" , BETHLEHEM PUBLIC LI8RARY Area DO NOTCIRCUtAf!date 2 SupplementInside '. , ":- 1" ...... News ZtO£-tSOZt AN ~YW1aa aAY 3~YMY13a tSt A~VHSI1 JI1Snd waHa1H~3S cl;'J:9 M.Z I j. I.O-SO-Ot 61181 tSOzt W~IA.¥¥ ••• ¥¥ •••• ¥ ••••••••••• VOLUME LI 75<1: FEBRUARY 28, 2007 Take the tour Bethlehem's first historic Boy's family, friends say farewell trolley tour rolled into town Feb. 20, withhistorian Parker N adeem Mall were indicted in Mathusa offering atwo-hour , By ROB IRWIN Albany County Court on counts of charter tourof200-year-old irwinr@spotlightnews,com second-degree manslaughter and homes, farmhouses and other Hundreds of mourners filled criminally negligent homicide in buildings in Delmar, Slinger­ the seats at Delmar Full Gospel connection with Jonathan's death. lands, Feura Bush and Van Church on the afternoon of Both men pleaded not guilty to the Wie's point Wednesday, Feb. 21, to celebrate charges in Albany County Court on See story on Page 3.'- the life oflonathan Carey. The 13- Friday, Feb. 23. year-old autistic boy died Jonathan's parents said their Thursday, Feb. 15, after allegedly faith has been a source of strength being improperly restrained by in dealing with their loss. aides as he was transported from "Jonathan has run his race, and the O.D. Heck Development he has completed everything that Center in Schenectady to Cross- the Father has given to him to do," gates Mall. said his mother, lisa Carey. Also on Wednesday, O.D. Heck Both she and Jonathan's father, employees Edwin Tirado and o Farewell Page 12 Pallbearers load the casket 01 Jonathan Carey into a hearse Wednesday. John Mc/ntyre/The Spotlight Distridsstruggle to meet nutrition mandates" andstiU offer lunches kids will. eat Local ":"""'~~- . said Boehm. By ROB IRWIN In a typical week in January, BH-BL high irwinr@spotjightnews,c2!:!2 fireman school students' hot lunch options included "The Crucible' School lunches are not what theyused grilled cheese, hot turkey burritos, taco to be. salad and macaroni and cheese. coming to Cap Rep Federal andstate'mandates governing Typically, said Boehm, she tries to offer collapses A quirky cast of characters what students eat have resulted in healthier, foods that are currently popular.. filed in and out of the audition more well-rotnided choices at lunch time, "Food is very fashionable," she said. Theodore Ahriel was space at the Capital Repertory but for those in charge of putting together' "Kids want to eat things like chicken' searching building as Theatre in downtown Albany , school fuenus,the mandates add one more . nuggets and ,chicken patties." ,. on Feb. 12. It was audition facet to an already challenging balancing , Boehm said problems sometimes arise part of rescue squad - day for both equity and non-, act when trying to balance what's popular with , equity actors hoping to land a Food service directors often have to what's healthy. .. By JIM CUOZZO role in Capital Rep's up­ juggle making food attractiveto the kids and cuozzoj@spotlightnews,com coming production of "The ''We have to have the five food groups keeping it heillthy, all while keeping the Albany firefighter and Slinger­ 'Crucible," scheduled to open every day," said Boehm, and students need oper'\ti6n on budget lands resident Theodore Abriel in April. to have three of the five, but, "We encourage '''It:;sareallybig challenge," said Nicola them to take all five." • died in the line of duty late See story on Page 21. Boeliin, food servicedirector for the Burnt In addition tobalancing health and Monday afternoon, Feb. 19, after Hills-Ballston Litke SChool District. selection, another challenge includes going on his second fire call of the , , Oneoffue chalIeng~s, srudBoehm, is not keeping the service operating in the black. day. He collapsed inside the .. being n\petitive~ththe food choices and hallway of a burning apartment ''We don't want to make a large prout by focusing 011 foods students enjoy. high-rise at 2 lincoln Square in any means, but we want (the food service Albany. "They don't wanUo eat things like program) to be able to pay for itself, " said ineatloafand steWs .... They'd be horrified," Boehm. The unit on fire was empty, but 44-year-old Abriel, a member Qf Basic high school and middle Engine Company Two located in school meals at BH-BL cost $2; Arbor Hill, did not know that elementary meals are when he walked up all six floors o Food . of the building wearing heavy Page 13 equipment as part of the department's rescue squad to look for anyone inside. Abriel is the 48th Albany firefighter to lose his life in the line of duty. "Our entire city grieves today as we have lost one of our Girls basketball braves!," said Albany Mayor Jerry The first time Bethlehem Jennings. ''He was one of our most met Shenendehowa this girls dedicated public servants whose basketball season, the Plains­ passion for firefighting and the men rallied from a big deficit Albany Fire Department was to defeat the Eagles by four' unrivaled." points. The official cause of death is See story on Page 32. listed as a massive heart attack. Rescue workers at the scene tried to revive Abriel by performing cardio-pulmonary resuscitation before quickly getting him to the hospital. The fire was under control several minutes before Abriel was pronounced dead at 6 l~l~l9"00020 o Fireman Page 12 ?:.