Davy visited Lincoln recently and which is updated by administrators but that the term was never uttered in a WESTFIELD — Superintendent Ms. Dolan said she was “very im- and teachers. She said more informa- Greg Ryan for The Westfield Leader THE COMMUNITY REMEMBERS...Scores from the region last Friday com- direct quote by Mr. Brennan; instead, it of Schools Margaret Dolan presented pressed” with the facility. tion and forms are available on the memorate the tragedy of September 11, 2001, when nearly 3,000 people were was used by Mr. Celock. at Tuesday’s board of education meet- The district also was able to move site, and that by next year, it is planned killed, several locally, by the terrorist attacks. Pictured, a wreath is laid at the “Let’s be fair,” Mr. Brennan said to ing a report on the opening of schools. a self-contained special-education to have all forms on the site. Westfield 9/11 Memorial as officials, clergy and citizens stand solemnly in the rain Mr. Ciarrocca. “You [Ciarrocca] are She thanked the public for approving class from Franklin to Tamaques The detailed calendar is also on the in tribute to the loss of those from the Westfield community. running the mayor’s campaign. You bonds over the last few years. School, allowing children in the pro- site for those parents who need to sent an e-mail to The Westfield Leader, One of those bonds went towards gram to remain in the same elemen- view it. She said, due to an issue with and you designate yourself as the point renovating and opening Lincoln tary school. The bond to add on the a new “low bid” printing company, Office Building Approved person for the mayor’s re-election cam- School as an Early Childhood Center science wing at Westfield High the school calendar has not been re- paign, so don’t get on your high horse in 2008. Opening the school, she said, School, she said, had allowed for the ceived by all parents yet. and lecture me about politics.” has allowed each of the elementary accommodation of increased enroll- At the request of board member To Replace B.G. Fields At this point, TV-36 camera operator schools to have at least one fine arts ment and the anticipated swell in the David Finn, Ms. Dolan suggested the By CHRISTINA M. HINKE plans. Kevin Sipe stepped away from the cam- room because kindergarteners are next few years. board ask the PTO if making the Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Mr. Calenda said the existing me- era for a moment and yelled out, “Can now at Lincoln. This year, the school She said enrollment in the district calendar available on the web only WESTFIELD — The former B.G. chanical equipment in the rear of the we get back to the meeting?” had added a new class for students is the highest in 30 years, and if the would be a good idea. Fields restaurant site at 560 Spring- property on top of the flat roof “will CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 along the autism spectrum. State “budget was not as tight as it is,” she Business Administrator Bob field Avenue was approved by the not be seen from the street.” He said would “ask for an additional one or Berman said there were technical is- Westfield Planning Board on Wednes- the new shingled roof will not contain two positions.” The school board had sues with the new air conditioning day to erect a second story for office equipment. Local School Districts Are cut teaching and paraprofessional system at the high school. He said he space use. The addition will measure Each floor will be 12 feet high, and positions during the budget process is “hopeful” that the auditorium would 4,004 square feet. The restaurant had the entire building size will be 31,981 last school year. have air conditioning by yesterday, been demolished, as it was in “a state square feet. The foundation footprint Preparing for H1N1 Flu The board also laid off a secretary Cafeteria B would have air condi- of disrepair,” according to applicant is the same. Site Engineer Ed Dec of By DEBBIE HOFFMAN able, the child will be kept in a sepa- at one of the school libraries. Ms. tioning today, and Cafeteria A would Arpino Assoc., LLC’s attorney Jo- Kenilworth designed the site plan, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader rate designated area until arrange- Dolan said that teachers are assigned have it by Friday or Monday. He said seph Paparo. A new building will be parking and sign detail. AREA — The Centers for Disease ments to pick up the child can be duty periods at the library, and library there was moisture in the lines. erected where the restaurant stood. The sign will measure eight feet by Control (CDC) announced this week made. secretaries are filling in on other du- Board President Ginny Leiz gave The existing building in the rear and 12 feet and feature brickwork and that a vaccine for the H1N1 flu should Mr. Bistocchi added that once a ties to help cover the lost position. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 the new building will include the sec- lighting. The existing sign, he said, be available the first week of Octo- sick child returns to school, he or she ond-story addition. measures 11 feet by seven-and-a-half ber, weeks before originally reported. must see the nurse before being al- The board also approved a new feet. Schools in the local area will be lowed to return to class. “The school Freeholders OK $21 Million freestanding sign to be moved within Originally, Mr. Dec planned to sites for administering the vaccine, nurse trumps a doctor’s note,” he said.
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