~]\' .~rr':-~ .• . Bethlehem police charge two with OWl Glenmont Man arrested A Nassau woman is charged • Maria Armina, 26, of 12A with DWl after being stopped by Meilaks Trailer Park in Selkirk is Burned out Bethlehem police. charged with DWl first offense, for having child porn Erin Elizabeth Erno, 27, of140 failure to keep right and driving A Glenmont man who was illegal pornographic material on Stewart Point Road was charged' with more than .08 percent blood employed at I Love NY Pizza at his home computer. The com­ with DWl, driving with more than alcohol content. the Dehnar Four Corners is being puter was seized by police and a .08 percent blood alcohol content Bethlehem police stopped charged by Bethlehem police forensic analysis was conducted and four other traffic infractions. Armina on Wednesday, Feb. 21 with possessing an obscene on the comptuer by the Colonie Erno was stopped on Route 9W along Route 9W in Selkirk after sexual performance by a child, a Police Department. in Glenmont, Feb. 8, after police they observed her vehicle failing felony. Tolumi was arraigned Thurs­ noticed she was driving with an to keep right and crossing the Ruan Tolumi, 40, of Winne day, Feb. 22, in Bethlehem Town expired state inspection sticker. solid double yellow line. Armina Place, Glenmont, has been ar­ Court and remanded to the Al­ Erno will appear in Bethlehem will appear in Bethlehem Town rested on charges stemming from bany County jail in lieu of $20,000 Town Court to respond to the Court March 6, to answer to the a May 2006 incident. The arrest cash or $50,000 bond bail. Tolumi charges. charge. is the cuhnination of a nine-month was scheduled to reappear in investigation by Bethlehem police Bethlehem Town Court Monday, and the department's Family Feb. 26 for a preliminary hearing. Services Unit. According to police, the Four Would You Like To Advertise The investigation stemmed Corners is known as a hangout for from a domestic dispute between many middle schoo! children. Your Business In Our Papers? Tolumi and a woman. At that time, Anyone with information is asked an allegation was made that to contact the Bethlehem Police electriical transformer caught Tolumi was in possession of Department at 439-9973. fire in the vicirity of 84 Adalls SI. Thursday nighl. The Delmar Fire Department closed oil AIlams Give Us A Call At: Street, Adams Place and lIaw­ thorne Avenue, as National G'id cut Earth Science Tutoring power to the electrical lines. The bright light from the fire and sparks could be seen from more than 1 439-4949 National Board Certified Teacher mile away. To Place Your Ad Today! Paul Jeyss/submilteri photo The Spotlight· Colonie Spotlight· Loudonville Spotlight John McKee Got news? Guilderland Spotlight· Niskayuna Spotlight· Rotterdam Spotlight Call Spotlight at 439-4949 or Scotia-Glenville Spotlight· Clifton Park/Halfmoon Spotlight e-mail:[email protected] Burnt Hills Spotlight· Malta Spotlight. Saratoga Spotlight 439·7083 From brushes to Baba Ghanoush, you'll find the best things at Delaware Plaza. At Delaware Plaza, we have what you need to paint your porch and to please your palate, too. And don't forget our 24·hour Hannaford supermarket and more than 30 other shops & restanran1s!· THE HEART... OF IT ALL A collection of shops & restaurants for your daily life· 180 Del.aware Avenue' Delmar, 'New York. THE SPOTLIGHT February 28, 2007 - PAGE 3 Engineers guide public through roundabout safety By JIM CUOZZO "Roundabouts reduce fatal [email protected] accidents by 90 percent," said Schell. A smaller-than-expected The engineers cited statistics turnout was present Wednesday, showing that, in 2001, more than Feb. 21, at Bethlehem Town Hall 42,100 Americans were killed on for a Department of the highway and 3 million are Transportation presentation on injured in traffic collisions. roundabouts. "Forty percent of the deaths The session, hosted by the are at or near intersections," said town, was held the same day the K1igerman. state DOT announced a $15.2 Officials said that most Bethlehem trolley tour a trip back in time million contract to construct a drivers, except seniors, say they Slingerlands Bypass, which would like rouridabouts once they are period at the Befulehem Historical include the addition of three new built.
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